More On Our Facility
Our bath area has two large stainless steel tubs. One is designed for large breed bathing and the other trough style tub is for smaller breeds. Metro force air dryers for those breeds that can benefit from its use. Our bathing supplies come from our personally designed injector system that allows you to bathe and dip pets with
pre-diluted chemicals. Our premixed hot and cold water allows for more efficient and safer bathing because your hands are free to control the pet, not busy adjusting faucet for water temperature. Our facility also comes equipped with a central vacuuming system that is more convenient for the student and quieter / less scary for the pet.
The facility has a break area with a Formica topped island table and ample seating. A refrigerator, microwave, coffee maker and washer / dryer are on the premises. Shelving in the rest room is provided for students to keep a change of clothes if desired. Secure space for valuables is provided.
A VCR with color monitor is provided for use with instructional tapes. Various books are provided for students use while on the premises. Plenty of free parking is available in front of the school.