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Heart's Conquest

By: Something Royal

A strong woman, a strong heart and mind,
He had never seen anyone of the same kind
Raven tresses caught flight on the breeze
There he knew it was her heart he must seize
Crashing waves on cliffs did break
In his being he felt an ache
No wounds or scars caused his pain
He breathed in the sight and felt it again
Attempting to speak he froze there in place
His voice muted in the realm of her grace
She would be his chosen, a princess, his love

In that moment he knew she felt the same way
Something about her lips, she need not say
Again he tried to speak out her name
"Xe-" his breath caught short, due to a game
One of his own making and ordered to be
Another grand battle had started, you see
He breathed her in again before she turned
In the distance, fields cried and burned
He wanted to tell her his heart's need
Her beauty and strength had planted the seed
Off she walked, down that great hill

Then she stopped and turned around
All went blurred, and so did the sound
She raised her hand to her waiting lips
Then gently blew a kiss from the tips
The kind wind ran over his handsome face
There was the pain- again, making its case
He then looked thoughtfully at the sky above
Has war been conquered by this love?

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