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Part 9: The Launch Octopus Saga (continued)

In a dark damp sewer system of Cortex Castle, Coco and Kitsume swim cautiously through the water, with their heads at the surface.

Coco: Gah... it smells down here.
Kitsume: It was a good way to sneak in unnoticed you know.
Coco: Mm-hmm... where's Sarnie?
Kitsume: Ahead of us, waiting near the dock.
Coco: I see the dock straight ahead.

Coco and Kitsume reach the dock and climb ashore. They notice miscellaneous crates around them - and plenty of garbage.

Coco: Hmm... Cortex certainly isn't tidy.
Kitsume: And these crates are carelessly left around. They're marked "PARTS". My guess is they're machine parts.
Coco: You mean Cortex could make more androids?
Kitsume: No doubt.

They then see Sarnie near a large cargo door. Sarnie is typing on the computer near the door.

Sarnie: Hey Coco, Kitsume - you made it.
Coco: Yeah we're fine.
Sarnie: Coco, come on over here. I need you to hack into this so we can open the door.

Coco rushed over to the mini computer and spent about five minutes typing.

Sarnie: Anything?
Coco: No! The cargo door won't open. It's tightly sealed. Cortex certainly wasn't stupid enough to let us in.
Sarnie: So where to then? We can't get in.
Kitsume: Look for the ventilation shafts. They are always a good way in.
Coco: I see one right above us. Sarnie, can you go up there and open the vent door?
Sarnie: No prob Coco.

Sarnie changed into an eagle and flew to the top of the ceiling. She pulls the vent door with her talons. The door plops down on the floor. Sarnie crawls in and changes back into her regular self.

Sarnie: Okay, come on up.
Coco: It's too high up. We need a ladder of some sort.
Sarnie: Use some of your energy to fly up here. It's not that high.
Coco: Is it a good idea Kitsume?
Kitsume: Hmmmm... it's fine by me. Not much energy is needed to get up there.
Coco: Kay… we'll be right up Sarnie.
Sarnie: I'll crawl ahead in here. I'll meet you halfway.
Coco: Kitsume, just out of curiosity why couldn't you open the door with your magic.
Kitsume: A certain incantation is needed. When Octopus grabbed me many of my spell scrolls were lost in the ocean. I retrieved a few but the ink is all washed off. Besides, I lost near half my energy.
Coco: You still have some elixirs?
Kitsume: I retrieved two. But that's all. There will be no more than that from now on.
Coco: I see. Okay then, let's go.

The two glide up into the ventilation shaft and crawl to catch up to Sarnie. Through the corridors of the vent they look in each direction for Sarnie. They find her looking out the side of a vent.

Coco: Hey Sarnie we...
Sarnie: SHHHHHHH!!!
Coco: What is it?
Sarnie: Look!

Coco and Kitsume look out the same direction that Sarnie is looking. There they see Neon Tiger and Sting Chameleon talking.

Sting Chameleon: Do you have the foxxxx?
Neon Tiger: Yes, he's in the torture room right now. Want to come by and see the show?
Sting Chameleon: Sssssorrrry but I have recccccciieved newssssss that those girlsssss are in the faccccccility.
Neon Tiger: You've been sent to hunt them… or have them be part of my show.
Sting Chameleon: Dragoon wantsssss the vixxxxen. The othersssss he'ssss not worried about.
Neon Tiger: Neither am I. I'm going to the torture chamber now. Mr. Shen is waiting for a good dose of shock therapy. At least that one girl, the bandicoot's sister, will try and stop me.
Sting Chameleon: The bandicoot'ssss sssssisssster? Why?
Neon Tiger: He's her personal trainer and she cares for him. HA! Some warrior - being rescued by a girl trainee - I'll prevent anyone from entering... start checking the facility Sting.
Sting Chameleon: Yesssssss ssssir. (Sting Chameleon presses a button on his right chest and he immediately disappears. Only a slight blur of him can be seen. He walks off.)
Neon Tiger: Time to have some fun. (Neon Tiger exits the opposite direction.)
Coco: They're gonna torture Shen? How terrible!!!
Sarnie: Who we gonna rescue first Coco – your brother or Shen?
Coco: Well… I'll rescue Shen. We may need him. Besides, I don't think they did anything to Crash yet.
Kitsume: Alright Coco - I understand how much Shen means to you.
Sarnie: Plus the fact he likes you Kitsume.
Kitsume: Yes... it's a shame Uka Uka likes me more.
Coco: Okay - we're gonna follow that tiger to the torture room. Hurry!!!
Shen looks groggily around him. His vision is a bit blurry and he feels strapped. His arms and legs are tied to some kind of revolving bed. His head begins to swim and he groans and moans quietly in pain.

Shen Lo Ken: I can't believe they got me. Ooohhhh... poor Coco. That Octopus probably got her. It's all my fault. Whatever they do to me here doesn't matter... just want them to make it quick. OW... darn... my head hurts... I'm a horrible trainer.
Voice: So what else is new?

Shen looks to his right and sees Neon Tiger standing against the wall.

Shen Lo Ken: Oooooo... not you again…
Neon Tiger: You're more pathetic than I thought. Yeah, I remember you. You foolishly challenged Sting Chameleon and me. And you think just cause I got you tied up like the dog you are doesn't mean I'm not gonna have fun with you yet.
Shen Lo Ken: Just finish me quick - I don't deserve to live.
Neon Tiger: Cause of that little brat you teach? Coco? Well for your information Mr. Shen, she's fine. In fact, she and two other girls are in the castle now!
Shen Lo Ken: Sh... she's alive?
Neon Tiger: Geesh... Octopus must have knocked you out cold to make you this stupid.
Shen Lo Ken: I bet you think she'll come for me! Forget it. She doesn't need me. She's got that lovely vixen with her.
Neon Tiger: Yeah but Octopus drained most of her power! And here you are, strapped to this revolving bed all right. Did you have a nice nap?
Shen Lo Ken: You might say that. But I feel a bit woozy.
Neon Tiger: Awww... too bad. At any rate Chameleon's gone off to find them. As for the bandicoot, the dingo, and their little brats they're fine. Magma won't kill ‘em yet. As for Shadra he's to fight Slash Beast. It provides entertainment for Magma to watch him get shredded apart. That seems to be my hobby too.
Shen Lo Ken: I see. So tell me… what's Magma really got in mind? He knocked Shadra out so it must be he has something against Cortex. What is it?
Neon Tiger: Hmmmmm... You're not as dumb as I thought. Well my only reply is a tiny revolution for us androids.
Shen Lo Ken: Revolution?
Neon Tiger: That's all I'll tell you. Besides, I'm gonna show you what else this bed does. I hop that short nap o yours won't make you too drowsy cause you gotta be awake for what I'm about to do with it.
Shen Lo Ken: Lemme guess - this is an interrogation right?
Neon Tiger: Interrogation!?!? What for!? We don't need one!! Magma doesn't need you. You're just here as a plaything for me! I'll play with my prey before I kill it, like most cats do!
Shen Lo Ken: But tigers usually kill their prey and don't hesitate to eat it. House cats play with their food.
Neon Tiger: For someone in the dog family you sure know your cats. We're going to play a game Shen - a game of endurance.
Shen Lo Ken: Sounds fun. Why don't you be 'it' first?
Neon Tiger: Har har... you're a funny guy. But it's your turn. This bed here's got a neat feature, which will grab your interest. Volt Catfish added it in. It's a bed, which can send thousands of volts through the body of anyone strapped to it. Here's the object of the game. You endure as many shocks as possible. We'll let Dragoon decide your fate. If it's too much to bear I will stop and kill you a few hours later. Either way you're gonna be dead meat on a stick.

Shen is silent and looks a bit concerned.

Neon Tiger: Starting to fell nervous huh? Good. I sure hope your beloved Coco is looking for you though I doubt it - seeing how she cares more for her brother than some worn out trainer.
Shen Lo Ken: You're right. But just to show you how strong I am I'll endure as much of this pain as I can! Do your worst!!
Neon Tiger: Glad you've got spirit. But now it's time to let the fur fry. If I were you I'd try and squirm a lot. You may get more energy that way. But believe me you'll be as weak as a kitten after this. Are you ready?
Shen Lo Ken: I... I... I...
Neon Tiger: Too late. Let's begin. We're gonna see what kind of man you are. OKAY! Let's go!!!

Shen begins to sweat a little as Neon tiger goes over to a control panel. Shen here's a few buttons being pressed. He begins to breath heavily and sweats. It's not until Neon pulls a switch. A little ding sound goes off. Before Shen could relax a sudden violent jolt goes through his body. The jolt is tremendous followed by dozens of other jolts. Shen begins to howl in pain as the electricity rips throughout his body. Shen's mine becomes blank and it's only message his mind seems to be telling him to say is 'STOP'. But Shen didn't say anything. He just kept howling and screaming in agony as thousands of volts travelled through his body. The pain was coming more sever within every second. Shen felt that this was the worst pain he received. He couldn't bear it anymore. He would have yelled 'STOP' but his pride held back his word. No matter how much it hurt Shen didn't say anything. His sense of smell though was still in tact and he could smell his own fur getting scorched by the electricity. It smelled horrible and Shen knew he was getting cooked alive. His body flailed around in the bed like a worm without its head. But miraculously Neon pushed a button and the shock stopped. Shen panted wildly and couldn't feel anything in his body. It went completely numb. And the smell of his burning fur made him want to vomit, seeing how he knew it was his own.

Neon Tiger: So you're still okay huh? We're not finished yet!! Let's try some more. I hope you'll get used to this my friend cause I don't know if I ever wanna stop. Hearing you scream made me laugh.
Shen Lo Ken: You... you... are... a... monster.
Neon Tiger: Oh wow! I'm so hurt! I'm an android!! Well enough chitchat!! Let's do it again!! I'm real anxious to felly you, fox!!

Shen thought to himself. 'Oh no… not again'. But there was no way to prevent it. He might as well die knowing he did not give up to the torture. So Shen decided to hold it in longer. As he heard the dreadful sound of the buttons being clicked he then began to fell his heart leap as the little ding sound went on again. Soon his heartbeat rose rapidly because the electric shock was back. Shen continued to writhe in agony as the volts circulated his body. For a moment Shen felt like his brains were frying which in most cases he believed was true. And he felt like his skin was being torn off in a salt pit. It stung him really bad and his screams only seemed to increase the pain. Shen's body was being fried alive and Shen felt like millions of needles were being injected into him at once. The pain was too much for him. But Neon stopped the torture again and Shen moaned like a dog ready to die. His fur was worse smelling than it was before.

Neon Tiger: You're amazing. You're better than I thought. We might as well try again. Can you take one more? Remmeber Shen - one more round and you win the game. But mark my words - you'll be living in agony as soon as we're done!! Okay… ONE MORE TIME!!!

Shen soon knew it would be over. But how long would Neon make this one round last? Shen swallowed whatever fear he could and started to wait for the next segment. It came and Shen soon resumed the screaming and writhing. His mind kept telling him, 'Enough Shen, enough!! GIVE UP!!!!'. But Shen would not listen. He just le the electric shocks go through his body sizzling him alive. Shen then heard a horrible sound. He heard a sound as if bacon was sizzling in a frying pan. It was his own skin. Shen closed his eyes shut and continued to endure the pain. He couldn't bear the pain, the stench or the sounds of his own flesh being sizzled. He wanted to quit. But he would not let himself die without pride. After many long minutes it was finally over! Neon turned off the machine. Shen breathed a sigh of relief but couldn't bear the smell of his own burnt fur or the fact that smoke rose from his worn out body.

Neon Tiger: So my friend, you win the game. Well done. You didn't even scream like a litle girl - you yelled like a real man in torture. I like you Shen. You're stronger than I thought. You got some time now to relax before your fate is decided. At least you'll die proud!

Shen was too weak to answer. He just moaned out a few words, which Neon couldn't understand. And he just laid his head low thinking to himself, 'Good job Shen. You did it.'

Neon Tiger: The torture will stop as promised. Now to get you to the cell!

Then the door bursts open and Neon turns around to see three girls standing before him. Kitsume, Coco, and Sarnie.

Neon Tiger: Am I too late... or did Charlie's Angels just arrive?
Coco: Close! We're here to free a certain man you have.
Sarnie: Pee yew... what is that smell?
Neon tiger: That certain man you're looking for of course. It's the stench of his charred fur one might say.
Coco: What did you do to him?
Neon tiger: Just gave him a jolt. He took it quite well actually. He's strong no doubt about that.
Kitsume: Well we're here to free him. So hand him over and you will not get hurt.
Neon tiger: You underestimate me? I thought you were the smart one!! Surely you know what great power I posses.
Sarnie: We don't care! Give Shen back!!
Neon Tiger: A trade may seal off the deal - him for the vixen. Magma's interested in her.
Coco: No sale!! We're taking Shen back whether you like it or not.
Neon Tiger: Is that so!? Well I'm afraid you can't get him without getting past me!!
Sarnie: OK, if that's the way we're gonna do it we got some fighting to do.
Coco: Shen tought me everything I needed to know, much like Kitsume, so I won't find you very hard to take down.
Neon Tiger: I'll have you know that my neon claws can slice through metal. My tail also acts as an electric whip almost! And I just happen to be very fast!
Kitsume: So you underestimate us too hmm? Three against one you know.
Neon Tiger: What's with your confidence? I thought you were the only one who understood our power.
Kitsume: Indeed. I do understand your power and your weaknesses.
Coco: Enough talk. Time to bring this guy down.
Sarnie: We'll show you not to judge a book by its cover.
Neon Tiger: So be it. You want this guy... fight me! But I'm warning you - fighting me will not be easy! I pity you really! I hate to slash up delicate flowers like you!
Coco: Delicate huh? We'll show you who are delicate.
Neon Tiger: We will see if there is any courage in those tiny hearts of yours!! Be ready now because in cases like this I can't take one for granted.

Neon got in a ready pose and the three warrior girls stood ready for his first attack.

Neon tiger: NOW!!!!!!!!

Neon jumped in the air and jumped side to side in each direction of the room.

Coco: Someone go free Shen. I'll stay here and fight.
Sarnie: Why don't you do it?
Coco: Look... just do it Sarnie!! Shen's in trouble - go help him.
Sarnie: All right... geesh.
Coco: So what now Kitsume?
Kitsume: He's very fast indeed.
Neon Tiger: You just gonna stand there? You'll be easy prey!!
Coco: Okay... gotta watch his every moves.
Neon kept jumping from side to side and Coco made the first offensive. She looked in every direction to see where he was heading.

Coco: Geesh... he is fast.
Neon Tiger: Hurry up!! I'm gonna attack soon!!
Coco: Attack me now!! I'm wide open.
Neon Tiger: I'm not that dumb!!

Kitsume looked around and could see where Neon was jumping. His agility made him hard to track.

Kitsume: Hmm... NOW!!!!!

Kitsume leaped in the air and started waving her sword wildly. But Tiger could see this coming and managed to swerve every attack from the sword.

Neon Tiger: C'mon!! I know you're better than that!!
Coco: I'll get him Kitsume!

Coco jumped on Neon's back and started to pound vigorously at his back.

Kitsume: Thank you Coco! I have the upper hand now!!

Kitsume raises her sword and prepares to strike Neon but he sees this and holds out his hand. The sword gets caught in his neon claws.

Neon Tiger: Now to get this rat off my back!

Neon raises his tail and prepares to strike Coco with it. At the very split second she jumps off and Neon's tail hits him. A strong electric shock runs through his body and soon he passes out on the ground.

Coco: WHOOO!!!! HE'S GONE!!!
Kitsume: Not likely. He's out for now.
Sarnie: I got Shen loose.

Sarnie came back with Shen limping by her shoulder.

Coco: SHEN... are you okay!??
Shen: Ugh... er... yeah.
Kitsume: Follow me. I know a safe area around here.

They exit the room and they both help support Shen. As the four warriors leave the door closes behind them. But Neon Tiger gets back up.

Neon Tiger: Clearly they're smarter than I thought, but not as strong. This is good. The next time we meet there's gonna be hell to pay. It’s time for me to contact Octopus. He has unfinished business.

In a small medical room Shen lies on a tiny cot. Coco kneels down beside him.

Coco: You'll be fine Shen. Do you hurt?
Shen Lo Ken: My body's pretty numb… and the pain keeps reaching my arms.
Coco: Poor Shen. That Tiger got you again.
Sarnie: What'd he do to you now?
Shen Lo Ken: Hew... he tortured me... with an electric device.
Coco: How awful.
Shen Lo Ken: I tell you - he enjoyed every second of it. He's really sick.
Sarnie: Shen... we're glad you're okay. But can you help us? We need to get Crash and the others outta here and face Dragoon.
Shen Lo Ken: Maybe. It doesn't hurt that much. See if there are any painkillers in this hospital room.
Kitsume: I just locked the door. Hopefully we're safe in here for the moment.
Sarnie: Kitsume, are there any pain killers here? Shen needs some to get rid of that numbness of that shock.
Kitsume: I'll check.
Coco: So Shen... how'd I do?
Shen Lo Ken: Huh?
Coco: When I face that tiger how'd I do against him?
Shen Lo Ken: Not bad... though you were lucky he did a tactical error on his part.
Coco: I guess, but it doesn't matter. We gotta get my brother and Danni outta here. We need all the help we can get.
Shen Lo Ken: Yeah. These guys are tough.
Sarnie: We gotta hurry soon. It won't take them long till they find out what happened to us!
Kitsume: LISTEN!!!

Everyone stops silent. There is a loud banging noise in the ceiling. It sounded like someone crawling through the ventilation shaft. Just then a large a hatch dropped to the floor!


Then, two dark figures jump out of the ventilation shaft and in front of our heroes. The two figures were actually Crash and Danni.

Coco: Huh? Hey... how'd you two get here?
Crash: Through the ventilation shaft!
Kitsume: Hmm... so did we. I'm glad they weren't locked.
Danni: And we seem safe in this room for the moment.
Crash: Oh... there's Shen. Hiya Shen - you feeling okay?
Shen Lo Ken: Not bad. A quick nap is getting me through that torment with Neon.
Danni: Good. We have more fighters now. I need to find the cell where they're holding Casey and Yarra.
Kitsume: And take them with us? I think that's too risky.
Danni: But we can't leave them in there.
Coco: Yeah... but um... those androids are tougher than I thought.
Sarnie: So what do we do? There's no way to contact Jacko to pick em' up.
Kitsume: Hmmm... Coco, you don't suppose you can use your computer to hack into the map system here.
Coco: In Cortex Castle? Sure, no problem!!
Kitsume: See if there's an escape route somewhere safe. As soon as we find it we need to get them out as soon as possible.
Sarnie: Where will they go?
Kitsume: That's where you come in. Sarnie, I'm sure you can change into a giant eagle and carry them back to land.
Sarnie: Should I come back after that?
Kitsume: If you wish.
Sarnie: Of course! I'm not giving up you know.
Crash: How's it going Coco?
Coco: Almost finished. (Coco is typing furiously at her laptop on a nearby counter. Suddenly a map appears on the screen) Got it.
Danni: Perfect.
Kitsume: Let's see. (Examining the map) Yes. There's a route near the west wing.
Danni: And the location of the cell with Yarra and Casey?
Kitsume: It's not there. But my guess is the cell is located near the storage facility.
Sarnie: Where's that?
Kitsume: Follow me and I'll show you.
Crash: All of us going?
Danni: How bout you Shen?
Shen Lo Ken: Yeah I think so. I feel alot better.
Coco: Gee Shen - that was fast.
Shen Lo Ken: Never mind. We gotta make sure the coast is clear. I'm afraid that Tiger may be searching for us.
Crash: Right. Okay... let's go everyone.
Kitsume: Follow me. And it may prove useful to bring a few of those medical packs.
Coco: There's about three here.
Danni: Good. I hope this plan will work. And I hope we're more than an even match for those androids.
Back in the main control room…

Magma Dragoon: Did you dispatch the scouts?
Frost Walrus: Every one of ‘em – there’s the Slash Beast and us two here.
Magma Dragoon: Monitor them every second.
Frost Walrus: You think Cortex will catch on?
Magma Dragoon: And if he does?
Frost Walrus: I see. Well at least make a report to him.
Magma Dragoon: I already did. I told him Shadra left the castle about an hour ago. I said that Uka uka needed his assistance.
Frost Walrus: Brilliant. They won't suspect us for now.
Magma Dragoon: Yes. Well let's just see how progress goes for our “adventurers”.
Frost Walrus: What if they find the kids?
Magma Dragoon: It won't matter. Either way they will perish. This revolution will be a success - I can taste it.
Frost Walrus: There uh, is a danger you know. Should there be a standby ready?
Magma Dragoon: no need. With my superior strength you will find that this won't be difficult.
Frost Walrus: Yeah. We got all the essentials.
Magma Dragoon: But be prepared. I'm sure they won't go without a fight.
Kitsume leads the gang down the hallway.

Kitsume: Move... but quietly.
Sarnie: Relax. I think this will go well.
Coco: Really? There must be an easier way.
Crash: Hmm. Is there any sign yet?
Kitsume: None yet. Keep moving.

The six warriors make their way through the corridors and past the sensor cameras.

Shen Lo Ken: They probably can detect us.
Danni: Even so we're gonna face them eventually.
Shen Lo Ken: Yeah... but uh....
Coco: There's a giant door up ahead.
Kitsume: It could be the storage room. If we pass through there the cells should be ahead.
Coco: DARN!!!!!
Crash: What is it sis?
Coco: My computer went blank. And it's not working!!
Crash: Another fried battery?
Coco: NO!! I put a fresh one in this morning.
Kitsume: Electrical interference. There's something nearby.
Shen Lo Ken: Hmph… an android no doubt.
Kitsume: Possibly. We must get through.
Shen Lo Ken: Hmm... Let's send a few people inside to see if the coast is clear. I'll go! Now I need two more.
Crash: Count me in.
Coco: I'm game.
Shen Lo Ken: Okay! The rest of you stay out here and keep watch. Alert us if there are any androids.

Sarnie: RIGHT!
Danni: Good luck mates.
Crash: C'mon. Let's open the door.
Coco: I'm about to.

Coco presses the button on the wall near the large door. The door slowly opens.

Shen Lo Ken: Let's go!

Shen, Crash, and Coco enter the area.

Coco: Brrr... it's cold in here.
Shen Lo Ken: Yeah. ACHOO!!!! Damn! I cought a cold. That shock from all that torture really affects my health.
Crash: Geesh. This must be a storage facility all right. There's boxes stacked everywhere.
Coco: But does it necessarily have to be this cold in here for it to be storage?
Shen Lo Ken: Dunno. ACHHO! (sniffs) There's a door ahead.
Coco: Yeah. Let's get over there.

But then they hear a loud slam behind them. The doorway between the hall and the entrance to the room was sealed.

Sarnie: (Calling from the outside) It won't open Coco!!
Coco: HURRY UP!!! We'll freeze in here!!!
Crash: YEAH!!!
Shen Lo Ken: It gets worse!!
Coco: Huh!?!?
Shen Lo Ken: Both doors are locked!! we're trapped!! ACHOO!!!!
Crash: We can climb through the vents!!
Coco: But the ice tightly sealed them!! CHOO!!!!! (sniffs) Oh great… now me!!
Danni: It's electronically locked!!!
Sarnie: Hold on Coco!! It'll take time to open!
Sarnie: I'm trying!! Hold on girl!!!
Coco: C'mon Sarn, do it...
Shen Lo Ken: Geesh. Don't know why that offends her so much. ACHOO!!!!!
Crash: Great!! You guys are catching colds and we're locked in!! It couldn't get worse!!
Voice: It just has!!!!

The three warriors turn to their left and look on top of a large stack of boxes. They gaze up and stare in stupefied horror. Sure enough, Volt Catfish was standing on the pile of boxes.

Crash: YOU!!!!!!!
Volt Catfish: Surprise bandicoot!! I'm back!!
Crash: Oh no!!!
Coco: YOU CREEP!!!! You almost killed my brother!!
Volt Catfish: HA HA HA HA!!! It's my job girlie! I'm a hunter!!! All of us are hunters!!

Volt jumps from the stack of boxes and lands in front of the heroes with a great thud!!

Shen Lo Ken: You're the one who dragged Crash under!!
Crash: Then it looks like we got a score to settle.
Volt Catfish: Right you are!! Just be fortunate it's not near the water again!!!
Coco: CHOO!!!! (sniffs) So... is this the storage room?
Volt Catfish: Yes!!
Shen Lo Ken: How come it's so darn cold in here??
Volt Catfish: Because most of the parts have a tendency to get overheated in hot temperatures. These are extremely delicate parts. Freezing them was a sensible way. They are alloys only meant to be stored in cold temperatures. But what does it matter hmm? We're gonna fight again so why talk about this!??!
Crash: Cause! We may be interested a little before we defeat you!! Got any more info to share with us!?!?
Volt Catfish: None!! Except this - Shadra's gonna be executed!!
Shen Lo Ken: What!?!?
Coco: Why!? Isn't he on your side?
Volt Catfish: He's not an ally. He despises us!! We'll throw him to the Slash Beast and give Magma a real show!!
Crash: So how ya gonna explain it to Cortex!?!?
Volt Catfish: This is the last hint of the mystery. We lied to Cortex.
Crash: Huh?
Volt Catfish: That is all I will tell you. The rest you must find out on your own - if you survive that is!!
Shen Lo Ken: You seem like you think we have a good choice of winning.
Volt Catfish: HA HA HA HA!!!! Maybe so but I doubt it. You couldn't before!!
Crash: C'mon big boy!!! I'm gonna pay you back!!
Volt Catfish: You seem fine bandicoot!! Those two are infected with a cold bug but you seem fine!!
Crash: Cold bug?
Volt Catfish: Frost Walrus turned the temperature way down in here!! Stay in here any longer than an hour and we have Popsicles!!
Coco: ACHOO!!!! Well... it's still not onna stop us!!
Shen Lo Ken: Yeah!! Gotta keep moving in order to stay warm!! CHOO!!!!!
Volt Catfish: How can it be Crash that you're still very much in a healthy state? You're not even sniffing.
Crash: It's in my genes I guess!!
Volt Catfish: Your genes!?!? HA!!! You're a dismal failure form Cortex!! Why should you be proud of the genes he gave you!?
Crash: Maybe it's what helped me increase my speed! But it doesn't matter!! I gotta end this right now!!
Volt Catfish: You're anxious!!! Good!! Rejoice!!! This will be a glorious battle!!
Crash: Glorious!?!?
Coco: I see nothing so glorious about... CHOO... (sniffs) ...killing.
Volt Catfish: We will see if there's iron in your words!! Come... LET'S FIGHT!!!!!!!

Volt Catfish raises two beam guns on his shoulders. He starts to chase Crash and the others. Crash and the two warriors hide behind a tall box.

Crash: Now we gotta think.
Coco: He's as strong as steel! There's gotta be a way to defeat him.
Shen Lo Ken: Do you think that these boxes are full of weapons?
Crash: It's worth a shot.

Crash climbs on top of the box and pulls the heavy lid off. But the weight of the lid makes him fall off the box and the lid lands on his chest, pinning Crash to the floor.

Crash: DAMN!!!!
Volt Catfish: HA HA HA... I see you!!!
Crash: GET THIS OFF ME!!!!
Coco: Hang on bro!!!

Coco leaps down to lift the heavy lid...Volt Catfish then swipes his tail at her. His tail hits Coco, sending her flying into a nearby wall.
Volt Catfish: Crash, I will crush you like an ant!!!

Volt Catfish then steps on the lid Crash is pinned under. His immense weight presses on the lid. Crash feels the pressure on his chest and starts to breath rapidly. Then Shen jumps down and does some punches at Volt!!

Volt Catfish: Out of my way fox!!!

When Shen threw another punch Catfish opened his mouth and bit on Shen's hand. Volt then threw Shen in the air with mighty force. Shen landed on the ground with a thud.

Volt Catfish: Now my furry friend... I'm gonna eat you!!!!!!

Volt opens his mouth and bites onto Shen. He starts to swallow him head first. Shen's feet kick frantically as the mighty android swallowed him. Nothing was left but Shen’s bushy tail hanging out of Volt's mouth. He soon slurped it up and Shen was now in the belly of the beast!!

Crash: AYE CARAMBA!!!!

Volt Catfish: He's still alive, but not long, till he suffocates. I can feel his heart starting to slip already!! And now… once again… LET'S GO!!
Crash: I gotta get outta here!!!
Volt Catfish: It's no use!! No one can save you now!!!
Crash: Maybe not... but you underestimate me!!!

Crash tried lifting the heavy lid off his body but Catfish kept stepping on it to try and crush him. Crash then felt a surge of power coursing through his veins. He then received a huge power surge and sent the lid and Catfish flying into a nearby wall.

Volt Catfish: WHAT?!?! Where did that energy come from!?
Crash: My adrenaline level must be off the Fritz ya know!!
Votl Catfish: Enough games!!! Time to get you!!

Volt Catfish then fired his beam guns. A hail of heavy artillery fire was heading towards Crash. He dove behind a box and continued to hide behind them.

Volt Catfish: COME ON OUT!!!!!
Crash: I'll elude him for a while!!

Crash kept running through the maze of boxes as Catfish searched desperately. Crash kept running but then Catfish found him!!

Volt Catfish: CRASH!!!!!!!!!!!!

Volt then started to shoot the heavy artillery bullets at him. Crash kept dodging them but a bullet soon hit him in the arm. Crash winced as he held his wounded right arm, trying to suppress the blood.

Crash: Darn!! This'll slow me down!!
Volt Catfish: You can't hide forever!! I WILL FIND YOU!!!!
Crash: Come on Crash... think. How can I fight him with just one arm?

Volt Catfish then finds Crash behind the corner.

Volt Catfish: THERE YOU ARE!!! DIE!!!!!!

But before Catfish could fire… he yells out in pain! A minor explosion occurs in his back quarters. His tail had been blown off. And then out came Shen, tumbling out of Catfish's body. He stood dizzily and walked to regain consciousness.

Crash: SHEN!!! How did...?
Shen Lo Ken: I... (sighs)… blasted his tail… *pant*... from the inside...with a fireball.

Shen collapses back on the ground. The lack of air made him weak.
Volt Catfish: AAARRRGGHHH!!!!! He blew off my tail!!!! I'll KILL HIM!!!!!
Crash: It's me you want!! KILL ME FIRST!!!!
Volt Catfish: Then so be it!! I'm to kill you before anyone else anyway!!

The tail less Catfish then walked towards Crash. Crash then dove behind some more steel boxes.

Crash: Gotta think faster now!!

In the corner Crash noticed some dangerous barrels full of explosive materials! If he were to lure Catfish close enough there would be a way.

Crash: Okay COME AND GET ME!!!!
Volt Catfish: With pleasure!!

Crash runs towards the barrels, and waits for Catfish to come. Catfish then rounds the corner. Crash is cornered with Catfish only a few feet form him!!

Volt Catfish: End of the line!! You lose!!!
Crash: Correction!! YOU lose!!
Volt Catfish: DIE!!!!!!

At the precise moment...Crash jumps onto a nearby box. As soon as Catfish fires the bullets hit the barrels!! A alrge explosion engulfs Catfish. Catfish screams as the exploding flames circle him and trap him inside!! Then there is silence.

Crash: UGH!!! (holding his shoot arm) HUH?

Crash looks to his right. He sees Coco walking towards him. She begins to fall.

Coco: Ow... clumsy.
Crash: Coco, are you OK!?
Coco: I'm fine.

Coco stands up but then her left leg starts to drop. She soon falls down.

Crash: No you're not - you're hurt.
Coco: I am not. OW! Okay… maybe it's a little sore. I must have twisted my ankle a bit when I hit the wall. I'm just glad my ankle hit the wall instead of my body.
Crash: Can you walk?
Coco: Yeah… I'll be fine. Where's Shen.
Shen: Right here!!

Shen walks slowly towards Crash and Coco. He looks a bit disconnected.
Crash: You feeling OK buddy?
Shen Lo Ken: Yeah... just a little woozy from the lack of air. What happened to Catfish!?
Crash: Dead!
Coco: You got him!?!? WAY TA GO BRO!!!!
Shen Lo Ken: COOL!! How'd you do it?
Crash: I lured him to a pile of explosive barrels. All that's left of him… is that!!

Shen and Coco look tot he right. They see a giant pile of smoke. They see bits and pieces of Catfish lying around.

Crash: Now we're even!!
Crash: Still got a cold huh?
Coco: (sniffs) A little.
Crash: You two wait outside again!! I'll go get my kids. Wait with Danni and the others.
Shen Lo Ken: But... ACHOO... the doors are locked.
Crash: Not anymore!! Once Catfish died the doors are now open! See?
Shen Lo Ken: Oh. C'mon Coco - let Crash handle this for now!!
Coco: All right!!

Coco begins to hop with one foot but then notices Crash's arm!!

Coco: OH MY GOODNESS!!! CRASH... what happened to your arm!?!?
Crash: Oh...Catfish shot it.
Coco: Let me bandage it for you!

Coco takes out a small roll of gauze. She wraps it around Crash's wound.

Crash: You keep Gauze!?
Coco: Yeah. I'll use it on my foot too. See you outside!!
Crash: Okay!!

Crash and Coco split up. Crash takes the other door. He now enters a small hallway. This is where his kids are waiting. Crash walks through the dank passageway. Up ahead he sees a cage. And in that cage are his two sons sleeping.

Crash: (Breathing a sigh of relief) They're okay.

Crash walked over to the cell and gently rapped on the door. The two kids woke up. Once they gazed onto their father's eyes they immediately ran up to the cell door.

Yarra: DAD!!! DAD!!!!!
Casey: You came!!
Crash: Hey kids - I hope I'm not late.
Casey: Boy, are we ever glad to see you.
Crash: Me too kiddo! Mom's here too. So is your aunt Coco. We all came to get you outta here.
Yarra: What about those monsters?
Crash: The androids? Well we still have unfinished business. We're gonna get you out of this place first.
Casey: You're still staying?
Crash: Yes. I gotta stop this! But hey - don't worry. I've been through a lot of things before. I'll be fine. So will be mom.
Yarra: Okay.
Casey: But dad - these guys are tough.
Crash: I know but you kids know your old man well enough to know he can take care of himself.
Casey: You're right. Sorry we kinda doubted you for a minute dad.
Yarra: Are ya sure dad?
Crash: Of course! Now to open this cage…

Crash looked all around him.

Crash: There's gotta be a button around here.
Yarra: It's over there dad!

Crash looked at his right and saw a red button.

Crash: Oh... good eye.

Crash pushed the button and the cage opened. His kids immediately jumped on him, hugging him.

Crash: Hey hey - easy guys.
Casey: Sorry dad.
Yarra: Let's get outta here.
Crash: Hop on up.

Crash immediately hoisted his two kids up on his shoulders. He ran through the hallways and back into the storage room. But when he opened the other door something was wrong. Kitsume, Coco, Danni, Sarnie, and Shen Lo Ken were nowhere in sight.

Crash: Hey...where'd they go!?
Yarra: Where are they? I thought you said they were here.
Casey: The monsters!! THEY GOT THEM!!!!
Crash: But... I didn't hear anything.
Yarra: Well I kinda did.
Crash: What?
Yarra: It was a kind of buzzing noise.
Crash: Buzzing?
Casey: I kinda heard it too.
Crash: Okay. I gotta go find them. I know a room you kids will be safe in.

Crash re-entered the medical room.

Crash: I'm gonna lock the doors. You'll be safe in here. And whatever you two do... DON'T exit this room. STAY HERE!
Casey: Right. We won't leave.
Yarra: Hurry back dad.
Crash: All right. I'll be back before you know it. And if anything happens there's a vent up in the ceiling. Hide in there if anything dangerous enters the room.
Casey: Okay dad.
Crash: All right. Later.

Crash exits the medical room, and locks it.
Part 10: The Sting Chameleon Saga

Crash walks down the empty hallways.

Crash: They couldn't have run off without me. That's not like them.

Crash kept walking. He checked every small room he came across in the hallways.

Crash: Where are they!? I tell ya, they never listen to me.

Crash kept walking until he thought he heard something.

Crash: Huh...wh... who's there?

The noise got louder.

Crash: Show yourself!

Crash listened. The noise came from behind him. He immediately turned around!

Crash: YAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!

There was Coco right behind him.

Coco: HEY!! Calm down Crash - it's me!
Crash: Oh! Coco - where are the others?
Coco: I was about to ask you the same thing.
Crash: You mean you don't know!? I thought you were with them.
Coco: I was. But I went back to the medical room. I had to bandage my foot a little.
Crash: Looks like you can walk fine, and your shoe is on your damaged foot.
Coco: Hey - I'm tough Crash.
Crash: Right. So where's Kitsume and the others!? I can't find them!
Coco: I told you, I don't know. But did you find Casey and Yarra?
Crash: Yes. They're in the medical room. I locked the door so they should be safe there.
Coco: Good.
Crash: But where could they be? They never left us.
Coco: Well I heard some loud clanging. I sure hope it wasn't an android.
Crash: Maybe so. There's nothing over here.
Coco: Maybe there's a passageway next to the storage room.
Crash: Might as well check.
Coco: Okay... follow me.

Crash and Coco rush back to the wall next to the storage room door. Coco is feeling the walls.

Crash: Whaddya doing?
Coco: Checking for anything to trigger this passageway.
Crash: Maybe it is and maybe it isn't.
Coco: Wait - I felt something. It's round and it kinda sticks out.

Coco pressed harder on it. Sure enough, the door opened.

Coco: I knew it.

The two bandicoots stepped inside and saw nothing but dented walls and shattered metal.

Coco: Looks like there was some fighting going on here.
Crash: What happened?
Coco: I sure hope Danni and Kitsume are okay…
Crash: What about Sarnie and Shen?
Coco: Four of our colleagues missing. It can't get any worse.
Crash: There's a large stairwell up ahead. Should we climb it?
Coco: Might as well. We may find someone.

The two bandicoots run up the stairs. After opening a door at the top they enter an elaborate hallway.

Crash: This place looks too clean.
Coco: Odd. I'd imagine some damage like that at the bottom of the stairs may have affected this place as well.

Crash: There's a double-doorway entrance at the end of the hallway. Let's check there.

Crash walks ahead but stops to notice something strange. Coco seemed to stop. Then it was almost as if she suddenly had a sudden attack at her head.

Coco: AUGGGGHHHHH!!!!! MY HEAD!!! Ugh... it hurts!
Crash: Coco?!?!
Coco: UGH!!! CR... ASH!!!! (She collapses on the ground)
Crash: COCO!!!! Are you okay!??!

Coco lies on the floor for a minute. But then she gets back up. She begins to speak but it was almost as if her voice became a bit strange.

Coco: I'm fine Crash.

Coco's voice almost made her sound like she was talking through a gas mask.

Crash: Coco... you okay? Your voice sounds strange.
Coco: It's nothing. Come on big brother.... let's press onward.
Crash: Uh, okay.

They enter the double door and into a room. The room is hung with different paintings. There are marble busts, and shelves stacked with books. Ahead is a desk and behind the desk was pictures of scientists.

Crash: Hmm...this looks like Cortex's study area.
Coco: No doubt. Crash... forget Yarra and Casey.
Crash: WHAT!?!?!?!
Coco: Come on Crash - our other friends are in trouble. We gotta keep moving. We can face Dragoon and then bring our kids back.
Crash: BUT… you said we got to get them out first.
Coco: Oh did I? Well... I was foolish to think that. Crash, let's go!
Crash: Go where? There's nothing here.
Coco: There's a secret passageway behind the bookcase over there. It leads to the main entry.
Crash: Wait a minute - how do you know this!?!?
Coco: What!?!?
Crash: You said you weren't sure if there was a secret passageway.
Coco: And...!?
Crash: And... how would you know if there's a passageway behind that bookcase, if you didn't know if this room existed.
Coco: Oh… um... I just do. C'mon!!
Crash: NO!! I need to know!!
Coco: WE HAVE TO GO!!! C'MON!!!!
Crash: Not until you tell me how you knew!
Coco: LOOK!!! LET'S GO!!!
Crash: I want an answer first!

Crash was in shock. Never in all his life did his own sister call him a 'filthy bandicoot'.

Crash: Coco, do you realize what you called me!?
Coco: So?
Crash: Look sis - I never called you anything.
Coco: Jusssssst go!
Crash: Wait a minute!! That lisp! HEY!!! YOU'RE NOT MY SISTER!!!
Coco: Yessssss I am.
Crash: NO! You're not!! My sister never had a lisp, or insulted her own species. You're an impostor!!
Coco: Sssssssssoooooo... you were right. Okay then!!

Immediately Coco feels a sudden jolt in her head!!!


Coco then falls to the ground!!

Crash: What's going on?
Voice: Useless woman!
Crash: Huh?

Crash turns around. He sees a strange blur in front of him.

Crash: What the...?
Voice: Crasssshhhh... it was I! I was controlling your sssssssisssster'sssss mind.
Crash: Controlling her mind?
Voice: Yessssssss. I have psychic abilitiesssssss! It'ssss true power. Didn't you noticcccee when her voicccce changed?!
Crash: You're an android aren't you!? Show yourself.
Voice: Very well then.

The blur then changes into a shape of an android. It was Sting Chameleon.

Sting Chameleon: Crassshhhh... you sssaw through my decccieving.
Crash: You controlled my sister's mind? How!??
Sting Chameleon: There are many thingssss I have. My psssssychic abilitiessss are my besssst!
Crash: You're psychic. So you can read people's minds?
Sting Chameleon: No. Only control them. I controlled your ssssissster'sss mind. And she lead you to death.
Crash: Death?
Sting Chameleon: Yesssssss... me!!
Crash: You're gonna try and kill me huh?
Sting Chameleon: Yessssss!! A battle with you isss a privilege!! And the besssst part issss... you're fighting by yourssssself!
Crash: Where are the others?!!?
Sting Chameleon: They are safe. They merely engaged in battle.
Crash: With you!?
Sting Chameleon: No. With Neon Tiger!!
Crash: And where are they now!?!?
Sting Chameleon: Hmmmmmm... I don't know!!
Crash: WHAT?!?!?
Sting Chameleon: It doesn't matter!! It'ssss now time to fight!! HAVE AT YOU!!!!!!

Sting Chameleon changes back into a blur and leaps into the air and grabs the wall.

Crash: Ya think your camouflage will save you huh?
Sting Chameleon: YESSSSSSS!!! You dare doubt my power - I'll ssshhhhow you!!!

The blur of Sting Chameleon climbs the walls and crawls across the ceiling. Crash can see the blur but only a faint sighting. Crash then sees a head bust in the background.
Crash: (thinking to himself) Maybe if I hit him with that thing he'll fall down!!

Crash goes to grab the head bust but then he feels a strong kick against his face. The blow knocks him across the room. He hits the nearby wall and rubs his head rigorously.

Crash: OW!!!!
Sting Chameleon: Look ahead of you Crassshhh!! You will be ssssurrrprisssed who jusssst hit you!

Crash looks across the room and sees Danni with a fiery look in her eye.

Crash: Danni!?!?!!?
Danni: (In Sting Chameleon's voice) Hello my dear sssssssweet husssband.
Crash: Oh no… don't tell me she's...
Sting Chameleon: Under my power!?!? OF COURSE!!!! Now it will be real interesting to have you fight a loved one!! Danni, go and kill Crash - break his neck, bones or whatever!! Just kill him!!
Crash: DARN!!! Even his psychic powers got to Danni!! DANNNI... Fight it Danni.
Danni: You're mine!!!!!

Danni rushes towards Crash with lighting speed. Crash just dodges her strong punch which goes right through the wall!

Crash: Danni, it's me. CRASH!!!!
Danni: DIE!!!!!!

Danni leaps in the air and kicks Crash in the face. Crash goes flying across the room and hits the nearby wall! He rubs the side of his jaw and stares mournfully at Danni.

Crash: Danni, don't let that psychic freak control you!! Fight it… for me... for the kids… for my sister… for all my friends.
Sting Chameleon: Don't listen to him - KILL HIM!!!!!
Danni: RIGHT!!!!

Danni lunges forward towards Crash and prepares another punch. Crash rolls out of the way. But Danni counterpunches Crash in his sides. The pain Crash feels is tremendous. Danni then doesn't stop throwing punches and kicks at Crash. Each kick and punch from Danni hurt Crash not only physically but spiritually! As soon as Danni stopped Crash all battered and bruised looks up into Danni's eyes. He could barely see because of his swollen left eye and he constantly wiped his bloody nose.

Crash: D… Danni… Snap out of it!!!
Sting Chameleon: He is too easy now! He'ssss asss weak assss a kitten! Danni, finish him off!!!!

Danni gets a tight grip around Crash's neck and prepares to snap it. Crash was now no longer feeling sad but realised he had to knock sense into Danni to relieve her of this psychic menace. So he grabbed both of Danni's hands and flung her over his shoulder. Danni soon got back up!

Crash: Alright Danni - it's time I knocked some sense into you! I hate to do this but you leave me no choice!!
Sting Chameleon: This will be interessssting! Go Danni, and kill him!
Danni: It is time Crash... for me to obey the master's wishes.
Crash: (Staring angrily at the blurred Sting Chameleon) You'll pay for messing with my wife's mind!!!
Sting Chameleon: Perhaps you will… when we met each other in the afterlife!! Come - let's see what kind of man you are, to be beaten by your own wife!!!

Danni leaps into the air and does a high-flying kick at Crash's head! Crash ducks and rolls out of the way!!
Crash: All right - I better do this without hurting her!

Crash hides behind a bookcase and notices Coco is back there too.

Coco: Crash, are you okay? You look like you’ve been screwed up bad-style!
Crash: Danni messed me up. How bout you Coco? You okay after that psychic meltdown?
Coco: Yeah… I'm fine! Crash, I know Danni's under Sting Chameleon's power but there's a way to get rid of it without hurting her!
Crash: Tell me!! I don't wanna hurt my own wife.
Coco: Crash, there's a giant purple sensor in the middle of Sting Chameleon's forehead. That's his psychic sensor. Break it and that psychic curse will be lifted.
Crash: How do you know this?
Coco: When he controlled my mind I could see the psychic laser beam coming from that sensor. Trust me Crash - break the sensor in his forehead, and he can no longer control people's minds.
Crash: Okay. Think you can handle that while I distract Danni?
Coco: No prob - I got a plan!

The bookcase then falls forwards and Danni stands right on top of it.

Danni: There you are!! Let'ssssss go!!!

Danni aims her fist at Crash. Crash dodges.

Crash: Now's your chance… GO!!!
Coco: I'm on it!!

Crash keeps his distance away from Danni as she wildly keeps punching and kicking at him.

Danni: Give it up - you can't win!!
Crash: Danni, stop this!!!
Danni: SSShhhhut up!!! You're all mine!!

Coco sneaks carefully underneath the blurred vision of Sting Chameleon. Upon reaching in her pocket she pulled out a glass rock that she usually carried for good luck!!

Coco: (Kissing the glass rock) Now's your chance to prove how lucky you are!!

Coco then grabs a nearby leather strap and makes a sling fro the rock! She waited behind a chair to look at the exact spot where Sting Chameleon's forehead was. But the blurred version made it harder for her to see.

Coco: Okay - let's see.

Coco scans the blurred image. Meanwhile Crash is pinned against the wall as Danni keeps knocking him senseless.

Crash: Danni… please... don't.
Danni: QUIET!!!! YOU DIE NOW!!!!

Danni soon wraps her hands around Crash's neck.

Sting Chameleon: KILL HIM ALREADY!!!!!
Coco: NOW'S MY CHANCE!!!!!

Coco hurls the little glass rock. As luck would have it the rock hit the sensor!! Even the blurred version of Sting Chameleon couldn't fool Coco's keen eyesight!! Sting Chameleon soon changed back into his full self and fell to the floor with a smoking forehead.

Sting Chameleon: NOOOOO!!!!! MY SENSOR!!!!!

Danni soon snaps out of it and lets go of Crash's neck!!

Danni: (loud gasp) CRASH… OH BLIMEY... I'M SO SORRY!!!
Crash: It's okay!! Everything's fine.
Danni: Are you hurt!?
Crash: Not that much!! Good eye Coco!!
Coco: (giving a thumbs up) No problem Crash!!

Sting Chameleon then turns evilly at Coco!

Sting Chameleon: YOU DID THIS!!! NOW YOU PAY!!!!!!

Sting Chameleon lashes out his tongue..and it wraps around Coco's ankle. Immediatley Sting tilts his head and drags Coco with him. Sting Chameleon kept rolling his neck from side to side. Coco was being tossed around like a rag doll as Sting's powerful tongue lashed her hard onto the ground. The powerful blows of every time Coco hit the floor started to knock her unconscious!! It wasn't until Crash ran up to Sting Chameleon and kicked him hard in the side. Sting let go of Coco and Coco landed with a hard thud against her left arm on the floor.

Crash: That's the last time you control someone.
Sting Chameleon: But not the lasssst time I desssstroy someone. Crasssh, it'sss time we have a real battle.
Danni: I'll be by his side. Look's like you got your claws full!
Sting Chameleon: Okay then… hurry up and catch me!!!

Sting turns invisible again and leaps in the air.
Danni: Alright Crash - let's get to this.
Crash: Right! He'll pay for what he did to you and my sister.

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