Start Stats
Strength: 14
Speed: 0
Charisma: -4
Mana: 10
Constitution: 0
Wisdom: 5
Magical resistance: 1
Dodge: 0
Brawl: 4
Melee: 0
Tactics: 0
Perception: 0
Poison Immunity: 3
Counter: 3
Will: 0
Reflex: 0
Fortitude: 2
Anger: 3
Range: 0
Initiative: 0
Bonus: 4
Guards of a Bridge? Children eaters? Wicked beings that cast curses onto woman and families? Many rumors soround the troll and what it does, but one thing is for sure. It does hold a grasp in the magical feild and will impliment it's abilities at almost any time in battle. This is why the Troll's special feat is known as "Spell Jack" . Working mainly on Mages, Spell Jack steals the spell after it's casted, and diverts it back onto it's caster. This can only be used once every other turn.
Spell Jack will work as follows. For every 5 points in the Spell Jack skill, you will obtain 1 Face Skill. For every 1 in Face Skill that is the level of spell you may use "Spell Jack" on. State the use of Spell Jack after the spell is Cast, but before dodge and evasion rolls are made. You and the mage both make singular Wisdom vs Wisdom rolls. If you fail, you automaticly get hit by the spell, if not, then the mage is now the new target. ( " The mage may not opt to dodge ") This works the same as helpful spells the mage uses to target himself with, you may Spell Jack these to target your self.
Spell Jack : 0/0