
Prue Halliwell
Piper Halliwell
Phoebe Halliwell
Paige Matthews
Leo Wyatt
Cole Turner
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Charmed: The Story So Far

Charmed is a TV drama series from the WB about 3 sister witches. Prue, Piper and Phoebe Halliwell are the Charmed Ones, the most powerful witches in the history of magic with the task to protect the innocent. Each sister initially was gifted with one supernatural power: Prue with telekinesis, Piper with temporal stasis and Phoebe with the power of premonitions. As their powers gradually grow stronger, they receive new powers. Prue is able to astral project in season 2, Phoebe and Piper received the powers to levitate and blow things up (pyrokinesis) respectively in season 3.

It all began when Phoebe, upon returning to the Victorian mansion in which the sisters were brought up in, was lead to the attic and read an incantation from the magical Book Of Shadows, thus awakening the sisters' dormant powers. As they have just received their powers after quite a long break, it's sort of natural that the sisters are rusty at their craft, making it hard for them to handle warlocks and demons intent on stealing their powers and the powerful Book of Shadows.

Balancing their normal and supernatural lives had been tough work. It is not easy to deal with annoying supernatural occurrences and keep their cover as normal mortals. However each sister had managed to carve a niche for herself. Prue is a successful free-lance photographer; Piper owns one of the hottest nightclubs in San Francisco, P3; while Phoebe returns to college.

The love lives for the sisters are more complicated. Falling in love with a Whitelighter is a big no-no, but Piper went ahead and did anyway. After nearly 2 seasons of pursuing this forbidden romance, she managed to tie the knot with her Whitelighter sweetheart, Leo Wyatt, in season 3. Also, things can get rather messy when you fall in love with someone who is supposed to kill you. Phoebe, for one, was often caught in the middle about her relationship with Cole. As for big sister Prue, she did not manage to find much romance since she left Jack. 

Season 3 sees the unwanted departure of the eldest sister, Prue. Prue was killed by the hit man sent by the Source, the Big Boss for the dark side. To take her place is Paige Matthews, half sister to the Halliwells, child of Patty and her Whitelighter, Sam. With a Whitelighter as a father, her powers are somewhat similar to one of that of a Whitelighter. Paige possesses the power to telekinetic orb and the ability to orb in and out of dimensions.

And so the show must go on. Piper, Phoebe and Paige will continue fighting the forces of evil and protecting the innocent. Fighting for the greater good is indeed a deadly occupation, but it's something that the sisters are destined to do.