So, I left Texas for Louisiana (no, its not as bad as it sounds im in New Orleans). Lemme tell you something they have here that Dallas should have too: Its this really neat show, on a local sports network, where a Brass(the NO ECHL team)player comes on and talks. As far as i can tell its shown on game days but im not positiive thats the only time yet. Its taped a day or so inadvance so that even pro players with the strictest of rituals (ahem Eddie Belfour) could do it at least once..... Now, allow me to outline for you why Dallas could do this show better and why it would be a HUGE success:

1.Jr. Miller hosts! Then we'd have a host who knew what he was talking about (actually any Dallas sportscaster could do a better job then the guy down here- except Dale Hansen).

*As an example of how these people dont know what theyre doing editing a hockey show- the host asked the player who was on that day about the teams devensive game. He then proceeded to show clips of the team scoring goals. Now i know that defensemen CAN score goals (notmattienotmattie) but generally isnt the defensive game about stopping goals?

2. Our players are so DAMN friendly and personable... hell, just let Keanerdo the show all by himself. Our players rule and theyd be way more entertaining then the Brass guys who TRY but our guys'd be WAY better (awwwwww Luke on TV for 30 minutes... or Simmer being all crazylike.... or Jamie, making faces and stuff....the list goes on and on....)

3. OK, this may be a presumption on my part and it may be very wrong since the Rangers/Stars report went off the air but... STARS FANS RULE!!! C'mon you guys back me up- you'd watch this RIGHT?!?!?!?! Its not just superficial interviews- its the players themselves analyzing games, talking HOCKEY for the fans, whats better than that?

This isnt SportsExtra. This wont be buried back on TCN. This isn't a bunch of peices on how the guys spent their day off fishing and golfing (those are fun though) this is REAL hockey talk from people who actually know what theyre talking about... unlike Dale Hansen... I know it wont really ever be on the air- and even it did amke it i have a feeling it'd quickly turn into the MoShow to get veiwers (i like Mike and all but thats not the point of the show) but oh if it were possible...... merry christmas to ME! and all the rest of you StarsFans... a good night!

BonnieBunny's Summer Fun

Razor Quiz for '98-'99

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