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Top 10 Lists
To survive your first year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, we recommend you read our Top 10 Lists, each containing helpful tips and information that just might come in handy. And don't forget to tune into the Wizard Wireless Network's "Wizard Talk" and "Wacky Wizards" shows to hear them live!
Top 10 Things
Not to Say To
Professor Snape
Top 10 Excuses
For Not Turning in
Your Homework
Top 10 Ways
To Get Expelled
From Hogwarts
Top 10 Wizard
Products We'd
  Like to Develop NEW!
Top 10 Signs 
You Should Have
Been a Slytherin
Top 10 Signs
That You're
A Muggle
Top 10 
Rejected Names
for Wizard Candy
Top 10 
Permanently Retired
House Passwords

Top 10 Things Not to Say to Professor Snape

Hogwarts prides itself upon the professionalism and impartiality of its professors.
Unfortunately, there are always exceptions....

10.  Did you fall into a vat of uglification potion when you were younger?
  9.  Good news! Professor Lockhart will be assisting you in class for the rest of the semester!
  8.  Is our potion supposed to melt through the cauldron, the table, and the dungeon floor, Professor?
  7.  Oh, no! I accidentally pushed Goyle into his cauldron!
  6.  That's not how you're supposed to do it, Professor. Here, let me show you.....
  5.  Draco Malfoy wouldn't know the difference between a good teacher and a mountain troll.
  4.  The Gryffindor Quidditch team slaughtered the Slytherins yesterday. Did you see the match?
  3.  I'm not sure this poison potion turned out right. Would you mind sampling it for me?
  2.  Black is such an ugly, depressing color. It suits you very well, Professor.
  1.  Potions, smotions. Who care what goes in first? It all ends up in the same place.

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Top 10 Excuses for Not Turning in Your Hogwarts Homework

No Hogwarts student would intentionally neglect his studies, 
but even Hermione occasionally forgets an assignment.

10.  My brother cast an invisibility hex on it.
  9.  I accidentally used self-erasing parchment.
  8.  A mountain troll used it to blow his nose during Defense Against the Dark Arts.
  7.  I left it in the Common Room and can't remember the password.
  6.  Neville Longbottom dropped some Super Shrinking Potion on it.
  5.  A Blast-Ended Skrewt set it on fire during Care of Magical Creatures.
  4.  Peeves swallowed it, then belched it up in a million pieces.
  3.  Ever since that rogue bludger broke my arm, I just haven't been able to write properly.
  2.  My three-headed dog ate it.
  1.  What homework? Someone must have performed a memory charm on me the day you assigned it.

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Top 10 Ways to Earn Detention or Get Expelled from Hogwarts

Hogwarts students past and present have made choices they've lived to regret.
By sharing this list, they hope that you, too, will see the error of their ways.

10.  Using a Hovering Charm to lift your cauldron above Snape, then accidentally dropping it on his head.
  9.  Transfiguring Filch into a grindylow in front of Professor McGonagall.
  8.  Setting a bludger loose in the Teacher's Lounge.
  7.  Establishing a refuge for homeless garden gnomes in the Greenhouse.
  6.  Getting caught pilfering supplies from Snape's Private Stores.
  5.  Making enough copies of the Marauder's Map for every student in school.
  4.  Inciting Kitchen Elves to pelt professors with pudding-filled socks until Dumbledore raises their pay.
  3.  Helping Peeves raid the Girls' Dormitories.
  2.  Setting Pixies loose in the Restricted Section of the Library.
  1.  Trying to crossbreed Mrs. Norris with a Hungarian Horntail.

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Top 10 Products We'd Like to See Developed

The wizarding world has a way of coming up with the most original products,
but we can think of a few that haven't been developed yet.

 10. Timeburner (Makes time fly! Great for long, boring classes)
   9. Firefly (Stealth racing broom with headlights)
   8. Pocket Geekoscope (Hey! Geeks are cool!)
   7. Large Lip Lollipops (A Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes specialty)
   6. Bertie Botts Every Flavor Toothpaste (A different flavor every time you brush!)
   5. Skelextend (Lengthens & strengthens bones so Crabbe & Goyle can't beat up on you)
   4. Golden Snare (Catches pesky escaped snitches after Quidditch practice)
   3. Whomping Pillow (Wakes you up, uh, rather aggressively if you're having bad dreams)
   2. Penstove (Cooks up your thoughts for dinner. Great for extended weekens away from Hogwarts)
   1. Foe Bass (Mounted "fish" sings obnoxious songs when foes approach)

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Top 10 Signs You Should Have Been Sorted into Slytherin

Your parents have never told you what  House they belonged to, but they were
a little surprised you were sorted into Hufflepuff.  Maybe they've got a point.

10.  Professor Snape actually seems to like you.
  9.  You're on a first-name basis with the Bloody Baron, or George, as you call him.
  8.  Hufflepuffs run for the toilets, clutching their mouths in fear, when you enter the Common Room.
  7.  The kitchen elves keep making snake-shaped pancakes for you. 
  6.  You're weird uncle Grindelwald bought you a Hand of Glory for Christmas, and you like it.
  5.  You develop a nervous twitch around cute, furry animals.
  4.  Colin Creevey keeps calling you the Heir of Huff and Puff.
  3.  When Draco's not around, Crabbe and Goyle follow you around like a couple of lost puppies.
  2.  You break out into hives whenever you wear your Hufflepuff Quidditch robes.
  1.  Millicent Bullstrode thinks you're hot.

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Top 10 Signs That You're a Muggle

Everyone would love to receive an invitation to attend Hogwarts.
But some need not apply.

10.  Your hairdresser scalped you, but your hair is growing back at a lamentably slow rate.
  9.  Your mother bought you a hideous sweater for your birthday. Unfortunately, it fits just perfectly.
  8.  You're no good at walking through platform barriers, and you have the scars to prove it.
  7.  Whenever bullies chase you, you try to leap into the nearest tree but end up falling flat on your face.
  6.  The only owl you've ever seen not only failed to deliver a message, but also left several droppings.
  5.  You have a unique relationship with animals: you're terrified of them, and they detest you.
  4.  A fortune teller said you have a strong aura and would one day join the Psychic Friends' Network.
  3.  You think Charms Class is where wizards and witches learn to stand straight and hold their forks right.
  2.  Neville Longbottom pities you.
  1.  Fortune cookies often predict you'll have great success as an accountant.

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Top 10 Rejected Names for Wizard Candy

Chocolate Frogs and Bertie Bott's Every-Flavor Beans are household names.
How popular would they have been if they'd stuck with their original names, shapes, and flavors?

10.  Chocolate Muggles
  9.  Bertie Bott's Ever-Farting Beans
  8.  Pickled Imps
  7.  Spinach Wands
  6.  Drool's Best Slobbering Gum
  5.  Overpriced Sugary Goop That'll Rot Your Teeth and Make You Sick at Your Stomach
  4.  Troll Boogers
  3.  Horatio Humdrum's "Healthy Alternative" ABC-Pops -- With Alfalfa, Beets, and Cauliflower
  2.  Voldemort's Vanilla Valentines
  1.  Cockroach Clusters (Oh, sorry, that name wasn't rejected after all!)

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Top 10 Permanently Retired House Passwords

These former passwords have been permanently retired,
for a variety of reasons.

10.  Muddlebore! (Too annoying: This anagram of "Dumbledore" was once a Slytherin favorite.)
  9.  Barf Bag! (Too offensive.)
  8.  Suoicodilaipxecitsiligarfilacrepus! (Too difficult: A famous Muggle word turned backwards.)
  7.  Shut the Door! (Too confusing.)
  6.  Felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas! (Too easy.)
  5.  Gesundheit! (Too commonplace.)
  4.  Je m'excuse de vous déranger, mais pourriez-vous m'ouvrir la porte, s'il-vous plaît? (Too French)
  3.  Egregiously anomalous violations of prevailing mores are anathema. (Too pretentious.) 
  2.  Alohomora! (Too obvious.)
  1.  Candy Gram! (Too easily mistaken for a bribe.)

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