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Rank Test

Most of you are aware that I am currently in Ukraine. I have been here for 13 months (Sept. 2019) and will return to the states in October around Oct. 2020. It has been a great experience and it appears that I introduced Isshinryu to Ukraine. I am proud of that. I will start posting promotions as they occur.

Seisan Kata

Sasha is very motivated, has a great attitude and is not afraid to follow instruction. It was a pleasure to test and promote Sasha to Go-Kyu, green belt. I look foreword to watching him grow and advance in his knowledge of this martial art.

FSIK HOME PAGE O-Sensei Shimabuku/Hanshi Little/Hanshi Cooling Master Nick Adler/Grand Master Ed McGrath Seminar Photos Hanchi Duessel/GrandMaster Ed McGrath Seminar Photos Master Steve Armstrong Photos Hall of Fame 2001 Photos Photos NJ 2001/Hachi-Dan Promotion New Mexico 2001 Shelton, Washington Seminar Photos Thorton Colorado 2002 Hanshi Angi Uezu