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I Do Love You

By: Tamar

The characters all belong to Renessance Pictures. No infringment was intended.

Summery: First of all in this story the whole 25-year jump never happened and Gabby never cut her hair. The Gods want to kill Eve as usual but the God of War wants to prove his love and has to decide what to do, since Xena refuses to believe him.

“I love you.”

“That’s a lie!”

“I’m sorry I ever hurt you”

“You’re going to have to do better than that.”

“Like what?”

“How about dying?”

“No can do. I’m a god.”

“Then go away.”

“I’ll always love you.”

Xena awoke with a startle. Carefully she stood up as to not wake her companions. Xena walked to the lake nearby and washed her face. She saw a clear reflection of someone behind her.

“Mommy what are you doing?”

“Nothing Eve. I just had a bad dream. Go back to sleep okay?”

Four-year old Eve nodded as she yawned back to bed.

“Bad dream? What you mean bad dream?” Ares said appearing next to her. “I had Morpheus send that one.”

“No wonder it was such a nightmare. Ares bug me in the morning, I’m going back to bed.”

“Why shouldn’t I stick around?”

“Just go away.”

“Common Xena. I mean I only have a few years of life left with that kid of yours around.”

“And am I great full for that!”

“Who knows? Maybe the gods will kill her.”

“Let them try.”

“How much longer are you going to risk your best friend and daughter? Hmm?”

“Non of your business.”

“Your so stubborn.”

“And I’m proud of it!”

“Well. Is that so? Well how proud will you be to be the mother of a dead child?”

Xena froze at the word dead then turned back to reality. Ares could see he half got through to her. He sat next to Xena who paid no attention to him.

“I can’t wait till Eve can kill gods.”

“What about until then? Xena I just need your word.”

“All right you have my word. My word that I will never accept.” Ares was getting really mad now. He grabbed Xena’s two arms and turned her to him. She tried to break free but couldn’t.

“Let go of me! Now!”

“Will you listen to me? Xena I’m sorry for the past and I…” Ares thought of how to express his feelings. “I… I love you.”

Xena stood there frozen at the thought of what she heard.

“Liar! You will never love! This is just another trick!”

“Xena its not.”

“How do you expect me to believe you after all you’ve done to me? Now let me go!”

Ares stared, as his grips loosened a bit from sadness. Xena saw her chance and released one arm. She punched Ares and released the other one. Xena stormed back to camp.

“Love! Ya right!” she mumbled.

The next morning Xena was calm again as long as Ares stayed out her mind. She stood yawning and folding her sleeping bag. Eve sat rubbing her eyes.

“Hi mommy.”

“Hello Eve. Why don’t you wake Gabrielle and we’ll go visit grandma for the day.”


Xena smiled as her daughter as she walked towards Gabrielle and shook her.

“Come on Xena! A little more sleep.” Gabrielle complained not even opening her eyes.

Eve giggled a bit as Gabrielle finally realized this wasn’t Xena. She kept her eyes closed as Eve shook her.

“All right! I’m awake!”

“Common Gabrielle. We’re going to Amphipolis.” Xena smiled.

“Xena did I ever tell you, you need to learn to sleep in?”

“No, but I don’t think I’ll take the advice. Eve sweaty, pack up your stuff and I’ll go get something to eat.”

Xena marched into the bushes with her sword out.

“Auntie Gabrielle! I found a spider. Wanna hold him?”

“Ew! You and Xena have too much in common. Just let it go.”

“Can’t I keep him?”

“Um… let the spider go his mommy.”


Xena walked to a small clearing in the forest. She heard a rustle from a bush and went to hide. The bunny ran out of the bushes in the clearing. Xena took out her chakram and threw it and hit the rabbit.

“This will make a nice breakfast.” She said to herself catching the chakram.

“Sure will.” Ares appeared in front of her face.

Xena was angry to see him but kept her cool.

“Go away.”

“Xena why can’t you just accept the truth? I do love you.”

“Because your a war loving bastard! Not mortal loving!”

“I’m trying to change.”


“Hey I said I’m trying.”

“Why am I even wasting time with you?”

“Xena! Fine! Be that way! I said I’m sorry! I am trying to change!"

“Xena!” Gabrielle’s voice echoed through the woods.


Xena ran back to see her friend and daughter surrounded by Artemis, Athena, Hades, Poseidon (from the lake) and Discord.

“Gabrielle, you’re my Amazon Queen. Get out of the ways.”

“No! I’m sorry Artemis. You may be my goddess, but Xena is my best friend. Eve is like a daughter to me!”

Xena ran towards her friend.

“Its about time.”


Xena raised her sword in front of them.

“Ha!” Athena laughed. “A lot of good that will do! Your going to loose this one! Face it. Just hand over the child. You don’t need to die and neither does the bard.”

“But you do.” Xena smiled.

“Ares thought you a lot. To bad stubbornness is one of them.” All the gods and goddesses threw bolts at them together. Xena tried to block them but they just kept throwing them. Then something caught Xena’s eye. Hades wasn’t there. She swung around to see Hades aiming a bolt for Eve from behind. Xena’s eyes widened as she felt pain from other bolts attacking her. She got thrown on Hades and they got thrown on a tree.



Suddenly they disappeared in a flash of pink and appeared in temple.

“Gabrielle, are you all right?”

“Yah thanks Aphrodite.

“Double that.” Xena smiled.

“No prob! Oh! Eve is getting to be so cute! To bad we have to… Ow! Why did you elbow me?”

“You know, that is my way of saying thank you.” Xena smiled. “Eve, stay here with Auntie Gabrielle. I’m going to have with Aphrodite.”

“Bye Auntie Gabrielle!” Aphrodite giggled as Xena pulled her.

She pulled her into the dinner room of the temple.

“What kind of a thank you was that?”

“I’m sorry but I don’t want Eve to know she’s the cause of all this.”

“I won’t say a word! Ah! Is that a wrinkle?” Aphrodite said staring into a mirror. “This Eve thing is working faster than I thought!”

“No it’s just misplaced blush.”

“Oh. Well that’s different. Why don’t you guys stay here tonight?”

“Thank you.”

That night Xena wanted to sleep with Eve but Gabrielle insisted she get her mind of things. Xena wrapped herself in the warm blankets and closed her eyes but felt a familiar presence.


“Nice to see you made it.”

“A lot you care. You just distracted me so the gods would have a chance.” She said sitting up.

“ I didn’t know about it, really.”

“Sure you didn’t. If you even cared at all you would have helped.”

“I didn’t know. I was so mad at you for not believing me that I didn’t pay attention. By the time I saw you, you were disappearing.”

“Just shut up and let me go to sleep. I’m not in the mood to deal with you.”

He walked towards his warrior princess.

“Oh Xena. I wish you would just forget it.”

“And I wish you would shut up. You’re up to something. Now go away.”

“That’s it! I can’t take this anymore! 3 visits and you can’t even accept the truth!”

He disappeared leaving Xena deep in thought. He had visited her three times claiming he loved her and hadn’t even mentioned her joining him. Was he telling the truth? She took the thought out of her head. This was the God of War! She lied back down and drifted off.

Ares walked trough the Halls of War. He mumbled a few things then slid down on his thrown. He sighed and put his head in his hand.

“Oh bro. What’s the matter know? You’ve been like this for two days. All unhappy and mad. I can’t take it.”

“Shut up Artemis!”

“Common. You aren’t doing your job right and technically its not going to well.

Without war Aphrodite’s love is just out of balance. You weren’t even …”

“What’s so bad about love? You say it like its bad thing.” Aphrodite showed up.

“I’m saying we need balance. My amazons are even looking for a guy.”

Ares giggled a bit but stopped after noticing Artemis wasn’t pleased.

“Anyways. Like I said you weren’t even helping us kill Eve.”

“I don’t really know what’s going on. One part is saying killing Eve is right.”

“And the other part.” Artemis demanded.

“Common sis. You know why that part won’t kill Eve.”

“Oh! Xena, Xena, Xena! That’s all we here from you!”

“She is your amazon.” Aphrodite budded in.

“She is but she refuses to be one. After beating Queen Melosa she is destine to be the queen. It doesn’t really matter. Like all my creations she turned out to be pretty good. Except for the Eve part. ”

“Hold it right there! If she’s anyone’s creation she’s mine.”

“Get real. I mean your creations are warlords! Bloodthirsty warlords. And she…”

“And she used to be one and will be one again someday. She was my best warlord.”

“Whatever you say. Gotta meet Athena for the next plan. You coming or not.”

“Alright. I’ll be there in five.”

“See you there.”

Artemis disappeared leaving Ares with Aphrodite.

“You know, if wanna show her care, you shouldn’t be trying to kill her daughter.”

“Care? Who said anything about care? I just want her leading my army.”

“Well your not very good at hiding your love.”

“You’re right. What do you think I should do?”

“Well start by showing her you care. Telling her isn’t enough.”

“How do you know I told her that?”

“I’m the goddess of love. I better know. Your needed on Olympic. Go and think about what I told you.”

Ares nodded and disappeared.

“We need to kill Eve and fast!” Athena demanded. “Ares. We didn’t think we would be seeing you here today. Well sit down, we just started. As I was saying. We need a need a new tactic. Xena is always protecting her daughter and know she’s disappeared. I’m not sure which god or goddess took her but whoever did it better have a good reason. Ares, where were you when we were attacking them.”

“I was talking to Xena about my army and the whole leading my army thing.” He lied. “As usual she wouldn’t accept. Then she heard the irritating blond and ran to her.”

“That’s it! We just need a distraction.” Athena said happily. “Ares that’s your job.”


“Ares all you need to do is talk to her.” Hades said.

“I know.”

“Then you’ll do. Artemis, keep an eye on your amazon queens. Hades, me, Poseidon and Discord will attack them. After Artemis is done her job she can join us but Ares, you have to keep Xena distracted.” Athena ordered. Ares sighed and nodded.

“Thank you Aphrodite, but we have to go.” Xena said.

“Bye Auntie Aphrodite.”

“Bye Eve.”

“Thank you.” Gabrielle said hugging the goddess. “Auntie Aphrodite!”

“Not funny Gabby. Take care of your selves.”

Soon they were in the middle of the forest surroundings.

“Ares why are you standing in the middle of the forest. She’s way over there.” Artemis demanded.

“Trust me. Now disappear before she finds out your plan.” No sooner had the gods and goddesses disappeared Xena picked up that strange feeling she had when Ares was around.

“Gabrielle watch Eve.”

She entered the clearing to where Ares was standing.

“What do you want know?”

Ares stood there not answering. He only thought of what Aphrodite had told him.

“Ares! What do you want?”

Ares was sure the gods weren’t watching him and answered.

“Xena go back.”

“To the way I used to be? No.”

“I meant back to camp. The gods send me to distract you while they go for Eve. I’m sorry. Now go.”

Xena stared at him then turned back running towards camp. When she got there she saw one of Athena’s bolts hit Gabrielle and knock her out of Eve’s way.


“Mommy! Why do they keep attacking us?”

Xena ran to her daughter’s side and put Eve behind her. She looked at Gabrielle who was barley moving. She was outnumbered and there was no way she could win. There had to be some way. Then a red light circled Xena. For a moment her eyes turned red but then became the way were before. Xena picked up her chakram and threw it.

The gods laughed until it hit Discord and cut through her head. They stared at Xena knowing she could kill gods.

“How did…?” Hades asked in shock.

“Discord? Get them!” Athena commanded.

Xena caught the chakram and threw it again. She turned to check on Eve but saw Ares holding her hand. Her eyes widened at seeing a god hold her daughter. He disappeared taking Eve and Gabrielle with him. All the gods didn’t notice because they were too busy ducking the chakram. Xena caught it and head towards the Greek gods. They saw Eve wasn’t there and decided it wasn’t worth risking their heads and disappeared taking Discord’s body with them. Xena stared were the God of War had stood then were the other gods had stood.


Xena appeared in Ares’ temple to see Gabrielle lying down in a bed and Eve next to her.

“Mommy why won’t Auntie Gabrielle wake up?”

“Oh you should let her sleep. Stay here with her. I’m going to get something to eat.”


Xena walked towards a curtain and pulled it aside.


Ares appeared in front of her. Xena stared at him unsure what to say.

“Why did you save Eve?”

“You know the reason. Besides you kept too much focus on them.”

“And that’s a bad thing?”

“Well if you want to get killed its perfectly fine.”

They both smiled a bit.

“What will you tell the gods?”

“I don’t care. I’ve dealt with them before.”

“I’m sorry for the way I acted before.”

Ares stared at her crystal blue eyes. To him they were the most amazing and beautiful things about her.

“How else could you have acted?”

“A bit nicer.”

“That’s how I was expecting you to act without considering what I had done to you.”

“Thank you.”

“Well, now I guess I have to be more careful around you.”


“You can kill gods.”

Xena hadn’t even remembered this new power since she got here. How could it be? Ares put her hand on Xena’s cheek and caressed it. Xena liked it for a moment but then moved her cheek away. She didn’t want to place full trust in him yet.

“Got to go. Athena is calling. Here, you’re going to need to show Eve something.” He said handing her a bowl of fruit and disappearing.

Xena stared at the fruit and turned back to Eve.

“Ares!” Athena shouted until he appeared in front of her. “How did Xena know about this? You were suppost to distract her!”

“Like I know how Xena does anything anymore. She just does it.”

“You trained her.” Hades protested. “And now she can kill gods. Athena, is Eve really the one in the prophecy?”

“Yes. I’m guessing we have to kill Eve for Xena to lose that power.”

“We should launch an attack with our armies.” Poseidon suggested.

“Yes.” Athena agreed. “While Xena is fighting the Army we will attack the child. Poseidon prepare your pirates. Hades get your Harpies out of the underworld. Artemis make sure the amazons are ready.”

“But Athena, Gabrielle is an Amazon Queen.”

“And you’re their goddess.”

“Yes but they won’t fight their queen or another Amazon no matter were the order is from. They would rather die.”

“Well we’ll find a way. Ares and I will get our strongest armies. We will attack at sunrise. I’m not sure were they are so Artemis, you will have to track down those two amazons. When the armies are attacking them we’ll appear from behind. They can’t take both of us on at the same time.”

Ares thought for a moment. He didn’t want to be part of this. He just got through to his love and attacking her would destroy that. He had to think of what to do.

“Is everything clear?” Athena asked.

Everyone nodded.

“Good. Artemis, have a word with your amazons.”

Ares disappeared back to the Halls of War.

He went to check up on Xena and make sure Gabrielle was okay. He found out Gabrielle was fine and Eve had fallen asleep.

“What did the gods say?”

“Nothing much. Like I said, I’ve dealt with them before.”

Ares stared at her with longing. He wanted to help her with the gods but how. He couldn’t back out on his family. If they knew he was backing out they’d take extra measures. He sighed and went to his thrown. Xena wanted to follow him but if the gods showed up for any reason no one could protect Eve.

Ares sat in his thrown.

“Oh bro. You saved her. Good start but you can’t stop there.” Aphrodite smiled.

“Yah I know. I don’t know how to help her anymore.”

“I take it Athena has a new plan.”

“Yah. We attack them, us and our armies, at sunrise.”

“Sounds rough. You gonna participate?”

“I told them I would but I don’t want to.”

“So what are you going to do?”

“Like I said before, I don’t know. If I attack her I’ll lose her forever.”

“You got that right.”

“And if I don’t do anything the gods will win anyways.”

“So help her.”

“How? I’ll lose my life if Eve lives.”

“And you’ll lose your love life if Eve dies. Anyways it’s up to you.”

Ares nodded in agreement. Aphrodite could offer advice but it was up to him.

Artemis was preparing her speech with the amazons when Athena appeared.

“Artemis you’re going to wear a hole in the floor. Just talk to them.”

Artemis nodded and re-appeared where Queen Marga and the amazons were paying tribute to her. When they saw their goddess they all bowed to her.

“Rise Marga. Amazons, leave while I have a word with your queen.”

They bowed and respected their goddess’s orders.

“Marga, I need yours and the Amazon’s help.”

“What do you need our help with?”

“Well you know about the prophecy of Eve.”

“Yes, the daughter of Xena.”

“We need to destroy Eve so the gods and goddesses are gathering their army and are preparing to attack at sunrise.”

“But we can’t attack out Queen, and destine queen.”

“You do not need to hurt them but distract them.”

“I wish we could help but we can’t. Its against the Amazon traditions.”

“I understand.”

“I really am sorry.” Marga bowed again.

“Marga rise. I told you I understand.”

“Well I don’t.” Athena said behind them.

“Athena, they can’t. I already told you they can’t before.”

“Well then I’ll make them.”

A bright golden light formed in Athena’s hands. She shot them at Marga but she ducked.

“Athena no!” Artemis begged.

“I’ll do what it takes to destroy that child.”

She shot Marga again but missed. Artemis went to Marga’s side.

“Artemis leave her. It won’t hurt her. Just make her switch sides for a while. Besides, they’re our strongest force since Gabrielle and Xena won’t attack them.”

Artemis stared at Athena then said. “No. The amazons are like my children. I won’t let you control them. We have plenty of armies as it is.”

“We need more.”

“I’ll assemble something else. Leave the amazons alone.”

“Oh all right.” Athena agreed disappearing.

“Thank you goddess.” Marga said gratefully.

“Take care of your selves. As much as I want to kill Eve Athena is more desperate than all of the other gods and goddesses. She’ll stop at nothing to get you guys in her plan.”

With that Artemis disappeared.

Ares stepped back to where Xena was. He had finally made up his mind.

“Ares. Gabrielle is doing great. I think we’ll be able to leave by night.”



“Xena I know I didn’t tell you, but when I went to see the gods Athena was all ready preparing a plan. Tomorrow at sunrise they’ll attack you with their armies.”

Xena stared at him for a moment then broke the silence.

“I can’t stay here forever.”

“Xena you’ll be up against Athena’s army, Poseidon’s pirates, Hades’ Harpies and Artemis’s Amazons. Well actually the Amazons are a maybe because Artemis doubts they’ll join her on this one. But it’s still to many warriors not to mention the gods and goddesses themselves.”

“And your warriors?”

“I’m not joining the battle. They think I am but I’m not.”

“What are you going to do?”

“Well the gods are not going to be leading their armies so I can order my army to go after the harpies. After that they’ll join the battle but kill of the warriors rather than help them. The gods won’t notice, they’ll be too busy.”

“Ares, if the amazons join the battle don’t have them killed.”

Ares nodded staring in her eyes for some sort of signal. Xena looked at Ares then gave him a small kiss.

“What was that for?”

“A thank you.”

“Didn’t you thank people by elbowing them.”

“You were watching me?”


“Then you should know why I elbowed Aphrodite.”

“Xena I think it would be so much safer if you stayed her.”

“I don’t play safe.”

“Xena I’m not kidding.”

“Neither am I. If I stay here now I’ll have to stay here forever. I can’t live like that kind of life. You know that.”

Ares knew she was right so he didn’t protest.

“You’re right. I know you’re a capable fighter but I can’t help worrying. I care about you whether you believe me or not.”

Xena nodded.

“Mommy, why does Auntie Gabrielle sleep so much?” Eve said waking up.

Ares broke into laughter. After hearing that and Xena couldn’t help but let a giggle out.

“I can see why Aphrodite like her. She is kind of cute. Did I say cute?”

Xena nodded finishing off her giggle.

“What’s so funny?” Eve demanded.

“Nothing Eve. Go back to sleep.” Xena answered seeing her daughter was still tired.

Eve nodded and closed her eyes. Ares and Xena walked towards a small sitting area. Ares lifted her chin and brought down his head. Xena didn’t stop him because she finally trusted the god of war. Their kiss grew more passionate by the second. Ares circled her waste bring her closer to him as Xena wrapped arms around his neck. Ares raised his head and separated the kiss.

“What is it?” Xena asked.

“Gods! Why do they always want to talk at the worst times?”

He disappeared leaving Xena alone with two sleeping companions. She touched her mouth unsure weather she had done the right thing.

“What now Athena?”

“Ares where have you been? I’ve been watching your army and there have been no commands.”

Ares thought of an excuse. “Well if you must know I prefer making battle tactics.”

“What tactics do you need? Just let your army attack them!” “Oh you’re sure barking up the wrong tree. You have now idea what your up against.”

“I’m up against two mortals and a little brat.”

“One god killing mortal.”

“True. But what chance do they have?”

“I trained Xena. If I know her she has a plan.”

“She doesn’t even know ours.”

“Boy are you in for a surprise. Is this what you called me for?”

“Yes. Now go get your army ready.”

“I’ll do that when I please.”

“Just be ready for tomorrow.”

“I am tired of being bossed around by you. I’m Ares, God of War, and I won’t be bossed around by you anymore. I’ll get ready as I please, when I please and show up when I feel like it! Now stop calling me!”

“You may be the God of War Ares, but I’m the Goddess of War, Learning and Wisdom.”

“Good for you. Know learn to be more respective of people’s ways.”

“You mean your ways.”


“Ares. Calm down. I didn’t see you taking command when you had the chance. And besides, you like Xena. Who said you would even try to attack her.”

“That’s it! Don’t talk or call me until tomorrow. Got that?”

He disappeared back to his love. He saw Xena sleeping on one of his couches. She was beautiful even when sleeping. Ares made a bed appear next to Gabrielle and used his powers to transfer her there. Slowly Ares walked towards her and raised the covers. Gabrielle’s eyes twitched a little. She opened them unsure where she was. She sat up and saw Eve sleeping beside her. The second she saw Ares she reached for her sais which were on the night table next to her.

“Oh please. If I wanted to kill you or Eve I would have done it before. Way, before.”

“Where are we?”

“The Halls of War. I brought you all here in the middle of your little fight.”

Gabrielle stared at Xena with a worried expression.

“She’s all right. Just sleeping.”

Gabrielle nodded and lied back down. She only fell asleep after Ares left.

Finally Ares decided to give the commands to his army. Xena awoke about an hour after Ares left. She sat up and made sure Eve and Gabrielle were all right. Xena popped one of the fruits in her mouth and walked around. She left the room and wondered the halls. They were decorated with armour. She kept walking straight at an intersection. Xena came across a double door and opened it. There in the middle of the room were cocoon shells. She figured Ares never bothered cleaning Hope’s shell. She circled it for a moment feeling so much hatred. Everything was clear. From the moment she entered the room, to the moment Gabrielle stopped her from killing Hope, to the moment Callisto and Hope disappeared.

She walked out of the room with a few tears in her eyes. Hope was the reason she lost Solan. Xena kept the tears back until she no longer felt them. She started walking back to Eve and Gabrielle, when Ares appeared in front of her.

“I’m guessing you didn’t enjoy the grand tour.”

“I only went to one room, Ares. To which I’ve been before. I see you never cleaned those shells.”

“Don’t get me wrong, I tried. But my servants never could. They kept saying something pushed them back every time they touched the shells. And I’m no cleaner. Oh by the way, the irr- Gabrielle woke up while you were sleeping.”

“So she’s fine?”

“Yup. She really does sleep a lot.”


“It’s the truth. Wish I could get you to sleep sometimes.”

“Like when?”

“When you worked with me. All you did was train. You were my chosen so I had to watch you. I got tired just staring at you.”

Xena giggled a bit as she entered the room.

“I never asked you to watch me all the time.”

“I’m not complaining. I enjoyed watching you.”

Xena sat on her bed as Ares joined her. She stared into his brown eyes and saw something she had never seen before. Caring. She could tell he was trying to change but he would always be the God of War. It was his job.

“I get the feeling the bard isn’t going to like me a lot more.”

“No. I doubt she’ll feel all that different.”

“Xena, I am sorry for the past.”

“I don’t know. My mind keeps telling me I shouldn’t be trusting you.”

“Then why are you?”

“Just call it instincts. Me, Gabrielle and Eve should be going soon.”

“Ares!” Aphrodite shouted.


“Its Athena! She’s on to you.”


“The meeting, Ares. You didn’t show up. And since that fight with her she’s catching on.”

“Oops. That was today? How much does she know?”

“Not much, but… If she catches you with them…Oh Ares!”

“Can’t I get some sleep around here?” Gabrielle shouted as she opened her eyes.

“Oh sorry Gabrielle. While your awake, you might as well get up. Were leaving.”

Xena explained.

“Ohhh! This bed is so comfortable.”

They saw Eve’s eye twitching as she opened it.

“Oh! She’s so cute!” Aphrodite exclaimed hugging Eve.

“All right. All right. Ares transport us back in the woods.”

“Xena! You can’t go out there. Didn’t my brother tell you their plan?”

Aphrodite said worried.

“I did! You try explaining to her why she shouldn’t leave.”

Gabrielle let out a giggle and sat.

“Hey Gabrielle. You feeling better?” Aphrodite asked.

“Yah. You know Xena, staying another night wouldn’t be so bad.”

“Gabrielle! Forget the beds would you? Ares just transport us.”

“Good luck tomorrow guys.” Aphrodite said worried and disappeared.

With a thought they were outside in the woods. Ares also had the sleeping bags open and made Gabrielle and Eve land in them.

“Huh? Thanks!” Gabrielle said closing her eyes.

“Auntie Gabrielle! You sleep too much!”

“Common Eve. Please.”

Eve kept shoving Gabrielle as Ares stared at Xena.

“You better survive through tomorrow.” He said placing a small, but passionate kiss on her lips.

As Xena nodded he disappeared.

“Eve! Let me sleep!”

The next morning Xena woke up first as usual and prepared everything for battle. She made a few traps and made a small torch with fire on it.

“Gabrielle, Eve… Wake up.”

“It still dark.” Gabrielle complained.

“They attack at sunrise.”

“Xena, how do you plan to beat the gods?” Gabrielle asked.

“I know I didn’t tell you but when you were gone, somehow I got the gift to kill gods.”

“You mean it wasn’t Eve that kills gods.”

“I’m guessing she supplies the power for me to kill gods.”

Xena explained the god’s plans and how Ares was going to help them. Half an hour later Ares appeared in front of them.

“Everything is going as planned. The harpies are fighting my army. The amazons refused and aren’t in the battle.”

“Thank goodness.” Gabrielle sighed.

“You may find this strange but…Artemis is having an army of wild animals, like wolves, bears and foxes, attack instead of the amazons.”

“What? You’re kidding right?” Xena protested.

“I’m afraid not.”

“What’s that?” Gabrielle asked pointing to a black trunk behind Ares.

“Oh that? Just a few weapons.”

Ares opened it. There were shield, swords, sais, bows and arrows.

“Here’s something I think you’re familiar with.” He said to Gabrielle. “Catch!”

Gabrielle caught a staff that looked quite familiar.

“Ephiny’s staff! Where’d you get it?”

“Artemis’s temple.”

“How does she have it?”

“You threw it in the lake. Lakes are a part of her and that’s an amazon staff.”

“And you went as far as to steal it from her.”

“Well, sort of.”

“Thank you.”

“You guys should be getting ready for battle. They’re on their way.”

With that he disappeared. No sooner had he left many armies appeared on the hill, including his. Athena’s and Ares’ warriors warriors were in the middle. Poseidon’s pirates appeared from the left and a bunch of animals emerged from the trees.

“Now what Xena?” Athena smiled from behind them. “You’re surrounded. We know Ares and Aphrodite had something to do with you disappearing last time, so we know where to find you. They’ll be punished, but first things first. And Ares thought we were barking up the wrong tree.”

“He didn’t think, he knew.” Xena smiled.

“Common Xena, this is your last chance. It all ends here. Give us Eve.” Artemis said. “I don’t want to be part of my amazons’ death.”

“Then what are you doing here.” Xena said finally turning around.

“Artemis, if Xena is an amazon then so is Eve. Even if we do live, you will always be the reason for an amazon’s death. Unless you stop this now.”

“I’m sorry Gabrielle. I wish I could, but Eve has to die.” “Wait a minute? Where are my harpies?” Hades shouted.

“Oh them. Lets just say they’ve been misguided.” Xena smiled. “I can see your not about to change your mind. Attack!” Athena commanded.

All the armies slid down the hill.

“Gabrielle, take care of the armies, I’ll handle the gods.”

All the gods joined hands and shot a bolt to Xena. She flipped and landed in front of Athena and gave her a punch to remember. Blood came from her mouth as their bolt hit some of her warriors. Athena took out her sword and got ready for a good battle. Artemis prepared a few arrows as Hades made a fireball appear in his hands. Poseidon made a title wave appear and threw it on them. The gods stood their ground but Xena was dragged and hit a tree.

“I’ll give you credit for trying Xena, but it really does end here.” Hades smiled.

“It ain’t over.”

Xena dodged two of Artemis’ arrows and flipped onto a tree. They kept bolting her as she flipped her way to the lake. Poseidon made another title wave appear behind. Hades threw another thunderbolt.

“Hades no!” Athena shouted.

Hades had already released the bolt and it went flying towards Xena the same time the title wave did. Xena flipped out of the way and grabbed a branch. She swung and flipped onto another tree. The bolt hit the wave and conducted its way up to Poseidon.

“Nooooooooo!” His voice could be heard.

As Poseidon died, he disappeared in splash of water.

“One down and three to go.” She smiled.

Xena stared at Gabrielle who was doing pretty good. Some of the pirates backed out seeing their god die, but others stayed to honour his name.

As Gabrielle stuck her sais in warrior’s heart she kicked another far away. The Athenian warriors were busy taking on Ares’ warlords. It was a fierce battle. A pirate had just sliced a bit of Gabrielle’s skin but she was able to block his next attack. Gabrielle kept on fighting as she asked.

“Eve, are you all right back there?”

“Uh-huh.” She answered ducking deep in the rock fort Xena had made her.

Xena was busy flipping tree-to-tree dodging all their attacks. When she landed on particular tree, Xena quickly sliced a vine releasing a huge, spiked, tree trunk that head straight for Artemis. She flipped and landed on it. The trunk headed back up to the tree Xena was on. Xena flipped her way on the trunk. She took her chakram and threw it to Artemis. Artemis ducked and threw a bolt at Xena. The chakram made its way to another tree breaking a vine that released another trunk. Artemis didn’t notice since she was busy dodging and attacking Xena. Xena flipped on to the other trunk and caught her chakram. Artemis turned around to see the trunk coming to her face. She was forced back and was crushed beneath the trunk and tree. Her body slid down to Hades and Athena who caught her. They put her on the floor where her body vanished leaving a few leaves and flowers in its place.

“Xena! This is it! I’ve had enough of you!” Hades shouted floating his way to the trunk.

Athena joined him ready for vengeance.

The animals in the battlefield were unhypnotized when Artemis died and ran in to the woods. Gabrielle easily finished of the last of the pirates and went to join Ares’ army against the Athenians. She was cut twice on her left arm, once on her right arm and left leg, and four times on her right leg. Her face was really bruised. Her next victim was strong. Gabrielle dodged her attack twice and blocked her sword with her sais. The warrior had knocked away one of Gabrielle’s sais. They fought for a while the same way until both their sword and sais were leaned against each other. With a lot of force they both knocked each other’s weapon out of the way. Gabrielle picked up her staff, which was leaned against a tree. The warrior was weak without her weapon and Gabrielle was easily able to take her out. Her vision was going as she tried to walk to her next victim. Ares appeared in front of her and blocked her way.

“What are you doing? Get out of the way!”

“Your weaker than a bug! You can’t take on another victim!”

“What do you care?”

“Hey, if you die it’ll crush Xena. I’m taking you back to the Halls of War.”

“No. What about Eve?”

“Eve will be fine. My army will take on the Athenians and Xena is doing fine with the gods.”

“Take Eve with us.”

“I can’t. It ends here. If Eve leaves so will the gods. It all ends somewhere.”


“Sorry Gabby. You’re coming with me.”

Ares touched Gabrielle’s forehead. She fainted into his arms as he disappeared.

Xena was also getting weak with each dodge and attack. She finally jumped down and was joined by the two gods. She threw her chakram, which cut another vine causing a bow to release three arrows. One went in Hades’ arm and another cut Athena’s leg. She quickly healed it and went on with the battle. The third arrow went straight and cut into another vine. That released another three arrows, which went straight in Hades’ back. Blood poured down his chin as he fell to the ground.

“No!” Athena said running towards him.

Hades body disappeared in a smoke of green.

“The death of four gods. You finally feel the pain of loosing someone. This is the pain you cause people. Stop this now!”

“No. Eve must die. I will avenge them.”

“So be it.”

Xena picked up her sword and ran towards. She lifted it ready to strike. Athena put her hand up and created a force field that send Xena flying back and hitting a tree. She walked towards her enemy and raised her sword.

“This is for the gods!”

“Sorry sis. Don’t think so.” Ares said blocking her sword.

“Ares, I knew it! Your feelings are blinding you. You’re going to die you fool.”

“You’re the fool. It’s not Eve that will kill you, it’s her. And it’s not something that’ll just happen if you stand there and do nothing. If you leave her alone nothing will happen.”

“You can’t be sure of that. What’ll happen later as Eve grows up?”


“Ares, you are a fool.”

Athena forced fire out of her sword that sent Ares flying back. She walked towards Xena who crawled toward another tree. Athena raised her sword.

“Xena!” Ares shouted still paralysed from the fire.

Xena reached her hand behind the tree and pulled out torch from its handle. She quickly took the wine patch attached to her battle costume and did her fire trick.

“No! Ahhhh!” Athena shouted bursting in red.

Ares finally was able to move again and ran to his princess. Xena tried to stand but was really weak. Ares caught her and felt her fall asleep in his arms. He carried Xena to Eve.


“Don’t worry, she’s fine. Common lets go to Gabrielle.”

They reappeared back at the temple were Gabrielle had woken up.

“Xena! Eve!”

Ares slowly set Xena on the bed and pulled the covers over her.

“Well, they’re all gone. She killed all five gods.” Ares announced.

“She’s just sleeping. Right?”


“Ares, don’t ever make me leave the battle field again.”

“Hey you all made it like I said you would. She might be out for a while.”

“You know I’m not much for sleeping.” Xena smiled.

“You go back to sleep.” Ares ordered.

“Sorry don’t think so. Gabrielle, Eve, you all right?”

“Yah. Though battle for you?” Gabrielle answered.

“I don’t think I’ll have to go through on like that again.” She answered sitting up but Ares pushed her back down. “Hey, I’m not that weak.”

“A minute ago you fell asleep standing up.”

“I’m starved. We didn’t even have breakfast this morning. Common Eve lets get something to eat.” Gabrielle suggested leaving the room.

“You should get some sleep.”

“Is this one of the times you wish you could get me to sleep?”

Ares let out a giggle. “Perhaps, perhaps not.”

They Ares lowered his head until it met with hers. Their lips joined for a passionate kiss. Ares let go after a while.

“Now get some sleep.”

Xena nodded knowing it was best. Soon Gabrielle and Eve came back and slept too. The next day they left the Halls of War knowing there wouldn’t be any more treats from the Gods.

The End

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