| Turma Tactica is the equivalent to Tactical Squad in other Chapters, they are very versatile and fit for almost any task. They are the most common type of squads and can be found in majority of the companies. Turmae Veterani are the most experienced fighters of the chapter and have earned the right to enter the first Company. All are trained in how to use the feared Terminator armour and are very well coordinated and trained. They are equipped like a Tactical squad and but they are usually better then Tacticals in close combat. Turmae Excursi are biased towards close combat and are trained in the honourable art of "Comminus". They are trained in the usage of close quarter fighting equipment such as pistols and swords. They are given jumppacks and therefor have the ability to fly short distances enabling them to get to the forefront faster where they engage the enemy in deadly combat and utterly destroying them. Turmae Vastator are equipped with Heavy and Long range weaponry. They usually stay behind and give supporting fire from long distance. They are almost useless in closecombat and mostly need a "bodyguard" squad to protect them from fastmoving/flanking troopers. Turmae Praecursi usually move ahead of the main force, sabotaging and scouting out enemy positions. They are also used as skirmishers, popping out of dense vegetation and raiding weak troopers from behind or flanking a bypassing vehicle.
-Centurion -Chaplain -Medicus -Aquilifer Squads -20 Terminator or -10 Veteran -Excursus Support -Dreadnoughts -Rhinos -Land Raiders |
-Centurion -Chaplain -Medicus -Aquilifer Squads -6 Tactical -2 Excursus -2 Devestator Support -Dreadnoughts -Rhinos -Land Speeders -Bikes /td> |
-Centurion -Chaplain -Medicus -Aquilifer Squads -6 Tactical -2 Excursus -2 Devestator Support -Dreadnoughts -Rhinos -Land Speeders -Bikes /td> |
-Centurion -Chaplain -Medicus -Aquilifer Squads -6 Tactical -2 Excursus -2 Devestator Support -Dreadnoughts -Rhinos -Land Speeders -Bikes /td> |
-Centurion -Chaplain -Medicus -Aquilifer Squads -6 Tactical -2 Excursus -2 Devestator Support -Dreadnoughts -Rhinos -Land Speeders -Bikes /td> |
-Centurion -Chaplain -Medicus -Aquilifer Squads -10 Tactical Support -Dreadnoughts -Rhinos -Bikes /td> |
-Centurion -Chaplain -Medicus -Aquilifer Squads -10 Tactical Support -Dreadnoughts -Rhinos -Land Speeders |
-Centurion -Chaplain -Medicus -Aquilifer Squads -10 Excursus Support -Dreadnoughts -Rhinos -Land Speeders -Bikes /td> |
-Centurion -Chaplain -Medicus -Aquilifer Squads -10 Devestator Support -Dreadnoughts -Rhinos /td> |
-Centurion -Chaplain -Medicus -Aquilifer Squads -Scouts /td> |
COMPANY (Recruits) |
-Head Recruiting Officer -Chaplain -Medicus Squads -Neophytes -Initiates |