What's the point of broke kitty?

The question that heads this page is one that can be simultaneously silencing, aggravating, and empowering, depending on how you take it. I equate question to the following: What's the purpose of writing? What's the purpose of silence? What's the purpose of life?

Broke Kitty for me is a way of voicing things publicly that need a space for voicing. It is a self-motivated, self-produced, self-propagated arena for posting thoughts, poetry, words that would otherwise lay mute. It is a way to ask for a willing audience, without asking for cash to see the product. It is a forum of expression, much like a book or a magazine, except the organization and content are constantly evolving.

Broke Kitty is new. Therefore, each page comes with new lessons. What gratifies me is seeing that the words are being read, that people are responding to these words, and people are coming back for more. No writer wants to exist in a vacuum.

If you like what you see or don't like what you see, please write. I read and appreciate all comments and criticisms. In fact, they inspire and motivate me to produce. The pages are updated several times a week, so do check regularly.

As of this moment, the plan is to continue with the zine, to find new ways of organizing and outputting the information therein, and to increase audience. But underlying all these notions is a simple desire to be heard. Every click counts.

Thanks for visiting,
Kat La Chatte
9:37PM, 11/25/00
last updated 5:30PM, 12/2/00


letters to santa

ah, the virtues of dial tone [NEW!]
sending signals out to nowhere
home makes sense again
bored kitty
paranoid kitty
props to the puss
blogs and other things
keepin' it real
the magic of arse
technological alienation
doofus for prez
all that you do
oh those loveless birds
old enough and ugly enough
another day
momma said
the o.g. broke kitty
cool links

Email: katlachatte25@hotmail.com