e-mail us!

if you have something generic to say about the page, whether it's nice or scathingly mean, email it to us here. If you've got something specific to direct praise or venom towards (ie, these pictures are amazing), we kindly listed our personal email addresses for you to reach us at. because we love you guys THAT much. : )


Puckpixie does most of the design on the page and the graphics. She studied programming and is knowledgeable of those type of computery things. Her email isvalkyrie@rice.edu so email her if you have questions or desire to know things.


She created all the html text and looks after it. If something is not working she is the one to email. She checks all the time so expect a quick response. Her email address is mab00stars@angelfire.com


Bonniebunny takes the pictures, and it's thanks to her photographic genius that we have so many beautiful photographs to lure you guys to the page. It is, afterall, the only reason why you come. If there is a particular picture that youre interested in, she's quite willing to sell them to you at a fair and reasonable price. That is, before she becomes a famous hockey photographer...then she's going to go by supply and demand. So catch her while you can at rocketstar20@angelfire.com.


Buttercupbunnie checks her email obsessively, so if theres anything immediate that you NEED...this is where to go. She writes stuff, and she wants to be a hockey reporter when she grows up (in a couple of years) so if you'd like to discuss hockey, email her at buttercupbunnie@yahoo.com.

Main Page| Players | Pictures | Poetry | ButtercupBunny | Posters and Jeers |
BonnieBunny Wisdom | Oh Canada! | Links | Meet the Bunnies | Email Us