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Red Tide Incorporated's Tenaria

Tenaria : Chronicles

Chronicles:The Story

Chronicles:The People


The Races
The Forums

Tenaria Chronicles: Rise of Lebell City

The true Quests


Start Stats
Strength: 5
Speed: 5
Charisma: 0
Mana: 0
Constitution: 0
Wisdom: 2
Power: 2


Magical resistance: 0
Dodge: 4
Brawl: 0
Melee: 0
Tactics: 2
Perception: 0
Poison Immunity: 0
Counter: 0
Will: 3
Reflex: 1
Fortitude: 0
Anger: 0
Range: 0
Initiative: 0
Bonus: 4
Having lived within the sky and amungst the clouds for eras. The Skyfolk have adapted a use of Wind. It aids their whim in instances, and they can munipulate it just like the mages but without the use of mana . It is because of this that their Special Trait is known as "Wind Charm", allowing them to tempt the wind into doing their biddings.

Wind Charm will work as follows. They can use it to inflict damage, Implimenting their powers to make the wind rush at a target with such high speeds it acts as if millions of razors. To use this, merely state the effect you wish to achieve, so the oponent knows wether the use of "Wind Charm" is offensive or defensive. Once he knows it's offensive you establish the attack. If he fails to dodge this, then you deal X damage to him or her, where as X is equal to the Face Skill of your wind charm abilities.

Secondly, for defences, you may raise a barrier of fury filled winds around you. Through this you niglect damage from attacks, lessening the swinging power your oponent has. For every 1 point in Face Skill for the defensive use, you will recieve that many negatives on the damage you recieve. Example would be, if you are hit with 5, yet you successfully used Wind Charm for 3, then you only take 2, and so forth.
Wind Charm : 0/0

Character Note: Half human half bird? Or perhaps half man, half angel. It matters not, for these are the beings of the Sky, flying upon wings of eagles. They have the ability to completely hide their wings from sight, and blend into the human environment so as to not draw attention. This is how the skyfolk work, and it has been this way for centuries.