

Prue Halliwell
Piper Halliwell
Phoebe Halliwell
Paige Matthews
Leo Wyatt
Cole Turner
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I think most of the baddies are here, especially those from earlier seasons. I'm very sorry that there are no pictures. I'll try and get some later. =)

Thanks Rachel for the information on Kali, Gavin and Lucas!

A-D    |    E-S    |    T-Z

The complete list of the show's demons/warlock/bad guys:

Abbey (mortal)
Animal men
Ashley Fallon (human form of the wendigo)
Charlene Hughes 
Lucinda Fritz and Marchall 
Dark lighter 
Demon Children 
Dream Sorcerer 
Evil Charmed Ones, The
Elias Lundy 
Emelio Smith
Fear, Demon Of 
Gabrielle Stattlen
Gavin (future warlock)
Guardian of the urn 
Ms. Hellfire (mortal) 
Horsemen Of The Apocalypse 
Illusion, Demon Of
Jade D'Mon
Jane Franklin 
Jeff Carlton 
Jeremy Burns 
Judge William 
Mathew Tate 
Nathaniel Pratt 
Nothing, The
Oracle, The 
Priestess Dantalian
Rex Buckland & Hannah Webster 
Ruth Cobb 
Shape Shifters
Soul Collector, The
Source, The
Tom Peters 
Triad, The 
Warlock boss 
Water demon 
Whitaker (dream sorcerer)

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Abraxas - This is one ugly demon who stole the Book of Shadows. He resurrected foes vanquished by the sisters by reading the spells backward in another plane.

Abbey (mortal) - a crazed stalker who wants to be Prue. 

Animal men - They were created by 3 girls looking for love. Recording a spell recited by Phoebe, they turned 3 animals into hunks. As the former animals decide that they want to remain human, they turn on the girls and start looking for Phoebe to work the magic needed to prevent them from returning to their animal selves. They appeared in Season 2.

Anton - He is a warlock who seduced Phoebe in her past life in an attempt to steal her cousins' (Prue and Piper) powers.

Ashley Fallon (human form of the wendigo) - This lady inspector was the one who scratched Piper and turned her into a Wendigo. She was vanquished by Prue in the end. (See Wendigo)

Andras - The spirit of rage magnifies rage and anger to divide the sisters in Season 3. He was hired by Cole to turn the sisters against one another.

Banshee - These creatures are known to prey on people's misery and kill them with their horrible scream. According to Leo, witches who hear the Banshee scream will be turned into Banshees as well. (This is what Charmed described a Banshee as. According to my dictionary, it is a spirit whose loud cry could be heard when someone is going to die.)

Barbas - He is the human form of the Demon of Fear. (See Fear, Demon of)

Belthazor/Cole - Actually there is no need for me to introduce him... You can find him in my Supporting characters page.

Collectors - They are a warlock breed that drains knowledge out of peoples brains with a finger that looks like a needle. The Collecters wanted the brain of a certain Eric because he knows the location of the Akashic Records. (a lost text that predicts all future events.) 

Cryto - He made a deal with the sisters' aunt: In exchange for the sisters' powers, she gets beauty.

Dark lighter - Opposite to a Whitelighter, a Darklighter's job is to kill Whitelighters with a crossbow and an arrow laced with poison deadly to a Whitelighter. This character appeared a few times in the first 3 seasons. Dark Lighters also seduce innocent women. Their goal is to create evil through reproduction. Their power is in their hands and they have the touch of death. They also force good souls into suicide through telepathic suggestion. They curse them . They bring their victims self doubt, bad luck, the kind that hurts other people.

Darla/Succubus  - Psychically linked to Phoebe, this demoness feeds on men's testosterone, thus giving Phoebe really erotic dreams. When a witch renounces all human emotions and makes a pact with darkness to protect herself from heartbreak, she becomes a Succubus... a sexual predator. She seeks out powerful men who become helpless against her magic, then feeds on their testosterone with her razor-sharp tongue.

Demon Children - They were released by Prue and Phoebe by accident from the magical demon catching Ice Cream truck. Later the sisters sought their father's help to re-capture them.

Dragon - He actually is a warlock who hates witches. He is able to fly and breathe fire, as a dragon will. He appeared in the season finale of season 2.

Drazi - The Demon of Hate. He used Cupid's ring to break all love connections that Cupid had made. This in turn hurts Cupid, eventually killing him. Also if Drazi were successful in killing love, there will no longer be love in the world.

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Eames - He appeared in Season 3 as the warlock who attempted to steal the power of a whitelighter so that he can orb up and kill all the other whitelighters. 

Evil Charmed Ones, The - For every force of good, there is a force of evil to match. Greg, Paul and Brendan Rowe descend from an ancient warlock line intent on furthering the Rowe coven. They are destined to become the most powerful force of evil the world has ever known. This coven was never complete because Brendan had suppressed his evil side until the end.

Fear, Demon Of - The Demon of Fear appears once every thirteen hundred years on Friday the 13th. He feeds on the fears of young witches for his survival. If he can kill thirteen unmarried witches by midnight, he'll be free from the underworld to wreck his terror every single day. He kills by turning a witch's greatest fear against her

Gabrielle Stattlen - He is one of the Lords of the War who must steal the power of a first-born witch to regain his own powers.

Gavin - A three eye demon who killed 2 men and was sent out to kill Tanya, a sandwich lady, for her baby. All his victims' futures were pieces of the puzzle that create the vaccine against all the demons and warlocks like him.

Genie - It was sent by the Infernal Council to grant the sisters a wish each, turning Prue into a powerless 17 year old, Dan into a really old man and giving Phoebe the temporary power of levitation. He was later set free by the Halliwells when they wished for him to be human. 

Grimlocks -  Underground demons who roam city to city killing powerful forces of good by seeing the unique auras that surround them, which they're able to do by stealing the sight of innocent children. The stolen eyesight will only last twenty-four hours but only if the children are alive. 

Guardian - They guard the lives of criminals in exchange for the soul. They appeared in Season 3.

Guardian Of The Urn - Feeds on the greed of its thieves by killing them. The thief must perform a selfless act to throw off the curse

Matthew Tate - Matthew’s gift is to copy the power of a good witch when it’s used against him. He was cursed into a locket by Melinda Warren, the Halliwells' ancestor but was accidentally released by Prue. The sisters' sought Melinda's help to curse him back in.

Ms. Hellfire (mortal) - A hit woman who tried to kill the Charmed Ones.

Jade D'Mon (Hecate) - A demoness who comes to earth every two hundred years. She has to find a innocent, put him under her spell, and marry him in a sanctified wedding.

Javna - Sucks youth from women to retain his own

Jeremy Burns - He came into the sisters lives disguised as Piper's boyfriend in Season 1. He was the very first warlock on the show.

Kali - An evil sorceress cursed into her own dimension. She appears in reflections and has the power to possess innocents and use them as pawns to steal a witch’s power. She was vanquished when Phoebe shattered her image in the mirror.

Kierkan - An alchemist who created a life essence called Terra.

Krell - He is a demon bounty hunter sent by the Source to vanquish Belthazor.

Litvak - A high order demon immune to most powers of witches. He also is telepathic.
Works for the Source.

Lucas -  He appeared in "Sin Francisco" and his weapon is a box filled with orbs of the seven sins. He infects people using these orbs and gains their souls when they die from their infected sin. He dropped into a firey pit at the end of the episode after taunting Prue, who was at that time infected with Pride.

Malcolm - He was trapped in the Virden Castle in a painting. In the 1920s a witch named Nell tricked a powerful warlock into a painting with a hidden spell that only his power of X-Ray vision could see.

Masselin - Innocents are devoured by him. Consumed for their souls. One can’t destroy the demon without first freeing those trapped within him. The demon seeks willing, trusting souls, delivered by the one who sealed the pact the victims are trapped within the demon. The unfortunates one kept alive, their souls tortured for the pleasure he gets from their suffering.

Nicholas -  On March 24, 1975, Patty made a pact to save her children lives, she gave up the Charmed Ones' powers to him. She blessed a ring which gave him immunity from the sisters' powers. 

Nothing, The - The Nothing is a vacuum in the demon catching ice cream truck which is the only thing that is able to vanquish the demon children.

Priestess Dantalian - She teamed up with a warlock to kidnap Prue and turn her evil. This turns the sisters and the Book of Shadows evil, allowing her access to it.

Rex & Hannah - They pose as Prue's bosses for the first few episodes. Then Rex got the ability to astral project and framed Prue for taking a valuable tiara from Bucklands. They wanted the sisters to give up their powers or he will turn Prue in to the police.

Rodriguez - Posing as an Internal Affairs inspector, he used Andy to try to get to the Charmed Ones, but he failed repeatedly. He was the warlock who killed Andy.

Seekers - On the trail of Belthazor, these demons suck on humans' brain stems to get information.

Shax - The Source's hitman, which is sort of bluish in colour (I believe he is a wind demon of some kind). This is the demon who killed Prue. He was seen in the finale for Season 3. 

Soul Collector, The - She ferries souls to hell using a dead body.

Source, The - I believe this is the big boss of evil. The Souce was mentioned many times in Season 3 but seen only in the last episode of season 3 as a large hooded figure with a raspy voice.

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Tempus -  The devil's sorcerer. He can manipulate time anyway he chooses. He helped Rodriguez in a bid to kill the Charmed Ones by turning back time each time Rodriguez failed. He was defeated later by the Charmed Ones when Prue used a time accelerating spell to move time forward, throwing him out of the time he is in.

Terra - This is a life essence created by Kierkan who possesses Piper in season 3. She was vanquished by the sisters with a spell.

Trolls - They attacked a little girl, Kate, because she was protecting a fairy they sought to harm. These ugly little things only appear in "in-betweens", like doorways, and at midnight. Quite scary I'd say.

Triad - They are just one level below the Source, and Belthazor's bosses. They were killed by Belthazor later in the season.

Tuatha - Two hundreds years ago, a good witch turned evil, and started using her craft against innocents. Fortunately she was tricked in a cave and entombed. She cannot be vanquished by any witch. Only the Chosen One (Kyle Gwydien), who was born to use Tuatha's wand against her, can vanquish her.

Vincares/Vince - By magic, Cole led Prue to this warlock who is cursed with the ability to feel the emotions of the people around him.

Water demon - The demon which killed the sisters' mother appeared again in season 2. It was vanquished through electrolysis in the end. It looks sort of like jelly and its featureless. And Piper's power of time stopping does not affect him.

Wendigo - It looks like a normal person during the day but then it transforms at night. It survives on human hearts. The first Wendigo was a mortal who betrayed by his lover, cut out her heart and ate it. As soon as he did, his own heart turned to ice and that’s how he became this monster. It strikes during the three phases of the full moon. The Wendigo is afraid of fire.

Woogyman - He was accidentally released by a repair man in the Halliwells' home basement and tried to take control of the house. Phoebe had come under his control as well.

Zile - He is a shapeshifter who kidnapped Prue for marriage. This turned Prue evil, which also turns her sisters and the BOS evil, allowing the evil Priestess to get her hands on it.

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