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Daddy Dearest

By: Millz

Summary: After Gabrielle and Xena are put in the Ice Cave, baby Eve is given to Ares.

Rating: PG (kissing, one cuss word, nothing bad)

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters, somebody else does.

Note: Takes place right after Xena and Gabrielle are put in the Ice Cave, basically a different (but way longer than one episode) ending to “Looking Death in the Eye” No Gabby-bashing, a little dis-like of Joxer, but nothing cruel. I’ve read a ton of other fan fic., so sorry if anybody feels like I stole their idea, it was totally unintentional. This is my first ever story, email me if you like it or have any suggestions. Enjoy!


Octavius paced back and forth, trying to comfort the crying child. What was Eve going to do without a mother?

A very depressed Joxer came in to see how Eve was doing.

“What are you going to do with her?” Joxer questioned.

“I’ll raise her as my own, she shall be my successor.”

“Well, she is Xena’s daughter, she’ll make a wonderful empress someday. But, shouldn’t you give her a new name, just in case?”

“That’s a good idea, Joxer. Hmmm…what about Livia?”

“Yeah, that works.” Joxer replied as he began to leave.

Octavius stared down at the tiny baby as a bright golden light filled the room. He looked up to see a beautiful woman with long, silky blond hair, and perfect blue eyes smiling fondly at him.

“Hello Octavius, I’m Rhea, wife of Chronus. You have something I need.”

“My lady, it is an honor to meet you. What could I possibly have that you desire?”

“The child-oh don’t look alarmed! I wish to bring her no harm! I will take her to where she will be protected until she can be with her mother again. Trust that I will not harm her, you have my word as a mother myself. Please believe me, I have no desire for the Olympians to stay around forever. You know I helped bring about the end of the Titans rule. Soon it will be the present gods and goddesses turn.”

“Of course you shall have her if you wish to protect her. I’m not sure I would make the best father. Xena and I are grateful.” Octavius agreed as he handed Eve to Rhea.

“Thank you Octavius, your kindness and devotion shall not be forgotten.” Rhea said as she disappeared.

* * *

Ares lounged in his throne atop Olympus, still in shock and overcome by grief. She was gone. She died never knowing how much he truly loved her. His one true love, his soulmate was dead. He’d never get to know that blissful happiness that can only come from true love. If I could only have a second chance I’d do any and everything for her.

. “Ares, my grandson, I believe I can help you.” came a voice from not too far away.


“Yes,” replied his grandmother as she stepped from the shadows, “ I have your second chance with Xena. I think you know Eve already.”

“You would dare bring that child to Mt. Olympus!? She’ll be killed for sure!” Ares hissed, “Get her out of here now!”

“You misunderstand, Ares. You are to be her guardian. Raise her to be exactly like her mother. Strong and skilled, but kind. She will be a comfort for your grief and bring unimaginable joy into your life.”

“That kid’s my death warrant! I’m smarter than you think.”

“She can bring you no harm. Yes, she is the bringer of the twilight, but the deaths will not come from her directly. Her name is to be Livia. Raise her in a temple far from Amphipolis so that the rest of our family doesn’t suspect,” Rhea paused due to the skeptical look on the War God’s face, “Ares, this is your chance to prove yourself. I know there is love in your heart, I remember you as a child. This is the child of your soulmate, you never had Xena’s love, but you can have her daughter’s.”

Ares looked at the small child wriggling in his grandmother’s arms. Eve did look really helpless. It was the closest he’d ever get to Xena. “I’ll do it,” Ares confirmed as he took Eve from his grandmother’s arms.

“Trust me, this is the right thing to do. Stay well, I must go now, my time on Earth is short.”

Ares gazed into the infant’s eyes. She cooed as she smiled up at him. Ares smiled to himself as he transported to his temple about 15 miles from Mt. Etna.

* * *

12 years later

“Ares!!!” A yell rang throughout the temple, “ARES!!!!!!” Ares appeared in front of a beautiful, but bored, young girl sitting on the edge of a four poster bed.

“Livia, you know, I do have responsibilities. I was meeting with a warlord leading a very important campaign.” Ares stated, slightly irritated.

“More important than me?” Livia pouted, pushing out her bottom lip and make her eyes round as saucers.

“No, of course not,” Ares laughed as he gave her a peck on the cheek, “Now, what is it you wanted?”

“I’m bored,” Livia replied.

“And what am I supposed to do about that?”

“Why don’t you…tell me a story,” Livia said.

“A story? Come on, you’ve got to be kidding. I’m the God of War, I don’t do stories,” Ares argued.

“For your favorite daughter you do,” Livia stated, smiling.

“All right, what do you want the story to be about?” he questioned.

A sweet, yet sad look came across Livia’s face “My mother” she whispered.

Ares face hardened and his muscles tensed.

“Please Ares,” she pleaded, “I want to know about her.”

“Fine,” he replied, pausing for a moment, “ She was the most beautiful women ever, at least I thought so. She had long, silky black hair and short bangs in the front. Her eyes were her best feature; they were a pale blue, the kind of eyes that mesmerized you. She was a warrior for good. Her strength was amazing. She could take down any and everything. She feared nothing, not even the gods, and had the most incredible strategies. She was…wonderful, the most magnificent woman ever born,” he sighed, remembering every last detail about her. “She sure does sound wonderful…what was her name?”

Ares looked steadily at Livia, “You can not tell anyone her name. You understand me? We’d both be in a lot of trouble if anyone found out.”

“Okay, I promise,” Livia paused, bewildered.


“It’s beautiful, did she have any kind of title? Like Queen or Empress or-”

“At one time, she was the Destroyer of Nations, and my Chosen One, but she changed. She never wanted to be known by either of those names again. She decided to fight for the greater good. She was a Warrior Princess.” Livia saw so much pain in Ares eyes. He was a father to her. She always seen him strong and powerful, but now he looked helpless and weak.

“Did she love me?” Livia asked, almost scared of what the answer would be.

“By the Gods she did! She loved you more than anything! She gave her life to save you.”

Livia smiled, wishing she had known her mother, it occurred to her the way Ares talked about her that he had known her.

“You talk about her like you knew her, did you?” Livia questioned.

“Yeah, I did.”

“Did you…love her?”

Ares looked over at the wall. He couldn’t show Livia his weakness.

“Never mind, Ares I think I know the answer to that.”

“Yeah, well she didn’t love me back,” Ares remorsed.

Livia’s face softened and she wrapped her arms around her father’s shoulders, “I’m sorry. I can’t understand why she wouldn’t. It’s late, I’m gonna go to bed now. Night Ares, I love you.”

“Goodnight Livia, I love you too.” Ares stayed and watched her sleep for a while, his thoughts filled with Xena. He pulled back a piece of long black hair from Livia’s face. As a single tear rolled down his cheek, he zapped to the Ice Cave. It was the first time he’d been back since he’d put her there. He stood next to the ice coffin. He brushed some snow off to look at her face. Beautiful as ever. She looked so calm. How strange to think of her as calm, when in life she had been so fiery and passionate.

“She’s gorgeous, looks like you probably did at her age. I miss you, but Li- well, Eve makes it easier. I told you once I’d love her as my own and… I do,” Ares fought back tears in his eyes and grief in his heart, “When you died, you took a part of me with you. I guess I got a part of you too.” The hard, unfeeling walls around his heart shattered and he let the tears fall, “Bye, Xena, I love you.” Ares disappeared seconds before an avalanche broke the ceiling of the cave, leaving a beam of sunlight shining down on Xena’s coffin. The ice slowly began to melt…

* * *

Ares and Livia were out in one of the training arenas. Livia had been begging to learn how to use bow and arrows for weeks. Ares had agreed, but on the condition that she used it for self-defense only. Normally, he wouldn’t even think of the “only self-defense” deal, but this was Xena’s daughter. Livia had caught on quick, naturally.

“Let’s see how your aims is,” Ares suggested, pointing to a target on the wall. Livia raised the bow, focused on the target, and released the arrow. It sped through the air and landed right inside the bull’s eye.

“Excellent,” Ares praised, “Keep practicing, I’ll be back in a couple of hours.”

* * *

Air began to fill her lungs and Xena gasped as she felt the ice above her. Her hand went down to get her chakram to cut through the coffin, but the round weapon wasn’t there. She brought back her fist and shoved it upwards, breaking the ice. Her hands gripped the sides as she pulled herself out. She stumbled over to where her sword and chakram were and cut into Gabrielle’s coffin. The bard coughed and sputtered.

“Xena, where are we,” Gabrielle paused, looking around, “and where’s Eve?”

“I don’t know, but we’re going to find her,” Xena walked around, looking for a way out, “That patch of ice on the wall over there looks different than the rest.” She used her sword and slowly broke through it. Wind and snow blew fiercely at the two.

“What mountain is this? We’re up pretty high!” Gabrielle yelled over the howl of the wind.

“I’m thinking Mt. Etna! Come on, let’s climb down.”

* * *

Livia shot a few more and looked over at the door on the other side of the arena. She’d never left the temple alone. Ares or one of the more trusted priestesses had always been with her. She put the bow and a few extra arrows across her back and slipped silently through the door. She walked through dense forest for a few feet before coming to a path. She felt very independent, she was having her own little adventure. Little did she know who was traveling that same path.

* * *

Xena and Gabrielle reached a village about five miles from the base of the mountain. They walked into a local inn. Looking around, they saw a familiar, but aged face.

“Joxer! Joxer! Over here!” Gabrielle yelled over the crowd. A slightly older, but ever goofy looking Joxer raised his head.

“Gabby! Xena!” he chirped, hobbling over to them, hugging Gabrielle and then Xena, “I can’t believe it! I looked for you for years, but gave up after a while.”

“How long has it been since..?” Xena asked.

“Twelve years,” Joxer replied.

“What happened? Why did we wake up in that ice cave? You and Octavius were supposed to come get us,” Gabrielle inquired.

“Well, I was right behind you, and Octavius came a few minutes later. But, Ares took your bodies. We had no clue what he'd done with them. So, I set out to find you two, but it looks like you found me. I couldn’t explain to Ares the plan so he could show me where you two were, then he’d know Eve was still alive,” Joxer explained. “Of course,” Xena said, “Is Eve still with Octavius?”

“As far as I know, I really didn’t talk to him after that day.”

“We have to get to Rome,” Gabrielle paused, “but we don’t have any supplies.”

“That’s were you’re wrong, I’ve got all your supplies, and well, Argo died a few years ago, but her daughter is just as wonderful,” Joxer said, beaming.

Xena ran outside and jumped up on the golden mare and signaled Gabrielle and Joxer to come on. “Joxer, you haven’t been riding her have you?” Xena asked suspiciously.

“No, of course not, I wouldn’t dare let anyone but you,” Joxer stuttered.

“Good, let’s get going, I want to get to the next town by nightfall.”

* * *

After about an hour of walking, Livia stopped at a stream to cool off. I should go back now. If Ares gets back and I’m gone, he’ll be mad. She was walking down the path when she heard a loud commotion in the opposite direction. Curiosity overcame her. She went up to see 10 or 12 men, obliviously bandits, attacking two women and a man. She was about to pull out her bow and arrows to help, but saw that the women easily defeated the bandits, the man tried, but without much success.

“Wow” Livia said as they looked over at her.

“Hi,” said one of them, a blonde with short hair, “What are you doing out here all alone?”

“ I was just taking a walk, but if I don’t get home soon, I’ll be in trouble.” Livia replied.

“Well, I’m Xena,” said the other, a tall woman with black hair and a warrior’s outfit, “and this is Gabrielle and Joxer. We’ll be happy to help you get home, where is it? Oh, and what’s your name?” Xena couldn’t help but notice how much the little girl looked like she had at that age.

Livia was stunned. This woman fit Ares description of her mother and she just said her name was Xena. “Did you say your name was Xena? Are you Xena, the Warrior Princess?”

“Yes, that’s me-” Xena started, but was cut short when the girl ran and wrapped her arms around her. “Mother,” Livia whispered between her tears, “It’s me, your daughter, Livia.”

Xena pried the girl off and looked at her. “Did you just call me mother? I’m sorry, you must be mistaken, my daughter-”

“No! You’re my mother; you have to believe me! He told me so! He said my mother’s name was Xe-”

“Who told you I was? Was it Octavius?”

“No, I don’t know anyone named Octavius. My father told me. Well, he’s not my real father, I don’t have one, but he’s the closest I’ve got.”



“Listen, Livia, I’m really sorry, but I’m not your mother. I don’t know what kind of sick game Ares is playing, but my daughter’s name is Eve, not Livia. And if Ares thought my daughter was alive, he’d kill her, not be her father. I’m so sorry he lied to you and told-”

“He didn’t lie to me! He’d never lie to me! He loves me! And he loves you to!” Livia exclaimed defensively. Xena was about to argue back when a light appeared above them. A woman wearing a long, white flowing gown with a golden belt and loosely curled blonde hair with icy blue eyes floated down towards Xena and Livia. She touched the ground, and when she walked, it was with such grace, it looked like she simply hovered above the earth. She reached out a dainty hand and laid it upon Livia’s shoulder.

“Livia, my dear, don’t be so upset,” she cooed with a voice as sweet as honey while she swiped a tear off of Livia’s cheek, “there is no need. You have found your mother, she’s simply a little stubborn, much like my grandson.”

“You’re Rhea, right?” Livia said, more of a statement than a question.

“Yes, I am.”

“Rhea’s dead. She banished herself to Tatarus when she betrayed Chronus,” Xena said reaching for her chakram.

“Xena, do not draw your weapon, I’m here to bring no harm. You were correct in saying I was dead, but since I confined myself to Tatarus and I’m on good terms with Hades, I come up for a little visit when I see fit,” Rhea replied as she took a step closer to Xena and put two fingers on the side of the warriors head. Instantly, Xena’s head was flooded with images…Ares taking her to the ice coffin…Rhea taking Eve from Octavius…Eve/Livia’s first steps. Rhea let down her fingers and stepped back. Xena expression softened as she looked over at Livia. She ran over, tears filling her eyes.

“My baby. My sweet little Eve.” She said as she grasped her in a huge hug, kissing the top of her head, “You’re alive, you’re all right!”

Gabrielle and Joxer stood aside, looking at the heartfelt reunion.

Xena broke away and held Eve/Livia’s face in front of her own. She studied her face, as if to memorize every inch of it.

“Mother” Livia whispered.

“Well, goal accomplished, I’ll be leaving now,” Rhea announced as she vanished.


“Eve? What are you talking about, mother? My name is Livia.”

“Yes, well, that’s the name Rhea gave to Ares to call you, but you’re real name is Eve. My other child, your brother, gave you that name before you were born,” Xena explained.

“Then I want to be known as Eve, since…ummmm…what his name?”


“Okay, since Solan gave me that name,” Livia stated.

Xena smiled at her daughter, pride welling up in her heart.

“Eve, this is Gabrielle, my very dear friend,” Xena said gesturing towards the blonde, “and this is Joxer, another friend.”

“Hello Joxer, Gabrielle,” Eve said.

“Call me Aunt Gabrielle,” Gabrielle softly corrected as she gave Eve a hug.

“Are you living in one of Ares temples?” Xena asked.

“Yeah, the temple isn’t far from here, about an hours walk. I really need to get back now. If Ares finds me gone, he’ll be steamed.”

“I take it you don’t have permission to be out here?” Gabrielle asked, laughing, “You’re definitely Xena’s daughter.”

Everyone laughed as they headed towards the temple. It was just in sight as the sun finished setting. As the group approached it, Xena muttered, “One day back and I’m already mixed up with him.” Eve swung open the door and was met by a frantic priestess.

“Livia! You’re here! Thank the Gods! Lord Ares is meeting with the head priestess in the inner sanctuary. He’ll be done any minute and if he were to find you missing-”

“Calm down! I’m here now. He’ll never know I was gone,” Eve reassured the poor priestess.

“A bit late for that I believe,” Ares growled from behind the priestess. Ares couldn’t see Xena, Gabrielle, and Joxer because of the darkness.

“Lord Ares!” the priestess said, bowing down, “forgive my Lord! We had no idea-”

“Stop apologizing, it wasn’t your fault,” Eve defended the woman, stepping in front of her “I left on my own. Ares, you can’t be mad at me, I-”

“Oh, Livia, I’m not mad. I think infuriated or maybe extremely angry would be a better word. What in Tatarus do you think you were doing! You know you aren’t supposed to leave ALONE!!” Ares bellowed. He paused and looked down at the priestess, “Leave us.”

“Would you stop yelling at me! Geez! I’m perfectly fine! Not a scratch on me!” Livia retorted.

“You might be fine, but what if you were attacked? What if some crazed, bloodthirsty, idiot came along and killed you!? You’re not even a teenager yet, you’re just twelve.”

Eve was starting to wonder how long her mother was going to wait in the shadows.

“Livia, are you hiding something from me,” Ares paused, listening for heartbeats (you know how Gods do that thing where they can hear how many heartbeats are there), “we’re not alone. There’s…two…no, three other people here.” Ares drew his sword and walked towards where Xena, Gabrielle and Joxer were standing, still not being able to see them.

“Ares, don’t, that’s my-”

“Chi-yaaaaaa!” Xena’s cry rang out as she flipped over Ares, landing behind him. Ares swung around, astounded.

“What’s the matter? You look like you see a ghost or something,” Xena smirked.

“Xena? No, it can’t be!? You died twelve years ago.” He walked up to Xena. She instinctively grabbed her chakram. Ares leaned in closer and ran his fingers through her hair, looking deep into her eyes. He started to kiss her, but she drew back.

“Well, I’m back. Surprised?”

“To say the least,” Ares was the one who had a smirk on his face, “I’m guessing you’ve got the babbling blonde with you. And the wanna-be warrior, Joxer.” Gabrielle and Joxer stepped out, “What, no daughter?”

“No, Eve burned in that wagon, remember? You were there.”

Eve opened her mouth to protest, but Gabrielle slipped her hand over her mouth to quiet her. She wanted to see what Ares was up to.

“Xena, come on, I’m not stupid. If you and Gabrielle are alive, then I’m willing to bet Eve is too,” Ares commented.

“My daughter is dead.”

“Really? No, I think she’s very much alive. In fact I know where she is right now,” Ares replied.

“If you knew where she was, she’d be dead by now,” Xena spat.

“Let’s…make a deal…if I give you Eve, then-” Ares stopped in mid-sentence, his own words echoing in his mind… I handled you all wrong, I know that. She knew what you needed- unconditional and unselfish love. And I couldn’t give that to you. “Well,” he thought, “now I can give you unconditional and unselfish love, just watch me.”

“Then what?” Xena asked.

“Then nothing, never mind, I’ll just give you Eve. No deal, no strings attached.”

Xena let out a laugh, “You’re kidding me?! You! Just give her to me? No ‘give me a child and I save you daughter’? What’s in it for you?”

“Nothing but the pleasure of getting to see a daughter reunited with her mother.”

“How touching, but you missed it,” Xena said. Gabrielle let go of Eve.

“Thank you! I was starting to wonder if you had bad short-term memory, mother,” Eve exclaimed.

Xena laughed as she walked over and hugged her daughter, “Don’t worry, I’d never forget you.”

“Really, then why’d you leave me?” Eve asked, speculation in her eyes.

“Eve sweetie! I didn’t want to leave you. In fact I wasn’t supposed to, if my plan had gone right then we would have been together, you see the Gods wanted you, well, you know, I’m not much of a story teller, why don’t we let Gabrielle tell the story.”

Gabrielle’s eyes lit up at the suggestion. She loved using her bard-skills.

“Gladly. Now, all the Gods of Olympus were after you. But, Xena had used the chains of Hephestus to chain up Celeste, Death herself…” While Gabrielle continued on with the epic tale, Xena pulled Ares aside, saying she needed to talk to him. Joxer stayed, mesmerized by Gabrielle.

“Ares, I don’t know how to thank you enough. She means so much to me, I can’t…I just…” Xena stuttered.

“You don’t have to thank me. It’s been worth it. I never thought I could love someone again,” Ares said, not realizing what the last part meant.

“Again?” Xena questioned.

“I mean…well…oh, crap. You see, when I thought you were dead, I mean, in all the eons I’ve been the God of War, since forever, I’ve never loved anyone. Sure, I’m fond of my sister, but it’s not real love. You’re one in a million, and I totally screwed over any chance of us being together. I knew I’d never care about anyone ever again. Then Rhea brought me Eve. She told me that, although I never got your love, I could have your daughter’s. She said Eve would help me cope with my grief and bring me joy. She was right.”

“I want to believe you, but-”

“But what?? What the hell do I have to do to prove myself to you?! I’ve done the unimaginable for you. If my family found out I’ve been raising your daughter and knew what I was doing, I’d be dead in an instant. I would’ve given up my immortality just so I could be with you. And last time I checked, you were nuts about this whole redemption thing. I mean you walk around with this whole “oh I killed so many people, I was so evil, I have to make up for my past”, what makes it so hard to believe I feel that way too? You were just as bad as I am, well, was. Check the records, Greece has been fairly peaceful lately. Well, except for that one thing in Sparta- well, that’s not the point.”

Xena had no clue what to do. She didn’t know whether to walk away, whack him with her sword, or kiss him.

“Ares, I don’t know what to say.”

“Then don’t say anything,” Ares said, and walked back over to Eve, sitting down next to her. The girl crawled into his lap, even though she was twelve, she was lean enough to fit in his lap, and rested her head on his shoulder, still listening to Gabrielle. A sharp, intense pain cut through Xena’s heart to see her little girl so safe in the arms of someone who had caused her so much pain. Eve glanced up at her and smiled. She really did have an amazing smile. Xena chuckled as she thought about what a heartbreaker she’d be very soon.

“…and then we found you out there in the woods,” Gabrielle sighed, content with her re-telling of the story. “That’s awesome, Aunt Gabrielle. I love the part where you and mom flew off the cliff! Were you cold when you woke up, I mean, being in ice for so long?”

“Actually, I don’t recall feeling cold, just stiff.”

“Aren’t ya’ll starving? I mean, you haven’t eaten in forever,” Eve asked, giggling.

“Well, now that you mention it…”Gabrielle replied, hoping Xena would catch on.

“Yeah, I’m kinda hungry,” Xena mumbled.

“Come to my room and we can have a huge feast! Please! It’d be sooooooo much fun!” Eve piped.

“Sure, whatever you want,” Xena said.

“Sounds great,” Gabrielle added. They started inside, Joxer in the middle of his third verse of “Joxer, the Mighty.” Ares departed after making a table full of food appear. After everyone had stuffed themselves, Eve started to dose off.

“I guess we’ll have to stay here for tonight,” Xena sighed, “I’ll stay in here with Eve. I’ll find you two a room. Come on.” Xena, Gabrielle, and Joxer left Eve’s room into a large corridor lined with doors. Xena knew her way around since most of Ares temples were alike. “The one on the right there is Ares. The rest of the rooms are for warlords and generals.”

“What about priestesses?” Gabrielle inquired.

“They have a separate wing on the other side of the temple that connects to this hall through an underground tunnel.” Xena opened a door to reveal a room slightly smaller than Eve’s. Joxer, you can stay here.” Joxer went in while Xena and Gabrielle continued down the hall. How about this one?” Xena said, opening another door, with a room identical to the one Joxer had just been given.”

“It’s fine,” Gabrielle muttered.

“Look, I know you don’t like the idea of staying here. But, I have to figure out what to do with Eve. I’m afraid separating her from Ares is going to be tough. Don’t worry, I’m just down the hall. If anything happens, come get me,” Xena reassured her friend.

“Okay, tell Eve goodnight for me.”

“I will.”

Xena slipped back into Eve’s room to find her sitting patiently on the bed.

“Eve, you’re still awake, I thought you’d dosed off,” Xena said while walking over and sitting next to her daughter.

“I can’t possibly sleep, so much has happened today,” Eve replied, nestling herself under Xena’s arm.

“I know. I’m so happy to have you back.”

“I missed you. I like having a mother.”

“And I like having a daughter. Especially one as pretty as you,” Xena teased.

Eve let out a giggle.

“All right, now it’s time for you to get some sleep!” Xena said, standing up so Eve could lie down.

“Are you gonna stay with me know? Forever?”

“I promise you, I’ll never leave you again,” Xena assured her.

“Goodnight Mother.”

“Good night Eve.”



“ I love you.”

“I love you too,” Xena replied, wiping a tear from her eye. She then took off her leathers and crawled into the comfy bed. The two soon fell fast asleep. Ares appeared next to the bed, a hard expression on his face. He had heard what Xena said about separating Eve from him. He’d lost Xena before, but after what he’d done now, he thought surely she’d love him. Now he had to lose her all over again. And Eve.

“Thanks a million Rhea. You said she’d bring me joy, but all I’m getting here is pain.”

“Sorry to tell ya’ big bro’, but these things take time,” Aphrodite had come up behind Ares, he had been so deep in though he hadn’t noticed her, “but, listen studmuffin, you just have to show the warrior babe you’ve changed. Do some good. Like, show compassion, mercy, and stuff like that. And, if worse comes to worse, I’ll give her a little shove in the right direction.”

“Sorry, Sis, but you know you can’t tell her what do to. Although, you could work on that irritating little blonde she adores so much.”

“Ummm, Ares, hun, ya’ gotta realize that ‘irritating little blonde’ is Xe’s best bud. Maybe you could be, I dunno, like nice to her.”

“I’ll try my best ‘Dite, but that’s not saying much.”

“Course it is. Now, I’m gonna go get you on the bard’s good side and you go do whatever. See ya’ later sweets!” With that, Aphrodite zapped into Gabrielle’s room.

“Guess who it is, Gabby!” ‘Dite squealed behind the unsuspecting blonde.

“Aphrodite!” Gabrielle exclaimed running over to the Goddess giving her a hug, “It’s so good to see you!” Gabrielle’s initial happiness in seeing her friend faded as she realized Aphrodite probably knew about Eve, “Ummm, Aphrodite, you’re not gonna tell your family about-”

“Eve? Of course not sweetcheeks! I’ve known about her for a long time! Don’t worry, she’s a total doll, I’d never rat on her! Now, we so totally have tons to catch up on. It’s like old times! Having our own little slumber party!” The Goddess of Love giggled as she turned the room to her style of deco.

“Pink, how fitting,” Gabrielle chuckled, “So, how have you been? How’s Cupid? Everyone okay?”

“I’m fine and so is my little Cupie. But, I’m majorly bummed about my brother. He’s so sad now. Poor Ares.” “Why are you worried about him? Is there a shortage of bloodthirsty warlords or something?”

“Nope, babe, the whole war deal’s fine. Actually, between you and me, he kinda laid off a bit. The yucky chick herself, Discord, has like, totally taken over most of the wars. But, I never thought I’d see the day my stud brother got a heart. I mean, I thought he’d lost it, or just forgot it for so long that it like, shriveled up! Went away, poof!” ‘Dite explained, shooting a little zap from her finger at the last part, “But, turns out, he just had it hidden, deep, deep, deep. I feel like such a bad Goddess, I mean love is like my thing! My life! My own brother falls head over heels for some ex-warrior babe of his and there’s nothing I can do to help him. Yeah, even I knew it was like total lust at first, but I really think he loves her now.”

“You know, when Amphibolis was under siege, I almost got him to admit that he liked the new Xena better than the one that had been his warrior. Of course he didn’t. But, then again, I guess it is possible for even the cruelest person to have a heart,” Gabrielle said thoughtfully. “Kay, like majorly don’t tell anyone ‘bout this, cause if my bro’ found out I’d shown you this, he would so kill me,” Aphrodite said, while opening a portal showing the Ice Cave.

“That’s where me and Xena were buried.”

As Gabrielle watched own, perplexed, she began to understand what ‘Dite meant. This was the God of War at his humblest.

You’re with her now. I handled you all wrong, I know that. She knew what you needed- unconditional and unselfish love. And I couldn’t give that to you. But, I appreciated you in ways she never could, your rage, your violence, your beauty. When you sacrificed yourself for others, you were hers. But when you kicked ass, you were mine. He paused and kissed her for what he thought would be the last time. Then, even through the blurry image, the two could see a tear form in his brown eyes, roll down his cheek, and fall down into the snow. I love you, Xena.

By that time, ‘Dite was bawling, and even Gabrielle was sniffling a little bit.

“Oh, Gabby there’s more!” Aphrodite sobbed.

She’s gorgeous; looks like you probably did at her age. I miss you, but Li- well, Eve makes it easier. I told you once I’d love her as my own and I do, They saw him struggle to hold back tears When you died, you took a part of me with you. I guess I got a part of you too. Then, they saw the most miraculous thing, he actually cried more than one tear. Tears were streaming down his face. Bye, Xena. I love you.

“Wow,” Gabrielle said, completely and utterly stunned, “I never knew.”

“Sadness, huh? See, if she’d just give him a chance, he can be, like, civil, ya’ know?”

“Yeah, but Xena’s very set in her path. I guess she thinks if she loves him, then she’ll go back to how she used to be.”

“Yah, but he totally wanted to give up his godhood to travel with her.”

“I know, but it’s her decision. She’s my best friend and I have to respect her reasons for whatever she does.”

“Well, let’s like get off this morbid stuff. Icky! So, I have to tell you about my latest matchmaking!” Aphrodite said, giggling at her own genius.

* * *

Xena woke up way before everyone else; she normally didn’t sleep late and had been asleep for the past 12 years, so she wasn’t exactly tired. Xena yawned and walked over to where her leathers, sword, and chakram were. As she dressed, she thought about her dream last night. Ares was there, but somehow Xena had the feeling that he hadn’t made himself there, that she had actually dreamed about him out of her own free will. He kept telling her how much he loved her. He seemed so sincere. Then, he had dropped his sword and told her he didn’t want to be the God of War anymore, he just wanted to be with her. He was so vulnerable, unarmed because he dropped his sword, and powerless because he had just denounced his godhood. “ I love you and Eve more than anything. I’ll do anything to stay with you two. I promise, no more tricks, I’ve completely changed. No more war for me.” He said to her. Then, she drew her sword and thrust it through his gut, killing him. “Burn in Tatarus, bastard.” She had said and he fell to the ground, his eyes full of shock and hurt. Xena shook her head as if to rid herself of the memory. She walked down the hall to Gabrielle’s room. She opened the door and took a step back. The bright pink about blinded her.

“I’m guessing Aphrodite was here last night.” She looked over at the bed to see Gabrielle fast asleep. Satisfied, she went out to the training arena. Xena closed her eyes and drew her sword, going through routines, fighting invisible enemies. She paused for barely half a second when she felt that familiar presence. After finishing, she turned to look at him.

“Good morning, Xena, sleep well?” Ares asked.

“Just fine, considering where I am,” Xena replied.

“I guess you’re a little rusty at fighting after twelve years,” Ares mocked, knowing she was good as ever. “I doubt it,” Xena retorted, “Well, why don’t we just see.”

A smile spread across Ares face as he drew his sword. He loved fighting Xena. She was the only person who ever made it challenging. Xena thrust her sword down towards his ankles, trying to knock him off-balance. Ares blocked her easily. Their swords clanged until Xena caused Ares’ sword to fly behind him, landing in the dirt. Xena grabbed the opportunity and ran up the wall, flipped herself over behind Ares and brought her sword down towards his back. Ares whirled around in time to grasp her sword between his hands and wrench it out of her grasp, hurtling it across the arena. Xena swung her leg up at his face. Ares grabbed her ankle, trying to throw her to the ground. Xena only pushed her leg forward, putting all her weight behind it. When Ares started to sway, she jumped off her other leg, pushing him to the ground, with her feet planted on top of his chest.

“Hmmmm…guess I’m not so rusty after all,” Xena purred.

“Guess not,” Ares said as loud as he could, considering it was hard to breathe with Xena standing on top of him. Xena stepped off and went to go get her sword. She looked up towards the entrance to see Gabrielle and Aphrodite standing there. As she walked past them, muttering a good morning, she heard Aphrodite whisper “Hello, can you say, foreplay.” Xena promptly stubbed her toe on the side of the door. Gabrielle and Aphrodite heard her cursing under her breath as she made her way down the hall. Aphrodite looked at Gabrielle as they both slapped their hands over their mouths to hide their laughter. They looked over to see Ares, whose pride should’ve been hurt, but he was radiant with happiness. His, Aphrodite’s, and Gabrielle’s smiles faded as Athena and Hades appeared smiling smugly.

“Well, well, well, looks like my dear brother and sister have a little conspiracy going,” Athena accused, “Ares, harboring the brat who’s going to bring about the end of us. And Aphrodite knowing about it all along. Hmmmm, whatever shall we do about this, Hades?”

“Oh, I have something in mind,” the God of the Underworld replied, but not soon enough. Ares and Aphrodite had zapped out of there and Gabrielle was bolting in the temple to find Xena. She burst into Eve’s room to find Ares and Xena standing protectively in front of a very confused Eve. Aphrodite stood to the side, not quite sure what to do. Athena and Hades were now joined by Hephestus, Cupid, Apollo, Discord and Artemis.

“Imagine this, Xena and her daughter back from the grave,” Athena mocked.

“I should have suspected something when they didn’t come to me. I just assumed they’d gone to that heaven of that one God,” Hades remarked.

“Ares, brother, are you sure you don’t want to…reconsider? You know if you stand in my way, I’ll have to kill you. Not that anyone likes you that much, but we do need a War God,” Athena bargained.

“Not to worry Athena, once Ares is dead, I’ll take his place. Although I pretty much have already,” Discord jeered.

Ares shoved Xena and Eve behind the bed as he began to hurl fireballs at his family. Gabrielle instinctively ducked and yanked Aphrodite down with her. It was really very sad, seven against one. Ares was losing horribly. After taking several hits, he thought surely he was dead, but by chance a fireball hit Apollo right on the head, decapitating him. The other Gods ceased their fire, shocked. Artemis let out painful moan as she ran to her now dead twin brother.

“We’ll be back,” Artemis spat, “and you’ll pay for what you’ve done.” With that, the six living and one dead disappeared. Ares pulled himself up on the bed.

Eve rushed over to him. “Ares are you okay? Man, what you did was so brave!!”

“I’m fine, Eve, just a little worn out.”

It was obvious to Xena he wasn’t fine. For a god, he was pretty beat up. She walked over to look at his wounds more closely.

“Well, you’re lucky you’re a god. If you were mortal these wounds would kill you,” Xena said.

“I guess I’ll just have to take that chance,” Ares replied, pulling out his sword.

“What do you mean, that chance?” Xena asked.

“Take it,” Ares said, holding out the sword to her.

“No, you have to stay a god or you might die. Besides, I don’t want-”

“Take it,” Ares tried to yell, “It’s the only way you can save Eve.”

“No, Ares, I’m not going to-”

“I said take it, dammit! Could you stop being so stubborn for one second? Accept the fact that maybe, just maybe, you need my help.”

Xena grabbed the sword. Ares muttered something as a golden shimmer flew around Xena. The shimmer evaporated leaving Xena standing there feeling stronger than ever.

“Aphrodite, stay here and watch them. I’m going to Olympus,” Xena commanded.

“K,” Aphrodite replied.

Xena zapped herself to the main hall in Olympus. When she appeared, the other gods looked at her, some with surprise, some with hatred.

“You killed my brother!” Artemis shrieked as she lunged for Xena. Xena simply pulled out Ares’ sword and stuck it in front of her, Artemis, going right into it.

“Now, you can join him,” Xena remarked, “Anybody else want a shot at me?”

Discord gave her, oh-so-annoying laugh/shriek and came at Xena, sword twirling. Xena turned around, in what Discord thought to be a retreat. But instead, Xena did that run up the wall and flip thingy (sorry, but I couldn’t think of a name for it) giving her warcry, landing behind Discord, literally stabbing her in the back.

“You’re a god Xena, how is that?” Athena questioned from her perch on Zeus’s throne.

Xena held up Ares former sword.

“He gave me his godhood,” Xena stated.

“Oh, now that’s just touching,” Athena added waving her hand in some sort of signal, “to bad it will have to go to waste.”

Hades came charging at Xena, hurling fireballs at her. Xena expertly dodged each one.

Hoping she was a quick learner, Xena threw a few of her own. She was about half a foot off on each. She ran over to the dead body of Artemis, still dodging Hades fireballs, and grabbed her bow and arrows. Her first arrow plunged straight into Hades heart. While Hades fell to the floor, Xena noticed that Hephestus was gone.

“Eve,” she murmured before transporting back down to the temple. She appeared in front of Eve just in time to stop an ax from soaring into her precious daughter. Xena grabbed the ax, flipped it around and threw it back at Hephestus. Hephestus had been too shocked to see her to react, and died when it sailed into his chest.

“Heph.!” Aphrodite squealed in pain as she ran over to her dead husband.

“I’m sorry Aphrodite, but I couldn’t let him kill-”

“I know Xena, I know,” Aphrodite mumbled sadly as she changed her usual pink outfit to black.

Athena appeared.

“Looks like it’s just you and me, Xena. Cupid chickened out,” Athena exasperatingly explained. Aphrodite let out a sigh of relief. She couldn’t bear it if Cupid died, too.

Both warrior goddesses drew their swords. They fought relentlessly. Finally, Xena gained the upper hand.

“All right, Goddess of Wisdom, you leave me and my daughter alone, or you die right now, what’s it gonna be?!” Xena yelled at the Goddess kneeling before her with a sword at her neck.

“I will never surrender!” Athena screeched, knocking Ares sword out of Xena’s hand, switching places with Xena. A smirk spread slowly across Athena’s face.

“Wrong answer,” Xena spat, grabbing her chakram and throwing it against the opposite wall. It came flying back at Athena, who attempted to catch it, but it only sliced through her hand and landed in her chest. The patron Goddess of Athens fell to her knees, gasping and shocked.

Xena walked over to where her daughter was.

“Eve, are you all right? Nothing hurts or-”

“Mom, I’m fine, it’s Ares who’s hurting,” Eve explained. Xena went to the bed and looked at Ares. He wasn’t moving. It didn’t look like he was breathing.

“Ares?” Xena said shaking him, “ Ares! ARES!! Wake up!!!” She bent her ear down to his mouth to listen for breath. Nothing. “Ares!!” Her mind raced. She couldn’t think straight.

“Xena, you’re a god, use your powers,” Gabrielle offered.

“Gods can’t heal without Athena’s blessing,” Aphrodite said, glancing at her dead sister, “I’m kinda guessing she won’t be blessing anything from now on.”

“I have to be able to do something,” Xena pleaded.

“I heard this story once, about this god who gave up their immortality to save their one, true love. It was a beautiful story, happened-” Gabrielle started.

“Gabrielle, did it work?” Xena asked urgently.

“Yeah, I think it worked,” Gabrielle replied.

“You think,” Xena retorted, “Think isn’t good enough.”

“Listen, I don’t know for sure, but it’s worth a shot,” Gabrielle stated.

“Please, mother, try it…I can’t lose him…I love him so much…I…” Eve said, on the verge of tears. Xena rested her hands on Ares chest, concentrating hard. A purple light came from them and Xena lost that god-like glow. She took her hands away. They all watched tensely in silence, holding their breaths. No one made a sound. Eve sat helplessly, Ares was a father to her, she couldn’t lose him. He’d raised her and she needed him. Aphrodite had lost most all of her family and didn’t think she could take losing another loved one. She really did care about her brother. Gabrielle prayed for Eve’s sake. Xena sat, hoping he lived for Eve and herself. The seconds passed…one…two…three…four…Xena leaned down to listen for Ares breath and still heard nothing.

“Eve…honey…I’m sorry…” Xena tried pitifully to explain.

“Mother, tell me he’s not…” Eve hesitantly asked, searching her mother’s eyes, praying with all her heart. A small nod of Xena’s head was enough for Eve to know he was really gone. The girl’s body starting to shake as tears pooled in her eyes and began to flow down her cheeks. Xena reached out and grabbed Eve in a tight embrace, her own eyes starting to water.

“Shhhh…don’t cry…it’s okay…don’t cry,” Xena said, her voice cracking. Gabrielle just stood there, hurting herself knowing how much pain Eve was going through. Aphrodite began to sob harder than ever. She had lost her entire family, except for beloved son. Xena cringed as images from her dream the night before flooded her head. She kept seeing herself killing Ares over and over. Xena took in a sharp breath. She stood up and hardened her features, drawing her sword.

“Xena, what are you doing,” Gabrielle asked, worried.

“You’ll see,” the warrior princess stated. She grabbed Ares by the ankle and pulled his dead body to the ground in front of her. Xena took her sword and raised it high above her head. Xena couldn’t hear Eve crying out her name to stop her, Aphrodite’s screech of pain, or Gabrielle’s short breath of shock as she plunged her sword deep into his stomach. All she could about was destroying the evil that had tormented her for so long. It was like taking the past she had been trying to forget and finally obliterating it. She pulled out her sword, sighing at the weight that had just been lifted off of her shoulders. She had done it. Xena sheathed her sword and knelt besides Ares, running her hand through his soft, black hair.

“Explain please!” Eve exclaimed.

Xena looked up with a half-smile, “I had to get rid of the old Ares to make sure the, newer, better Ares can stick around.”

Ares eyes groggily opened. Eve’s confused face broke into a grin as she ran over and hugged him.

“Hey, you really think I’d leave you?” Ares teased, getting up with a little help from Eve he glanced over at Xena, “Thanks for saving me.”

“Just repaying the favor,” Xena replied, half-smiling. Just then, Joxer stumbled in the room.

“Hi everybody,” he said cheerfully, then glanced around the room, “what happened here?”

* * *

Xena sat on a log in the forest right outside the temple walls. She was gazing up at the stars. Someone came up and sat down next to her.

“Hey, Ares, feeling okay?” Xena asked.

“Yeah, I’m still perfectly fine. I’m not completely helpless, you know,” Ares replied a little resentfully.

“The sky’s gorgeous tonight, isn’t it?” “Guess it is,” Ares said thoughtfully, “I never really noticed it before.”

“What you did earlier today was really…noble and brave. In fact, most everything you’re doing now is somehow…unselfish,” Xena praised.

“Yeah, well, I told you I changed, but not enough for you I guess.”

Xena turned and looked into his eyes.

“Plenty enough for me,” she said, leaning in and meeting his lips in a sweet, soft kiss. She pulled away and ran the top of her finger across his cheekbone.

“I guess that was a thank-you for this morning,” Ares said, almost hoping she’d say no.

“Yeah, it was,” Xena replied, “and this,” she said right before leaning in again and meeting him in a deep, passionate, longing kiss, the kind where two people feel like they just can’t get enough of each other, “is because I wanted to.”

“You know, from now on, you do whatever you want to, fine with me,” Ares chuckled pulling her closer and wrapping his arms around her waist. Xena gazed into his brown eyes; she didn’t need words to tell him what she was feeling. She shifted so that her back was against his chest and they sat there, looking at the stars, until they both fell asleep.

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