Reviews...Because my opinion rocks.

Because my opinion rocks.

Yes I'm loud and obnoxious, but that's the exact reason I made this section. My opinions are just too profound to keep all to myself, that's why I've decided to share. Damn, I'm just so giving...

Justin "Hooked on Ebonics" Timberlake Explains...

Video Reviews...~*Yo, dis be da Video Reviews*~!

Cd Review...~*Yo, dis be a Cd Review duh...damn I thoughts I be stupid*~!

98 Concert Reviews...~*Yo, why I gotsta be explainin dis easy shit*~!?!

99 Concert Review...~*Yo, it finally be done*~!

BsB does Disney...~*Yo B, ya be talkin bout hot sex*~? God what a total moron...

Beginning of the End...~*Yo, homes dis be about dis year's VMAs*~!