Scott's Philosophy Notebook


[Time Travel] [Synchronicity] [On the Existence of Time] [Three Month Lessons] [Slices of Life] [The Tao of Pizza] [Litanies] [Reincarnation] [Insecurity] [On the Existence of Love] [How to deal with things that go bump in the night] [Perception, Truth, and Reality] [The Unbreakable Axe]

Everybody needs certain phrases and litanies to live by, if only to help get by in day-to-day life. Here are my personal favorites, and all they entail.

Do what you gotta do.

This can mean a lot of things. But what it boils down to is this: life's decisions are seldom as complex as they seem. If you're confused, if you're lost, if you're in the dark or indecisive about anything, just decide on what you want. Pick something if your wants conflict. Just pick anything. Then do it. If it doesn't work out, try something else. If you're faced with insurmountable tasks, make a list, then check things off as you go along.

My soul is protected by the Armor of Wisdom, forged in the painful yet illuminating Fires of Experience.

This is one of my favorites. We all have something to learn from every experience we face. Did you run a red light earlier? Embrace that and learn from it. Did your last relationship not work out? Enjoy the wisdom it provided. Did something you did yesterday cause someone to get that much closer to you? Remember it and make it a part of yourself. We grow in many ways every day, and gain wisdom from seemingly inoccuous places. What really makes a difference is when we recognize that wisdom, accept it, cherish it, and grow because of it.

You are at your best when things are worst.

Life can be absolutely wonderful. It can also be a pain in the posterior. "Without change," Frank Herbert tells us in Dune, "something sleeps inside us." Contentment is something to definately strive for, and to enjoy when we find it and accept it. But rough times are growing times, and we discover more about ourselves and what we're capable of when we're faced with impossible odds.

Life is a dance.

Watch the interaction around you sometime. Really pay attention to it. Who are your closest friends? Who are on the periphery? Who's a casual aquaintance? Who are your enemies? Who are your friends' friends? Who are those friends' friends? Watch relationships grow and change around you. There are circles within circles, and those change shape in beautiful ways. When someone leaves your life, don't feel empty. Just accept it as part of the dance. They have gone on to dance with someone else, and you continue the dance without them for the time.

Other people can be (charming, witty, glib, fill-in-the-blank), all I can do is be myself.

And a good thing, too! There is one good reason to love yourself, and that is because you are so unique, so powerful in your own way. If you are having a hard time making friends, it is probably because you are not being true to yourself. Everybody, I think, is inherrently likeable. I know someone who was once a pain to be around. She was this hanger-on, she irritated people, she was just the kind of person you didn't want to know. She has since come into her own as a lesbian, and now she's one of the most beautiful people I know. I am attracted to her in a fundamental way, because she is being herself, and she is unique. Uniqueness is attractive. Conformity is ugly. Be yourself, and others will love who you are.

[Time Travel] [Synchronicity] [On the Existence of Time] [Three Month Lessons] [Slices of Life] [The Tao of Pizza] [Litanies] [Reincarnation] [Insecurity]
[On the Existence of Love] [How to deal with things that go bump in the night] [Perception, Truth, and Reality] [The Unbreakable Axe]

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