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You And You Alone

By: Summer

Xena, if you think that I don't care, that I'm satified
If you believe that to me everythings alright
Then you don't know day from night
-You don't see the tears I cry.

Can't you see that around you, I feel the fire
I can't and won't deny my desire
Not anymore
I can't take this anymore
I want you and you alone
Why can't you understand!!!!

There was a time when where I was was going was not certain
These games I play multiply the hurtin'
Emotions gone
Didn't know the difference between right and wrong
Kept all feelings inside
And pretended to be strong

Then you came along
Changed my life
I felt secure through the times
When my hopes were gone.

In return I helped you
changed your life
cared for you through times of pain
And tried to make sure it would never happen again

At first it was but a friendship
A business partnership which changed to relationship
Perfect and uncorruptable
Lasting for Eternity - forever more
was this wave of feelings
I tasted love and I wanted more.
Your tender touch kept me alive - How do I survive?

I remember that it used to be love at all hours -
I can't remember one good night sleep!
It's difficult to believe that not long ago
All you wanted was me!

Then out of the blue
you were tired and bored
After everything we created
You wanted more too
What it was
I never knew.

Why the sudden change of heart?
Didn't I cherish you right?
Why did you leave, tear me apart?
I wonder this throughout the sleepless nights.

I asked you
I begged you
I warned you
I pleaded you
But you didn't listen
You thought you shouldn't have to

If you had have listened to me
Imagine what you wouldn't have faced
betrayal, injury, heartbreak, who knows what else?
I couldn't help you -you'd disappeared without a trace
You didn't then but please listen to me

I found you again - to my delight
After so many years, you were in my sight.
I would have you back
Whether you were white or black.

I started to get desperate
When you drifted further, not near
So I thought up some radical ideas
It didn't go well and now we are completely seperate

All I wanted was you and you alone
But you don't want me anymore
Now I know that our fate has been sewn
And mine's not with you for evermore

I asked you over and over again
You said "NO!! Get over it and leave me alone!
Let me be - War is not for me!"
I don't care about war anymore - love is higher in my mind

You know what you did after that?
I gave you my heart -
Again you tore me apart!
You're a demon in disguise

Now I sit here
Wondering what to do
After my heart invaded my brain
And I sacrificed all I had for you.

I see you come to my side
To say goodbye
Never again will I you -
Never again....

After a talk, a long look into your face,
A long kiss and a warm embrace
You leave my sight for ever -
I can't have you and you alone.

Without your love I was a shell with no soul
Without you altogether I am barely half a man
Except my life, I've lost my whole
Maybe someday you will understand
That all I ever wanted was you and you alone.

You've long since gone
And I've stared at where you used to stand.
For you I long
My love lies in your hand

But now I must stand
Hold my head high
Plunge into unknown land
And build my life once more

I'll never love that way again
Until the day I have you in arms
Regardless of the obstacles, the danger and the rain
With me, you'll be out of harm.
All I ever wanted will be mine
You're in my blood, I'm in yours
We can't be separated -

All I wanted was you and you alone.......

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