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Red Tide Incorporated's Tenaria

Tenaria : Chronicles

Chronicles:The Story

Chronicles:The People


The Races
The Forums

Tenaria Chronicles: Rise of Lebell City

The true Quests


Start Stats
Strength: 7
Speed: 2
Charisma: 1
Mana: 0
Constitution: 6
Wisdom: 2
Power: 3


Magical resistance: 0
Dodge: 3
Brawl: 1
Melee: 1
Tactics: 2
Perception: 1
Poison Immunity: 6
Counter: 0
Will: 0
Reflex: 2
Fortitude: 1
Anger: 1
Range: 0
Initiative: 0
Bonus: 4
Damned. These are the Vampires. Vampires have two special abilities. One which allows them to drink the life of their prey, and the other to entrance their victims.

"Drain Life" also known as the Vampire's bite, inflicts 2 points of damage per 1 point in the attribute. Vampires get 1 point in the attribute for every 5 points in it, base skill. This grasp does not end until the oponent can successfully out-roll the Vampire in a sheer "Brawl vs Brawl" roll. The brawl roll must be made every turn and only once, unless the oponent has more attacks remaining in the turn, in which case he/she may opt another escape roll.

"Mezmorize" is the other Vampiric Trait. Allowing the vampire to put a chosen target into a trance to do it's bidding. The Vampire gets 1 point of this trait, per 5 points pumped into it. The oponent must roll his/her Perception against the difficulty of the attribute by Base-Skill. If the Vampire's skill is 5/1, then he must beat the difficulty of 5 else be controlled for 1 turn.
Mezmorize : 0/0
Drain Life : 0/0/0

Character Note: Vampires hate the sunlight. They are only arround at night. Although they are naturally agressive they can be calm or timid, depending on the type of Vampire it is. Vampires will suffer 5 damage for every turn in sunlight they spend, and will suffer 9 damage every turn for exposure to fire. ( This does not include simply looking at it, rather a fireball attack that lands, that deals 6 damage will deal an additional 9 because it's fire ).