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Red Tide Incorporated's Tenaria

Tenaria : Chronicles

Chronicles:The Story

Chronicles:The People


The Races
The Forums

Tenaria Chronicles: Rise of Lebell City

The true Quests


Start Stats
Strength: 20
Speed: 0
Charisma: 0
Mana: 0
Constitution: 10
Wisdom: 0
Power: 10


Magical resistance: 0
Dodge: 0
Brawl: 7
Melee: 0
Tactics: 7
Perception: 3
Poison Immunity: 0
Counter: 0
Will: 0
Reflex: 0
Fortitude: 6
Anger: 10
Range: 0
Initiative: 0
Bonus: 2
Huge. This describes the race known as Giants, standing on an average height of 20 feet they are serious foes to mess with on the open plains. That is why their Special Trait is known as "Swat" . A swift bacl-hand from a gigantic creature can be very, very lethal.

Swat works as follows. When ever a Giant successfully lands a "Brawl" attack with No weapons equiped or armed, he may opt to roll his "Swat" ability. If he or she does, he can no longer use it during the battle. The damage delt from his attack is Increased by +4 for every 1 point he has in it. 5 Base skill is equivelent to 1 point Face Skill.
Swat : 0/0

Character Note: Giants are huge, and tend to be rare through out the lands. Massive beings that stand on average height of twenty feet ( " Atleast in this plane! ") . They have titanic voices that boom like thunder, and get very upset with the "Little Guys" that run around beneath them like insects. Due to their size, they are quite strong, and dangerous in combat due to their powerful brawl abilities.