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Part 19 – Coco’s Ambitions Rise

Elsewhere, back at Crash's hut; Jacko is polishing his plane. Sheila, the fox girl, was busy baby-sitting Yarra and Casey, who were still worried about their parents. Brendon paced back and forth.

Sheila: Don't worry guys - everything will be all right. Besides, if I know your parents, they'll beat those mean ol' androids.
Yarra: I'm still worried Sheila. I'm really scared.
Sheila: Oh, poor Yarra. Do you want me to give you some ice cream that always makes me feel better?
Yarra: I'm too nervous to eat.
Brednon: Me too - It's just taking too long.
Casey: Not me; if I know dad, he'll be at those androids, and come home proud!
Sheila: All right, that's the spirit Casey. If only your brother had your confidence.
Yarra: But I feel; something awful is gonna happen! Like, maybe...they won't win. Maybe the androids will kill mum and dad!

Yarra began to whimper a little, and sat in the corner. Sheila came over to comfort him.

Sheila: It's OK sweetie - they'll be back. Just relax - they'll be okay.
Yarra: I can't help it. I'm scared.
Sheila: I understand honey. Are you sure you don't want anything?
Yarra: Yes?
Sheila: Well, how bout a glass of warm milk? That okay?

Yarra thought about it for a moment, and then, finally nodded his head. He agreed.

Sheila: Okay. Well you just make yourself comfortable, and I'll bring you some milk.

Sheila went into the kitchen. Brendon went up to Yarra and looked into his terrified eyes.

Brendon: are you gonna be oaky buddy?
Yarra: Yeah, I'm just nervous. I kinda feel sick too.
Casey: I don't blame you. Being nervous makes me feel sick too.

Sheila came back with some milk.

Sheila: There you go? Hey… I know.

Sheila held out a copy of CTR in front of Yarra.

Sheila: Do you wanna play some video games to take your mind off this?
Yarra: No. I can't concentrate when I'm worried.
Sheila: OK; if you're comfortable where you are, then go ahead and sit there, as long as you're comfortable.
Yarra: K'.

Jacko walked into the room and looked at Sheila.

Jacko: How are things goin'?
Sheila: (sighs) poor Yarra's worried sick about his parents. Can't blame him. Brendon' kinda worried too. But Casey seems fine.
Casey: That's cause I know they'll be back. You'll see, my dad'll beat those androids. Just wait and see.

Back at the castle, Crash and Storm Eagle stared at each other. Each are expecting one to make the next move. Coco, who was watching all oft his happen, began to think in her mind.

Coco: (thinks) Wait a minute. I'm a warrior too. I'm not gonna let my brother hog all the credit. Hmmm, I can ascend just like him. He'd be so surprised if he just saw me now. But where to begin… He'd probably never forgive ‘im if I fought that Eagle. Hmmmm… that's it - I'm gonna go for the big one. There are no more androids yet, and Magma Dragoon seems to want me for some reason. I guess it's about time I found out. That's it - it's time to go now. I gotta go find out what's takin' Dragoon so long. I bet I'm powerful enough to defeat him. I'm goin', goin', gone! I'm not gonna wait for Crash to fight this thing. I'm outta here. Dragoon, here I come.

At that immemdiate moment, Coco sprang to her toes, and ran through the hallways away form the group. Crash and the others noticed this.

Crash: Huh? What happened? Where'd she go?
Shen Lo Ken: She took off! Why?
Danni: What's up with this?
Sarnie: That's just not like Coco to leave the group.
Kitsume: Oh no. She's going after Dragoon. She's anxious to find out why he wants her, and will not wait for any results. She's going.
Shen Lo Ken: Well we gotta stop her. I remember how she looked when she fought the Slash Beast. She looked like Hell.
Danni: And imagine what Dragoon could do to her. We gotta get her back.
Kitsume: I'll come with you too.
Sarnie: I'm staying here. I'll help Crash beat this android, so he and I can catch up to you guys, and face these androids together.
Danni: Okay mate, good luck.
Shen Lo Ken: Let's go! Kitsume, lead the way!
Kitsume: Follow me!

Kitsume lead the band of warriors through the hallways, leaving Sarnie alone, staring up at the two dueling warriors.

Storm Eagle: So Crash, I hear your sister's gonna try and beat Dragoon eh? What a farce!! She's bound to fail, because no one can withstand Dragoon's mighty wrath.
Crash: You don't know my sister. She's got spirit, and strength you underestimate. I bet ya she can beat Dragoon if she could.
Sarnie: He's right. (Sarnie rises, and sides next to Crash) Coco's one heck of a girl, I've known her for sometime. She may look normal, but she's got real power!
Storm Eagle: Hmph! Women, what do they know about combat?
Sarnie: What was that!?!??!
Storm Eagle: That's it - get angry. I sure would appreciate sucking more energy from your pathetic, feminine body.
Sarnie: WHAT?!?!?! Oh that's it! I'm gonna get you for this.
Crash: Shouldn't be messing around with my friends Eagle, they'll make you pay dearly for this.
Sarnie: ESPECIALLY when you insult women like us like that.
Storm Eagle: Say what you want, I don't care. If you wish to face me, that's fine. Go ahead; it's your move!!
Sarnie: So be it!!

Sarnie rushed into Storm Eagle with miraculous speed. Storm Eagle dodged the attack, but Crash appeared right behind him.

Storm Eagle: Huh?
Crash: Here's lesson 1!!! HEEYA!!!!

Crash sends both of his fists into Eagle's head, and sends him flying down towards Sarnie.

Sarnie: And here's lesson 2!! YAAAAAA!!!!

Sarnie performed a roundhouse kick to Eagle's head, sending him flying into the castle wall, causing rubble to fall upon him.

Sarnie: That's for dissing a woman's fighting skills.
Crash: Nice one Sarnie, now lemme finish this birdbrain.
Sarnie: Be my guest!

But just then, Storm Eagle flew straight out of the rubble, with an angry expression on his face. He head-butted Crash hard in his stomach. But miraculously, Crash since eh ascended, didn't feel pain. Eagle then panicked, as Crash grabbed his head, and slammed it into his knee. When Eagle arose, his face was dente, and his beak was smashed in. He covered his face as best as he could.

Storm Eagle:!! How did you?
Crash: Never mess with an ascended bandicoot!

Crash raised his hands, and held one out in front of Eagle's face. When Eagle uncovered his eyes, he was staring straight into Crash's palm!

Storm Eagle: Wait, no!! This… is all a misunderstanding. Please; we can be allies.
Crash: Yeah right. It’s the end of the line, birdbrain. You stole my kids and my power. Now it's my turn, to steal your life.
Storm Eagle: No… wait... be merciful… NO!!!!

Within seconds, Crash released a giant yellow beam of energy onto Storm Eagle. The blast engulfed Eagle in a bright explosion. The explosion was enormous. Then when all the dust settled, there was nothing there. But Crash noticed Storm Eagle's head lying on the ground. Sarnie quickly swooped down, and crushed it with her foot. She continued to writhe her foot onto it, as if Storm Eagle's head was an empty soda can.

Crash: That takes care of that android. Now; there's only three left, and one of them is gonna be a real challenge.
Sarnie: Let's go Crash. We gotta stop your crazy ol' sister, before something happens.
Crash: Yeah. Follow me. I can sense where Dragoon is.
Sarnie: Right behind you.

Both Crash and Sarnie rushed through the hallways, and went on to find the mighty Dragoon.
Elsewhere, Coco rushed through the hallways with great speed. All in her mind, her ambitions grew stronger.

Coco: (thinks) I will break these androids faster than Crash. If he can do it, so can I. Get ready Dragoon; cause no one messes with Crash and no one especially messes with his sister. Hope you're ready; cause I know I am. With you beat, I will ascend. I can feel it.

As Coco's ambitions grew, so did her speed. She ran faster down the hallways, to go and face her destiny.
In the main chamber, Dragoon, Frost Walrus, and Slash Beast put Spedra into her neon cage with Shadra. Speedra checked on Shadra, who was still clutching his chest in pain.

Spedra: Shadra, are you OK?
Shadra: Ugh... Ergh… Beaten by... a… machine.
Frost Walrus: Shuddup junior; or we'll let Dragoon take another punch into your head. Course it can't cause enough brain damage already.
Magma Dragoon: Really Walrus, leave him alone. He doesn't matter to us anymore. I must focus on where to find Sai Borg, and to find those tow bandicoots.
Frost Walrus: I still don't get it Dragoon; how come you think those filthy bandicoots were related to you?
Magma Dragoon: I sense great disturbance. It feels strange, but now that I know I am part human, my brain tells me that they are part of my past.
Frost Walrus: How?
Magma Dragoon: I don't know. I'll just have to wait and see.
Frost Walrus: Well wait no longer. Look who's here!!

Magma Dragoon turned around. At the main doorway he saw Coco Bandicoot; standing with her hands on her hips, staring evilly into Dragoon.

Coco: We meet again eh? This time I'm ready to take you on.
Frost Walrus: You and what army, skank?
Coco: Myself.
Frost Walrus: BWA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!! Don't make me laugh sista', that's a good one. We saw how horrible your performance with Slash Beast was. And don't think you can get past me either; cause I'm just as strong as Slashy.
Coco: I don't give anything about you or the Slash Beast. I wanan speak to...him!

Coco pointed her finger at Magma Dragoon, who stared into her eyes very seriously.

Magma Dragoon: Nice to see you recovered. How are you?
Coco: Feeling much better. Hmmm, you really know how to be a gentleman, unlike your dirty friend over there.
Frost Walrus: (flipping Coco off) Hey, eat my shorts will ya?
Coco: Hmph. Filthy walrus. Too bad you think with your behind all the time.
Frost Walrus: Gah… you little whore...
Magma Dragoon: Walrus… stay back. I wish to talk to this young lady.
Coco: Go ahead; talk to me. I'm anxious to find out why you want me.
Magma Dragoon: So be it.
Part 20 – A Shocking Story

Coco stood with confidence in front of Dragoon, while Frost Walrus kept his distance. (Even for a big guy, Walrus knew that Dragoon's temper could easily be flared)

Coco: Now, you will answer my question. When the Slash Beast had me, why did you let me live? I later realized that Kitsume said that you liked me. So tell me, you let me live because you liked me, is that it?

Frost Walrus couldn't help but laugh.

Frost Walrus: Hoo brotha Dragoon, ya like this kid? C'mon, that's too funny! HA HA HA!!

Dragoon slaps Walrus across the face, sending him flying into the wall.

Magma Dragoon: Shut up Walrus, it's not like that.

Dragoon then stared down at Coco.

Magma Dragoon: Little girl; you and your brother are definitely a part of me. It took me a long time to unravel this mystery.
Coco: What are you talking about?
Magma Dragoon: You see, for a long time, those visions I had prevented me from killing you and your brother. At first, I thought it was that vixen playing mind games with me. But then I realised, that as an android, my mind is heavily shielded and cannot be intercepted. But the most shocking thing I discovered is this.... Magma Dragoon: My dear... have you ever known anyone named... Matilda?

Coco's mouth dropped. Matilda was the name of her mother. (Crash's too) She wanted to make sure it was the right one.

Coco: Y-y-y-you mean… Matilda Bandicoot?
Magma Dragoon: Yes... she's your mother, right?
Coco: Yes... but... how do you know her?
Magma Dragoon: Becasue... let me explain this. I am not a true android.
Coco: What?
Frost Walrus: Yep. He aint'. Deep down in that hard shell of his lies a man who's living flesh.
Magma Dragoon: Yes. It's quite a fascinating story. Let me explain to you; so you'll know why I know the name Matilda.
Coco: Go ahead. I need to know why you know her.
Magma Dragoon: Very well.

Magma Dragoon began his long story.

Magma Dragoon: Not long ago, in a village full of bandicoots, where every bandicoot lived happy and peacefully, there was a woman - a woman who had one son. Her name was Matilda, and the son was called Crash Bandicoot. Her husband was Garrison, who happened to be Crash's father. They lived together for many years; Crash was only about two at this time. Then, one day, a shadow appeared over this village. A dark soldier named Karnac, the betrayer of Lorg, raided this village. He attacked the city, hoping to find the gems. Garrison, who was the strongest fighter in his community, attacked Karnac with all force. He would have won too if it wasn't for Cobraz, who interfered, and accidentally killed Garrison when he meant to kill Karnac.
Coco: I know this story; but it's old, and how does it involve you?
Magma Dragoon: That's when the next part comes in. When Karnac was killed, Cobraz coveted his loss, and ran away. Matilda was left with her only child, and her dear husband was dead. During the funeral, a man appeared - a bandicoot by the name of Derick. He had eyes for this fair damsel widow, who needed support to care for her and the still young Crash Bandicoot.
Coco: How do you know all this?
Magma Dragoon: I have a brain just like anyone else. My memory came back to me. But anyway, Derick fell in love with Matilda, and swore to take care of her if she would marry him. Matilda vowed never to remarry, but Derick convinced her that she needed support for her and her child. Matilda, unwillingly, married the man. Derick and Matilda soon grew to love each other overtime. Crash soon gained respect for him, even though he was still very young. But it wasn't long, until Derick decided to plant his seed. He was called into service, to fight first class against an invading army of Cortex's soldiers. So that night, he slept and impregnated Matilda. The next day, he left, and never came back. Nine moths later, you came into this world young Coco.
Coco: So I'm the product of my second father?
Magam Dragoon: Yes. But it isn't over yet. You see… Derick went into battle, and fought valiantly. He had phenomenal power, and could easily defeat the armies. But his own weakness was his heart. He felt so bad for being away from Matilda, and wanted to see his newborn daughter. He tried to escape, but was brought down by another android soldier. The army was upon him, and killed him. That's all I remember, until now. You see, if my theory is correct, Cortex saw he was a phenomenal soldier, and decided to sue him as an experiment. By using plans he stole from another doctor, he created the ultimate android - an android that is standing in front of you.
Coco: Wait… Are you telling me that Cortex spared my second father to create on of the androids?
Magma Dragoon: Yes... and do you know why I know all this?
Coco: No… you… you can't be.
Magma Dragoon: You figured it out. I am... Derick, your second father.

Coco was stunned with disbelief. Frost Walrus even became stunned.

Coco: No; that's not true. I don't believe it.
Magma Dragoon: Then believe this.

Magma Dragoon pressed two buttons on both sides of his hemlet. He lifted his helmet off. But instead of wires, there was face underneath the helmet. Coco stared in disbelief, and even Frost Walrus became shocked! The face was that of a bandicoot - a bandicoot with a similar face to Crash's, and dark spiky hair. Half of his face was metal, with a red eye. Magma Dragoon revealed his true self.

Coco: No... No... This is impossible.
Magma Dragoon: Now you know. I figured out my mystery. Frost Walrus: Dr-dr-dr-dr-Dragoon!! You're a ban-ba-ba-ba-bandicoot!
Magma Dragoon: Yes. Now you know the truth. (He put his helmet back on)
Coco: My Goodness! That’s why you spared me. You're my second father.

Coco began to stare at Dragoon, and tears rolled down her cheeks.

Frost Walrus: Dragoon, how is it possible?
Magma Dragoon: I was the experiment Cortex used. I am Derick - now know as Dragoon!
Frost Walrus: INSANE!! So what, are you going to spare that girl now again?
Magma Dragoon: No… not this time. I'm going to bury my past! She and the others will be killed.
Frost Walrus: All right then, as long as you're still one of us.
Coco: What? You spared me a while ago, now you want to kill me to bury your past?
Magma Dragoon: My destiny lies with another man who appears to be my true creator, not this fraud. I know you and your brother will try and stop me; so whether or not you are my daughter; I'm afraid I'm going to have to kill you.

Coco was filled with rage. She was the only one who knew the truth. Would she let Crash know about this? She would have to decide just as soon as Dragoon was gone.

Just then, three figures appeared. It was Danni. Kitsume, and Shewn Lo Ken.

Frost Walrus: Hey Dragoon, we got more guests.
Magma Dragoon: Ergh… it's them isn't it? All right, I'm fed up with this. I'm too impatient to even wait here another second., Release the Slash Beast on em'.
Frost Walrus: Okay then.

Frost Walrus then released the ferocious slash Beast, who leaped out like a wild cat.

Kitsume: Looks like they're ready for us.
Danni: Coco, are you okay?
Coco: Yeah, everything's cool. But now, we gotta do something about Dragoon.

The three warriors looked at Dragoon.

Shen Lo Ken: So you're Dragoon huh?
Magma Dragoon: It doesn't matter anymore! Now DIE!!!!!

The Slash Beast leaped out and ran towards his opponents.
Part 21 – Power Surge

The vicious Slash Beast ran towards his opponents with deadly speed. Shen readied himself for combat.

Shen Lo Ken: C'mon tough guy. You ain't gonna get away this time.
Danni: Need help Shen?
Shen Lo Ken: Yeah!! I sure would appreciate it Danni.

The Slash Beast circled Danni and Shen Lo Ken. He growled with deep fury; and had his eyes focused on the two warriors.

Kitsume: Coco, are you… going to go help them?
Coco: Why don't you? I'll try and take on Dragoon.
Kitsume: By yourself!?!?
Coco: Yes.

Frost Walrus soon stepped in.

Frost Walrus: Wait a minute sweetheart. Before ya do that; you gotta get past me first.

Coco glared into Walrus's giant eyes! His wide grin indicated his future pleasure for defeating this girl.

Kitsume: Beware young Coco; his power is enormous.
Coco: I wanna do this on my own. Please.
Kitsume: It's foolish. I do not advise it.
Coco: Please Kitsume. There's a reason why I want to do this. Let me skin this walrus; and take on Dragoon.
Kitsume: Taking on Walrus is foolish; but taking on Dragoon is pure suicide. I will not stand for this. If you wish to fight them; I'm coming with you.

Coco put her hand out, and pushed Kitsume back.

Coco: No!! This time I'm going alone. Just help those two over there defeat the Slash Beast.
Kitsume: They're more than match for them. Let me help. Please Coco.
Coco: Not this time Kitsume. It's time for me to do this on my own. Please - if you love me as I love you, you'll let me take on Walrus myself. I may not win; but I may not lose either. I gotta test my real strength out.
Kitsume: What if you get in trouble like when you faced the Slash Beast?
Coco: Then let me handle it. I want to do this. It's my destiny. I'll face these last two androids myself.
Kitsume: This is all about Crash becoming ascended doesn't it?

Coco didn't answer. She just kept glaring at Frost Walrus's face.

Frost Walrus: Hmmmmm... The little girl's got spirit. Not bad for a snotty little brat such as herself. Wouldn't you agree... Papa Dragoon?

Dragoon glared evilly into Walrus's eyes.

Magma Dragoon: No jokes Walrus. I told you; my past will soon be buried. And I guess you can do it!

Just then, Dragoon sensed something near.

Frost Walrus: Huh?
Magma Dragoon: Yes! I felt something. YES!! Cortex found us out. He's on his way in a giant walking death mobile, controlled by N. Gin.
Frost Walrus: Ya mean those giant walking robots N. Gin makes?
Magma Dragoon: Yes.
Frost Walrus: Hmmmmm....Hey Dragoon. Lemme take ‘em on. I'll beat ‘em no problem. I'll let Slash Beast make short work of these losers...
Magma Dragoon: As you wish… but don't mess up.
Frost Walrus: Ten four.

Frost Walrus looks at Coco.

Frost Walrus: Listen up angel face; I gotta go do a short errand. Stay right where you are; and try and fight the slash Beast. But don't ya DARE go near Dragoon. It doesn't matter if ya do or don't. But if you wanna live to fight me, then wait until I get back! You got it toots?
Coco: Yeah...I sure do! But don't take too long.
Frost Walrus: Hmm...a real tough cookie here. Now DON'T even think of attackin' Dragoon... GOT IT!??
Coco: Sure. Now hurry up will ya? I'm anxious to do some fighting.
Frost Walrus: Why don't ya go play with your friend the Slash Beast. I'm sure he misses his old scratching post! HA HA HA!!!
Magma Dragoon: Walrus; just go take care of Cortex and the others.
Frost Walrus: Sure… no prob. Later!

Frost Walrus exits out of the back way, and runs down a long hall! The door closes behind him.

Magma Dragoon: That’s right dear, sweet Coco. Don't even come near me… because everything Walrus told you was true. Now go play with Slash Beast over there. Don't disappoint me like you did the last time!
Coco: Don't wory...I won't.
Kitsume: Coco...are you sure?
Coco: Positive! Now lemme at Slashy over there. I gotta score to settle with him.

The Slash Beast then turned his attention to Coco. He immediately recognized her. And then; he saw Kitsume. Now… Four warriors surrounded Slash Beast. But Slash Beast still wouldn't let them get the upper hand.

Coco: Ya ready big guy?

Slash Beast let out an intense roar. He soon stood in once place, and began to light up. Energy beams could be seen being soaked into him. He was absorbing energy as he powered up. A loud roar that shook the chambers soon followed. Slash Beast lit up; and turned his head around to see his opponents.

Then, at the speed of light he leapt into the air, and threw as many slash beams as he could from his hands. The beams cut through the walls. The warriors managed to dodge these attacks. But this is what Slash Beast was expecting. He was planning an immediate ambush!!

When Danni dodged the attack; Slash Beast crept up behind her and bit into her arm. Fortunately, Shen arrived in time, and performed a powerful blow to Slash Beast's head with his foot! This sent Slash Beast into the wall leaving Danni's shoulder bleeding.

Shen Lo Ken: Are you OK?
Danni: big deal!

Slash Beast then snuck up behind Shen before he could even blink. He whacked Shen upside the head with his powerful claws; leaving a deep scratch mark in the side of Shen's head. His left ear also caught blood. Then, Kitsume was up in the air, about to slice Slash Beast in half. But Slash Beast grabbed the blade of her sword with his hands, and cast it aside, leaving Kitsume without a sword.

Kitsume: What? Impossible.

Slash Beast leapt at Ktisume, but Shen punched Slash Beast in the side of the hide, and fired a giant fireball onto Slash Beast when he was on the ground.

This didn't stop Slash Beast one bit! Immediately; he grabbed Shen, and rushed into the wall with him. The force from Slash Beast was really immense and the wall only made it worse. Shen soon clutched his chest feeling his shattered ribs.

Fortunately, Danni ran up to Slash Beast and punched him, sending him falling down.

Danni: you okay Shen?
Shen Lo Ken: Urgh! YEAH!!
Kitsume: Where's my sword?

Magma Dragoon held Kitsume's weapon in her hand!

Magma Dragoon: I trust this is your main weapon. But no longer - It's in my possession now!
Coco: That's it. Kitsume, let me go face Dragoon now!
Magma Dragoon: Not yet anxious youth. Wait till walrus comes back. In the meantime keep having fun with Slash Beast.

Coco's desires were more than ever. The voice then appeared back into her head.

Voice: It's done Coco!
Coco: Oh, it’s you again? What's done?
Voice: Your strength. It's complete. You can beat Slash Beast. You'll be able to see him as he moves like the wind. You've done it Coco - your moves and skills increased.
Coco: They have?
Voice: Yes. Now go and fight. Your endurance only made you stronger. Fight the Slash Beast.
Coco: What about Dragoon and Walrus?
Voice: That is up to you. But, you haven't ascended yet. Be patient.
Coco: Okay. Let me at the Slash Beast.

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