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This is a gift
of me.
If not delighted
Please chew it up
and pass it on
others may need
the nourishment.
SunRae ©

Within this section are poems and writings that I do not put in a category. They just are quite simply parts of me on paper. It is my pleasure to share them with you. The style that I use in some poems may seem very different to some, but it is done this way for a reason. I will in some poems use one word to connect each phrase and sentence to make a whole out of what would ordiarily be thought of as disconnected words or phrases. Please click on dreamcatcher to take you down these paths.

Thank You Barb received 4-25-2001
One of the nicest awards
this site has received

Wicked Widow

Mothers Call


Locked Within A Disability

Poetic Weavings

He Walks with Me

A Womanhood


Forgotten In The Mist

Woodland Inlets


The Tear Stained Windows

Is It There


Heaven's Skys
This was written for a recent loss in our family.

My Sorrow
Written thru the eyes of a husband who lost his wife.


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