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The Best From
Each Gallery

Modeling Debut!
(The Advertisement Alcove Gallery)

The Thinker
(The Cultural Corner Gallery)

Michael Jordan Imitations
(The Expressions Gallery)

Elvis Paper Doll Collection
(The Fashion Salon Gallery)
(Takes a few extra seconds for pictures to come up
But it's worth the wait!)

"Hey Wussy Boy!"
(The Machismo Missives Gallery)

The Warrior Spirit
(The Martial Arts Motifs Gallery)

Elvis and Elvis - A Study In Comparison
(The Miscellaneous Musings Gallery)

(The Reflections Gallery)

Elvis Is Engaged!
(The Relationships Realm Gallery)

Bammer Bear Pub Fight!
(The Silly But Fun Gallery)
(Contains 13 pictures so may take a little extra time to download)

Dragon - The Bruce Lee Story
(The Progams & Competitions Gallery)

An Original Move - The Headbanger!
(The Skating Elements Gallery)

Cartoon Debut
(The Video Arcade)

Other Favorites

( = Voice recording accompaniment)
( = Musical accompaniment)

If you like what you've seen so far,
check out all of the galleries:

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