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Chain of Command
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the Legio Infernalis Chain of Command:

The Chain of Command of the Legio Infernalis goes from Pilus Primus to Initiates in this order:

Primus Pilus
Equitum Veterani
Equitum/Equitum Praecursi
Veteran Marine
Caligatus Marine

Primus Pilus: The Primus Pilus(PP) is the Head Centurion and the Master of the chapter. He is the greatest warrior in the chapter and he commands the HQ squad. Only a centurion can be promoted to this rank.

Centurion: The Centurion acts as a captain and is in command of a company. He is a warrior of great might and courage and has first risen to be an Equitum Veterani Champion before he was promoted to this rank.
Note: The highest ranking centurion is the centurion of the 1st Company, the rest from companies 2-9 are equal but the Praecursi Company centurion is the newest and therefor lowest ranking centurion of the chapter.

Aquilifer: The Aquilifer is given the honour of carrying the company standard. He is actually an Equitum Veterani Champion and is therefor a very skilled and courageous fighter, and is also a part of the HQ squad. He has to defend the Battle Standard at all costs, never dishonouring it, never dropping it and soforth.

Equitum Veterani: An Equitum Veterani is the equivalent to a Veteran Sergeant in other chapters. He leads a full squad of Space Marine Veterans (eventually with Tactical Dreadnought Armour/Terminator Armour).

Equitum/Equitum Praecursi: Equitums and Equitum Praecursis are the leaders of a full squad of Space Marines or Praecursus. They lead the squad into battle and are the equivalents to sergeants/scout sergeants in other chapters. The Equitum Praecursis also act as Drill sergeants, training the initiates and Neophytes.

Veteran Marine: Veteran Marines are marines who have proven themselves very worthy in the heat of combat showing courage and determination. They have been promoted to the rank of Veterans and have been transferred to the 1st comany. These Marines are also priviliged in the way that they have the right to step into a suit of the very powerful Tactical Dreadnought Armour (also known as Terminator Armour).

Caligatus Marine: A normal marine is the standard issue fighter in a Space Marine army (although it sounds like any other soldier in an army these soldiers are actually superhuman with the strength and determination far beyond normal human beings). Clad in the powerful but still agile Power Armour, they bring swift justice to the enemies of the Imperium.

Praecursus: Praecursus (or Scouts) are on the virge of becoming Space Marines. These Marine wannabes have to prove themselves worthy in battle before they can don the powerful Power Armour, thus becoming a skilled battle brother.

Neophytes: Neophytes have just completed their fundemental training and they have managed to survive the dangerous admissions test; the Drill at Arms. Now awaits 5 years of hard training and the operations to enhance them into super human beings have also been started.

Initiates: Initiates have passed the tests in normal recruitment centres splendidly showing their will to fight for the Imperium and have also passed the rigorous testings of the Medicus and Psych-Medicus. They have therefor been sent to the ISMRC(Infernalis Space Marine Recruiting Centre) for further training and testing.
The Admissions Test that all initiates fear and have to pass in order to become Neophytes is the Drill at Arms ,which is basically a version of last man standing; a shoot out between two teams of 200 armed initiates with pistols, the last ten to survive with the least ammount of injuries have passed...

Note: All promotions are made during the end of the Black week.