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Ravenclaw Tour

Ravenclaws see things sharply, as if from on high, and they constantly seek to broaden their knowledge of the world. So naturally, they prefer attractions which offer them a "bird's eye" view of the World of Magic.

Note: Clicking on individual attractions links will take you to the Attractions page and will place the appropriate attraction at the top of your screen.

  9:00 am Fly on your own two "wings" to Hogwarts via the Back Way.
  9:30 am Take part in the Sorting Ceremony where you'll be officially sorted into Ravenclaw.
You will have pre-registered and paid your class fee in advance, of course.
10:15 am Test your spatial skills at the Maze.
10:45 am Visit the birds of prey and other winged creatures at the Owlery.
11:30 am Watch eagles, falcons, hawks, and other birds in flight at the Aviary Stage.
12:30 pm Have lunch with fellow Ravenclaws in the Great Hall, arriving just in time for Dumbledore's Toast.
  1:30 pm Take the Hogwarts Tour to learn more about the castle's floor plan.
  2:30 pm Attend Transfigurations class, for which you pre-registered and paid your class fee well in advance.
  3:15 pm View the park from on high aboard the Beauxbatons' Flying Carriage.
  4:15 pm Experience virtual flight at Quidditch 3D Experience.
  5:30 pm Board the Hogwarts Express at the Hogwarts Depot.
  6:00 pm Visit the smartest shops of Diagon Alley, including Ollivanders, Eyelops, and, of course, Flourish and Blotts.
  6:30 pm Have dinner at Café Beauxbatons, dining out on the terrace if the weather's nice.
  7:30 pm Try your hand at a virtual Wizard's Duel at the Virtual Village.
  8:00 pm Take the Secret Tunnel back to Hogwarts grounds.
  8:30 pm Root for your fellow Ravenclaws during the Hogwarts Parade, then gaze skyward during the Enchanted Evening Fireworks.
  9:30 pm Return to the castle to pick up some necessities at the Ravenclaw House Store.
  9:50 pm Retire to the Ravenclaw Common Room, where birds of a feather flock together to play wizard chess.
10:20 pm Have one last Quidditch flight -- not on a broom, but in a ball -- at Crazy Quidditch.

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