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:: FAITH ::

Wrestler Name: Faith

Hometown: Cameron, North Carolina

Height: 5' 4"

Weight: 112 lbs

Alignment: Neutral

Managers: Sebastian & Trinity

Entrance Theme: 'We Will Rock You/Whenever/Wherever' remix

Entrance Description:
Everything goes quiet the whole arena fades black. Then all of a sudden blue and purple smoke appears on the titantron. Slowly we hear clapping. It slowly forms into 'We Will Rock You' by Queen with a remix of 'Whenever Wherever' by Shakira. Slowly the music settles down and everything becomes quiet. Suddenly a big bang and purple and blue smoke appear once again. Once again the clapping starts and slowly forms into 'We Will Rock You' with a remix of 'Whenever Wherever' by Shakira. The crowds join in giving an echoing effect. The smoke slowly fades showing Faith! She is standing in her usual pose and gives a quick smile. She has a mic in her hand and her tiara sparkles because of the light. Some of the crowds boo her but really most start to chant ...Faith... Faith starts walking down the ramp. The crowds continue 2 clap along to We Will Rock You while booing and cheering.

Faith wears different tops with catchy slogans on them like "I Want Candy", "Drive Me Crazy" etc etc.Trousers, hot pants or mini skirts. They can be any colour.She wears pads on her knees and elbows.

Faith wears any shoes that goes with her suit and when she wrestles she wear black boots.

She always wears a tiara on her head to show that she is the Princess of Xtreme and she wears different types of jewellry whatever suits her mood.

Her natural hair colour is blonde but she usually wears a variety of wigs or dyes her hair for each mood shes in.

Style: All Rounder

Secondary Style: Martial Artist

Finisher: Faithsault

Finisher Description:
Faith runs to the ropes, climbs to the top and does a Moonsault on her oppenent.

2nd Finisher: Spirit Of the Night

2nd Finisher Description:
A head scissors take-down flips the opponent off their feet in mid air- Faith grabs their head and performs a tornando DDT. While the opponent is recovering Faith runs over to the opposite corner where her opponent is and performs a back handspring.

Cute, isn't she? Thats what everyone thinks when they look at Faith. But is she so cuddly, so doe-eyed and sick-makingly loveable that it should put you off watching any e-fed that she in? Don't be fooled. Behind those adorably eyes lurks a brain of awesome ability.

So the big question is how did Faith get into wrestling and what has happened to her in the past few months? Well all will be explained.

Faith was born on the July the 12th 1980. Born Faith Lucky Marsters in the Ulster Hospital, she was the youngest in her family and the cutest. Her middle name is Lucky because she almost died at birth due to being a few weeks early.

As a young child Faith was aways the odd one out. Her brothers and sisters would always bully and tease her and really they treated her like a slave. Of course as being the youngest in her family this is what you might expect. At the age of 12, Faith's family emigrated to Cameron, North Carolina. She then befriended Charlotte and Morgan and eventually she started to toughen up. By the time she was 13, Faith and her brother Ray had become very big fans of Wrestling. Infact Faith, Charlie, Mor and Ray would hang around with Matt and Jeff Hardy and train in their famous ring. Faith slowly began to learn the tricks of wrestling and the pains that came with it but somehow she knew she was gonna wrestle for the rest of her life.

Faith decided to become a wrestler when she was 15. She was everything a wrestler could be brash, bold and powerful, determined to conquer as much in wrestling as she could. She trained with Charlotte, Morgan and her brother Ray but mostly trained alone but the whole time she learned still more about her chosen craft and destiny. Like every wrestler she travelled the globe, learning more and more about the art of wrestling. When she returned she had become a fully trained wrestler and a master of martial arts. She had become a threat to be reckoned with.

At the age of 22 Faith married her boyfriend Triple K and she gave birth 2 two twins. She's proven herself than she can fight and show she is one heck of a diva!

Career Highlights: CWF Women's Champion

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