There are four shrines in the underworld continent of Ambrosia. The Shrine of Dexterity has an archmage within, who will sell you eighth level scrolls, reagents, and boost your agility up to 16, at the cost of 200 gold per point. You can reach the Shrine of Dexterity via the Mines of Morinia. The Shrine of Intelligence also has an archmage within, who will sell you seventh level scrolls, reagents, and boost your will up to 16, at the cost of 200 gold per point. You can reach the Shrine of Intelligence via either the Dungeon of the Snake or the Perinian Depths. The Shrine of Strength has a healer within, who will heal you at lower prices than other healers, and boost your strength up to 16, at the cost of 200 gold per point. You can reach the Shrine of Strength through many dungeons, but the closest is Dardin's Pit. The Shrine of Wisdom has a lone ophidian within, named Thas'lah. If you let him join your party, you have an alternative to fighting the ophidian king in the Dungeon of the Snake. You can reach the Shrine of Wisdom through many dungeons, but the closest one is Doom. After what the Time Lord told you in the Dungeon of Time, it's a bit unsatisfying to think you went all that way to hear him say "Oh, well." So, talk to Lord British about this. He shares your feelings, and thinks these shrines might do some good if they were raised to the surface. He advices you to ask Nystul how this may be done. Nystul tells you that magical runes are the key, and sends you on a quest to find a tinker with sufficient skill for the task. You can speak to any of the merchants' guild members: Roshack in Britain, Julia in Fawn (or within your party, if she joined you), or Smith in Trinsic. But it is Mazreth in Death Gulch who really has the talent you seek. Mazreth charges you 500 gold for the runes to be made. Take the runes back to Nystul, and he tells you to take them to the shrines in Ambrosia. Use the runes in the exact center of their corresponding shrines; Honesty in Intelligence, Compassion in Dexterity, Valor in Strength, and Spirituality in Wisdom. When you do this, the shrines are raised to the surface of Britannia! Not only this, but a new entry and exit point appears in each shrine. This allows easy access to the shrines, and consequently, Ambrosia. Return to Lord British and report your deed.