Hoaxes & E-Rumors
Sick & Dying Children Reports & Hoaxes
Almost as bad as the missing children reports are stories telling of children who are very sick or dying of some disease (usually cancer) and that simply forwarding an e-mail, some benefactor will donate money to the child's treatment. The problem with this is that there is no program using current technology which can track e-mails in such a manner through millions of forwards. These messages also play on our sympathy for a sick child and many people blindly forward these nuisance messages. In some cases, much like some missing children messages, a message may have been real at one time, however, the child has since recovered, thus making the message outdated, yet it continues to circulate. Real reports are indicated in RED Amanda Bundy
Amy Bruce
Jessica Mydek
Rachael Arlington
Slow Dance Poem (Unnamed 6-year old girl)
Sick Children Resources