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Chapter Info:
Chapter History
Homeplanet (Infernalis)
Chain of Command
Chapter organization
Markings and Insignias
Colour scheme
Infernalis fiction

Adminīs notes

Legio Infernalis Chapter History:

After losing five years during a failed warp jump the Imperial Javelins Space Marinesī Fortress Monastery and one of their Battle Barges crashlanded on a small, yet unknown planet. The marines were on the way to the planet Emperors shield IV which was under attack by Tyranids. Half of the people on board the monastery were killed or injured including the Javelinīs Primus Pilus and all their chaplains and preachers. The battle barge had crashlanded in the ocean and all souls aboard were lost. The Astropaths immidiately started attempts to reinstate contact with the rest of the imperium but the attempts showed to be futile due to the fact that a warpstorm was raving just outside the planet and had acted as the wormhole through which the two ships exited the warp, of the rest of the fleet not a single trace could be found. The next in command (Janus Pugnator) therefor ordered the artisans to dismantle the wreckage of their gigantic monastery and build a temporary fortress. After two years of hard labour the artisans and their servitors stepped back to behold their creation. The warpstorm cleared after four long years and the psykers managed to contact the Imperium. Reinforcements were to be sent immidiately including a large fleet to extract the marooned Marines from the planet which they by now had named; Infernalis. After a week 50 ships entered orbit around Infernalis. The marooned marines cheered in pure joy after the report from the psykers but joy turned into despair as they understood that the first thing that arrived was not the reinforcements the marines had waited so long for, it was a crippled Space Ork fleet which looked for a place to land and "lik da woundz". The Orkz literally crashlanded onto the planetīs surface and their largest ship luckily craschlanded in the ocean. The rest of the Ork ships crashed/landed without further losses and the Orkz disembarked. The outnumbered marines found themselves assailed by tens of thousands of starved and crazed Orkz looking for food and ammunition after being attacked and harassed by an Imperial fleet and they had lost all of their supply ships. The space marines fortified themselves in their fortress and prayed to the emperor. Day by griveous day the siege wore on with heavy casualties on both sides, eroding the defence. The Orkz, now so starved, started eating their fallen comrades, the defenders could only watch with disgust as starved Orkz started dissecting their former brother Orkz and gretchins. The Ork commander who first started to chew away had now satisfied his hunger and ordered a fall back and regroup manouver to gather for the final assault. For the first time in two weeks the weapons ceased to fire and all was silence on both sides of the fortress walls. Suddenly the Orkz charged under terrifying battle cries, now desperate Orkz who had run out of ammunition attached explosives to their gretchin comrades and forced them to run towards the walls. The Ork commander (Leggit Dakka) came up with the idea of his life; "Konsentrate da fire on one piece of da fort!".
Directly after barking out the order he was sniped by a scout positioned in the highest tower of the fortress. Finally after hours of pounding from the Ork artillery and the gretchin kamikaze onslaught the northwest part of the wall collapsed. Just then the long awaited reinforcements arrived, just in time for the Ork breakthrough. The fleet initiated a devestating orbital thermal plasma bombardment, utterly severing the embattled Orkz who became easy targets for the heavily reduced but cheering defenders, knowing that their prayers had been verified. After landing, the newcomers swiftly cleared the way to the entrance with the help of titan bulldozers where they were met by the mortally wounded but happy Javelin commander.
The commander (Janus Pugnator) had decided that they should reject their current chapter name and name themselves after their newly found homeplanet; Infernalis also colouring their armour black, in remembrance of the fallen defenders.

The Infernalis citizens celebrate a "non-religous" week or better known as the Black Week.It is called "Black" because there were no chaplains or preachers to comfort the marines and shed some imperial light in the eternal darkness of the void and because of the fact that more than 3/4ths of the chapter died during those first years. The citizens remember the week where the marines had no chaplains to guide them and honouring the mortally wounded who could not be comforted by their company chaplains. In the end of the week the whole planet ceases to work for a half an hour in gathered prayer, in remembrance to their planetīs defenders and the commander of the defenders; Janus Pugnator -who later died of his injuries. Later a damage assessment was made and it showed that 853 of the 1000 Space Marines had died.
It is also during this week that the Infernalis Chapter accepts new recruits, thus creating a wave of 12-15 year olds wanting to become either Space Marines or Imperial Guardsmen.

The day Pugnator died, the Bell of Lost Souls rang 853 times, mourning the death of so many fallen heroes of the Imperium...

"Remember your fallen commander who lead you to victory and gave his life for you. Honour your fallen comrades who fought by your sides and gave their lives while defending your new homeplanet."

-words of Janus Pugnatorīs successor