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What's In the Heart

By: Lily

Disclaimer: No, I don't own anyone in this story
Language: Maybe a little swearing, nothing you can't say on TV....I think
Violence: actually, there is none....
Sex: well, there is this one part where you can imagine they had the love scene to end all love scenes, or you can think they didn't do a damn thing, which ever you prefer.
Subtext: Not ever in my stories!
Rating: G or PG.......something like that
Timeline: two weeks after Ten Little Warlords
Summary: Ares and Xena realize their feelings. Aphrodite has a plan to get them together.

Author's note: I haven't seen Ten Little Warlords, but Ephy told me that Gabby and Aphrodite didn't know each other at the time. I was well into this story when I found this out and I'm to lazy to work around it. So I ask you to do one thing: pretend Aphrodite and Gabby are friends and have known each other for a while.

Dedications: To Ephy for helping me so much with the timeline and other information and being a good friend. To everyone at the message board: you people are sweet, funny, interesting and I love reading your posts, love ya!. ^_^ To the other authors: I love you people's stories so keep writing!!!!!. To Illy: the best webmistress ever!!!!! Where would I be without your site? And to you! Yes you, the reader! You're special too! Thanks for taking the time to read this!

Feedback: Please, Please, Please, Please, Please send me feedback! I need it and I love it soooooooo much! Really, one word feedback, two word feedback, short phrase feedback, one long descriptive paragraph about why you hated my story paragraph, it's all great!

Ok now on with the story!!!!!!!

Ares was sitting on his throne watching his princess and the bard in his portal. It had been two weeks since Ares had been mortal. He had experienced many new things: surprise, pain, even hangovers. One thing he hadn't expected to experience was love. He knew he wanted Xena, and in so many ways. He knew she almost constantly occupied his thoughts. But when he had been mortal these feelings became even stronger. Love. He, Ares, Got of War, was in love.

For the most part, he kept telling himself that the idea of him being in love was preposterous. War gods didn't love. Now after two weeks of this eternal battle. Ares realized these feelings for Xena were true, and had always been there, just denied and not fully acknowledged. These feelings, he knew, would refuse to be ignored any longer; so after much thought he came to a decision: he would tell Xena he loved her.

The blonde had finally fallen asleep, but Xena was still awake. Now was the perfect time to make his move. He took a sip of ambrosia, then teleported himself to Xena's camp. Ares looked up at the full moon and gathered up the courage to do this. Then he looked at Xena, she was so beautiful in the moonlight.

"What do you want, Ares?" Xena asked, even though he was still invisible.

"I want to talk."

"What could you possibly have to talk about?"

"Just hear me out, Xena. I want to talk about us." Wars were simple. Wars, Ares knew and understood. Confessing his love and putting himself in such a vulnerable position was new to him. Vulnerability was not something the God of War was used to.

"There is no us, Ares."

"Xena, I love you."


"I said I love you. I'm tired of playing games. I've tried everything to get you back. I love you, Xena. There I said it." He replied, glad to have finally said it.

For a moment Xena just stood there in shock. "I can't believe you! After everything you've done to me! You switched my soul with the body of Callisto's! You call that 'games'?!? You expect me to believe you?"

"I got your body back didn't I?"


"I'm not good at this kinda stuff, but I do mean it. I love you Xe...."

But Xena cut him off, "No! Don't even insult my intelligence any further! Just leave!"

"Fine! Be that way! Don't believe me!" And with that he disappeared in a bright blue light. But not before Xena noticed the hurt expression on his face and the painful look in his dark eyes.

* * * * * * * * * * *

Back on Mount Olympus, Ares was poring himself another glass of ambrosia, glad to be alone, when a bright pink light filled the room. "Oh, great! Just what I need!" He thought.

"Ares! I saw that! How dare you try to use love to get in bed with the warrior babe!"

Ares didn't even try to defend himself. He wasn't in the mood to try to convince someone else that he really did love Xena. It wasn't his fault that Aphrodite wasn't doing her job right. so he just let her go on.

"Ares, dude, that is like so totally wrong of you to use the name of love to manipulate people! I don't go around using the name of war! So, you don't have any right to do your dirty work in the name of love!" Aphrodite was about to rant on some more when it finally hit her that Ares wasn't yelling at her to get out and mind her own business. "Wow, Ares, you look totally down. You weren't joking around when you said that were you, hon?"

"No, I wasn't. But what dose it matter now? She's never going to believe me. She's never going to love me." Ares said as his voice trailed off a little and he took another sip of ambrosia.

"Oh, she'll love ya, with my help of course!" Aphrodite exclaimed. Ares could practically see the little pink wheels turning in her head.

"No! I won't have you doing anything to Xena! No spells, no potions, none of your tricks. Got it?!? I want her to love me herself, not because of magic." He protested.

The little pink wheels in Aphrodite's head came to an abrupt halt, as her mouth fell open and let out a "What? But then how......" But she quickly recovered, and with a big smile said,"No prob, bro. Later." And disappeared as quickly as she had came. If Ares hadn't been so depressed he would have seen that Aphrodite was up to something.

* * * * * * * * * * *

"So, Ares, no tricks, huh? You're just determined to make this hard for me. But I AM the Goddess of Love, so getting you two together will be a snap. I'll just need a little help if I'm going to do this the old fashion way. Someone close to Xena.......ummm........I know! Gabrielle! The little bard chick probably owes me a favor anyway." Aphrodite excitedly said to her self. She'd go visit Gabrielle in the morning.

* * * * * * * * * * *

Gabrielle sat down in the shade of a nice tree to write another scroll. Xena had been acting weird all morning. Once she even thought she heard her mumble something about "Dose he really love me?" But they had decided to stay at their camp for a while longer.

"Hey, Gabby, I need your help." Aphrodite said, starling the bard.

"Don't do that! You need my help? For what?"

"Well, last night Ares told Xena that he loved her and she totally didn't believe him. I didn't believe him at first either, but he dose and I know Xena has a thing for him too. so I need your help getting them together."

"He what?!? So that's why Xena's been acting so strange. You actually believe the lying bastard? And you want me to help get Xena and Ares together? Why would you even need my help? Why don't you do it your self? What makes you think I'd even help get those two together?"

"Well, duh! Weren't you listening? They love each other! And I need your help cause I can't use magic or anything. Don't you want Xena to be happy? Please?"

"Xena and Ares together?" Gabrielle said in a disgusted tone of voice.

"Yeah, what's wring with that?"

"Ares is......Ares is......let me put it this way. He's the scum of the scum of the scum in the chamber pot!"

"Oh, and you're the stuff that gets rid of it? He's not that bad. He's really sweet if you get on his good side. And besides you owe me!"

"Owe you for what?"

"I don't know, but you probably owe me for something. Please? Please?" Aphrodite pleaded. "Please? Don't you want Xena to be happy. As her friend Gab, it's your job to make sure Xena doesn't make really big mistakes and stuff like that. And passing up love! One of the BIGGEST mistakes a person can make!" Gabrielle only glared at her.

"Please?" Gabrielle's expression softened at Aphrodite's last plea.

"How do you know he's not just pulling another scheme to get Xena back?"

"Well, he's really bummed right now, and I KNOW when someone is faking. Goddess of love remember? Here look at the poor guy." And with a wave of her hand a portal appeared showing the scene with Ares and her from the previous night. "That was last night, believe me now?"

Aphrodite was right, Ares really did seem upset. Gabrielle knew Xena had feelings for Ares. Xena would always have feelings for him. It wasn't right to keep them apart. And there was no use in trying to , they'd end up together eventually. But get them together? Aphrodite had as much right pushing them together as Gabrielle had to keep them apart.

"Bardchick, you with me?"

Gabrielle, who was startled out of her thoughts finally said, "I'll think about it."

"Alright! Thanks! I'll be back later, ok." Gabrielle only shock her head, not quite believing she was even considering helping Aphrodite.

* * * * * * * * * * *

Xena was sharpening her sword, thinking of last night. Debating whether to even consider thinking Ares was being Sincere. There were so many thoughts raging though her head, she was barely aware of the world around her. The look she had seen on Ares' face told her he was being honest. She knew him well, and could read him like a book sometimes, just like he could with her. Her head was telling her to keep on guard, that it was another one of his tricks to get her back. It told her that Ares was incapable of love and that he always would be; but a part of her wanted to believe otherwise and it always had wanted to believe the God of War could love, and perhaps someday he could even learn to love.

There were so many things to consider. She had kept that part of her heart very secret, so secret she even forgot it was there sometimes. Now with the events of last night on her mind, Xena was finding it hard to ignore. The feelings of love she would always have for the War God, the hope she held that it would one day, by some miracle, would work out. Xena felt foolish that she was even entertaining such thoughts. Ares would always be manipulative and incapable of love. But still there was those feelings of love and hope that just wouldn't let her mind be at peace.

And then Xena remembered two weeks ago. Ares and her had talked about him changing. Really they had even almost kissed, till the warlord came in. He had told her that she could inspire change in a man or god. When he was mortal, it was so much easier to imagine him actually loving her. "But he was a god now, and Ares as a god," she thought, "couldn't love." Lost in her thoughts, Xena didn't see the shower of blue sparkles and light appear behind her.

* * * * * * * * * * *

Aphrodite was busily getting things ready for tonight. Checking things off her list, making sure everything was perfect. She was determined to have her plan work. Getting Ares and the Warrior Babe together would be a piece of chocolate-chip cheese cake. They already had the love thing down. Now, all she had to do was get them to admit their feelings.

Aphrodite stopped from her work to admire the brilliance of her plan. The simplistic genius of it! It had worked for her when she got Hades and Persephone together, and they hadn't even been in love at the time. "Yes," she thought to herself, "This will work. Xena and the Studmuffin of War will be all lovey-dovey when I'm through with 'em!" Now, Aphrodite decided it was time to go clue Gab in on the plan. With a gleeful giggle Aphrodite disappeared in a flash of pink and gold light.

* * * * * * * * * * *

Ares appeared behind Xena. He had done some more thinking since last night when Aphrodite left him. He decided that he'd try just one more time, to tell her that he loved her. This time he wouldn't be so....nervous. That would be a very hard thing to do though. He would be more in depth with his words and the way he told Xena how he felt, rather than just blurting it out like he had last night. "Funny." he thought "She hasn't noticed me yet. That's not like Xena, she must be thinking of something really important."

"Xena." She jumped a bit at being caught so off guard.

"Ares." Xena said in a voice that was barely audible.

"About last night, I've come to explain." Ares paused waiting to see if Xena would interrupt him. Much to his surprise, Xena nodded for him to continue. "Xena, as I've said before, this is a hard thing for me to do. But ever since I was mortal, I began to experience new feelings. At first I thought it would go away, that it was just something left over from being mortal. Xena..." He stopped not knowing how to say what he wanted to, not knowing how to continue. This was clearly one of the most challenging things the God of War had ever done. "I've been doing a lot of thinking....." He trailed off again.

"Ares, I've been doing a lot of thinking as well. I've come to realize a few things myself, Ares. Last night, when you said you loved me, I didn't think you meant it. I thought it was another of your plots to get me back as your Warrior Queen. But when you left.....there was something about you that made me want to believe that you could love me. Ares, I've always felt something for you. Like there was always a part of me that wishes it could work. Last night you made me realize this.....I shouldn't be telling you this. It's probably just one of your tricks. I should have listened to my head." Xena felt a mix between regret and relief for have finally speaking her feelings.

"No! It's not a trick, it's not a plan to get you back in command of my armies!" Ares protested, "Your feelings are right! When have you ever known your instincts to be wrong? I've been struggling over my feelings for the past few weeks, Xe. I can see how you wouldn't believe me. I didn't believe it either! All this comes as a bigger shock to me than it does to anyone else! Yeah! The God of War in love! Ludicrous, isn't it? Well, it is what it is! Xena, I have no clue when I started loving you, it just happened! Now, it's like there is this little voice in my head that just won't shut up about it! And it won't be stopped until I've really told you how I feel!"

Xena stared as Ares began pacing in front of her.

"Ok, I admit. I realize that I have done a lot to you and maybe you'll never forgive me for them, and I can understand why you wouldn't either. But let me explain. Framing you for murdering villagers, disguising myself as your father, and most recently switching your soul with Callisto's body, all those things; all efforts to get you back at the head of my armies. Only now, I realize it was another, albeit unintentional, way of saying 'I need you' and 'I love you'. I already told you I'm not good at expressing my feelings. Never have been, never will be! I just need you to believe me when I say 'I love you'! Then maybe I can have peace of mind!"

The two stood there, contemplating what had just been said. In Xena's heart, there was still something that told her Ares was being honest, except now her mind was beginning to agree. Ares was thinking of what he had just said, wanting to be sure he had said everything when his mind went back to what Xena had said; about having feelings for him. Maybe there was a chance.

Finally Xena spoke. "You really are being honest aren't you?"

"Yeah. About what you said, about wishing it could work and having feeling for meant it?"

"Every word of it."

"What now?"

"I don't know."

"What happens now is you are going to get your butt back up to Olympus and help me with those battle plans for the Amazons." Artemis was now standing in front of Ares.

"Artemis? Now? Can't you see I'm busy?"

"Hi, Artemis, nice to see you again too." said Xena, not happy about the interruption.

"Yeah, hi Xena, how's Gabby? Anyway, listen, Ares, I've got more important things to do than sit around waiting for you to get done harassing. stalking, soul switching, or whatever you're doing with Xena. You're the God of War, and I need some battle plans that will actually help my amazons! You're the guy to turn to."

"Can't you get Athena to do it?" Ares complained, not trilled with the thought of leaving Xena at this rather ground-breaking moment.

"She's busy, Ares. Quit stalling. I'm not trilled with the idea of you helping'd make us even. That time the amazons saved your army's ass, ring a bell?" Ares ran his hand though this hair and finally nodded, seeing Artemis wouldn't give up anytime soon.

"I'll be back soon. Then we can finish this, Xena." Xena shook her head in agreement, as Ares and Artemis disappeared.

* * * * * * * * * * *

"What?!?" Gabrielle said, almost yelling. "That's what you need my help for? That's your plan?"

"Yeah, something wrong?" Aphrodite innocently asked.

"You think that's actually going to work?" Gabrielle's mouth was practically hanging open.

"Um, Gab, honey, you might wanna pick your jaw up of the ground before a fly goes in your mouth." Answered Dite, who saw the shock on the bard's face. "And what's wrong with that?!?"

"Well, isn't a little too simple?"

"Hey! It's worked before!"


"Well, one time Artemis bet me that I couldn't get Hades a girlfriend. I hooked him up with Persephone, using this method, might I add! Artemis lost the bet, and everything else is history. I even got her to help with taking care of Ares. Now all I need you to do is make sure that Xena gets to my temple at about eightish or so. Think you can handle that Gabby?"

Gabrielle shook her head, not believing that she was a part of this, not believing Aphrodite even considered her plan would work. "Yeah, me and Xena will be there. I can't believe I'm doing this."

"Well, you are doing this, so thanks a lot Gab. You're a real friend. Gabrielle smiled. "Well I got a few more last minute details to work out so, see you later." With that, Aphrodite disappeared.

* * * * * * * * * * *

"No, Xena. For the last time, it's a surprise." Gabrielle and Xena were on their way to Aphrodite's temple. "We're almost there anyway."

"Gabrielle, you know how I don't like surprises. could you at least tell me what this is about?"

The bard only smiled at Xena and replied, "It's to get you to feel better. I noticed how strange you've been acting today." For a moment shock could be seen in Xena's eyes and she slightly blushed.

"Well then, we better hurry."

"OK. Here we are." said Gabrielle as she pushed open the temple doors.

"Aphrodite's temple? This is the surprise?"

"Uhhh......yeah......well, actually I put the surprise inside." She lied, hoping Xena wouldn't see through her.

"Well, where is it?" questioned Xena.

Suddenly the temple doors closed and a pink light began to fill the room. "Good job!" Squealed Aphrodite as a blue light appeared leaving the God of War in it's place.

"This better be important. I have more other things to do than work out battle strategies for Artemis and chat with you."

"Ares? Aphrodite? Gabrielle what's going on?"

"Hold on! Let me explain. Folks there's no need for confusion. This was all my idea."

Ares began to approach his sister. "What? Di...."

"No, no, no." Aphrodite said as she shock her head and placed her finger on Ares' lips to silence him. "Don't interrupt me! I said I'd explain and I will if you'll all be quiet and let me talk. No interruptions. got it?" Xena and Ares nodded their heads in agreement, waiting for her to continue. "Good."

"Ok, the reason you're here is because you two are meant for each other! It took me a long time to realize this, but last night when I saw Ares and how sad he was I knew he really loved you Xena. And Xena, you're a mortal so I've always known you had feeling for Mr. War God. Now, I know it's hard for you to believe that Ares loves you, but he dose. I figured, that all you two need is some time to talk. And I don't care what you say. You two are going to stay here talk everything out, get everything in the open, and when Gabs and I come back you two had better be in love! I've put a spell thingy on my temple that makes it so that no one, mortal or god, can leave or enter without my permission so don't think of trying to leave." Aphrodite took a breath and looked at Gabrielle, "Did I tell them everything?"

"Yeah, I think so. Where are we going now?"

"Hey! Wanna go to Apollo's club?"

"Sure why not. I've never met Apollo."

"Good for you, Apollo can be a real perv sometimes. Trust me, hon, stay away from him. Ready?" Gabrielle nodded. Then the two disappeared into the Anther, leaving Ares and Xena behind. Then Aphrodite was back.

"Oh! I forgot to tell you two that I set out a dinner for you, so you might wanna eat it before it get cold. Have fun! Bye!" She disappeared again, then reappeared again.

"Damn it! I forgot!" Aphrodite pointed her finger at Xena and a pink light shot out at Xena. It turned her normal leathers into a sexy red satin dress that hugged her in all the right places. And her hair was now swept up in a pretty style. "Perfect!" She now aimed her finger at Ares.

"Don't even think about it!" Warned Ares.

"Fine! Be that way! NOW I'm done! Have fun! Toodles!" Aphrodite then disappeared for the third time in an explosion of pink sparkles. Xena looked over at Ares.

"Hey! I don't have anything to do this!"

"I didn't think you did. You're sister's quite a case, but this???" Xena said looking down at her dress.

"I like it. Looks good on you, not that anything doesn't. And she's right, this will give us the perfect opportunity to figure things out." They smiled at each other.

"Why don't we talk this out over dinner first, I'm kinda hungry."

"Sure, no problem."

* * * * * * * * * * *

The two found a candlelit dinner waiting for them in front of a large window that showed a beautiful view of a moonlit lake that seemed to sparkle as it reflected the lights of the moon and stars. In the center of the table sat a delicate crystal vase containing two gorgeous red roses. The meal consisted of egg rolls, fried rice, coconut soup, and Peking duck for two. Everything was so eloquent, from the finely embroidered linen table cloth to the wine glasses with the bands of gold that delicately curled around them like vines on a terrace. There was even music playing from some unknown source. The sweet melody filled the temple completing the romantic setting.

"I got to hand it to Dite, she really knows how to set the mood." Said Xena as Ares pulled out her chair.

"Well, she is the Goddess of Love." Ares then whistled as he took as closer look at Aphrodite's selection of wine, "I'd like to know how she got her hands on this. It's from Zeus's private collection. He won't let anyone near this stuff."

"I should be impressed then?"

"Yes you should. Coronus gave this wine to Zeus and Hera on their wedding know before Zeus killed all the Titans and stuff. May I?" Ares fingered the cork.

"Be my guest." Xena watched as Ares pooped the cork, sending it shooting far across the temple.

"I love popping corks." Ares smiled as he pored Xena's glass of wine and then filled his own glass. "To us." He raised his glass for the toast.

"how about: to Aphrodite for this wonderful meal?"

"To us, and our new understanding."

"I'll drink to that." Xena raised her glass and it clinked with Ares's glass. Ares took a sip.

"Good stuff." He inwardly smiled as he savored the taste. "But I wonder what made Dite get food from Chin."

"Gabrielle probably told her how much I loved it." Xena took a sip of the wine. "You're right this is the best wine I've ever had."

"I thought the blond hated me."

"She does. Aphrodite must have done some serious talking to get her help." As the two began their meal an awkward silence came over them.

"Ares, while you were gone I did some more thinking. The more I think about it the more I realize it could never work for us, no matter how much we want it to." she said, her voice no longer flirtatious as it had been just moments before.

"I love you. You love me. Isn't that enough? I mean of course there will be problems, but what relationship doesn't have problems?"

"Our problems will be bigger than most relationships. Our relationship wouldn't be most relationships. If you took the time to think about it you'd see this too."

"I have thought about this! I've thought about it a lot Xena! And I know we can work past it. I'm the God of War. It's my job. I know you don't like it, but it's what I do. And you'll have to understand that war is a necessary part of life."

"And you'll have to understand that I fight for justice and peace. I won't be in command of your armies or anything like that."

"I never asked you to. I know that you're on this road to redemption thing. I know that, I understand that. I'm not asking you to stop working for the greater good. I'm asking you to give us a chance." Ares began pouring himself another glass of wine. "Maybe you're right. Maybe our differences and what we are, our goals, what we're trying to do, is too much. It can't work."

"Maybe it can. I didn't think you really understood me. But you do. I know it'll be hard, but we can work through it. I know and understand war is a necessary part of life. I just needed to know that you understood that. We can make it work. But I will stop some of your plans, only some of the ones that are too malicious."

"I know, it's what you do. I'm just glad you're going to give this a chance. Remember when I said you can inspire change in a man or a god? I meant it. You've already inspired so much in me." Ares and Xena lean across the table and kiss. "Would you like to dance?"

"I'd be my pleasure." Xena answered as she took Ares's hand.

They began dancing to the music, forgetting about the problems their relationship would most likely face. They danced and they melted into each others arms and forgot about the world around them. It was just the two of them in a candlelit temple with the moonlight shining on them through the window making it seem almost like the other one was glowing. As Ares looked into Xena's crystal blue eyes he realized he couldn't wait any longer. He moved closer to her to kiss her. It was a very passionate kiss. Just as their lips parted, the night sky suddenly erupted with color. Fireworks. It was almost as if they had been waiting for the perfect moment to lighten up the star filled sky. Xena now went to kiss Ares. Another kiss, as passion filled as the last one. Before they knew it they were laying on a pile of pillows. The fireworks continued to fill the sky as Ares and Xena sank deeper into the pillows, thankful to be alone with one another.

* * * * * * * * * * *

Elsewhere, Gabrielle began searching a crowed dance floor for Aphrodite. Finally she spotted the goddess. Aphrodite was dancing with a tall handsome guy.

"Hey! Are you ready to leave?" Aphrodite was to busy dancing with the man to even notice Gabrielle was standing there. "Hey!" Gabby persisted.

"Uhh? What? Gab! Can't you see I'm busy?" Aphrodite motioned toward the guy with her eyes.

"Yeah, but' I'm ready to go. You think we've given them enough time?"

"I guess. Lets see." She waved her hand and a portal appeared. It showed Xena asleep in Ares's arms. They were both asleep on a large pile of pillows. "Awwwwww, isn't that sweet?"

"Dite, I was just wondering, when you went back the last time, what was that for?"

"Oh, I wanted Xena and Ares to be properly dressed. So I zapped that cute little dress on the warrior babe! Ares wouldn't let me zap him." She said matter-of-factly.

"I thought you weren't supposed to use your powers?" Aphrodite thought for a moment.

"Ummm......I wasn't was I? Oh well! It all worked out in the end didn't it? Come on!" And in the blink of an eye they were back at Aphrodite's temple.

"Ohhhh, they look soooooo cute! I don't wanna wake them. What if we just left them a note? And you can come stay with me on Olympus tonight."

"Alright. I'm fine with that. But hurry. I'm not used to being up at all hours of the morning like this." Gabrielle then yawned.

"Ok, just let me lift the spell thingy." As soon as Aphrodite zapped a pink piece of paper on the table, she and Gabrielle were gone.

* * * * * * * * * * *

The next morning Xena awoke to find that she had spelt the night in Ares's arms. The sun was shining brightly through the window. As she looked around the temple she noticed a little pink piece of paper sitting on the table where they had ate the night before. Xena got up, careful not to wake Ares. He looked so peaceful. The dishes had been cleared away and there was a large bouquet of fresh red and white roses on the table. She picked the paper up.

It read:

Dear, Studmuffin and Warrior Babe,
Glad to see things worked out for you. I knew it would! I lifted the spell and you're free to go whenever you want. Me and Gab didn't have the heart to wake you, you two just looked sooooooo in love when we came in! Anyway, Gab stayed at my palace on Olympus so don't worry about her Xena.

your truly with lots of love, hugs, kisses, and chocolate chip cheese cake,

* * * * * * * * * * *

Up on Mt. Olympus a blond bard was snoring, fast asleep after a long night of partying. Aphrodite was awake however, she was watching Xena and Ares in her portal. She smiled pleased with her work. She knew they would be together for a long time to come.

The End

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