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Foundation for Grooming Skills

The student will be introduced to the proper techniques and equipment used in basic grooming functions.  He will be taught to trim nails, clean eyes and ears and care for feet, pads and teeth.  Essentials such as clipping feet and tail and preliminary body trimming are also covered.

Anatomy of the Dog and Cat

Instruction will be given ton the basic skeletal, sensory, reproductive, muscular, cardiovascular, urinary and nervous systems in the canine and feline (the section of the feline anatomy will be omitted in course that do not train in cats).

Skin Disorders and Nutrition in the Dog and Cat

Common skin problems and their symptoms will be discussed with emphasis on when veterinary attention should be sought.  Proper nutritional requirements for dogs and cats  of different ages, sex and health will be studied.  Students will be expected to know the essential nutrients consisting of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.

Brushing, Combing and Dematting

Students will be instructed on how to handle the various types of coats and the problems that some will present.  They will learn how to recognize blown coats and how they should be stripped as well as how to properly remove mats.

Shop Management

The student will be given the opportunity to lean the basics of shop management through exposure to actual shop conditions.  He will have an opportunity to develop time management skills through proper scheduling of duties and work flow.  He will learn how to operate a shop on a professional level through actual exposure to good retail practices and customer service techniques.  Shop set up / design and essential record keeping is covered.

Public Relations

Promoting and maintaining good relations with business associates such as veterinarians, customers, employee / employer and other groomers.  Trade journals and professional associations will be discussed.  Advertising techniques we have had success with will be covered.  The main emphasis here will be on customer relations for your future business success.


Letter from the

Objectives &

School Calendar
Attendance Policy
Leave of Absence

Suspension and
Refund Policy


Starting Dates



All Breed

Poodle & Mixed
Breed Program



More Course Descriptions