| The planet Infernalis is located in the Ultima Segmentum sector. It is one of few Space Marine home planetsystems that consists of a single planet and not a whole solar system. The planets land mass is evenly distrubuted over the planetīs surface and it has a large ocean, the ocean is called the Inferal Grave and depths up to 15000m arenīt unusal. Infernalis has one lush, small moon which is called Redemption which has a low orbit radius, thus affecting the planetary gravity during short periods of the day in some regions. Redemption is actually the main supplier of agricultural products to infernalis and it produces more crops than the whole of Infernalis. The planet is actually very young and most plants and animals are very primitive and the animal life consits mainly of small winged insect like creatures. The only place where more advanced lifeforms can be found is in the oceans. There you can find large shark like creatures like the Inferal Impaler which is more like a dolphin like creature with a long horn in itīs forehead. The only "semi-intelligent" creature which can be found on Infernalis is the Inferal Ocean-Shrew which is similar to the seaotter on Earth. The Shrew is a bit smaller than the Otter but a whole lot deadlier, it has sharp teeth and claws and it lives in large colonies with up to a 1000 individuals. Once it feels its colony is threatened it attacks with a ravenous furiosity which stunned the colonists in the beginning therefor costing them their lives when the whole colony "felt threatened". The capital is Infernalis which has a population of 15 million people of which the majority work in the industrial zone. Space Marine recruits are mainly drawn from the capital and many recruit wannabes travel to the capital during the intake week in the Infernalis summer. As most Space Marine recruits fail the hard tests and die, the Infernalis has built a chapel in honour of the dead recruits, it is called the Chapel of Oblivion which is huge in its proportions and more than 100000 bodies are buried here. Planetary Defences: The Infernalis chapter has one main fortress which is located in the middle of the capital city with attached AA guns and Surface Based Ion Cannons (SBIC) and also has the largest StarPort attached to it. Infernalis has two small orbital fortresses and one large. The larger one is called the Orbital Impaler. It has a standing crew of 5000 troopers and has another 15000 that can be called in with short notice, it also has an Orbital dock attached to it. All cities on the planet have attached SBICs, AA-guns, missile silos and LASER turrets. Note that the Capital is the only city where the chapter provides the cityīs SA (Surface to Air) and PSS (PlanetSurface to Space) defences which are provided by the Fortress. A picture of one of the Space Marineīs missile silos. The warhead is armed and ready for launch, in the background you can see one of Infernalisī many suburbs. Space Marine Presence: The SpaceMarine Primus Pilus (currently PP. Xavier Atria) is considered to be the ruler of the planet, although a planetary council exists. He is elected for life and a new one will be elected only if the current PP dies. All companies except the 11th (the Initiate company which consists almost entirely of scouts and initiates) are stationed in the capital. The 11th company is stationed in the north ice cap where they undertake their training. The planet doesnīt pay any tithes to the Imperium but it contributes to the upkeep of the Chapter. The planet has currently about 70 Imperial Guard regiments that are on standby and ready to join the IG when necessary. On Infernalis all children around the age of 12-15 are obliged to attend recruitcamps where the promising youths are picked out either to join the Infernalis Regiments or the Infernalis Chapter. It is seen as a great honour for a family to see their son/daughter sent off to a recruiting camp although many of those who make it to the Infernalis Space Marine Recruiting Centre (ISMRC) die during the hard tests that they must withstand before they become Neophytes. |