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Story By Heartburn

Another beautiful, glorious day in the village of Thace. A bright, orange-yellowish sun has risen; skies are crystal clear blue; a few small puffy clouds drift slowly into the empty spaces of Mother Earth. Ocean waves calmly crash against jutted rocks and makes its way onto the soft, sandy beach, leaving behind a bubbly seafoam. The ocean sparkles like diamonds in the earth's sunlight, displaying seawater colors of green and blue. A warm breeze from the ocean soothes every passing wave that rolls onto the beach.

A lovely, attractive woman, dressed in a long white, lacey dress, strolls slowly towards the beach. She stretches out her arms and embraces the affects of Nature's beauty. A strong breeze runs through her hair like soothing fingers; her long dress whips around her body. Slowly, Aurora Goddess sits along side the grassy dunes. She looks out toward the ocean, she smiles; her eyes shine with anticipation. Aurora sighs and shouts out... "By the Gods! It's my birthday!"... Then her smile becomes a frown, she cries, ..."but no one is around to celebrate it with me!"

At that moment, a flash of light appears, startling Aurora. She looks up toward the heavens and notices a beautiful white horse with wings, a Pegasus, and riding the Pegasus was the Warrior Princess, Xena!

..."Oh Wow!" ... a startled Aurora shouts,..."It's Xena!"...

As the white winged horse softly trots onto the beach, Xena does a flip off the horse and yells, ..."AYIYIYIYIYI"... she lands near Aurora Goddess. Xena walks up to Aurora Goddess, raises her eyebrow and questions her, ..."Are you Aurora Goddess?"...

"Yes!"... replies Aurora excitedly. "Xena, what are you doing here?... and where did you get that horse?... how do you know my name?"... Aurora bombards Xena with a load of questions.

Xena rolls her eyes, puts her hands up to silence Aurora, approaches the Goddess, and places her arm around Aurora..."Okay.....Okay Goddess...enough with the 20 questions. I have a job for ya. Ya gonna help me get Ares back on track."...

Xena quickly goes into brief details of Ares' condition to Aurora. It seems that the Furies have taken control of Ares' mind. Aphrodite has asked Xena for help to get rid of the Furies and bring back her brother's sanity. Ares has been traveling to each village and sending families to another dimension.

"By the Gods!"...Aurora exclaims,..."What can I do to help you Xena?" .."Poor Ares... how he must be suffering......what can we do??.....I mean..." Xena's eyes narrowed, Aurora quiets down......"Ohhhhh..."

"It seems"... Xena replies, .."You have this special gift that can only cure Ares." Aurora looks confused. "Yep!"... Xena continues..."Now, times a wastin, let's get a move on!"... Xena runs and jumps on the Pegasus, extends her arm out to Aurora. Aurora moves quickly, firmly grabs Xena's arm and gracefully swings herself onto the Pegasus. Aurora nervously places her arms around Xena's waist. Xena pats Aurora's hands and turns slightly around, gives the Goddess a wink. "Are you ready?"... Xena smiles.

Aurora replies nervously, ..."I guess so".. holding Xena tightly.

"Well off we go!"... "YAAAAA.....YAAAAA!!" ..Xena shouts and the Pegasus's wings start flapping, trotting off to the heavens, with a mission to accomplish, saving Ares, the God of War!

Within moments, Xena and Aurora arrived at the next village. Xena spots Ares and a small crowd of people cowering with fear. Ares paces back and forth, waving his arms in the air and then pounding his chest with his fists. Ares, with madness in his eyes, starts pointing at each member of the family, shouts at them,..."You betrayed your God! You will be punished!"...

A glowing ball of blue light appears in Ares' hand; he brings his arm back to throw it. "Hurry Xena! We have to stop him!"..Aurora shouts. Xena nods and urges the Pegasus to swoop down and fly near the God of War.

"AYIYIYIYI"...cries out Xena. Xena extends her leg out and kicks a startled Ares in the head, knocks the glowing blue ball out of his hand.

As the God of War lays on the ground unconsciously, the Pegasus gently lands near Ares. Xena jumps off and helps Aurora Goddess down.

"Oh My!" ...Aurora cries,..." I hope you didn't hurt him too bad."

Xena rolls her eyes, sighs,..."Ahh... Naw...he'll sleep like a new born baby for awhile."..

Aurora runs over to where Ares lies, kneels down next to him, cradles his head in her arms, and brushes his dark hair back with her fingers. "By the Gods!" "He is sooo gorgeous and handsome....hmmm." ...Aurora says quietly.

Xena stands next to them, arms crossed, rolls her eyes again..."Yeah, he's a cutey alright."...Xena replies, sneering.

Just then, a glowing aura of bright light illuminates around Aurora's body and encloses around Ares' body. Aurora's heart felt it was on fire; she had a strange burning desire to kiss Ares. Slowly, the Goddess leans forward and gently kisses Ares' lips; she continues to kiss Ares passionately. Suddenly, bright red streams of lights exploded; sounds of screeching, wicked laughter filled the air. It was the evil Furies! At last, the Furies have released themselves from Ares' mind and disappeared from site. Ares wakes up, returns Aurora's kisses more passionately.

"Ahem".... coughs Xena... Ares gives Xena an annoyed look. "I think that's enough CPR Aurora."...Xena says with a sneer... "Ares seems to be back to his old self"....

Ares returns a sneer look at Xena and gives a red-faced Aurora, a big sexy smile, "Yes, Thank you Aurora for saving me."Ares raises an eyebrow at Xena. " too Xena."

Ares stands up and helps up the Goddess, who is now swooning at the mere sight of Ares, he snaps his fingers, .."I just returned the families rightfully back to their villages. I owe you big time, Aurora, for helping me get back to my normal self." ...Ares says with a sexy smile.

Xena standing with her arms crossed, smirking, raising her eyebrow, replies, ...."Well, I think ya better get Aurora back home. I think her friends and family are worried about her."… Ares smiles, nods his head, and snaps his fingers . Magically, Aurora Goddess, Ares, and Xena re-appeared in front of a startled group of villagers. All of Aurora's friends and family were present, they shouted:

"Happy Birthday Aurora Goddess!!"

Aurora Goddess was surprised and excited at such a greeting. She turned and hugged Xena, .."Thank you Xena, for letting me join you to help out." "What an adventure!" …. Xena smiles and hugs Aurora, ..."Ya welcome Aurora...You were a big help!"... "Happy Birthday Aurora!"...

Aurora turns shyly to Ares, gives him a big hug, and kisses Ares. "Thank you Ares for bringing back our families. I am glad you are okay now." …she smiles shyly. Ares hugs Aurora and whispers in her ear, .."Thank you, saved my butt!.... Next time, I'll return the favor."...he sneers at Xena, ..."without a third party....err.... three's a crowd.".... he winks at Aurora. "Happy Birthday Aurora!"

Aurora smiles at Xena and Ares, turns and joins her friends and family to celebrate her special day!


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