Domestic Terrorist Group: Earth Liberation Front (ELF) Environmental Terrorist Organization The following information is the "official" description of the Earth Liberation Front based on information from the ELF web site. In order to clarify the ELF's description of their "organization", Only In America has added definitions of certain terms and phrases in their description. These clarifying definitions are found in bold within parenthesis immediately following the word or phrase it is referencing. The Earth Liberation Front is an international underground movement (terrorist group) consisting of autonomous groups of people (terrorist cells) who carry out direct action (acts of terror and destruction) according to the E.L.F. guidelines (declaration of war). Since 1997, E.L.F. cells have carried out dozens of actions resulting in over $45 million in damages to entities who profit from the destruction of life (improvement of the lifestyle of mankind). Modeled after the Animal Liberation Front (another terrorist group), the E.L.F. is structured in such a way as to to maximize effectiveness (hide from the law). By operating in cells (small groups that consist of one to several people), the security of group members is maintained. Each cell is anonymous not only to the public but also to one another. This decentralized structure helps keep activists out of jail and free to continue conducting actions (more acts of terror). As the E.L.F. structure is non-hierarchical, individuals involved control their own activities. There is no a centralized organization or leadership tying the anonymous cells together. Likewise, there is no official "membership". Individuals who choose to do actions under the banner of the E.L.F are driven only by their personal conscience (hatred) or decisions taken by their cell while adhering to the stated guidelines. Who are the people (terrorists) carrying out these activities? Because involved individuals are anonymous, they could be anyone from any community. Parents, teachers, church volunteers, your neighbor, or even your partner could be involved. The exploitation and destruction (development) of the environment affects all of us - some people enough to take direct action (destroy property and endanger lives) in defense of the earth. Any direct action (terrorist attack) to halt the destruction (development) of the environment and adhering to the strict nonviolence guidelines, listed below, can be considered an E.L.F. action. Economic sabotage and property destruction fall within these guidelines. Earth Liberation Front Guidelines: To inflict economic damage (death and destruction) on those profitting from the destruction and exploitation of the natural environment. To reveal and educate the public (lie to the public) on the atrocities committed against the earth and all species that populate it. To take all necessary precautions against harming any animal, human and non-human (if this is true, then explain THIS. There is no way to contact the E.L.F. in your area (because they are cowards). It is up to each committed person to take responsibility for stopping the exploitation of the natural world. No longer can it be assumed that someone else is going to do it. If not you who, if not now when? CLICK HERE for a listing of terrorist acts claimed by the ELF. CLICK HERE to send your comments to Mr. B.