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Data Base adminīs notes

Things that will soon be added: The colour scheme (including some tips on how to make your space marine army look better), a picture section were Iīll upload some pictures (that are soon to be taken) of some of my marines, Iīll maybe create som vehicles of my own and one thing to look out for is the upcoming page about how to create Janus Pugnator! More stories coming up and some other stuff that I maybe forgot to bring up here.
Well, I know the insignias suck :(, but hey, I made them in paintshop pro 3.12 under 10 mins. Actually this is my first homepage ever, and I know it kinda sucks, but I refuse to use frontpage ;).
All the 3D images were made in Lightwave 5.5 and the rest of the images were made in PSP 3.12, the rest of the page was notepad only (cuz everything else is lame).

Remember; this chapter IS a codex astartes chapter which means that if you choose to use this chapter you should use the Codex Ultramarines (2nd edition) or Codex Space Marines (3rd edition). All special characters mentioned there can be used by this chapter.

So, why the hell create your own chapter, you might ask. Well, the answer is easy; I hate sitting around and dry-brushing normal grunts, because I HATE people who just undercoat their ultramarine army with blue spray, add red eyes, colour the chest eagle yellow, and call their army "ready" (this applies to any other army as well). I think that your WHOLE army should look OK and your characters (including higher ranking grunts), vehicles, and scouts should look good, this requires you to put some time in painting because you can see your army as an investment, WarHammer isnīt a game which you suddenly can change from (because the fucking army costs so bloody fucking much:). The only colour that looks good, awe-inspiring and damn bloody rocking is BLACK. Black is the ultimate colour for an army, when you place out your models you can feel the dark tide building up to overwhelm your foes. Red for the shoulderpads to give the model some colour and boltgun metallic to add some details to the current model. This colour scheme is unbeatable because itīs fast, easy and yer grunts look meaner than a testicle from hellīs 12th plane(?).
Astartes armies rock because they are just like a tactical squad, not as many special characters like Space Wolves and Blood Angels and not to many models to paint and keep in track like Imperial Guard, like Codex Space Marines says: "theyīre hard as nails!", couldnīt have said it better myself :).

One thing I donīt understand is why everyone that puts up an own chapter always insist on having their chapterīs founding "shrouded in mystery"!? I HATE that as well. This page could kinda be seen as an "official" protest against all bloody lame chapter pages who have their origins "shrouded in mystery" and always insist on being "the most feared" or "the most honoured" chapter of the whole bloody Imperium. I donīt get it, what do you call the Ultramarines then? "The second most known chapter of the Imperium"?!
Come on guys, act up!

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