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Red Tide Incorporated's Tenaria

Tenaria : Chronicles

Chronicles:The Story

Chronicles:The People


The Races
The Forums

Tenaria Chronicles: Rise of Lebell City

The true Quests


Start Stats
Strength: 9
Speed: 2
Charisma: -4
Mana: 0
Constitution: 3
Wisdom: 0
Power: 3


Magical resistance: 0
Dodge: 0
Brawl: 1
Melee: 1
Tactics: 1
Perception: 0
Poison Immunity: 0
Counter: 0
Will: 0
Reflex: 0
Fortitude: 0
Anger: 2
Range: 0
Initiative: 0
Bonus: 5
Mutants have the ability to boost traits when in need. They obtain the special ability known as "Hatred" which allows them to surpass their own limits. A mutant may only use "Hatred" once per 3 rounds.

Per every 5 points in "Hatred" all of the Mutant's stats go up by +1, 10 points means they go up +2 and so forth.
Hatred : 0/+0

Character Note: Mutants are the result of the Dark Magi spreading their corrupted Magics through out the land. A mutant could have came from anything. A twisted bear, or perhaps a rabbit or even a Human or Orc, but one thing's for sure. Once the Dark Magi infected them, they lost most of their ordinary appearences, turning into grotesque beasts that roam this plane.