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How To Know If You Are Obsessed With Xena

* You cannot stop thinking about the Warrior Princess; she is always at the back of your mind 24/7

* You have gotten in trouble with your parents more than once for continually practicing with your real sword and chakram in the house

* Your friends think you are weird for dressing up like Xena every Halloween

* You have every season of Xena on tape

* You cannot he truly satisfied during the week until you have watched Xena

* Your most favorite thing to do when you get home from school is writhing fan fiction

* Your one dream is to attend a Xena convention

* You own every one of the Xena soundtracks and while listening to them, you begin to see the images of scenes from the show where that music had been played

* You love to practice your "Warrior Princess war cry" while you are at home alone

* You try to gather your friends together so that you can reenact your most favorite scenes

* You have tried to convince the Drama teacher that the next school play should be one that is about Xena

* You have sent the best fan fiction story you ever wrote to the writers of the show, hoping that it would become the next episode

* You have done extensive research on Greek Mythology, hoping that the name "Xena" will pop up

* The Ides of March is your most miserable day of the year because it was the day that Xena was killed

* Xena has become your role model and everything you do is modeled after her

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