AOL/Intel Merger
One of many money giveaway hoaxes
Urban Legend Reference Pages
Ann Margaret Vietnam Vet Tribute
Actress Ann Margaret pays a warm tribute to Vietnam Vets
Bad American (I Am A Bad American)
Phony story attributed to several well known celebrities including George Carlin, Ted Nugent, Rush Limbaugh and others. A fun read, but a hoax nonetheless.
Bill 602P
Non-existent bill to impose a 5¢ surcharge on e-mail
Urban Legend Reference Pages
United States Postal Service
The Washingtonian
The Washington Post
Bonsai Kittens
Urban Legend Reference Pages
The Breast Cancer Site
The Breast Cancer Site
Car Theft Tactics
A little used tactic, but still something to watch out for.
Urban Legend Reference Pages
Cell Phones Cause Fires At Gas Pumps
Can a cell phone cause a fire at a gas pump?
Charlie Daniels:
Open Letter to the Hollywood Bunch
Did Charlie Daniels write a letter to anti-war Hollywood celebrities? You betcha!
Read The Letter on Charlie's Web Site!
Congressional Pension Plan
Cracker Barrel Giveaway
Another of the many money/product giveaway hoaxes.
Urban Legend Reference Pages
Microsoft (letter by Bill Gates)
Credit Card Reporting / Opting Out
Partly True
Dial #77 for Emergency Help
The story itself is unconfirmed, however, the information contained in the story is still useful, but the procedures for such emergency help vary from state-to-state. Read the story to get further information.
Gay Jesus Movie
Urban Legend Reference Pages
Gel Candle Hazard?
Are gel candles exploding and causing fires?
Gang Kidnap Warning Hoax
Phony reports of gang members hiding in the back seats of cars at gas stations to kidnap women. The story itself is a hoax, however, some useful personal safety information can be gleaned from the story.
Jane Fonda North Vietnam Visit
The truth about "Hanoi Jane's" visit to North Vietnam
Knockout Perfume
Have women been knocked out by sniffing perfume then robbed?
McDonald's To Import Beef
This story is basically true, but the message is misleading. Click on the link for the accurate information.
Urban Legend Reference Pages
McDonalds Ball Pit Danger?
Are HIV infected needles being found in McDonald's playground ball pits?
Microwaving Food In Plastic Wrap
This story originally listed as false is now considered disputed with claims on both sides that microwaving food in plastic wrap causes cancer.
The Missing Day
Did NASA really find the "missing day" as chronicled in the Bible?
Does it cause MS and other health problems?
Godless Pepsi Cans?
Did Pepsi produce a can leaving out the words "Under God" from the Pledge of Allegiance? Not quite!
Privacy Alert!
Use BCC when sending group e-mail
Privacy Alert: Florida Driver's Records
Florida motorists can block the DMV from disclosing their motor vehicle and driver license records. Read the associated story to get further information.
Urban Legends Reference Pages
Slavemaster / SweetCaliGuy4evr / Monkeyman935
Lots of false information among a very tiny grain of truth. This story recirculates very regular, often unchanged except with a new name inserted. Currently there are three known variations.
Urban Legend Reference Pages
Static Electricity Hazard at Gas Pumps
Can static electricity cause a fire at a gas pump?
Urban Legend Reference Pages
Target Stores - Unpatriotic?
Message urging people not to buy at Target stores because the company turned down a request for funds for a Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall.
U.S. Postage Stamps Honor Muslim Holidays
Is it true that the U.S. Postal service issued stamps to honor Muslim holidays?
Traffic Tickets
This hoax explains how you can keep traffic tickets off your record. This is not only a hoax, it may also be illegal.
Urban Legend Reference Pages
Stolen UPS Uniforms Being Sold on eBay?
Are stolen UPS uniforms being sold on eBay to terrorists in order to get into various facilities?