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Part 7: An Old Friend, found

Through the jungles Crash was cautiously moving through the underbrush. He was keeping watch of any signs of androids.

Crash: How many are left Kitsume?
Kitsume: There are still many Crash. Around eight are left.
Danni: And that eagle android still has our kids.
Crash: This doesn't look good. What with how hard it was to fight Boomer Kuwanger... and he was just a weakling to those androids.
Coco: Imagine how strong this Magma guy is.
Jacko: As long as Kitsume's on our side there shouldn't be a problem.
Brendon: Yeah...she's the greatest in fending off those robots.
Kitsume: True... but the more powerful ones are not stupid! They could catch on to my magic spells.
Crash: But even so...they still won't stand a chance! Right?
Kitsume: Let us hope. They're much stronger than you think.
Sarnie: I'm sure there's a way!!

Coco stops short and notices something behind a tree. It looks like a hand with a type of glove on it.

Coco: What's that?
Sarnie: What's what?
Coco: That!! I see an orange hand behind that tree!
Danni: LOOK!!

Upon looking at the right side of the tree the gang see a large bushy, orange foxtail covered with bloodstains.

Crash: Whoever it is... he looks pretty bad! Let's go check it out!

The gang turn around the tree. They see a large orange fox in a karate gi. His shirt is ripped and shredded with large claw marks on hid back. On his right leg the pant leg is torn off and there's a large gash splitting down it. Then Coco looks at his head. The red headband is there!! She immediately knew who it was.

Coco: SHEN LO KEN!!!!
Kitsume: It is him!!
Danni: Oh my... he doesn't look too good.
Brendon: Is he dead?
Sarnie: BRENDON!! What a horrible thing to say!
Crash: Nevertheless… (sighs) He may be right.

Kitsume feels Shen's backside and then rolls him over to his side. His face looks bloody and a large rip with huge claw marks is seen across his chest.

Coco: I think I’m gonna be sick.

Coco turns away in disgust and starts to cough into the bushes. Danni rushes over to her and holds her shoulder.

Sarnie: Is he alive?
Kitsume: (Closing her eyes) Yes... he's alive, but just barely. He's in critical condition.
Jacko: Poor guy. What did this to him?
Crash: So that's what happened to him. He's been out here in the woods all this time in bad shape too.
Kitsume: No... if that were it he would be dead by now. The cuts look too fresh to be made a long time ago when he and Cobraz disappeared!
Crash: I wonder if Cobraz is around here too!
Sarnie: We gotta take care of him.
Crash: What about my kids?
Kitsume: Do not worry Crash. Magma Dragoon will keep them alive and he will wait… I assure it.

Danni comes back with Coco walking slowly beside her.

Danni: Poor Coco. She couldn't stand the sight of one of her teachers in a state like that.
Coco: Is he okay?
Crash: Yeah… he's fine. But we gotta set up camp here.
Coco: Good thing I brought a first aid kit.
Danni: Uh... but what a sight he is.
Coco: Poor Shen. Who did this to him?
Kitsume: Most likely an android. They really ARE this powerful.
Crash: This looks bad!!
Early that night Shen Lo Ken opens his eyes slowly. At first it's a blurry vision… but then he can see the ceiling of his tent. And then he sees Coco's face in front of him. She rubs a wet washcloth over his head. Shen then notices that his right leg is bandaged, and his chest is also wrapped with bandage cloths.

Shen Lo Ken: Uh… uh... wha… Co… co?
Coco: Sssshh… Shen, lie down. We need to get you better.
Shen Lo Ken: Ooooooo… how long have I been out?
Coco: We don't know. You look pretty bad though. (Coco dips her washcloth in a bowl of water and wets Shen's head with it again.) What happened to you?
Shen Lo Ken: Ugh... ergh… androids!
Coco: I knew it!! Shen… everyone's gotta hear what you've been through. But for now you gotta get some rest. You can tell us the next morning.
Shen Lo Ken: (quirking a smile) Hey kid… I'm not in THAT bad a shape, am I?
Coco: Well you looked pretty bad when we found you. Are you a little woozy? You seemed to have lost quite a bit of blood.
Shen Lo Ken: A little. A small headache doesn't bother that much though. OW!!!
Coco: What's wrong?
Shen Lo Ken: Nothing - Just a sharp pain in my leg. OUCH!! And my chest hurts too!!
Coco: Lie down Shen. We need to get you better.
Shen Lo Ken: And what? Have me help you fight those androids? Forget it. They're way stronger than you think.
Coco: So Kitsume says. I'm gonna go out now. I'll come back to check on you.
Shen Lo Ken: Heh… Looks like you learned how to take care of people on your own.
Coco: Well some people say I’m a pretty good nurse.
Shen Lo Ken: Yeah… I'd say they're right.
Coco: Get some sleep Shen. You need to get better.

Coco exits the tent.
**************************** Back at Cortex Castle, Neon Tiger and Sting Chameleon meet up with Magma Dragoon and Frost Walrus.

Magma Dragoon: Did you send out Volt Catfish?
Neon Tiger: Yes, and there's something interesting you outta know!!
Magma Dragoon: Tell me!
Neon Tiger: There was someone else out there - an orange fox in a karate gi. He wanted to fight Sting Chameleon and me. But fortunately, thanks to Sting Chameleon's camouflage, he struck him in the back of the neck with his tongue. Then I slashed him with my claws!!
Magma Dragoon: Is he dead?
Neon Tiger: I'm pretty sure. Even if he isn't, he's too wounded to fight!!
Sting Chameleon: Yessssssss... he'sssss pretty much dead!!
Frost Walrus: Pretty much? Hey... don't tell Dragoon you left him alive!!
Neon Tiger: I'm sure of it!! No one can survive my claws! They can cut through most anything!!
Frost Walrus: Most!?!?
Magma Dragoon: Hush Frosty!! These two are among my most trusted scouts.
Sting Chameleon: Thank you massssster.
Neon Tiger: Yes… and Volt Catfish will be on his way!!
The next morning Shen groggily wakes up.

Shen Lo Ken: Ouch… my head…
Coco: Poor Ken. He's a little woozy!
Danni: I'll get a washcloth and more water.
Shen Lo Ken: Geesh... I feel like my head's caught in a vice!
Crash: So you won't be able to remember what happened?
Shen Lo Ken: Oh I still remember...but I'm not sure if I'm ready to tell you now.
Kitsume: Well take your time. We need to know everything!
Sarnie: Cause the last time we saw were helping Cobraz fighting Veanom!
Shen Lo Ken: Let me start... but um... could you make my bed a little more comfy?
Coco: Sure!!

Everyone sits in the tent to listen to Shen's story.

Shen Lo Ken: It was back with Cobraz and Veanom!! Cobraz was fighting his own father. Veanom and Cobraz locked horns and the fighting became real intense. I thought I could help him!! I jumped in and tried to ward off the attacks from Veanom!! But he was a bit too strong!! When Cobraz and Veanom delivered final blows the temple they fought in exploded!! I barely escaped. I got a little cooked. So I went back to my sacred temple and recovered. I stayed there for a few more months to continue my training. Now I'm here... but Cobraz is still missing!! Now a few months later...I went out to find you guys again!
Coco: Why?
Shen Lo Ken: Cause I miss you and Kitsume!! Coco... you're the best pupil I've had!! Not to mention the best nurse!
Coco: (Smiling shyly) Heh… thanks!
Kitsume: go on Shen.
Shen Lo Ken: Anyway...on the way I encountered these two robotic figures! They were androids! They said they worked for Cortex! Immediately upon hearing that I needed to fight them!! But this chameleon android got me in the back of my head with his sharp tongue!! Then...this tiger android slashed me up badly with his large claws. OWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!
Coco: Shen… Shen… Relax!! You're still in bad shape!! Kitsume, can you heal him?
Kitsume: Not now!! I'm very low on elixirs. We will need them to fight the androids! I hope you don't mind Shen.
Shen Lo Ken: No not that much. I don't mind getting taking care of by Coco! She really knows how to pamper someone!!
Coco: (Laughing lightly) Aw Shen... you're too kind!!
Crash: But we gotta go!!! Our kids are in danger!!
Kitsume: As long as you're still alive Crash...they won't hurt them!!
Crash: I know I'm bait… but are you so sure?
Kitsume: Very… they will be waiting for you!!
Sarnie: Rotten androids!!
Jacko: I hope our efforts will help!!
Coco: Okay everyone... please leave! Shen needs his rest.
Crash: What are you? His mom?
Shen Lo Ken: (Laughing softly) I wish! She's not just a great pupil - she could be a great doctor.
Coco: (Playing along as a doctor) Okay Mr. Shen - you need your rest. I'll come back to check on you!!
Shen Lo Ken: Thanks... mom.
Coco: (Laughing) Oh're too much!!

The gang exit out of Shen's tent. **************************************** Part 8: The Volt Catfish Saga

Later in the afternoon... Coco saw Shen doing sit ups in his tent.

Coco: Shen, lie back down!! You're gonna hurt yourself!!
Shen Lo Ken: I'm feeling better. My wounds really recovered!!
Coco: Oh really? How?
Shen Lo Ken: I'll tell ya a secret!! I did manage to smuggle an extra elixir for myself along!
Coco: You have some spare elixirs?
Shen Lo Ken: Yeah!! Immediately when you left the tent… and after all that rest I got... I immediately took an elixir. Now I'm as healthy as an ox!!

Shen Lo Ken unwraps his bandages… and stands up!

Shen Lo Ken: Thanks nurse Coco!
Coco: Wait a come you didn't use it sooner?
Shen Lo Ken: I was thinking - maybe you guys need me if I were to come along. My original condition would have slowed you down. We need to get through his as soon as possible.
Coco: I thought you didn't want to fight the androids!
Shen Lo Ken: Well... you'll need help... and I thought our combined forces would help some.
Coco: How many elixirs did you have left?
Shen Lo Ken: Two! I've got one left!! How many does Kitsume have?
Coco: (sighs) I'm afraid she has two!
Shen Lo Ken: Not enough with what we're up against!! Looks like we got to get a real lucky charm to bring with us!
Coco: Yeah... but you forget Kitsume possesses magical powers!! She can help us get through!
Shen Lo Ken: Yeah… magic! Well it's no time like the present to get goin'!! Is everyone ready?
Coco: No… they were waiting for you to get better? But um...
Shen Lo Ken: What?
Coco: But Crash and Danni went right on ahead! By themselves… leaving Kitsume with the other three!
Shen Lo Ken: WHAT!?!? We have two against an android? No good!! They'll be murdered!!
Coco: This is important Shen. They're kids got kidnapped by Storm Eagle and are being held hostage in Cortex Castle!!
Shen Lo Ken: Even so... you should have all went without me!! It would have taken me over a week to recover without the use of one of my elixirs!! Looks like we gotta catch up!!
Coco: I'll tell Kitsume and the others!!

Meanwhile, Crash and Danni are running alongside a long riverbed!!

Crash: (panting) Slow down Danni!! I can't keep up!!
Danni: I can't help it Crash!! I'm so worried about my kids!!
Crash: You think you're the only one? I'm twice as worried! But Kitsume told us not to worry!! As long as Cortex and Magma want us, our kids are fine... for the moment!
Danni: Hmm... Of course! But I don't know!! What if they're being tortured?
Crash: Hey... I never thought about that!!!! C'MON!!!

But before Crash could run something went whizzing past his ear, singeing it a bit!! It was an electric spark about the size of a basketball! As soon as it hit a nearby tree, the tree burst into flames and split in half!

Danni: Crash, are you okay?
Crash: My ear!! It got singed badly!!
Danni: Oh... LOOK!!!

They turn left to see a huge metallic fish sticking its head out of the water!! Sure enough... it was Volt Catfish!!

Crash: It's that catfish again!!
Danni: Oh blimey… looks like he found us!!

Volt Catfish lifts himself higher above the surface of the water. He begins to speak.

Volt Catfish: So...we meet again at last!! Crash Bandicoot... it looks like Boomer Kuwanger's little plan failed! But where are the rest of your friends?
Crash: Uh... hey... what's happening to our kids you kidnapped?
Volt Catfish: Trust me... they're perfectly safe!! Neither Cortex, Magma Dragoon or any other android or minion will lie a hand on them!! But I'm sure there's a way we can settle this!!
Crash: Tell me... what do you intend to do with my kids if you kill any of my friends, or even me?
Volt Catfish: I don't know... but Magma knows! I'm sure he may need new recruits!! But as for your kids it remains highly confidential!!
Danni: You must know!! You're an android!!
Volt Catfish: An android that cannot receive the most important information about Magma Dragoon's big plan!!
Crash: Wait - Magma's plan? What about Cortex's plan?
Volt Catfish: Ha ha ha ha!! It's obvious you don't know!! But Magma's got an ace up his sleeve for Cortex!! Did you know that unlike the rest of us Magma Dragoon was the only independent android?
Crash: What do you mean?
Volt Catfish: Magma was programmed to run the androids by his own free will! N Gin would be too lazy to do it himself!! But unfortunately for Gin and Cortex, Magma Dragoon could also choose his own path!! He realized what intense power he held!! Now when you are defeated Magma came up with this delightful plan of his!!
Danni: What is his plan?
Volt Catfish: I cannot tell!! I would immediately be vaporized if I were to tell what it is!!
Crash: If he's independent then how come he still takes orders?
Volt Catfish: I'll give you a hint - it's part of the plan!!
Danni: Huh?
Volt Catfish: That is all!! As for the rest of us... we take orders! Otherwise we are immediately destroyed!! We are programmed that way!!
Crash: Well... I'm still gonna reach Cortex Castle and get my kids back!!
Volt Catfish: Is that all?
Crash: NO!! I will destroy every android in the process!!
Volt Catfish: HA!!! Impossible!! We are made from sources of Dark Ruby...we are the most powerful robots on Earth!!
Crash: But you're not much of a threat!! You're a sea going android!! They can't walk on land!!
Volt Catfish: That's what you think my friend! Have you ever heard of fish that walk on land? Even a certain species of catfish can walk on land!! You may not know it... but I also have legs capable of walking on the banks of this river!! So don't think this fight is going to be easy!! It most definitely will not!!
Danni: Well... two against one isn't bad!!
Volt Catfish: Not bad... considering the fact that you’re fighting an electric catfish! Well, I'm through with talking... I may accidentally reveal something!! It's time to start your real... and last... battle, Crash!!!
Crash: Bring it on!!!
Volt Catfish: HA HA HA HA!!! No I'm going to finish what Boomer Kuwanger couldn't do!! KILL YOU!!!
Crash: Right! Let's go!! Show me if you can really walk on land!!
Volt Catfish: HA HA HA!!! You're dumber than I thought!! Very well... then we can play a nice deadly game of catfish and bandicoot!!
Crash: Danni… back away very slowly!!
Danni: Crash... this doesn't look too good with just the two of us fighting him!!
Crash: Don't worry- we'll hold him off until Coco, Kitsume, and Sarnie come to help us!!
Volt Catfish: Here I come Crash!! Better start hiding like the rodent you are!!

Crash backs away slowly while watching Volt Catfish advancing through the waters towards him!! He stops shortly!!

Crash: I knew it!! You can't walk on...
Before Crash can finish, Volt Catfish opens his mouth… and shoots out an electric spark!! All too soon Crash and Danni jump out of the way!!
Volt Catfish: Like I said Crash...I'm coming!!! Better hide… before I find you!!
Crash: Oh yeah... are you hoping I'm dumb enough to hide in water!?
Volt Catfish: I'm not expecting you to be that stupid!! But... stupid enough to actually think I cannot move on land!! Well let me show you that you are VERY wrong!!!

Crash waits behind a tree and sees that Volt Catfish is starting to advance towards land!! He gets closer to the shore!!

Crash: He's not stopping!! Wait… what… WHOA!! He wasn't kidding!!!!

Sure enough Volt Catfish was on the shore of the river and Crash noticed that he had legs too!!

Volt Catfish: I see you Crash!! GOODBYE!!!!!

Volt Catfish shoots electric lasers form his arms at Crash!! Crash ducks out of the way before they hit the tree and split it apart!!

Volt Catfish: Never doubt the abilities of your enemies because they can do what they say they can do!! NOW LET'S GO!!!!
Danni: What do we do!?!?
Crash: He's not that fast!! We can try and hit him!!
Volt Catfish: And how do you purpose to do that? I can illuminate myself with electric shocks that make my body like a force field to me!! I have over 100,000 volts of electricity!! I am unstoppable! Let's see if the bandicoot can live up to the legend!! NOW!!!!!

Volt Catfish begins to light up! After Danni and Crash start running Volt Catfish shoots more arm lasers at them!! While running Danni and Crash notice that the lasers singe and split open the trees and rocks!!

Crash: We gotta power up!!!
Danni: Yeah!!
Volt Catfish: Try your best!! I am unstoppable!!

Crash fires a fireball at Volt Catfish!! Volt Catfish lights up with an electric force field!! The fireball bounces off!! Volt Catfish is unharmed!!

Crash: IT DIDN'T WORK!!!!
Volt Catfish: HA HA HA!!! Face it bandicoot - you're against the strongest foes you have faced in your life!! PREPARE TO DIE!!!!!!!
Crash: What a tough guy he is!
Danni: There's gotta be a way. If only Kitsume were here with us... he would be easy to beat.
Volt Catfish: I heard that! You think with that magical whore that I would easily be beaten? HA!!! Again I am highly underestimated!! You will now learn the horrible truth! You two will face your enemies again!! You can ask Boomer Kuwanger for yourself!! I'll send you both to Hell to meet him!!!
Crash: This big boy means business!
Danni: CRASH!!!! DUCK!!!!

Crash and Danni ducked as the electric lasers just whiz past them cutting up the trees!

Crash: GEEZ!!!! This guy's one bad dude!!
Volt Catfish: Good... now you realize the power I posses!
Danni: It's quite extraordinary! But you surely must have a weak point!
Volt Catfish: That is for you to figure out!!
Crash: There is one!! I guess you're through overestimating yourself!!
Volt Catfish: We are not programmed to be stupid and hasty! You now know that!! NOW DIE!!!!!

Volt Catfish shoots out an array of electric sparks from his mouth!!
Crash: Hoo... ha... egh... har... (Crash jumps around dodging the electric sparks, panting) Is that the best you've got?
Volt Catfish: Think that's it? THINK AGAIN!!!
Danni: I'm very fast Crash - maybe if I run around him and sneak up behind I can probably make him malfunction!
Crash: How do you know?
Danni: Trust me!!
Crash: Right... I'll distract him!!
Volt Catfish: COME ON OUT BANDICOOT!! You've got a date with your maker!!

Volt Catfish fires more lasers at Crash! Crash continues to run side to side to avoid them!! Danni then slinks behind a tree and waits for the right moment!!

Danni: C'mon Crash - get him to turn his back to me!!
Crash: Hey Catfish - over here!!
Volt Catfish: You're a fool to reveal your location!! Oh well… DIE!!!!!!!!!!

Volt Catfish pivots and has his back turned to Danni!!

Danni: That's it!!!

Danni darts out and sees the electric tank on Volt Catfish's back!!

Danni: If I blast it he'll explode!!

Danni fires a fireball at the back of Volt Catfish!! There is a large explosion... but no damage!!

Danni: WHAT!?!?

Volt Catfish then looks back to see Danni!! He then uses his massive tail! He swats Danni with it, which sends her flying into a large rock!! Danni lies motionless!

Volt Catfish: You better check your wife out bandicoot!! I think I heard a crack of some bones when she hit the rock!!
Crash: DANNI!!!!

Crash rushes over to get to Danni!! But Volt Catfish, trips him with his leg!! Crash falls flat on his face!! He then feels a sharp pain coming from his left foot!! He turns around in horror!! Volt Catfish's massive mouth is clamped right on it!!

Volt Catfish: Now I will drag into your watery grave and shock you until your a scorched pile of wet fur!!!

Volt Catfish begins to drag Crash towards the banks of the river!! Crash tries to grab onto tree trunks and rocks!! But his hands get badly scraped in the process! He cannot overpower the immense force pulling him!

Volt Catfish: Scream all you want - it's the end for you!! No one will stop me!!!!

All too soon Coco, Shen Lo Ken, Kitsume, and Sarnie come to the rescue!! They see Danni first!!

Sarnie: DANNI!!! Are you okay!?!?

Danni groggily wakes up!!

Danni: OWWWWW!!! My back!! That damn android threw me into this rock!!
Shen Lo Ken: Which android?
Kitsume: OH NO!!! LOOK!!!

They turn to see Volt Catfish, now in the water!! He disappeared underneath. No matter how Crash struggled he was pulled under by the massive android and disappeared into the murky river!!

Coco: CRASH!!!!!!!!!!
Sarnie: We gotta do something!! Kitsume, use your magic!!
Kitsume: But I can't see them in this murky water!!!
Shen Lo Ken: HANG ON CRASH!!!!!!!

Shen throws off his shirt and immediately dives into the water!!!!

Coco: C'mon SHEN!!!! SAVE MY BROTHER!!!
Sarnie: What's going on down there?
Danni: The android must have Crash!!

A few minutes pass!! Shen then comes to the surface of the water gasping for air!!

Coco: Did you find him?

Shen Lo Ken: (Breathing rapidly) NO!!! I can't see him!!
Coco: Please Shen - keep looking!! If you need any help I'm comin' in with you!!
Shen Lo Ken: No - stay here!! I'll find him!! (Shen dives back down into the river)
Sarnie: Well I'm gonna help too!! (Sarnie then changes into an otter) Here I come!!!

Sarnie now in otter form...dives into the river!!
Both Shen and Sarnie are looking for Crash!! They can't find him!! But at the very bottom of the river Volt Catfish has Crash, with his foot still in Volt's mouth!! Crash is desperately trying to break free as he runs out of air!!

Volt Catfish: Now to finish you off!! You were a worthy adversary but now you're gone!! Farewell bandicoot!!

Volt Catfish lights up and then produces an electric current running through Crash's body!

Note: Only Crash can feel the electric current!! Shen and Sarnie will not be affected!!

The electric current pulses throughout Crash's body!! The water just makes it worse!! Crash struggles to keep his strength. But in the end it was useless!! Finally Crash's body seemed to give up! His head then hung low, his shoulders dropped with his arms flailing by his sides! Volt Catfish let go and watched Crash's body float!!

Volt Catfish: He's finished!! Goodbye bandicoot - you were a worthy opponent indeed!

Volt Catfish then swims off.
Sarnie then sees Crash's body floating to the surface!!

Sarnie: Look!! SHEN... GRAB HIM!!

Shen Lo Ken grabs Crash's body and swims frantically up to the surface!! He finally reached it and gasps for air!! Sarnie gets back up on land and changes back into a bobcat!! Shen climbs up on shore with Crash slumped over beside him!! He lays Crash down on the shore!!

Coco: Is he okay?

Sarnie puts her ear to Crash's chest!! A sudden lump reaches her throat! She looks up in petrified horror. Tears begin to roll down her sides!

Shen Lo Ken: Sarnie?
Sarnie: There's... no heartbeat.
Coco: (Looking horrified) N... no... it can't be.
Sarnie: (Hanging her head low) Coco... I'm sorry.
Shen Lo Ken: We were too late. The android won.
Coco: (Bursting out into tears rushes over to Crash's side. She begins to try and revive him by tryin to bring life back into his heart) CRASH... YOU'RE ALIVE!!! C'MON!!!! FIGHT IT!!!!! PLEASE CRASH!!!! DON'T DIE!!!!! DON'T DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Crash still remains motionless!! Coco falls to the ground crying very loudly. Shen puts her close to him. Coco buries her face into his chest and cries continuously.

Shen Lo Ken: (His voice with pain) I'm sorry kid. It's all my fault.
Coco: (sniffs) No it isn't. It's all mine... (sniffs) ...I should have never left them.
Sarnie: It's gonna be okay. Danni doesn't know yet. She's unconscious. I'm afraid to break the news to her!!
Kitsume: I have only one spell for that!! It doesn't always work!!
Kitsume: I will.

Kitsume places her hands over Crash's heart! She closes her eyes and begins to chant.

Kitsume: Geryon… mehlgo... hardth... derok!!!

Lights of energy thrive around Crash...and they begin to illuminate!! Kitsume looks down at Crash!! A few minutes go by. Nothing happens. Kitsume closes her eyes and shakes her head sadly.

Kitsume: It didn't work Coco. I'm very sorry.

Coco throws herself to the ground in bitter sobs.

Coco: NNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! CRASH... (sniffs) …CRASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Shen Lo Ken: I'm very sorry. There was nothing we could do.
Sarnie: Coco, I'm gonna miss him too. (Putting her hand on Coco's shoulder) He was a great fighter. But it looks like his time is up. I'm so sorry.
Coco: (sniffs) He wasn't like anyone I knew. (sniffs) ...All girls have brothers who are mean and cruel... (sniffs) ...but Crash was different. (sniffs) ...He was so... (sniffs) (sniffs) ...nice and brave. (sniffs) ...he loved me... like a real brother should. (sniffs) ...He protected me... and… (sniffs) ...and treated me the way I wanted to be treated. (sniffs) ... he was very unique.
Sarnie: I know - we're all going to miss him. Be brave Coco! There may still be a way.
Coco: No... (sniff) …this is it… (sniffs) …he's gone!!!
Volt Catfish soon gets a hologram from Magma Dragoon!

Magma Dragoon: Is he dead yet?
Volt Catfish: Yes!! He was both fried and drowned!!!!
Magma Dragoon: Excellent work!!
Volt Catfish: Shall we go on with our plan?
Magma Dragoon: Not yet!! We need to get his wife here!! We will lure her here! You've done your part Catfish!! Come back home!! You will be rewarded!!
Volt Catfish: Thank you boss!!
Magma Dragoon: You're sure he's dead now?
Volt Catfish: Of course - no mere mortal could survive that!!!
Magma Dragoon: What did you think of him?
Volt Catfish: He's just as you said - he was no ordinary fighter. But he's finished now!
Magma Dragoon: Then come back!! It's time to send another out!!
Volt Catfish: As you wish!!
Coco looks down into Crash's face. She feels his forehead... and touches his cheek lightly.

Coco: Crash... (sniffs) ...I know… you won't be able to hear me... (sniffs) …but I want you to know... (sniffs) matter how many times we fought... (sniffs) …no matter how many times you had to put up with me... (sniffs) ... I just want you to know... I always loved you... (sniffs) a real sister should. (sniffs) ...oh Crash... if only you could hear me!

But then… Crash soon began to open up one eye, then both eyes. He stared groggily into Coco's face.

Crash: I... heard... it all.
Coco: Crash? CRASH!!!!!!! YOU'RE ALIVE!!!!!!!
Shen Lo Ken: He's alive!?
Sarnie: HE IS HA HA!! HE'S ALIVE!!!!!!

Coco hugged Crash continuously.

Crash: OW!!! Coco... I'm still real sore.
Coco: Crash... what happened?
Crash: Well, it was all white around me. There were rays of sunshine gleaming down on me and I was high in the sky, surrounded by clouds. Then an angel appeared. She looked just like you Coco. Then everything went blank. That's when I opened my eyes and I now stare back into the angel's face.
Kitsume: A near death experience. It's very fortunate you're alive.
Coco: You mean Crash... I was that angel?
Crash: She looked like you - all glowing bright, wings like eagle's wings and a long glowing body. And a face just like yours.
Shen Lo Ken: Crash, looks like you've got yourself an angel for a sister. How did you come back?
Crash: I don't know!! I felt this pulse through my body! That's when everything went blank!!
Kitsume: My revival technique! It worked!!
Coco: Crash, why was I your angel and not Kitsume?
Crash: Because... you're close to me. Sure Kitsume is, but we're family, you and I! I can see now you had true feelings between us! I need some rest now!!
Coco: Crash, I'm glad you're okay!
Crash: What about Danni?
Coco: She'll be fine!! Let's go back!!
Crash: Yeah - I need to sleep now!
Coco: You will Crash - you've been given another chance.
Shen Lo Ken: But how many chances will he get? This may be his last.
Kitsume: That... even I don't know!!
Part 9 – The Launch Octopus Saga

Deep in Castle the bowels of a dank machine room... the android assembly lines up awaiting more news from Storm Eagle - Magma Dragoon, Frost Walrus, Slash Beast, Neon Tiger, Sting Chameleon, Volt Catfish and Blast Octopus. Each member waited for the awaited news from Storm Eagle on where Danni and the others were located.

Magma Dragoon: Something's funny - normally it doesn't take Storm Eagle this long to reach a certain destination.
Volt Catfish: It's all in the bag. He just has to kidnap that dingoette. I knocked her out cold!
Frost Walrus: Ya sure now, cause any fall ups our little revolution would become a failure!
Magma Dragoon: Not quite Frost - we still have plenty of androids!!
Neon Tiger: And with our fighting capabilities we will be unstoppable!
Sting Chameleon: It'sssssssss gonna be a blassssssssstt!
Magma Dragoon: Once we get that female dingo, we will show her precious little pipsqueaks and then we'll demand her life in exchange for the kids.
Frost Walrus: Hmmmm... Suppose she ain't knocked out? Suppose she's fighting Storm Eagle right now?
Volt Catfish: Even so, she was no match for me. Therefore she won't be a match for Storm Eagle.
Neon Tiger: Indeed. Hehe... and that poor fool of a karate fox was no contest either. I loved the sound of my claws! They ripped through his flesh, hearing them scrape against his bones was music to my ears!! He howled like the dog he was, and soon the flies would gather and maggots would feast on his festering flesh as it dries in the sun!!!!
Sting Chameleon: Enough Tiger - you really are a psycho when it comesssssss to fighting.
Neon Tiger: I'm just glad I got that punk when he said he could take me on!!! HA!!
Frost Walrus: I know how you feel!! There's a certain little punk I'd like to take care of myself!!
Volt Catfish: Shadra... isn't it?
Frost Walrus: Hehehehe... yeah! I'll give his remains to the Slash Beast as a bonus!!
Slash Beast: (Locked in his neon cage) RRAAGRRGGHH... AARRRARRRGGHHH!!!
Neon Tiger: Listen - he agrees! Admittedly I would have loved to see Slash Beast rip that fox up into shreds but then there'd be bloody pieces everywhere!! What a mess it would be!! Aaahhhh... there's nothing like the smell of blood and festering innards of your victims lying on the ground... scattered everywhere!!
Magma Dragoon: Um, yes. Anyways, as soon as Storm returns with the prize our revolution shall soon begin!!
Frost Walrus: What about the others?
Neon Tiger: What, a bunch of wusses? I sure hope you're not scared of his wimpy sister!!!
Magma Dragoon: Oh is that so? Well keep in mind Neon that that girl's got more power than you imagined!! And don't think that just because that dingo will be ours that we shouldn't lay our eyes off that vixen. Somehow the girls of that group are a bit stronger.
Frost Walrus: Hmmm... my kind of women! The ones that prefer good fights instead of flight!! I'll look forward to this!!
Sting Chameleon: You wanna fight girlssssss?
Neon Tiger: Why not? It's kinda good for a change!! Listening to their shrieks will be music to my ears as I cut them open!!
Frost walrus: Gee Mr. Psycho!
Magma Dragoon: We'll have our fun with them too, but for now it's that dingo and vixen I want dead!! They're the most powerful, along with that bandicoot's sister!
Volt Catfish: Well boss, it will be no contest, seeing how the bandicoot's gone!!

Just then, Storm Eagle lands in the machine room!!

Magma Dragoon: Ah, Storm Eagle - what a pleasant surprise!! What's the good word?
Storm Eagle: Volt Catfish you idiot!!
Volt Catfish: What?
Magma Dragoon: What? What is wrong?
Storm Eagle: Catfish you moron, you didn't finish the job!! The bandicoot is ALIVE!!!!!
Magma Dragoon: WHAT!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Volt Catfish: Alive!? But… I killed him!!!
Storm Eagle: Well I saw the exact campsite he was at and I saw him... ALIVE AND WELL!!!
Volt Catfish: No... he was...
Magma Dragoon: CATFISSSSSSHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!
Volt Catfish: Er... uh... er...yes?
Magma Dragoon: DID YOU LIE TO ME!?!?!?!?!?!
Volt Catfish: NO!!! I had him!!! He was history!!! Wait - I know, that magical vixen you were talking about revived him!!!!!!
Storm Eagle: LIE!!!! It's a big lie if I ever thought of one!!
Magma Dragoon: Hmmmmmm... for some reason I believe you Catfish!
Frost Walrus: Huh?
Storm Eagle: What?
Volt Catfish: You do?
Magma Dragoon: Yes! Thanks to my intellectual senses I sensed a dying power out there! It must have been the bandicoot. But then the power was regained!!! I do believe it was that vixen Kitsume, isn't it?
Volt Catfish: Yes - there is no other way!! I drowned and shocked him!!
Storm Eagle: Hmmmm… I guess it makes sense? But that means the vixen's stronger than I thought!
Neon Tiger: No kidding!
Magma Dragoon: Well then... before Cortex finds out we need to send another android out to blow them to kingdom come!!
Frost Walrus: Forget Catfish for now - let's send the Slash Beast. I'm anxious to see him rip those punks to shreds!!
Magma Dragoon: Wait a minute!! There is one we can trust!!! Think of it - we need an android that can drain one's power!! So why don't we send out… Launch Octopus!!
Neon Tiger: Really?
Magma Dragoon: Yes - he has special powers using his tentacles, he can drain anyone's energy and he can launch deadly missiles as well! And he's very fast!! We'll use him against that stupid vixen!!
Storm Eagle: A brilliant suggestion...besides Octopi can be more useful than Catfish!
Frost Walrus: Okay. But if anyone comes here, let the Slash Beast deal with that rotten dingo!
Magma Dragoon: As you wish! Then as soon as those two are outta the way the revolution will be born!!
Frost Walrus: HOO BOY!!! I can't wait!!!
Magma Dragoon: Neither can I! Dispatch Launch Octopus!!
Back at camp Crash is lying next to the campfire. Coco comes to his side.

Coco: Here Crash - I made some soup for you.
Crash: Thanks!

While Crash slurps his soup, Coco sits next to him.

Coco: Um... Crash, I'm still a little curious about your vision?
Crash: I told you already - it's cause we're family!
Coco: Yeah but... I was there!! I don't know! Me as an angel… it could be a sign.
Crash: Whadya mean?
Coco: Well, aren't people who are currently living in the world have to be dead to be an angel floating in the sky?
Crash: Not necessarily.
Coco: I'm a little concerned Crash. It could be an omen. That vision could be a warning for both of us. We could get killed and it sure as heck looks that way.
Crash: Well, most of our missions go that way. But Kitsume could revive you.
Coco: Well that's the thing - she used a lot of her energy to try that revival trick. I'm afraid she can't use it more than once. We gotta be careful.
Crash: I'm not worried!! We've been through worse. At any rate, if you were gonna die and I was gonna see it I'd be going up instead of down.
Coco: (Giggling lightly and giving Crash a soft punch in the arm) Crash. You're the same as you always were.
Crash: Yeah... I'm just kiddin'. I'm glad you were concerned for me.
Coco: I'm your sister. It's part of my job to keep the world's greatest super hero from dying.
Crash: Well, you got Kitsume and Shen. They like you. They think you're stronger than I am! I betcha you could beat that Catfish if you were here.
Coco: Thanks!! Well, I'm just glad you're OK! In fact we're all okay!! We're leaving in a little bit - we don't have much time!! Kitsume says the trip is getting more difficult. There's a large body of water ahead. We need to swim it in order to reach the other side to Cortex Castle.
Crash: I see. That Catfish may be waiting. And we can't glide - it uses up a lot of our energy.
Coco: Yeah... we need a plan.
Crash: Don't worry - we'll get one sis! Don't worry your pretty little head about.
Coco: Oh Crash. I guess I was right about you being the best brother.
Crash:'re always right...right?
Coco: Hmm hmm... get ready Crash!! We'll be moving soon!
Deep in a dank dark cell, Yarra and Casey are sitting shivering with cold and fright. Moths flutter about the dim lights and the unsightly view of cockroaches scurrying about made the cell a rat's nest. It certainly didn't smell good either.

Yarra: Wh-wh-what are they gonna do with us?
Casey: Who knows? Man, those guys are somethin'.
Yarra: They're really scary looking.
Casey: They want mom and dad. They obviously work for Cortex.
Yarra: Really?
Casey: Of course! But um... I eavesdropped a little. This tiger guy was talking to the eagle guy when he put us in. They said something about a... revolution.
Yarra: A what?
Casey: Revolution - Some kind of revolt.
Yarra: Revolt?
Casey: Yeah. Somehow I think they got somethin' else planned.
Yarra: But... what about us?
Casey: Well, I don't know. But just hope mom and dad will get here and beat these guys.
Yarra: They will - they always do!
As the journey progressed Danni and Crash begin to talk to one another.

Danni: Crash, that android we fought was near impossible to defeat. I was thinking, even if we do rescue our kids they'll still come after us! What will we do if they're near unstoppable?
Crash: There's gotta be a way.
Danni: I hope so. I just hope our boys are all right.
Crash: Just let me at that catfish and that eagle, for snatching our kids!!
Coco: These guys are tough Crash! I fear that the head of them will be impossible to defeat.
Shen Lo Ken: Hey - as Crash says, there's a way! But that tiger and that chameleon's mine! Those two will pay for this. I suppose you would like to help me Coco.
Coco: Of course! Um Shen... do you train any other people?
Shen Lo Ken: Not really. You're among the first girl I've trained... I'll give you that. And you did a lot better than my other pupils.
Coco: What ever happened to your other pupils?
Shen Lo Ken: ...That's not a happy subject for me.
Coco: I wanna know. Please?
Shen Lo Ken: Well… have you ever heard of Rex Lightfoot?
Danni: Yes!! He was a very strong dingo, not to mention a dingo whose speed very much matched mine!
Shen Lo Ken: Well, he trained under my master, Shein Ling Chung. He was the greatest martial arts fighter. He taught Rex Lightfoot everything he needed to know. But Shein died, and I wanted to continue training Rex! I thought I could do better than Shein. I was wrong.
Sarnie: What happened?
Shen Lo Ken: I... I had him come with me on a mission. The one who killed my master Shein, was a martial arts demon fighter named Lusanting, a very dangerous fighter. Rex and me went to face him!! But his power was greater than we expected!! The battle was fierce and tormenting!! Finally, Lusanting was destroyed... but not without cost. Rex and me were both badly hurt. I broke my arm and my leg was gashed. But Rex didn't make it. He died in recovery. And ever since then I felt it was my fault!! That's why I don't teach anymore! You're the last one Coco. I just hope I don't lose you too.
Kitsume: I see - the guilt you endure makes you stop training. But Shen, it wasn't really your fault.
Shen Lo Ken: Yes it was. I thought I could teach Rex better than Shein. I was an idiot to believe that!! Now look what happened! I lost Rex!!
Jacko: Boy... I know how ya feel.
Danni: We can't blame you, but at the same time we know you didn't do anything wrong.
Coco: Besides Shen, you've really taught me a lot too! I'm still in one-piece right? Remember Armnikron? I defeated him thanks to you - and Kitsume of course!
Shen Lo Ken: Yeah... and other demons in the past!!
Crash: Ya see Shen? You're a great trainer!! It's time to seek out another one to train!!
Coco: Somewhere out there, someone's probably gonna be beggin' ya for lessons!
Shen Lo Ken: Well I'll think about that later!! Right now I gotta focus on the mission! Same to all of you!
Crash: Yeah - I just wanna get those androids good!
Danni: Yes. I'm sure if we all work together, this won't be as hard!
Kitsume: Then follow me!
Coco: Shen. I hope you do train someone else.
Shen Lo Ken: We'll see... later.
They reach the shores of the ocean. Across the sea, Cortex Castle looms ahead.

Crash: Our goal's within our reach.
Kitsume: Hmm... Crash, Coco, and the rest of you, now would be a good time to use up some of the energy to glide to the other side.
Shen Lo Ken: Yeah. We'll lose a bit, but hopefully not that much.
Kitsume: I know. We must preserve more energy to ready for battle.
Sarnie: Brendon, stay here on shore with Jacko.
Brendon: Okay. Come back soon!
Sarnie: I will honey. Jacko, keep an eye on him. Stay here with Brendon, and keep well hidden.
Jacko: No worry. This is where I look afta' the kid and make sure that there's no more confrontations with androids.
Sarnie: Good... see ya alter kiddo!
Brendon: Bye Sarnie.
Kitsume: I hope the lack of experience won't prevent your knowledge of gliding.
Coco: Naw - it'll be like a voluntary reflex! We'll get it the first time.
Crash: We gotta make it a steady pace though. We can't use up too much energy.
Sarnie: Yeah. Well not me guys! I got another way.

Sarnie changes into an eagle.

Danni: Hmm… I wish I could do that.
Sarnie: Meecha over at the other side.

Sarnie takes off and flies to get across to Cortex Castle.

Danni: Okay. Keep your energy levels down. We can't use too much.
Shen Lo Ken: I'm ready!
Kitsume: Now focus in your energy - be a cloud flowing in the wind. Remember - think of soaring as if you are one with the birds.
Crash: Right, right...

Crash and the others begin to slowly lift off the ground. Kitsume then follows.

Kitsume: All right everyone - follow me!!
Crash: I sure hope we all got the hang of it.
Coco: It's a snap Crash! See? (Coco soars in the air and does a barrel roll right in front of Crash) Nothing to it!
Danni: C'mon - let's just get to the other side.
Crash: Much like the chicken. Okay... here we go!

Crash, Coco, Danni and Shen Lo Ken follow Kitsume.

Danni: Ha... it's been a long time since I glided.
Crash: I know - I know how Sarnie feels about gliding.
Coco: Yeah! It's not only necessary - it's fun!!
Deep in the water, Launch Octopus waits silently. A green light flashes in his right head. A voice comes through.

Voice: This is Storm Eagle speaking. I see them gliding this way. Slow them down with that deadly whirlwind of yours. Start spinning.

As the voice fades out, Launch Octopus looks up to see the gang flying towards the castle. Immediately he starts to spin in a large circle. The water begins to churn and a whirlpool is in the process of creation. Just then a very large whirlpool ensues around Launch Octopus and a strong tornado wind comes out of it!! The gang get caught up in it.

Crash: WHOA!!!!!!!
Coco: There's something wrong here!!
Kitsume: It's an android - a sea going android. He's creating a powerful wind that even I can't escape!!
Shen Lo Ken: That must explain the whirlpool.
Danni: We gotta get around it.
Crash: Right!!
Coco: Wait - LOOK OUT!!!!!!!!!

A missile is launched out of the water!! It hits Danni. The explosion of the missile knocks her into the water.

Crash: DANNI!!!!

Crash swoops down to get Danni.

Kitsume: I will try and stop this wind. Earg... derfter... ara...

But then, another missile is launched out of the water and it hits Kitsume!! She is too knocked into the water!!

Shen Lo Ken: We gotta help her.

Just then, the winds die down.

Shen Lo Ken: The wind... it stopped.

Then, Crash and Danni reach the surface.

Crash: You OK?
Danni: Yeah, just a shot in the ribs mate.
Crash: Where's Kitsume?
Coco: She's in the water. I'm going in after her!!

Coco dives into the water. She looks all about. Finally she sees Kitsume, but soon is shocked at what she sees. Launch Octopus wrapped his tentacles around Kitsume's body. Kitsume was in a deadly grip. She herself could not escape Launch Octopus's grip. And slowly the tentacle drained the energy out of Kitsume like a vacuum.

Coco: Hang on Kitsume - I'll save you!!

Coco rushes towards Kitsume...but Launch Octopus retaliates by launching spare torpedoes at Coco. And unfortunately for Coco, they are homing torpedoes!! She jumped out of the water... but they still followed her.

Coco: Darn - Kitsume's in trouble and those torpedoes are closing in on me.

A fireball whizzes past Coco and hits the torpedoes causing them to explode.

Coco: Huh?
Shen Lo Ken: Watch your back - there's more that's bound to come your way.
Coco: Yeah. Crash, Danni - are you both okay down there?
Crash: Yeah. Danni and me are fine.
Danni: But what about Kitsume? That android has her.
Shen Lo Ken: And it is draining her energy!
Coco: Well, Shen, I'll help you fight it. And Crash and Danni - try and free Kitsume.
Crash: Hope it works. How long can you hold your breath Danni?
Danni: Pretty long. You?
Crash: Same here. Okay - Shen, Coco - try and make that thing let go of her. We'll be there to rescue her.
Danni: Let's go!!

Crash and Danni dive into the water.

Shen Lo Ken: Follow me Coco and stay close. Don't do a full on attack!!
Coco: I know I know... let's go!!!
Shen Lo Ken: Yea... now!!

They both dive into the water and sneak up behind Launch Octopus.

Shen Lo Ken: Okay Coco - fire at his dominate tentacle - the one on his right. I'll aim for the other. That should let Kitsume go!!

Shen and Coco both fire fireballs from their hands and they head towards Launch Octopus!! They hit his two tentacles!! He lets Kitsume go.

Crash: There's our chance!! GO!!

Crash and Danni grab Kitsume and head towards the surface. Launch Octopus turns around to see Shen and Coco were the ones who did the attack.

Coco: Do we stay and fight?
Shen Lo Ken: No - we haven't got much time!!

But before Shen and Coco could escape Launch Octopus launches eight missiles from his tentacles towards them.
Shen Lo Ken: Oh...

A large explosion shoots up from the water. The water sprays in every direction and the large ripples soon form small waves through the sea. Crash and Danni are on shore with Kitsume.

Danni: Kitsume, are you okay?
Kitsume: Yes, but this mission will now fully depend on those elixirs. That Octopus drained a lot of my energy.
Crash: Wait - what's that?!!?

They both look out in the distance and see the giant ring in the water where the explosion was.

Danni: Should have noticed that earlier. I heard something when we brought Kitsume ashore.
Crash: Coco and Shen were in the water. I hope their okay!!

Suddenly on the shore, Coco emerges from the water.

Crash: COCO!! (Rushing over to her side) You OK?
Coco: (coughs) Yeah I'm fine.
Crash: Your clothes - they're pretty torn.
Coco: (coughs) I know... (coughs)'s Kitsume?
Crash: Fine. Where's Shen?
Coco: I think he's still down there... (coughs) ...fighting that android.
Danni: Look Crash - something else is emerging from the water.

Out of the water is Shen Lo Ken, struggling with Launch Octopus's tentacles. They wrap around his arms and legs. He can't get free. The Octopus brings Shen close to him.

Crash: Looks like the android's sucking his energy. I gotta get him.
Coco: I'm coming.
Crash: No stay here - I'll be back!!

Crash dives in the water and swims towards Shen in Launch Octopus's grasp. Launch Octopus sees Crash and starts launching more torpedoes.

Crash: These things just don't quit!!

Crash managed to swerve past every missile and launches a fireball at Octopus. It hits Octopus, who lets go of Shen.

Crash: Kay... let's go!!

Launch Octopus then twirls around again!!!

Shen Lo Ken: CRASH, HE'S GOT US!!!

Both Crash and Shen are caught in a giant whirlpool created by Octopus's. Octopus begins to bring the whirlpool down to the bottom. Shen and Crash are being sucked into the bottom. Launch Octopus planned to drown them. Coco and Danni look up.

Danni: They're in trouble.
Coco: But we can't leave Kitsume.

Just then an eagle flies by and lands near Danni. It turns back into Sarnie.

Sarnie: I saw what was happening!! Is Kitsume fine?
Danni: Yeah. But Crash and Shen are caught in a whirlpool created by that android.
Coco: Yeah. Sarnie, do me a favour and watch after Kitsume. Danni, follow me!! We're gonna try and stop that thing.
Danni: And rescue the boys again!!
Coco: Yeah!! C'mon, let's go!!! HURRY!!
Sarnie: Good luck you two!

Danni and Coco glide out to he water to where the whirlpool rips a large a circle in the ocean.

Coco: There!! Hurry!
Danni: Hang on Crash!!

Both girls dive into the water and see Crash and Shen struggling in the ocean.

Coco: Now to take action!!
Back at Cortex Castle...

Magma Dragoon: (Watching Launch Octopus fight) That fool's using a whirlpool technique!! He's vulnerable to those two girls' attacks!
Frost Walrus: Whaddya want Octopus to do about it?
Magma Dragoon: Bring the bandicoot and the dingo here!! Have Octopus to use his missiles to knock everyone in the water out!!
Frost Walrus: You mean a couple of Stinger missiles?
Magma Dragoon: Yes!! Contact Octopus and have him drag the bandicoot and the dingo here!! And make sure the others are too wounded to fight or at least have plenty of their energy gone!!
Frost Walrus: Will it work?
Magma Dragoon: Don't question me!! I'm always right!!
Frost Walrus: All right then!! I'll get that darn bandicoot and his dirty dingo over here!! I'll contact Octopus!!
Neon Tiger: Bring that fox here too!
Magma Dragoon: Oh... revenge huh?
Neon Tiger: Let's call it unfinished business! I'll get him this time!
Magma Dragoon: Very well then!! Octopus will have quite a load to carry!
Frost Walrus: I'll contact him!!!
A green light beeps in the right side of Launch Octopus's head. Frost Walrus's voice comes over the intercom.

Frost Walrus: Hey Octopus - new orders!! Grab the bandicoot, the dingo, and the fox!! Knock ‘em out with your Stinger missiles!! And make sure that the bandicoot's bratty sister is also down for the count. Orders from Dragoon - do your best!! Over and out!!

After the transmission, Octopus stops the whirlpool.

Crash: Hey, the whirlpool!! It stopped!!
Shen Lo Ken: So did the Octopus!!
Danni: That's an odd manoeuvre.
Coco: Well, let's get it before it recovers!!
Danni: Watch it!!
Shen Lo Ken: I don't like this. Launch Octopus is taking too long looking at us!!

What they didn't know was Octopus's vision was switched to target mode!! This was for his heat seeking Stinger Missiles! Once locked on target the missiles would head directly towards it's target or targets! Octopus looks at Crash!! A red light flashes around him. Launch Octopus aims a large tentacle at him. A Stinger Missile is launched and it heads straight towards Crash, faster than the blink of an eye!! The missile hits him and he sinks to the bottom.

Shen Lo Ken: CRASH!!!!!

But when Shen goes to dive towards Crash, Launch Octopus launches another Stinger at Shen. It hits him and he goes down with Crash!!

Coco: NO!!!!!
Danni: Let's go!!! Watch it Coco - he probably can target us!!

But Launch turns around and a red circle surrounds Danni from Launch Octopus's vision. Launch fires another Stinger Missile!! It hits Danni!!! She begins to sink to the bottom!!

Coco: DANNI!!!!

Coco begins to dive down towards Danni, but Launch swims towards Coco and wraps his tentacles around her. The energy sucking begins!!

Coco: UGHHH!!!!! Let... GO!!!!! ERGH!!!!!!!

Within minutes, Coco passes out and Launch lets go of her. Her limp body floats to the surface. Launch grabs Crash, Danni, and Shen Lo Ken with his tentacles. He then swims off.
Frost Walrus: Well boss... mission accomplished.
Magma Dragoon: Good. Now we have those prisoners.
Frost Walrus: Which cell will we put them in?
Magma Dragoon: Have Octopus put him in the main cell chamber, but not so close to those pesky little rats of theirs. When they regain consciousness I will deal with the bandicoot and the dingo myself!
Neon Tiger: And... the fox!?!?
Magma Dragoon: He's all yours!!!
Neon Tiger: YESSSSS!!!!! Sting Chameleon - get that little torture chamber of mine ready!! My claws are itching for revenge.
Sting Chameleon: Yessssssssss Tiger.
Magma Dragoon: It is a proud day for all of us!!

Just then, Shadra enters the chamber.

Shadra: So you got them huh?
Frost Walrus: YEAH!!! Not bad for a machine, huh Shadra!?
Shadra: Not bad!?!? HA!! I didn't come here to congratulate you! I came here to let you know something!! I know what your intentions are.
Magma Dragoon: Huh?!? What!?
Shadra: I think a little bird told me!! You plan to kill the bandicoot and the dingo yourself! And when that's over you plan a little revolt of yours didn't you?
Magma Dragoon: WHAT!?!? How...?
Shadra: Don't ask - I know… a revolt against Cortex huh?? HA!!! Not so long as I'm around!!! Your little revolution is a dismal failure!! I will get credit for the capture of Crash, Danni, and Shen lo Ken.
Frost Walrus: WHAT?!?!?
Shadra: You see, once they're put in the holding cell I will tell Cortex everything he needs to know and all of you will be deprogrammed!!! I'll get the credit and you all will be scrap metal!!!
Neon Tiger: Why you...
Magma Dragoon: Neon, let him speak.
Shadra: You're very polite Dragoon - perhaps maybe I can spare you!! As soon as your independent chip is removed and you become a mindless drone. See ya all later. I'll go see how the prisoners are!

Shadra leaves the room.
Frost Walrus: UUUURRRRGGGHHHH!!!!!! THAT SCUM!!!!!! THAT SWINE!!!!!!!!
Magma Dragoon: Walrus calm down...
Neon Tiger: How can you!?!?
Storm Eagle: Yes, Shadra's going to get the credit and we will be destroyed.
Magma Dragoon: No - you forgot about Octopus didn't you? NO ONE can escape his deadly tentacles!!!
Frost Walrus: What are you saying?
Magma Dragoon: It's simple!! Contact Launch Octopus and tell him to grab a hold of Shadra with his tentacles. Have him use the energy drain on him and then bring Shadra into an impenetrable cell.
Frost Walrus: Hee hee... then what?
Magma Dragoon: We'll take his staff and have him later fight the Slash Beast bare-fisted without energy!!
Magma Dragoon: Contact Octopus immediately! That idiot Shadra doesn't know!! HA HA HA HA!!!
On the shores of where the battle had been fought, Coco's body was washed ashore. For a moment, in her thoughts she heard some kind of voice calling her.

Voice: Hey, you there?
Coco: Yeah. Who are you?
Voice: You'll know. Listen, do you remember?
Coco: Remember what?
Voice: Your past experience. Wasn't it great?
Coco: I see - you must be my ego talkin'.
Voice: You might say that. But more importantly is the fact that there is great danger ahead.
Coco: Tell me something I don't know.
Voice: That Octopus kidnapped Crash and the others.
Coco: Yeah? Well, this may seem dangerous but I got no other choice.
Voice: It'll take time. Rest up white dove.
Coco: White dove?
Voice: Yes. Don't think I forgot that confrontation many years ago in Karundia temple.
Coco: Yeah. Do I still posses that armour?
Voice: Heck no - once Armnikron later awakened your power, you didn't need it.
Coco: You sound familiar and you know so much about me. I have a feeling I'm gonna meet you.
Voice: Soon enough. Now wake up Coco… wake up.

Coco opens her eyes. At first her vision is a bit blurred and her eyes are adjusting to the light. Then she begins to rise from the ground and puts her hands on her back. She hears a slight crack as she bends it back. To the left she sees Kitsume and Sarnie.

Sarnie: Hey... you're back.
Coco: Yeah, but how?
Kitsume: That elixir. I decided to use among one of my last.
Coco: Did you take one Kitsume? I bet your magic would be restored.
Kitsume: No - it only restores strength. Magic is something else.
Sarnie: So I guess you've heard about Crash and the others right?
Coco: Yeah? How did you know?
Sarnie: You were talking in your sleep.
Kitsume: Hearing voices Coco?
Coco: Sorta, but they sound oddly familiar.
Sarnie: Like who's?
Coco: Dunno. Deep and dark, as it was if a spirit had been calling me.
Kitsume: Well, we'll find out about it later. For now it's time to head to Cortex Castle and retrieve our loved ones.
Sarnie: Yeah. But your energy's pretty wasted.
Coco: I don't think it would be wise to glide anymore.
Sarnie: Can you swim?
Coco: Of course! Kitsume?
Kitsume: I could be as much as home in the water. Why not?
Coco: It's a long swim. But we got the strength to do it.
Sarnie: I hate to cheat but I'm gonna turn into an eagle now and fly over to see if I can find the cell Crash and the others are in.
Coco: I understand. Now it's time to get some swimming done.

Sarnie turns into an eagle and flies over to Cortex Castle. Then Coco and Kitsume dive into the water swimming towards the same location awaiting any further danger.
Deep in the cell, Shadra comes by to investigate the prisoners. Danni is in the left cell while Crash is in the next. Shadra comes to inspect Danni.

Shadra: Can't get out of this one dingo. Looks like the androids have done their work. But the time has come for your demise… at last.
Danni: Where are Yarra and Casey?
Shadra: Oh, they should be fine too. I'm sure we wouldn't anything to happen to Cortex's… future minions.
Danni: WHAT!?!?!?!?!
Crash: YOU FREAK!!!!
Shadra: Quiet. It's my job to retrieve many things for Cortex. I work for the one who is ally to Uka Uka, and yes bandicoot, even though I allied with you and helped you that was temporary. Lorg's gone and I'm free from being nice to you.
Crash: Why you...
Shadra: And you remember Crash, the pain brought onto you from that one page in history. Your strength, your mother, your precious Tawna were all gone. You can't see them anymore Crash. They're no longer part of your heritage. After the battle of Lorg was done, so was what was remaining of your family.
Crash: Yeah but they're still alive.
Shadra: It won't matter. They live in a restricted area - an area off limits to the likes of you.
Danni: HMPH!! And to think you used to ally with us.
Shadra: Just so my revenge would be complete. That filthy Lorg ran me all my life after I escaped Dark Animal court. Well that's about as much as my history as you'll get. I will now go report MY capture to Cortex.
Crash: Hey - it was the androids that caught Danni and me, not you.
Shadra: I know, but they're machines. You don't give them credits. They work for US - anyone who is flesh and bone, not metal and wire.
Danni: Ergh! When I get out… I'll...
Shadra: You'll what? You can't escape the power of my staff you know. Oh, and by the way, Neon Tiger went to have his fun with Shen, who’s in the torture chamber, and Neon's sharpening his claws for him.
Crash: HEY!!! Leave my friends alone.
Shadra: Your friends... or your sons? You know you can't have both in cases like this.
Crash: LOOK - GO AWAY!!!! LEAVE US!!!!
Shadra: Normally I don't do requests but all right. It's time to collect my reward and have the androids disabled.

Shadra walks out of the cell room and closes the door.

Crash: This is hopeless. Danni, did you try breaking the bars?
Danni: They're neon bars Crash. They're impossible to break, even with our attacks.
Crash: Oh… Yarra, Casey, Coco, Kitsume, Sarnie, Shen... they're all in danger.
Danni: It does look bad Crash.
Crash: Yeah. If only there was a way out of this!

Suddenly a loud voice echoes down the hallway!!


The voice stops. There is nothing but silence.

Crash: That sounded like Shadra!!!
Danni: What happened?
Crash: Sounds like he was attacked.
Danni: Our party is here!! They found us then!!
Crash: No - if they did, then Shadra wouldn't call them metallic. Wait... metallic!! IT WAS AN ANDROID!!!!!
Danni: No way Crash - they're on his side!
Crash: No... I remember! Shadra hated androids. In return they hated him.

Just then the door opens and in walks Launch Octopus!!! In his tentacles… is Shadra!!

Crash: It was HIM!!!
Danni: He must have drained his energy.

Launch Octopus then opens a nearby cell and throws Shadra in it. Shadra is still unconscious. Launch then closes the cage and exits he room, slamming the door behind him.

Danni: You were right Crash! The androids are definitely not an ally with Shadra.
Crash: Yeah, but that prompts me to ask. Why would allies of Cortex beat another ally of Cortex?
Danni: Something's wrong!!
Crash: I know what you mean!! We gotta find out.
Back in the control room…

Magma Dragoon: (Listening to the small sound in his ear) Yes...? I see! Excellent work... no… Cortex doesn't know! All right… come back!! Thank you for a job well done!!
Frost Walrus: Well?
Magma Dragoon: Octopus got Shadra!! He is now powerless!!

All the androids cheer!!

Frost Walrus: YEAH!!!!!! That battle between him and the Slash Beast will rock!!
Magma Dragoon: And Launch has his little toy sceptre staff with him!! We'll use it to harness massive energy!!
Neon Tiger: Boss, I got a patient waiting in the torture chamber!!
Magma Dragoon: I know I know - go and do with him as you please!
Neon Tiger: Believe me, torture is my hobby!!
Frost Walrus: Oh...there's a surprise!!
Neon Tiger: Gentlemen, until then, see you on the day Shadra will be slaughtered!!
Frost Walrus: Yeah... I'll save a front row seat for ya!!
Neon Tiger: Thank you. (Exits room)
Magma Dragoon: Wonderful!! Soon, very soon, the revolution will start!! This will go down into history as triumph of machine… over man!!

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