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3rd September 2002

Tuesday Night Turbulence

[The opening credits come to a close, treating us to a shot of CWF announcers Captain Mosher and The Greasy Mexican.]

MOSHER: "Hallo all! Welcome to another CWF Turbulence!"

MEXICAN: "Hola! We've got another great show lined up toni-!"

[He is interrupted by the opening strains of Bon Jovi's "It's My Life". The unmistakable Phil Leach, former CWF champion, jives his way to the ring.]

MOSHER: "As you know, Phil is currently involved in this unique tournament with Dan, set up by none other than Clive McMartyn. As such, he has been removed from active competition on the roster."

MEXICAN: "Yeah, until after the next PPV! A great idea, no?! What better way to keep that interfering twit out of the way, than by feeding him to the resident 'Lone Wolf'?!"

MOSHER: "If my memory serves, Phil has the choice for the next match in the competition! That must be why he's out here!"

[By now, Phil has sauntered down to the ring. He hops up the steps, then sidles past Mr Tuck, plucking the microphone from his grasp. Phil stands in the centre of the ring, gives a wiggle of his hips, which is sufficient to elicit much female screaming (possibly with laughter, rather than in admiration), then his music fades away.]

PHIL: "Eeeey! Hi kids! 'The Man' just wants to say a big 'How's Tricks' to all his loyal Pimp-a-maniacs!"

[A mighty pop greets this.]

PHIL: "Now, on to business. In a few days, I'm gonna be takin' on that bad tempered, hairy, little bugger, Dan. I'll say this now, 'that job's a good un''! It's already sorted! But I've hit a snag, before that! I can't decide what stipulation to put on the match! Any ideas?"

[This open question sends the fans into a frenzy of activity. The whole arena starts shouting out suggestions. Phil is overwhelmed. He has to yell, when he tries to speak, just to be heard.]

PHIL: "OK! Ok! I know you've all got sh*tloads of great ideas, but I can't ask everyone! Now, let's see how I can solve this…."

[Before he can continue, Phil is cut off by the opening lines of a familiar song; I've told you this Once before, Can't control me. If you Try to Take me down, you're gonna' break! The lights dim, then Dan strides through the smoky, blue glow onto the stage, dressed in black, along with his long coat.]

MEXICAN: "Huh! About time senor Dan came out to stop Phil's jabbering!"

[The fan reaction becomes as dark as the light level. Dan eyes the fans around him, and smiles darkly. He carries on to the ring. Phil stares grimly as Dan climbs into the ring to stand before him. They stare into one another's eyes. The tension between them can almost be cut with a blade. Dan extends one arm to the side, and, with simple click of his fingers, a mic is thrown to him. Oddly, he snatches it out of the air without breaking eye contact. Dan grins wolfishly as he lifts the mic to speak.]

DAN: "Well, well. Cocky, aren't we? I'm glad. A 'true warrior' should be confident in his own abilities!"

PHIL: "Forget this 'warrior' crap, Dan! This is about us! You and me! It has nothing to do with philosophy!"

[Dan's smile fades.]

DAN: "YOU understand nothing! I do not have the same values as you do! What matters most to me is overcoming the strongest foes! I care not for friends, nor family! I care not for the opinions, nor loyalty of others!"

PHIL: "Good for you! But look who walked away from Whiplash wearing the belt! Everyone needs an ally, Dan! No-one can last alone forever!"

[Dan's face splits in a snarl and his eyes narrow. He steps away from Phil, tensing himself to attack.]

MOSHER: "Dan looks about ready to take it to Phil right now!"

[Suddenly, "No Chance" hits the PA. Clive McMartyn trots into the arena.]

MOSHER: "What now?! Clive is here too!"

[Ignoring the booing fans, Clive rapidly canters down the ramp and mounts the steps. He steps between the ropes, mic already in hand. Clive forces himself between Dan and Phil, keeping each at arm's length.]

CLIVE: "What do you think you're doing?! I'll have none of this 'overtime' going on while I'm in charge! You'll fight when I say you can, or not at all!"

DAN: "This is nothing to do with you! Get out of my way! NOW!"

PHIL: "Anytime, Dan! Is that kippers I smell cooking?!"

[The two men both push towards each other. Clive struggles to push them apart.]

CLIVE: "NO! STOP IT! You will stop this now, or I'll have you both suspended and thrown out of the building!"

[Phil grunts. Dan growls, but backs down.]

CLIVE: "That's better! Now, you will meet each other at Redemption, NO SOONER! Am I understood?!"

PHIL: "As clear as silk, and smoother than water!"

CLIVE: "Er, I, um, guess that must be a positive response. Dan?"

[Dan just stares silently at Phil.]

CLIVE: "Okay. Both of you remember who signs your paycheques! Now, about Redemption. Phil, what is your choice for the type of match?"

PHIL: "Well, I've been giving it a lot of thought. The first match was First Blood. That's easy enough!"

DAN: "Don't think you achieved anything in that match! Anyone can win First Blood! That's no true test of abilities!"

PHIL: "You're just gutted about losing, growly!"

DAN: "Need I bring up the Submission match that followed?! You never stood a chance!"

PHIL: "Glad to see you're keeping up with me, then!"


PHIL: "I was getting to it! Anyway, those matches were fair enough, but I don't think they really push either of us. Don't you agree, Dan?"

[Dan snorts, folds his arms impatiently, then turns his back to Phil.]

PHIL: "Thought so! Well, you'll be chuffed to know I think it's time to step things up a bit! We're going to the next level! Something that will make us sweat, bleed and hurt! My choice for stipulation is…."

[Clive and Dan both stare expectantly at Phil. The crowd goes silent, anticipating his announcement.]

MOSHER: "What's it gonna be?!"

MEXICAN: "Shhhh!"


[The crowd raises the roof when this is spoken. Dan smiles broadly at this. Clive looks aghast.]

MOSHER: "My God! Phil has just announced his next match! A BRUTAL TABLE MATCH!"

MEXICAN: "He might not even survive it, gringo!"

CLIVE: "NO! I won't have my investments destroying each other with wooden furniture!"

DAN: "Silence! You gave US the power to choose these matches!"

PHIL: "This is what's going down, kids! Like it, or lump it."

DAN: "I look forward to Redemption, Phil!"

[Dan practically spits the name of his rival. He drops his mic to the floor, then climbs out of the ring and stalks up the ramp. Clive also wanders out of the ring, looking concerned. He glances back at Phil, scowling darkly, then leaves. Phil watches them two men leave, then turns to fans. "It's My Life" starts once again. "The Man" rolls his hips to the fans, then clambers out of the ring himself. He dances his way up the ramp to the cheering of the fans. When he finally disappears from view, his music fades away.]

MOSHER: "This'll be one hell of a show, come Redemption!"

MEXICAN: "Aye! Aye! Aye carumba! This will sure be one to watch!"

[Backstage, CWF Staff Members Eddie Jones and Ruth are sitting in a makeshift canteen, sipping coffee. Both have fraught looks on their faces as they converse in hushed tones.]

EDDIE: "… And he says he doesn't know when he'll be back on the road again. This installing of the new security system could be a nightmare, apparently."

[Ruth sighs loudly, and cradles her coffee some more.]

RUTH: "Oh dear. Eddie, what are we going to do around here? Arran's been sent off to CWF Headquarters to oversee these new security measures, and Pete, poor Pete? The doctors said he suffered a serious concussion, but it could have been so much worse. As it is he's been sent home to recuperate for three weeks."

[Equally glumly, Edward Jones eyes his own drink, a pensive expression on his face.]

EDDIE: "With both Arran and Pete out of the way, Andrew McMartyn's going to be able to do whatever the hell he pleases to the staff around here, and no-one is going to be able to stand up to him, either!"

[Suddenly Ruth sits up straight in her chair. Replacing the look of desperation on her face is a new look of determination. She bangs the table loudly with her fist.]

RUTH: "NO! Eddie, I'm not going to let the staff of the CWF live and work in fear any longer! It's time someone stood up to Andrew once and for all, and sorted this thing out- and that person is going to be ME!"

EDDIE: "Ruth, come back here! Are you crazy?!"

[The trainer's pleas fall on death ears, as Ruth is already marching out of the canteen, sternly looking ahead]

RUTH: "This is going to be put to rest for good!"

[Gav Jones is standing backstage, looking around from someone to pester. He sees Kid Punk walking down the corridor towards the locker room and stops him.]

GAV: "Hey! hey Kid Punk! Can I have a few words with you, please?!"

[Kid Punks tops, drops his bag and looks at Gav.]

KID PUNK: "Fine."

GAV: "All I want to ask, and I'm sure the viewers would LOVE to know the answer to this- Why are you attacking the CWF Women?"

[Kid Punk raises an eyebrow and then grabs the mic from Gav.]

KID PUNK: "Why? Women are weak, that's why? They have no business here. They shouldn't even be ringside, let alone fighting in the ring! This is a man's game. Women should stay home and wash the dishes and bakes pies, because that's all they're good for!"

GAV: "But what are you trying to prove by attacking the Divas?"

KID PUNK: "Simple- they're weak! They can't defend themselves so they should get the hell outta the firing line."

GAV: "When are you going to stop?"

KID PUNK: "When every woman in this fed gets back in the kitchen and leaves the real work to the men!"

[With this Kid Punk shoves the mic into Gav's hands, grabs his bag and walks off. From outside in the ring, there's alot of shouting and booing, especially from the female fans! Gav is shocked at Kid Punk's words as he watches him walk into the locker room.]

Damian Ali vs Stone Cold Andy Morgan

MOSHER: "Well, Ladies and gentlemen our next match is between two very aggressive opponents..."

MEXICAN: "Hold on, El Captaino! There's something going on backstage!"

MOSHER: "Ladies and gentlemen, we're... err.. gonna take you backstage, at least to see what's happening..."

[The McMartyntron flickers on and we see the backstage area, near the loading bay. There's a loud crashing noise and suddenly a crate overturns and we see Stone Cold Andy Morgan land hard on the floor! The figure of Damian Ali leaps from behind acrate, a baseball bayt in hand and attempts to smash Stone Ciold over the head with it, but Stone Cold rolls out of the way and grabs the nearest object he can to defend himself with- a garabeg can. He throws it a Ali, who is running towards him with a demonic look on his face. The garabge can slows Ali down, as he jumps to avoid it. Stone Cold jumps to his feet and grabs another object, this time a 2x4. The two superstars both swing for each other at the exact same moment and they both connect at the same time, sending each other flying to the floor, out cold. The crowd in the arena are yelling for more, but that seems unlikely as EMT's rush to the aid of the warring stars.]


MEXICAN: "I guess we're not gonna see these guys in action tonight then?"

MOSHER: "Looks like it, Mex. What the hell started all of that off?"

MEXICAN: "God knows..."

[Commercial Break]

[In the locker room area, CWF camera's zoom in on a very unusual sght- Kyle Reece standing on his head! The cameras zooms in closer to see an expression of total calm on the superstar's face. His eyes are clsoed and his breathing is relaxed. He seems to be muttering something under his breath, but it is too quite for the cameras to pick up.]

MOSHER: "What in the hell is he up to?"

MEXICAN: "He's lost it amigo! Reece has finally gone nutso!"

MOSHER: "Very unusual behaviour!"

[The cameras find CWF broadcaster Gavin Jones standing in front of a interview set, shifting excitedly as he prepares to launch another series of questions. The camera pans across from the interviewer, and we see that the CWF Champion, 'The Huckster' Bob Jones, is standing alongside Jones waiting to be questioned. A huge cheer goes up at the sight of the grizzled veteran, and 'The Huckster' acknowledges this with a broad smile.]

GAV: "Huckster, tonight the main event of Turbulence will see Hans Grip defend the Intercontinental Title against Kyle Reece, the man you defended YOUR title against last week on this very same show. I'm sure you've got some FANTASTIC comments to make regarding the match up tonight, so I'm just going to stand here and silently hold the microphone while you tell the fans all about it!"

[The elder CWF Champion takes a deep breath before beginning.]

HUCKSTER: "Well you know something brother, The Huckster ha-"

[The Huckster stops in mid flow as a voice suddenly cuts him off with a mocking parody of his own words.]

"Well YA know something, brudder … you talk too mush!"

[To the chagrin of the CWF Champion, Hans Grip swaggers onto screen right in front of him, his Intercontinental Title over his shoulder and Sven Oder-Svensson at his side. The two men stare each other down intensely before Grip snatches the microphone away from Gav Jones.]

HANS: "Week ater week, all I is hearing is "De Hockster this, De Hockster that … you are all talk, little man, and no action! If you were as gut a champion as Hans Grip, you wod be defending that belt tonight and not me, yah?"

[Angry at this slur, Bob Jones grabs the microphone back.]

HUCKSTER: "Brother, you don't what your talking about … maybe those wrestling trunks are cutting off the supply to your brain! The Huckster has defended this title more times than you ever will … The Huckster was defending this title before you were even potty trained! Instead of worrying how much this old timer defends his title, perhaps you should worry about getting you ass kicked courtesy of Kyle Reece tonight- BROTHER!"

[The Huckster tosses the mike back to Gav Jones and turns away to leave. A furious look on his face, Hans Grip steps after Bob Jones and knocks him down with a huge forearm to the back! Blindsided by the big Swedish brute, The Huckster is knocked to the floor. As Gav Jones runs away whimpering Grip hoists Bob Jones up with one hand and hurls him through the air like a rag doll! The Huckster collides with the interview set and the whole contraption crumbles to the ground, crashing down around the beaten Huckster. As the CWF Champion lies groaning in the wreckage, Hans Grip takes his IC belt back from Sven and the two stalk off, the Intercontinental Champion laughing loudly.]

Acid vs Grandma

Referee: Gary Willis

[Acid and Grandma are already in the ring when Tuck makes the announcement. Fallon and Julia have are on the outside of the ring.]

TUCK: “The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is for the CWF Women’s Championship [DING! DING! DING!]

[Acid comes out of her corner and confronts Grandma. The two women stand nose to nose. Acid has a look of determination on her face, whilst Grandma stares bravely back. Suddenly, Acid kicks Grandma in the gut and gives her a DDT on the canvas!]

MOSHER: “A vicious start to this match by Acid!”

[Acid goes to whip Grandma off the ropes, but Grandma reverses, sending Acid flying into the ropes. As Acid gets propelled back, Grandma gives her a tilt-a-whirl slam! Acid slams down on the mat and Grandma gets up, going to the ring apron, and then to the top rope. She then jumps off the top rope and waits. Acid raggedly gets to her feet and as she does, Grandma launches herself from the top rope, performing an elbow drop. Acid eats canvas once again…]

MOSHER: That was HUGE!

[Grandma then pulls back Acid's leg]



[…Acid kicks out!]

[Grandma gets up and walks away from Acid who is using the ropes to get up. Grandma waits to pounce and runs at Acid, but Acid reverses Grandma's attack and uses her offence to give Grandma a flapjack on the ropes! Grandma bounces back off the ropes and crashes to the mat and Acid gives her a leg drop! Grandma is reeling and staggers around as she gets up, Acid is ready for Grandma to see her and as Grandma turns Acid delivers an overhead belly-to-belly suplex on Grandma! Grandma goes flying and slams against the mat on the other side of the ring. Grandma then tries to get up as Acid poses to the fans.]


[With Grandma halfway up, Acid pulls her to a standing position and whips her into the corner. Acid walks over to the corner and props Grandma up to the top and climbs to the same level.]

MOSHER: “Acid is looking to finish Grandma off!”

[Acid looks to pull off a super plex but Grandma punches Acid in the stomach and then spears her off the turnbuckle! Both women crash on the mat and Grandma drags an arm over Acid…]



[..No! Acid kicks out again!]

[Grandma is shocked that Acid continues to kick out. She gets up and signals the end for Acid. She lifts Acid up and goes for the Bingo Hall Buster. She is just about to execute the move when Acid starts to struggle free and gives Grandma a back body drop! Grandma gets up but walks right into a dropkick! Acid then whips the reeling Grandma off the ropes and slams her down with a destructive spinebuster! As Grandma tries to recover Acid climbs the top rope… ACID BURNZ!!! Acid flies through the air with her signature move, but Grandma rolls out of the way! Acid hits the canvas and is winded. Grandma sees an opportunity for a pin and takes it…]





TUCK: "Winner of this match, and still the CWF Women's Champion... ACID!!!"

[As Grandma stumbles backstage after her defeat, Acid continues to celebrate alongside her friends Julia and Fallon when suddenly she callsfor the music to stop and she walks over to Ralph Tuck and takes his microphone from him. She walks back to the center of the ring and addresses the crowd.]

ACID: "Well, in the words of Britney Spears (cheap tart!)- "Oops, I did it again!"

[The crowd goes wild as the CWF Women's champion smiles and Fallon and Julia applaud her.]

ACID: "Now that I've taken care of some light work, onto my lighter work... namely a little sho-vo pissant byt the name of... KID PUNK!!"

[The crowd start booing at the sound of his name. Fallon gives him the thumbs down, whilst Julia shakes her head.]

ACID: "Now, Kid Punk... WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?! You come ino the CWF with aspriations of causing a bit of a ruccus, which is all fine and dandy, but then you have the nerve to start beating up on women?! What the hell is wrong with you?!"

[Acid starts pacing, the Women's belt fdraped over her shoulder.]

ACID: "What gives you the right to decide what a woman can and can't do? We're not in the 1950's you know! This IS the 21st Century and a woman has a right to decide what she does, when she dioes it and who she does it with! Little cretins like you are the ones who don't have a place, not only in the ring, but in society as well!"

[The crowd roar their approval. Acid walks over to Julia and Fallon, who have positioned themselves in a line in the center of the ring in a sort of pose. Fallon is holding up devil horns and has one hand tucked in her pocket, whilst Julai has her arms folded and is staring seductively at the nearest camera. Acid goes in between the middle of the two women and starts her own pose, holding the mic to her lips with one hand and putting her hand on her thigh with the other.]

MOSHER: "What's going on here?"

MEXICAN: "Aye carumba! They look like Charlie's Angels!"

ACID: "I think it's about time that you, and every other man in this federation learned that we three are not what we seem!"

[The three women stay still for a few seconds. There are numoerous flashes from around the arena, as fans take pictures of this moment. Acid speaks into the microphone...]

ACID: "Ladies and Gentleman, boys and girls of all ages... allow me to introduce to you... brains, beauty and brawn all wrapped up in a leather package... we are... THE LEGACY OF GET BENT!!!"

[Suddenly, 'Points Of Authority (Reanimation Version)' by Linkin Park starts to play over the arena's sound system as the Legacy of Get Bent pose one more time for the camera's before marching backstage.]

MOSHER: "Wow! We've just witnessed the birth of a new stable here in the CWF! The Legacy of Get Bent looks like it's here to stay!"

MEXICAN: "Kid Punk better look out amigo! He's now messing with three very unhappy chicas!"

[In his luxurious office suite, CWF Chairman Mr McMartyn looks on impatiently as his corporate stooges, Ingham and Quarterman, scuffle over a now-crumbled piece of fax paper. Mr McMartyn's gruff voice rumbles at the duo like a storm brewing in the distance.]

MCMARTYN: "Could one of you idiots PLEASE tell me what that fax says?"

[Rather triumphantly, Mr Ingham snatches the document away from the even more slow-witted Mr Quarterman. He clears his throat and addresses his boss.]

INGHAM: "Sir, what this fax is saying is basically there's been an anomaly in the results of the DNA tests taken for your new security measures."

[McMartyn raises an inquisitive eyebrow.]

MCMARTYN: "… anomaly??"

[Now Quarterman snatches away the document.]

QUARTERMAN: "Yes Sir, there has been a strange finding in the different DNA samples. Certain samples taken will be very similar, such as the DNA of Edward and Dan Jones to their father, 'The Huckster'. This is normal, as they are all part of the same family."

[Ingham quickly grabs the fax before Quarterman can continue.]

INGHAM: "The lab results found three samples of DNA that are all very similar … one of them being yours."

MCMARTYN: "Three samples? Well, that makes sense, there ARE three members of my fam- wait a minute though, Mrs McMartyn would have completely different DNA to me, wouldn't she?"

QUARTERMAN: "Yes Sir, and your son's DNA sample is likely to be an even mix of yours and Mrs McMartyn's DNA. Somehow we've ended up with two samples of either yours or Andrew's samples. The lab is running a double check to eliminate the error. We sho-"

INGHAM: "We should know in a couple of days, Sir."

MCMARTYN: "Right, that's all. Get out of here, both of you."

[Ingham and Quarterman fight to leave the room first, slamming the door shut when they finally disappear. Left alone in his office, Mr McMartyn chews the end of his pen thoughtfully.]

MCMARTYN: "What does this mean? …"

Blue Flash vs Tom' The Shuck' Ickleberry
Referee: Phil James

[Suddenly all the lights in the arena go out. A voice is heard over the PA, "Do not fear..." Then there is a bright blue flash of pyro on the stage and the voice continues "The Blue Flash is here!" Then "Flash" plays over the sound sytem as The Blue Flash himself runs out wearing his cape. He stands at the top of the ramp and looks out at the fans, he appeals with his "Superhero flying" taunt and then runs to teh ring. Another flash of pyro, as he rolls into he ring and removes his cape.]

TUCK: "The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first.... THE BLUE FLASH!!!"

MOSHEWR: "The Blue Flash has been out for a while, but he's in great shape nonetheless. Pity is attitude sucks!"

MEXICAN: "I like this new change of alignment, amigo! It'll take him far in this fed!"

MOSHER: "That may be true. Unfortunately, the nice guys do tend to finish last. I just hope that Shuck doesn't learnt hat lesson tonight."

MEXICAN: "The Shuck isn't nice... he's just weird!"

[The arena lights turn green and "The Bum Bum Song" hits the speakers. The Shuck comes jogging out onto the stage in his black suit and white trainers. He has a white shirt underneath his suit jacket and a smart blue tie. He runs to each side of the ramp and shakes his rear end at the crowd. The crowd don't quite know how to react to this strange man.]

TUCK: "And his opponent... THE SHUCK!!!"

[The Shuck then struts down to the ring and jumps onto the apron. He walks around the whole perimeter of the apron before stepping in between the ropes. He then takes off his whole suit, including trousers to reveal his bright green wrestling shorts. The Shuck doesn't have time to thorw his suit to one side as he is almost immediately attacked by the Blue Flash. The referee hastily calls for the bell."


MOSHER: "Here we go!"

[Flash and The Shuck jog around eventually tying up and Flash getting the advantage. Flash gets Shuck in a side-headlock position. Shuck pushes Flash against the ropes and gets out of the hold, but Flash shoulder barges Shuck down. Flash goes against the other ropes and leg drops Shuck as the crowd go wild. Flash gets Shuck up and executes a snap suplex taking Shuck down to the canvas. Flash poses to the crowd as they go wild. Shuck gets to his knees as Flash gets him to his feet. Flash goes to whip him against the ropes, but Shuck counters it sending Flash against the ropes and Shuck performing a neck breaker, taking Flash down. Shuck goes against the ropes and drops a hard elbow drop to the rib section of the Blue Flash. Shuck grabs Grip's right legs and drops his elbow to the hamstring, causing Grip to scream out in pain. Shuck does this twice more before going for the pin...]




[Flash gets his right shoulder from the canvas as Shuck gets up. Shuck pulls Flash up and executes a European slam on Flash. Shuck pulls Flash up once again and body presses him against the rope and whips him off, kneeing him in the mid-section and going for the DDT, but Flash counters it into a low back body drop. Flash then grabs one of Shuck's arms and locks in an arm bar. Shuck tries rolling out of it, but Flash doesn't let him. Shuck slowly edges towards the ropes and makes a grab for the bottom rope and gets hold of it. Flash pulls Flash up and executes a drop toehold causing Shuck to go crashing into the second turnbuckle. Flash poses to the crowd once again as he grabs Shuck by the head and smashes it into another turnbuckle. Shuck falls to the canvas. Flash goes to the second rope and executes a leg drop and then rolls into a pin...]



MEXICAN: "That was close! Being sarcastic!! HAHAHA!!!"

[Flash pulls Shuck up and knocks him back down with a boot to the face. He then kneels down on the canvas, driving his left knee into Shuck's left hamstring. Flash pulls him up and goes for a suplex, but Shuck counters it into a hard spine buster. Shuck pulls him up and knocks him over the top rope with a hard clothesline. He then follows him out of the ring. Shuck grabs Flash by the head and smashes it into the ring apron causing Flash to land back on the floor.]





[Shuck sets Flash up for a suplex. Flash lands hard on the floor. Shuck slides back into the ring.]






[A dazed Flash stars to get up using the announce table and slides into the ring just before the referee counts for 10. Shuck kicks Flash as soon as he re-enters the ring, not allowing him to get to his feet. Reece then backs away to a corner, and waits for Flash to get up. Flash proceeds to his feet as Shuck goes to spear him, but Flash moves out of the way as Shuck crashes his shoulder into the ring post over the second turnbuckle. Flash grabs Shuck and rolls him up...]




TUCK: "Here is your winner... THE BLUE FLASH!!!"

[Flahs rolls out of the ring and disappears up the ramp as hsi music plays over the sound system.]

MOSHER: "Well, the Blue Flash stole that one!"

MEXICAN: "Go Flash!"

[As we return to the arena, Ruth is standing in the centre of the ring holding a microphone and waiting to speak to the crowd. She has received a warm welcome from the fans, but as the applause dies down the senior CWF staff member lifts the mike to her lips.]

RUTH: "Thank you, but what I'm here to talk about tonight is serious stuff. All this nasty stuff has been happening to my friends and work colleagues backstage and in the ring here in the CWF, and all of it is down to one person- Andrew. Considering how long he's known us all, you'd think he'd try not to act like such a skanky mingrat! Now I want to put an end to this all, and I want to do it tonight. Andrew, please come down to the ring…"

MEXICAN: "Aye aye aye aye! Ruth is really tempting fate here!"

[A massive boo goes up as "Control" hits and Andrew McMartyn briskly makes his way down to the ring. The CWF Co-Owner steps into the ring and takes a microphone before proceeding to loom over the female road agent with a glower on his face. As his music dies down, McMartyn speaks.]

ANDREW: "Ironic, isn't it, that you would want to finish this here tonight Ruth … when YOU were the one that started this all in the first place! You were the one who brought this on everyone else, when you turned down my generous proposal to join me at my side! So I ask you Ruth, will you reconsider?"

[The road agent's answer is emphatic.]


ANDREW: "Then you condemn your colleagues to whatever I see fit to do to them. I'm Andrew McMartyn damnit, and I'm used to getting my way! I warn you Ruth- pretty soon I'm going to be left with you to deal with, and I'll have no qualms about knocking you flat on your back- just where you BELONG!"

MOSHER: "How disrespectful!"

[SMACK! Ruth strikes Andrew McMartyn right across the face with a huge slap, sending the Co-Owner reeling. Foaming with anger, Andrew lunges at her but Ruth ducks, rushing to escape the ring and Andrew's grasp. Andrew spins around however, and yanks Ruth back viciously by her hair. The CWF staff member screams as Andrew pulls her back and bends her over double, setting her up for The Final Solution!]

MOSHER: "Good God no!"

MEXICAN: "This hussy has it coming to her, Capataino!"

[Suddenly the crowd begins to buzz uncontrollably. A lone figure rushes down the ramp and the crowd bursts into wild cheering as they see who it is- former CWF Superstar and fan favourite- Seb Beynon! The former Intercontinental and Tag Champion speeds up onto the ring apron and quickly scrambles up to the top rope- as Andrew McMartyn spots this new threat Seb leaps off the top rope and grounds him with a massive Hurricanrana. The terrified Ruth slides to the outside as Seb Beynon mounts the top rope once more … and delivers his famed Seb-ton Bomb on the prone Andrew McMartyn! Andrew shudders under the impact and lies still in the centre of the ring. The CWF fans cheer the returning hero loudly as he rolls out of the ring and helps Ruth to her feet. To the applause of the crowd, both Ruth and Seb make their way back up the rampway and into the back.]

MOSHER: "Seb Beynon- back in the CWF! What a turn of events!"

MEXICAN: "I can't believe it, essa!"

Hans Grip vs Kyle Reece

Referee: Adrian Davies

MOSHER: "Welcome back ladies and gentlemen! We're almost ready for the main event, but first we just want to recap what just occurred before the break....]

[The McMartyntron flashes with the replaying images of the end of the Women's championship match when Acid, Fallon and Julia banded togetehr to show Kid Punk that if he wants to play war against the women, he has to go through, the Legacy Of Get Bent first.]

MOSHER: "Just a few moments ago, we were informed that CWF VP has created another match for Thursday nigth Redemption... Kid Punk will be in action against all three members of the Legacy in a handicap match!"

MEXICAN: "Even Julia? Wow!"

MOSHER: "That's right, Mex! I guess it doesn't pay to mess with the Vice Prez!"

MEXICAN: "Si senor!"

MOSHER: "And not only that, but this championship match up we about to see has been made into a no DQ match up- that means that anything goes!"

MEXICAN: "Really? Aye carumba!"

MOSHER: "It's all happening here tonight, huh Mex?"

TUCK: "This next match is scheduled for one fall and is for the IC Championship. Introducing first, the IC Champion, from Gottemnburg, Sweden... HANS GRIP!!!"

[Hans walks on to the strains of the Swedish melody. As he postulates to the crowd in the ring "Super Trooper" comes to an end and he gets ready for the match.]

TUCK: And the challenger, from New York... KYLE REECE!

['Give me fuel! Give me fire! Give me that which I desire!' Red and orange pyrotechnics explode as Kyle Reece makes his way through the crowd. He climbs over the barrier and then into the ring. He sheds his coat and faces Hans Grip, who in turn laughs at him. Reece raises an eyebrow and approaches Grip, but Grip rakes his eyes! Grip then clotheslines Reece down and then pulls him back up again. Referee Adrian Davies calls for the bell. The match officially starts.]


[Grip goes to whip Reece into the corner, but Reece counters whipping Grip viciously into the corner and follows the whip up with a big splash in the corner! Reece then pushes Hans Grip down into the mat and using the ropes for leverage, chokes Grip with his foot! He eventually lets go but the damage is done. Reece grabs Grip from behind in a full nelson position, but Grip kicks him in the jewels before he can complete the move! Reece loses his grip and Grip turns around, dropkicking Reece down! Grip mounts Reece giving him some hard fists and then picking him up throwing him through the ropes to the outside. Reece lies dazed on the floor outside the ring as Grip climbs the turnbuckle with the intention of taking Reece out with a Swanton bomb. Grip balances himself on the top rope, and then…. SWANTON BOMB! Grip lands on top of Reece with a sickening thud as the referee begins the 10 count.]

MOSHER: "What an incredible move by Hans grip! Especially by a man of his size!"



[Reece is struggling to get up without much luck.]



MOSHER: "Reece is out it!"





[Grip pulls Reece up and throws him back into the ring, then dives in after him and goes for the cover.]



[…Reece kicks out!]

MOSHER: "Whoa! Close call there for Reece!"

[Reece kicks out with so much strength that he ends up tossing Grip off him. Reece gets up and lifts Grip up, but only to DDT him onto the canvas. With Grip down Reece then climbs to the ring apron, and despite being not used to air moves he jumps off attempting an elbow drop but Grip rolls out of the way just in time and Reece misses. Grip can't capitalise as he also needs to recover. Both men try to get up and Grip is up first. He picks up Reece and whips him off the ropes and as Reece gets back he attempts a spinning heel kick but Reece ducks this and runs past Grip, he then turns around, and attempts a backdrop but Grip flips over behind Reece and gives him a Russian Leg Sweep, followed by an elbow drop!]

MEXICAN: Oh! That must have hurt!

MOSHER: Reece had better get his act together if he's going to get the better of Grip in this match. That guy is really dominating!

[Both men lie on the mat and begin to get up as the referee begins the 10 count.]





[Grip is again the first to get up and he clotheslines Reece, who has just barely gotten to his feet, over the top rope with such velocity that both are sent crashing over the ropes to the outside. Grip gets up and locks in a headlock and leads Reece up back into the ring. When in the ring, Reece snaps in a few knocks to the gut and then gives Grip a backdrop.]

MEXICAN: Looks like the table maybe about to turn here, Mosher!

[Reece covers Grip…]



[..Wait a minute! Someone's pulling Hans Grip off Reece!]


MEXICAN: "Aye carumba!"

[The Huckster pulls Hans Grip fully out of the ring and starts beating up on him. Hans tries to defend himself, but the Huckster is pummelling him with such force and intensity that the Swedish God has no chance.]

MOSHER: "The Huckster is tearing a new hole in Hans Grip!"

[Hans Grip is given the Big Boot by the Huckster, much to the approval of the crowd. The Huckster then reaches beneath the ring and pulls out a chair and gives Hans Grip several chair shots to the head, laying him out on the ground on the outside of the ring. The Huckster then drops the chair, picks up Grip and throws him into the ring. He then climbs into the ring himself and helps Reece to cover Grip…]





TUCK: "Winner of the match, and the NEW CWF IC Champion... KYLE REECE!!!"

[The Huckster retreats up then ramp, smiling to himself as Adrian Davies hands an ecstatic Reece the CWF IC Championship Belt. The Huckster waits at the top of the ramp, watching the ring and laughing at Hans Grip as he feebly tries to get to his feet, not really knowing that he has just lost his IC Championship to Kyle Reece.]

MOSHER: "We have a new IC Champion, ladies and gentleman! Kyle Reece has won his first gold here in the CWF!"

MEXICAN: "Even though he was helped out a lot by the Huckster!"

[Reece kisses the belt and holds it high above his head. The fans start cheering, expecting 'Fuel' to play over the sound system, but receive a surprise when 'Pretty Fly For Rabbi' plays instead.]

MOSHER: "That's the Rabbi's music!"

[Everyone is confused, even the Huckster, as Rabbi Bernie Dobba walks out of the curtain past the Huckster (blessing him on the way as well as the fans) and makes his way to the ring. Reece seems happy to see him as he holds the ropes open for the Rabbi and even passes him a mic obtained from Tuck. The Rabi speaks:]

RABBI: "Many blessings upon you my children! Today is a joyous day!"

MEXICAN: "Joyous?!"

MOSHER: "What's he on?!"

RABBI: "On of my sheep has returned! He has seen the radiance of Righteous Justice and has walked towards it. Tonight, he has proven himself worthy and will now be blessed, for he is my new minister!"

MOSHER: "Does this mean what I think it does?!"

RABBI: "Kyle Reece, kneel before me my son."

[Reece does as the Rabbi asks and the Rabbi whips out of his pocket a maroon coloured yarmulka and a brightly coloured tied-died t-shirt. He slips the t-shirt over Reece's head and then puts the yarmulka in place. The Rabbi then blesses Reece in the traditional way and then speaks:]

RABBI: "Kneel no more, Kyle Reece, or should I say Minister Kyle Reece! Welcome into the sheep, Minister!"

[Reece gets up and blesses the crowd and then blesses his newly claimed IC Championship belt. 'Pretty Fly For A Rabbi' plays over the arena sound system as the Rabbi and his new minister celebrate in the centre of the ring. The Huckster frowns, wondering at the insanity of it all and Hans Grip, realises only now what has happened and is sneaking away through the crowd.]

MOSHER: "What a night, ladies and gentlemen! What a night! We have a new IC champion, who is also a new member of the Church of Righteous Justice. Anything can happen here in the CWF! Tonight is proof!"

MEXICAN: "Let's end the show before anything else can happen, amigo!"

MOSHER: "Goodnight, ladies and gentlemen! See you Thursday!"

[Turbulence fades as we see a last image of Reece and the Rabbi celebrating in the ring.]