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Ways To Know That You Are Madly In Love With Ares

* The only posters that hang in your room are those that are of Ares

* You wear your Ares pendent everyday because you consider it your protector and good luck charm

* You have built an alter to Ares in your room and you prey to him and make sacrifices every March 21

* Your friends start to get annoyed with you for constantly telling them what a hottie Ares is

* You believe that if you lived in ancient Greece, Ares would be the only god you worship

* You have every episode with Ares from both Hercules and Xena on tape and you know the stories by heart

* Your idea of the perfect guy is one who in every way resembles the War God you adore

* Every time you go to type 'are' it almost always seems to come out 'ares'

* You visit the websites that are dedicated to Ares everyday

* You have created your own Ares site * You use your off periods at school not to do homework but to brainstorm new ideas for Ares fan fiction

* Your heart melts and shivers go up your spine every time you listen to Ares sing on the "Bitter Suite", wishing that he was singing to you

* You have recorded everything that Ares has said on cassette tape so that you can listen to his wonderful voice whenever you want

* You have been hoping that a sword like Ares' will someday be available for purchase

* You love to discuss the topic of Ares with your friends on the internet and you will defend him every time some says something bad about the hunky god

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