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The Wisdom of Ares

-- No matter what people may think, a fight is a fight no matter which side you're on

-- War isn't bad; it's a fact of life

-- Physical punishment is an art form

-- For thousands of years, it has been warriors who've shaped the world

-- The greatest victories are won on the edge of defeat

-- Might is right, even when it's wrong

-- The perfect way to bring order out of chaos is by power and force

-- Life is to be taken and beaten and wrestled and formed in your image. That's where the meaning lies in what you can twist life into. For those who just endure life, it is a very nasty joke but for those who form it with their will, the joke is on those who get in the way.

-- No good deed goes unpunished

-- Pain is just natures way of saying, "Hey, you're alive!"

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