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Drawing Gallery

General Info:

The most important thing I learned while I did my portfolio for AP Studio Art was to draw from OBSERVATION. Your eye can be trained so much from just doing that. This gallery will feature some of the drawings I've done for my portfolio. All drawings here will be from observation, and are not conceptial. My conceptial work is reserved for my manga/anime style instead. I used a variety of media to draw, beside the traditional led pencil. My favorite media to use for drawing would have to be Conte' because it's fast to work with, and is a little bit more stable than dry pastel. My gesture drawings were usually done with Conte', but Conte' is rather expensive in cost. I also worked with dry pastel, and oil pastel which actually can be used in a way that pieces can end up looking like paintings. Hope you guys enjoy these pieces!
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Fine Arts
Teapots 2

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E-mail:Richard Abril
*Disclaimer*: All characters on this page are copyrighted by Richard Abril. All rights reserved. Please notify me before using my artwork. Also, read the disclaimers for further information on copyrights, what you can, and can't do with my work, etc.