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Red Tide Incorporated's Tenaria

Tenaria : Chronicles

Chronicles:The Story

Chronicles:The People


The Races
The Forums

Tenaria Chronicles: Rise of Lebell City

The true Quests


Start Stats
Strength: 15
Speed: 0
Charisma: 0
Mana: 0
Constitution: 5
Wisdom: 0
Power: 4
Magical resistance: 0
Dodge: 1
Brawl: 3
Melee: 0
Tactics: 3
Perception: 0
Poison Immunity: 0
Counter: 0
Will: 2
Reflex: 0
Fortitude: 2
Anger: 3
Range: 0
Initiative: 0
Bonus: 4
Bonus: 8
They are massive and powerful. They lose a limb--they continue forth. These beings feel no pain. They harness the element they are composed of, mainly the Ground it's self. It is due to the massive power these things can release in punches and swings, that the Golem's Special Trait is known as "Rock Grasp". With this, the Golem snatches up his oponent in a single hand and squeezes. The oponent will suffer X damage per round as long as he remains in the Golem's grasp, where as X is equal to the Golem's Face Skill in his "Rock Grasp" ability.

The Golem obtains 1 point of Face Skill for every 5 points in Base Skill. To use Rock Grasp, you must make a Brawl Attack and be successful, if you are successful then you initiate the damage, which occurs at the start of every round.
Rock Grasp: 0/0

Character Note: Created by varius Magi, Golems are used as protectors and guardians. Unfortunetly, Golems were used in mass quantities during the wars of Old. When their Magi Masters were slain, they were released from the bonds of control. Instead of crumbling into dust, they became natural beings, forming randomly through out the planes of existance. The glyphs upon their forheads are now gone, and they obey no command other then their own.