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Part 11 – Shadra’s Demise

The Slash Beast begins to circle around Shadra. Shadra still stands confident. He sneers at the Slash Beast. He makes a slight chuckle to himself as he glares into the murderous eyes of Slash Beast. Slash Beast lets out low growls and is preparing to make another move onto his next victim.

Shadra: Ha ha ha...try as you may...but I will still prevail!
Frost Walrus: BOLOGNIA!!! You're FINISHED!!!
Shadra: HA!! You dumb walrus...I'm more powerful than ever before! This pathetic Slash Beast will be no match for me. You just bit your tongue.
Shadra: Like I care. I hate you just as much as you hate me. Go on...tell your dumb slash Beast to attack me. BRING IT ON!!
Magma Dragoon: As you wish. Slash Beast! ATTACK!!!!!

At that moment Slash Beast leaps high into the air and fires three slash laser shots. Shadra dodges the shots and counter attacks with a ball of energy from his hands. He throws it at Slash Beast. Upon seeing this Slash Beast readies himself. As the ball of energy nears him Slash Beast raised his claws and batted the ball away like a pesky fly.

Shadra: Hee hee hee... well I'll give this freak some credit! He can take on quite a punch.

Frost Walrus: Hee heee… so ya think that's all he has huh? You're wrong buddy!

Slash Beast then dives back onto the ground and lunges at Shadra. Shadra rolls out of the way as Slash Beast claws the wall creating a large hole.


Shadra fires tiny multiple energy beams from his hands. They hit Slash Beast dead on! A big explosion occurs in the arena.

Shadra: And for good measure...

Shadra then puts two of his fingers together forming a large orange ball of energy. He throws it at the explosion. It soon becomes bigger. The explosion becomes enormous! Now there is nothing but large steam blowing, and dust and rubble falling to the ground.

Shadra: HA!! You were wrong!!! I WIN!!! HA HA HA!!! How do ya like that?

Shadra expected to see walrus and Dragoon's faces filled with rage. But to his surprise Frost Walrus and Magma Dragoon.... were laughing.

Shadra: HUH? HEY!!! How come you idiots are laughing?
Frost Walrus: Hee heee hee hee… ha ha ha ha ha... HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!! AAAHA HA HA HA AHHAA HA HA!!!!! IDIOT!!! You think you've won haven't you? LOOK BEHIND YOU!!!

Shadra turns slowly around. At first he smiles smugly. But then - upon turning fully around his mouth drops in terror.

Shadra: WHAT!?!?!? IT CAN'T BE!!!!

Shadra was too shocked to speak. Standing right in front of him was the Slash Beast! And the Slash Beast didn't look like he was harmed at all.

Shadra: WHAT!?!? I HIT HIM...DEAD ON!! THERE'S... JUST NO WAY!!!!!
Frost Walrus: HA HA HA HA HA... AHA HA HA HA HA HA!!! Hoo boy... you're even dumber than I thought.
Magma Dragoon: Shadra..if that's the best you've got... you better quit! Don't forget... Launch Octopus drained your energy. That was an impressive fireworks display but it still didn't scratch Slash Beast one bit.
Frost Walrus: Yeah! And that blonde haired bimbo who fought the Slash Beast before you did, she did a lot better than you! HA HA HA!!!
Shadra: HA!! I'm not through yet!
Mamga Dragoon: You're nothing but an arrogant fool Shadra! Death smiles happily upon you this very day!
Shadra: LIES!! I'm not gonna be defeated by a bucket of bolts.
Magma Dragoon: Slash Beast… kill him!

Slash Beast rushes towards Shadra with his claws extended. Shadra jumps to the side. He looks around, to sense where the Slash Beast is coming.

Shadra: C'mon... c'mon you coward.

Shadra then sensed it… and jumps into the air as Slash Beast attempts to slash him from behind.

Shadra: Time to shut out the lights. GET READY!!!

Slash Beast begins to light up. With the way he lights up, it looks as if fire is surrounding him.

Frost Walrus: Hee hee… cool!

Shadra then is fully illuminated in glowing light. He looks down scornfully at the Slash Beast!


Shadra dives down at the Slash Beast. Slash Beast then does a back flip. It sent three slash beams coming towards Shadra. Shadra stops and fires a large yellow shot. The shot collides with the beams, destroying them. But this distracts Shadra, and the Slash Beast jumps towards him!

Shadra: Huh?

The Slash Beast grabs Shadra and drags him down to the ground like a lion with it's fresh kill. Shadra holds the beast's hands as he struggles to free himself from the monstrous android.

Shadra: Urgh… you... argh... cheap shot.
Frost Walrus: Ha ha...all talk and no brains. That describes Shadra pretty well.
Magma Dragoon: That does describe him pretty well.

Shadra still is holding arms with the slash Beast… even though the Slash Beast has him pinned to the ground.

Shadra: Time to end this!

Shadra soon lights up again. But the fire that appears around his body doesn't seem to have any affect on the Slash Beast. Then, Shadra, with all the effort and strength he could conjure up, pushes the Slash Beast off his chest. The Slash Beast lands on his feet and stares evilly at Shadra.

Shadra: C'mon punk - let's have another go at it shall we?

Slash Beast lunges at Shadra with his claws extended. But then, something odd happens. Slash Beast lands in front of Shadra instead of on him. He immediately summersaults into the air and behind Shadra's back.,

Shadra: What the...?

Slash Beast then performs a roundhouse kick to Shadra's head. He misses his head but instead slashes his sharp toes against Shadra's chest. The giant claw wounds send blood flying in all directions.


Now Slash Beast lunges onto Shadra. Shadra is down and the Slash Beast continuously mauls him. All the severe hits and scratches from Slash Beast are making Shadra scream out in pain!!

Voice: STOP IT NOW!!!
Frost Walrus: Huh?
Magma Dragoon: Who was that?

Even the slash Beast looks up. He stops mauling Shadra, leaving him battered and beaten on the ground. The three androids look to their left. They see a young lioness in a tank top and shorts. She looks angrily at the androids.

Frost Walrus: HEY!! Who are you? And where do you come from?
Lioness: I am… SPEEDRA!!!
Magma Dragoon: Grgh!! Another ally of Cortex!
Spedra: And of Shadra! Now you listen to me. It won't be long till Cortex finds out about this! You'll live to regret it! Now let Shadra go or I'll force ya to do so!
Frost Walrus: YEAH!!??? Hoo boy. Girl... you're in a heap of trouble! Ol' Slash Beast here will fix ya up.
Magma Dragoon: Hey Walrus....
Frost Walrus: Wha...?
Magma Dragoon: Why don't you go fight the girl and let Slash Beast finish Shadra?
Frost Walrus: HEY!! That'd be great!! Are you up to the challenge, girlie?
Speedra: I excel at that you big dumb walrus! You'll never catch me!
Frost Walrus: Think so huh? Well then… you got a lot to learn kiddo!
Magma Dragoon: Go… go... finish her off. And make this quick Slash Beast...I am expecting the bandicoot over here any minute.
Frost Walrus: Sure sure. Okay ya lousy lioness...time to show ol' Walrus here watchya got!
Speedra: you won't stand a chance!
Frost Walrus: HA! Ya dumb broad! You'll be the one who's gonna lose your chance! GET READY!! FROST WALRUS IS COMIN' TO GET YYYYYOOOOOUUUU!!!!!!

Shadra then stands up… and prepares to fight Slash Beast… even in his state.

Shadra: I will not give up! C'mon… we're not finished yet!!
Part 12 – Android Free For All

Frost Walrus walks slowly up to Speedra. Each step he takes the ground begins to shake.

Speedra: HA!! You may be bigger… but you're certainly not any faster!
Frost Walrus: Hoo boy sister... I'll give ya bonus points for courage but that's all I can expect from Cortex's scumbags.
Speedra: Is that a fact? Well we'll see who gets the last laugh. Let's get ready you smelly walrus.
Frost Walrus: Oh... an insult! Well it's time to make lion burgers out of ya miss snotty! LET'S GO!!!!
Speedra: Ready whenever you are.
Frost Walrus: Hee hee… ladies first!

Shadra then walks towards the Slash Beast. He clutches his left arm but manages to hold a smug grin.

Shadra: Hee hee... we're not through yet Slash! I got a score to settle with you and that Dragoonie!
Magma Dragoon: HA HA HA!!! What a grand show this'll make! I will enjoy every second of it!
Shadra: Yeah... until I deal with you however, then your little show will leave ya disappointed.
Magma Dragoon: I think not! BEGIN THIS FIGHT!!!

Frost Walrus stands ready at Speedra.

Frost Walrus: Before ya begin your pathetic attempt to defeat me...I should warn you the odds are against you. Give up now...and you'll avoid an unpleasant experience girlie!
Speedra: HA!! Are you done?
Frost Walrus: YEP! Now let's get to it. I'M GONNA RECYCLE YOU!!!!!

Frost Walrus lunges at Speedra with his gigantic fists. Speedra quickly dodges like a blur away from Frost Walrus.

Frost Walrus: HUH?
Speedra: Hey Mr. Walrus.
Frost Walrus: Wha...?

Frost Walrus turns around to see Speedra rushing towards him. She then does a roundhouse kick to his chest. Her leg stays in the metal chest. But Walrus doesn't seem concerned.

Frost Walrus: HUH? HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!
Speedra: Huh?
Frost Walrus: Geee...that almost tickled. Now it's time to teach a little girl some manners.

Frost Walrus plunges his giant fist into the ground. But notices Speedra escaped.

Frost Walrus: Well... gotta give that ho some credit for speed...but as for strength… hee hee hee... no cigar!
Speedra:'re strong. But maybe you got a weakness.
Frost Walrus: Weakness. HA HA HA HA!! That's a good one sister... where were you when they gave out brains?
Speedra: Catch me if ya can yo slack-jawed flipper face.

Meanwhile… Shadra once again regains a positive stance against Slash Beast.

Shadra: So... you still think you can win huh? BRING THE PAIN PUNK... I'll monitor your every move!

Slash Beast lunges at Shadra. Shadra quickly back flips away. As soon as Slash Beast lands Shadra fires a pink ball of energy at Slash Beast. Slash Beast bats it away but it was just what Shadra expected. Now Shadra had another attack. Shadra formed a glowing yellow disk in his hand. With one throw he threw it at the Slash Beast. It was too late for the Slash Beast to see it...but at the last moment... he did. But it was too late. As soon as Slash Beast jumped... the disk cut off his right arm.


Slash Beast's arm fell to the ground. Now all Slash Beast had was his left arm and legs. But for some reason he didn't seem concerned.

Shadra: Darn! I meant to aim at the waist. Oh well… this'll make it easier! He can only fight with one arm now!
Magma Dragoon: GRGH!!! You'll pay for this Shadra.
Shadra: I think not! Okay Beast... shall we have another go at it?
Slash Beast: (looking ferociously at Shadra) GGGGRRRRR... GGRRRRRAAAAAAAAAGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!
Shadra: Try again punk - you can't win with just one arm!
Magma Dragoon: That's what he thinks.

Frost Walrus continuously tries to hit Speedra. But Speedra quickly counters all his moves.

Speedra: You wouldn't hit a lady like me, would ya?
Frost Walrus: For your kind I'd make an exception!
Speedra: Okay tank ass... have some of this!
Frost Walrus: Huh?
Speedra: BEAT RUSH!!!!

Speedra launches herself at Frost Walrus. Her fists start to glow a bright yellow. She punches Frost Walrus in the face. Frost Walrus is sent flying into the ground.

Speedra: VICTORY!!!

Frost Walrus soon gets up… and quirks a smile.

Frost Walrus: Hey speedy... not bad. Wanna try that again?
Speedra: YOU BEAT! But watch this!! I'll do a double slam!!
Frost Walrus: Oooooo... scary!
Speedra: Here I go Walrus gumbo! DOUBLE BEAT SLAM!!!!!!!!

Speedra rushes over to Frost Walrus with her fists a glow! She smiles evilly as she nears the gigantic walrus, who is still smiling wickedly.
Frost Walrus: Yeah... FROST BLAST!!!!!!!!!

Frost Walrus opens his mouth... and shoots out a large blue beam! It heads towards Speedra at a horrifying rate. Even Speedra couldn't see it. The beam hits her dead on.


But the beam doesn't kill her. As soon as it clears a giant frozen ice cube lands on the ground. Inside is Speedra freezing to death with no way to escape the impenetrable frozen wall of ice encasing her.

Frost Walrus: HA HA HA... I just sealed ya in your icy grave! So long toots. Hope it's not too cold in there!

Speedra is shivering with cold in her icy tomb. She can't help but think to herself.

Speedra: (thinks) I gotta get out of here. That dumb walrus...he froze me! That cheap shot! I'll get him for this! Brrrrrrrr. I'm freezing my butt off in here.
Frost Walrus: I'll finish ya later. It's time to get rid of that stupid Shadra. He'll pay for what he did to the Slash Beast!
Speedra: (thinks) I'm not through yet! You're as good as mine you dumb walrus! Brrrr... if I ever get out of here!
Meanwhile, Crash rushes down the hallway to search for his missing companion.

Crash: I gotta make sure Coco's okay! I'll never forgive myself if she dies. HANG ON SIS... I'm coming!
Voice: Not sssssoooo fasssssttt.

Crash turns around... to see the familiar blurred image.

Crash: (Sweating and reamining speechless) It's... it' Sting Chameleon.

Sting Chameleon soon changes into his visible form.

Sting Chameleon: yessssss. Orderssss from Dragoon sssstatessssss that you are to be brung to him!
Crash: to fight me?
Sting Chameleon: Perhapssss. He never told me the real reason. But all I know issssss… we have our own score to settle you. I'll bring back your injured form... sssso there won't be any problem with manhandling you.
Crash: You're crazy if you think I'm gonna give up on you. I don't care if you can disappear... you're still as good as mine.
Sting Chameleon: Isssss that a fact? Perhapssssss we'll sssssee...onccce thisss battle issssss over!
Sting Chameleon: Assssss you wisssshhhh! Prepare to feel the pain meant for you... Crassssshhhh Bandicoot!

Crash and Sting Chameleon face off once again. This battle will definitely not be easy.
Part 13 – A Daring Escape

Sting Chameleon stares silently at Crash.

Sting Chameleon: We will not let you interfere with our plansssss.
Crash: I'm not afraid. I know you can disappear… but that still doesn't bother me! Mark my words Chameleon - we have only just begun!
Sting Chameleon: Ahhhh... pretty confident are we? Well now...I admire your courage...but that'ssss all one could exccpect from a bandicoot!
Crash: Think so huh? Well then... PREPARE YOURSELF!!!!!!!!

Crash lunges at Sting Chameleon with great speed. But Chameleon soon disappears. Crash looked all around him! He then notices a huge shadow over him.

Crash: Huh?

Looking up Crash sees Chameleon hanging upside down from the ceiling. He launched his tongue out and wrapped it around Crash's waist.


Sting flipped Crash in the air with his tongue and then lashed his tail at him. The sharp ends of the tail grazed Crash's backside. Crash howled in pain as he fell to the ground. He winced tightly as he felt the two gashes in his back.

Sting chameleon: Oh my... that'sssss gotta hurt!

Sting jumps down from the ceiling and stares evilly at Crash.

Sting Chameleon: You worthlessssss fool! Did you honesstly think you could beat me?
Crash: Urgh... I'm not done yet! LET'S GO!!
Sting Chameleon: Good man... mossst people would have ssssurrendered to me...but you're a firssssstt! Now watch thisssss.

Sting Chameleon soon climbed the walls like an agile gecko. Immediately the two sharp ends of his tail lit up. He then lashed out his tail. Out of his tail shoot three green lasers. Crash dodged the laser attack and watch in horror as they cut the wall ahead of him.

Crash: Oh man! Major laser beams!
Sting Chameleon: Headsss up!!!
Crash: Huh?

Sting Chameleon lashed his tongue out. It struck Crash in the thigh. The long sharp point of his tongue sank into Crash's flesh.


Sting then picked Crash up by his tongue holding him upside down! Crash continued to wince in pain as the sharp tip of Chameleon's tongue lied down buried in his upper thigh.

Sting Chameleon: Time to see Master Dragoon immediately!

Crash began to light up and Chameleon immediately shot his tongue out of his thigh sending Crash landing on the top of his head. Chameleon jumped beside him.

Sting Chameleon: Nicccee recovery.

Crash managed to pull himself up despite his injured left leg. He stared maliciously at Chameleon.

Crash: It's time Chameleon!
Sting Chameleon: Time? What time?
Crash: Time to show you my true power!!

Crash began to stand his ground. He then illuminated a glowing yellow. Chameleon stood his ground and didn't seem concerned.

Sting Chameleon: My... thisss issss impresssive!
Crash: GOOD! Now watch Sting… as I teach you a thing or two about fighting!

Crash rushed towards Chameleon. Chameleon soon disappeared again! He jumped to the side of the wall... and watched Crash from a distance.

Crash: Where are you, you coward?
Sting Chameleon: Coward? ME!??!
Crash: That's right! You'd just as soon disappear if you saw me! You're too scared to fight me. I bet you couldn't beat me without your camouflage.
Sting Chameleon: Is that a fact?

Sting Chameleon soon regains his visible self.

Sting Chameleon: Then I hearby give you my word... not to disappear! I will defeat you the hard way!

Crash: You give your word?
Sting Chameleon: I give you my word!
Crash: All right then. Let's do this again… and this time... you'll lose!
Jacko is in the sky with his plane. Brendon looks eagerly over the side as Jacko whizzes through the clouds.

Jacko:'s sure a good thing I rebuilt at least on of me best planes in time.
Brendon: long till we get there?
Jacko: Shouldn't be too long mate - no worries. I just hope those stinkin' androids aren't waitin'.
Brendon: M… Me too!
Jacko: Hang on kiddo… we're almost there!

Jacko soon sees Cortex Castle ahead. He heads towards the tower where Sarnie, Danni, Casey and Yarra, Shen Lo Ken, Coco, and Kitsume were waiting.

Jacko: There they are!
Brendon: good! Not a single robot in sight.
Jacko: They seem fine too. That's a relief!
Casey looks up in the sky!

Casey: LOOK!!! It's JACKO!!
Shen Lo Ken: Cool... he made it!
Danni: Now it's time we get ready.
Yarra: Why can't we come?
Danni: I already told you. It's too dangerous. You can't fight these things! They're too powerful!
Yarra: I don't want to fight them - I just wanna make sure you'll be okay mum.
Danni: I'll be fine. Don't worry. We'll handle this.
Yarra: Promise you'll come back.
Danni: Believe me kiddo… I promise!!
Coco: It sure was lucky we found you Danni! You seem fine… even after that head injury!
Danni: Was nothing at all!

Jacko's plane then lands on the tower. He and Brendon jump out of the plane. Brendon runs over to hug Sarnie.

Sarnie: Brendon!
Brendon: I'm so glad you're safe!
Sarnie: I'm glad you're safe too!
Kitsume: Welcome Jacko! We are very happy you arrived.
Casey: Do we really have to go?
Shen Lo Ken: It's for your own good kid. These androids will just as soon kill you.
Casey: You're right. Well... I guess we should be lucky to be leaving without seeing any androids.
Danni: Right. Okay. Yarra, Casey... we'll be seeing you soon. We just got a bit of business with this Dragoon character.
Coco: And something I wish to find out about him!
Yarra: Come home safely mum. I'll pray for you and dad to get home.
Danni: (hugging Yarra) We'll be fine. Be brave Yarra. Go with your brother, and wait.
Yarra: Okay! I will. Bye mum.
Danni: Bye Yarra. (Danni hugged Yarra tightly and kised him on the forehead!)
Casey: We'll be rottin' for ya mum!
Danni: Thank you hun.
Sarnie: I'll be okay Brendon.
Brendon: I hope so.
Sarnie: There's nothing to worry about. We'll take care of it!
Brendon: Oh… then… good luck mom!
Sarnie: Thank you. Bye Brendon.
Brednon: Bye mom!
Casey: Okay… we'll be ready now!
Yarra: We'll throw a welcome home party when ya get back!
Danni: Looking forward to it. (She gives Yarra a very reassuring smile)
Yarra: (His spirits lifting) Okay… we'll be with ya all the way!
Shen Lo Ken: Heh! Makes me wish I had kids.
Jacko: C'mon ya old bugga' - there's bound to be a girl for ya!
Shen Lo Ken: (blushing) girl would want me.
Danni: Crikey mate...with a body like that I bet the girls never leave ya alone.
Shen Lo Ken: Hehe!
Jacko: Well time to go!

But just as Jacko turns around he soon stops. His eyes wide open in fear. His mouth soon drops. He began to sweat and gasped for breath. He is speechless.

Casey: Uh… Jacko? What's the... (gasps)

Casey soon sees what Jacko was afraid of. Flying right over his plane was Storm Eagle! He landed with a big metallic thud on the ground. He stared evilly. Everyone soon noticed the evil android.

Storm Eagle: Planning an escape eh? Well nobody leaves this place alive!
Jacko: GAH!! YOU!!!!
Yarra: M… mm... mum!!
Danni: Yarra go back inside. We'll handle this!
Yarra: Mum!
Danni: Do it!

Yarra runs behind Danni.

Casey: Hey… he's the jerk who kidnapped us!
Storm Eagle: That's right. Following orders!
Danni: Well now... you will pay!!
Voice: MUM!!!!!!!

Danni turns around to see Yarra clinging onto Shen's pants. Shen stares maliciously in the opening. Standing in the corridor is Neon Tiger.

Neon Tiger: Can't go this way either my friend!
Shen Lo Ken: YOU!!!! You're the one who tortured me!! PREPARE TO DIE!!
Neon Tiger: This time fox I'm gonna finish you off. There will be no mercy.
Sarnie: OGH!! Just you wait until I deal with you two!
Storm Eagle: That might prove useless. Our orders were to kill everyone of you...except you!

Storm Eagle points his finger at Coco!

Coco: Wh... wh... what?
Storm Eagle: Dragoon's interested in you! He seems to want to talk to you! It would eb rude not to accept his invitation!
Coco: I WILL NOT! C'mon you big bird..let's get this over with!
Storm Eagle: Foolish girl!
Neon Tiger: We promise to make this quick!!
Shen Lo Ken: Hey kid!
Yarra: Y… y… yes sir?
Shen Lo Ken: Stay close by Jacko. Follow your brother and Brendon to the plane. We'll try and hold off those androids so you can escape!
Yarra: Okay… sir.

Yarra rushed over to Casey and Brednon, who were huddled close to Jacko.

Sarnie: We're gonna make you both pay.
Neon Tiger: Not likely. Eagle, I'll take the fox, the cat, and the vixen. You can have the bandicoot and the dingo.
Storm Eagle: Wait a minute - I'm the leader of the scouts! I decide who I get! Let me handle the vixen!
Neon Tiger: But....
Storm Eagle: You handle the fox, and the cat. But I want that bandicoot, dingo, and vixen for myself! Is that clear?
Neon Tiger: All right... have it your way! I got a score to settle with that fox over there!
Shen Lo Ken: That makes two of us! You're mine!
Neon Tiger: You're nothing but my prey!

Neon Tiger jumps out at Shen waving his giant claws wildly. Sarnie steps in and does a roundhouse kick to his chest. Neon dashes and hits Sarnie with his tail. The jolt sends Sanrie back but she soon gets up!

Shen Lo Ken: All right hot shot - let's go!
Neon Tiger: See you in Hell!

Neon Tiger dashes wildly at Shen. Shen dodges and throws wild punches and kicks at Neon. Neon blocks every move and scratches one of Shen's legs. Shen doesn't seem concerned though.

Shen Lo Ken: That the best you got?
Neon Tiger: Not quite! You just wait!

Storm Eagle swoops down at Danni. She soon throws one of her energy boomerangs. Storm bats it away like a pesky fly!

Coco: Hey birdbrain - catch this.

Coco launches a blue fireball at Eagle. But eagle holds out his gun arm and sucks the fireball in with one of his winds created by the gun arm.

Storm Eagle: Try again!
Coco: WHOA!!! Nice counter attack. But enough of this... take this!

Coco soon launches a recession of giant blue fireballs at Eagle. Eagle once again sucks in the many fireballs.

Danni: Unbelievable. He sucked that energy in with his gun arm!
Coco: Oh great… this couldn't get worse!
Part 14 – Hero’s Plight

Crash stares at Chameleon with a sinister glare of revenge in his eye.

Crash: So we have the ground rules settled. You will not turn invisible.
Sting Chameleon: Yesssssss... but you will sssssssoon ssssssseeeeeee, that I will not need to turn invisssible for you! You will be weak and by the end Dragoon will sssssspeak to you!
Crash: He will not!!
Sting Chameleon: You sssstilll have a chance to live! If you sssssurrender now, I will bring you before Dragoon, and there'ssss a 50/50 chance he will ssssspare you!
Crash: I'm willing to take a risk, now let's go!!!
Sting Chameleon: Even without my invisibility bandicoot you are sssstill no match for me! If you will not come quietly then it will be painfully! I don't care if I have to drag you kicking and sssssscreamin - you are going to ssssseeee Dragoon!
Crash: And I'll be the first to spit in his eye, right after I do that to yours!
Sting Chameleon: You pig! TAKE THIS!!!!!!!

Sting Chameleon leaps into the air and clings to the side of the wall. Using his tail he lashes out three green lasers!! Crash back flips and manages to avoid the green lasers, which graze the castle wall. Then, Chameleon sees his opportunity!

Sting Chameleon: NOW OCTOPUS!!!!!
Crash: Huh?

Crash suddenly feels a gripping sensation on his arms and legs. He feels like they are being crushed. He winces in pain, and starts to scream out a little. He then notices some familiar tentacles are wrapping around his arms and legs! Red tentacles!! LAUNCH OCTOPUS!!!! The diabolic android had Crash in his deadly grasp.

Crash: A... ahhhhh... a trap!!!!
Sting Chameleon: Yesssssss... sssssimply brilliant! You sssseee you fool, I had thisss planned form the very beginning. Ocotpusss was laying in wait for you. I merely lured you here soooo you would be caught in his deadly grassssssspp!! I only bought you time...ssssooo sssssusssspicion would not arisssse out of you!
Sting Chameleon: Begin the energy draining process Octopuss - then we take him to Dragoon.

Launch Octopus then stuck his tentacles into Crash's back. Crash yelled in pain as the tentacles sank into his flesh. Soon it would be over. He would be too weak to face Dragoon himself!
Meanwhile...Storm Eagle and Neon Tiger stand confidently in front of our heroes.

Storm Eagle: You saw what my gun arm can do. Now listen good - I want the bandicoot girl to come with me. The rest of you are to surrender now or to die an agonizing death.
Coco: We will not surrender, especially me!! Do your worst. I will not surrender myself to that Dragon!
Storm Eagle: You don't have a choice! SO BE IT! You live, but the rest DIE!!!!

Yarra and Casey clung close to their mother. She whispered to Jacko.

Danni: Jacko, please take Yarra and Casey away! We will create a diversion!
Jacko: All right, I'll try.

Jacko motions for the kids to come to him. They get close to him, and he begins to tell them the plan.

Jacko: Listen nippas' - Your mum's gonna stall those robots so we can get outta here. Stick close to me and follow me to the plane without any of them filthy androids seein' us.
Yarra: What about mum? Will she be okay?

Yarra looks into Jacko's eyes with a worried expression on his face. Casey didn't seem concerned though.

Jacko: No time to ask. We gotta go before those androids will get us.
Casey: No worries bro - mum'll be back. So will dad! We gotta get outta here!

Storm Eagle and Neon Tiger notice Jacko and the other kids whispering amongst them.

Neon Tiger: Hey Eagle - whaddya think that giant rat and those little punks are up to?
Storm Eagle: I don't know, and frankly I don't care.
Neon Tiger: Huh? They could be planning to get past us and board that dinky little plane of theirs. Lemme stop em' before anything happens.

Neon Tiger gets ready to run over to Jacko and the young dingocoots, but Storm Eagle stops him.

Storm Eagle: Let ‘em go. I'm not concerned about them. I only want to kill the others except the girl. Those were our orders!
Neon Tiger: BUT...
Storm Eagle: NO BUTS!! I am the leader of the scouts and I do what the master tells us! Now we will let them go!
Neon Tiger: Why?
Storm Eagle: They pose no threat to us! They are weak. Besides, if we focused on them then it would give the others an opportunity to attack us. Understand?
Neon Tiger: Oh okay, just as long as I get to slash something.
Storm Eagle: Okay okay. Let's just focus on the stronger ones.
Neon Tiger: Whateva'!

Storm Eagle walks to the left, and faces Sarnie and Danni. Neon Tiger walks to the right, and faces Shen Lo Ken and Coco.

Shen Lo Ken: Ya ready Coco?
Coco: Of course Mr. Shen! Let's trash this cat!
Shen Lo Ken: Heeheeheeheee…
Coco: What's so funny?
Shen Lo Ken: Nothin'. It's just that whenever you get start wrinkling your nose. It's cute!

Coco blushes anime style and a big sweat drop appears!

Neon Tiger: Awwwwwwww what a buncha junk!!! C'MON! LET'S GO!! You dumb orange fox and you slinky broad!! I'm ready to take you on. I’ll kill you Shen, and maim the chick over there! HEE HEE HEE!!
Shen Lo Ken: What a loser! I'll get back at him for what he did to me.
Coco: Likewise.

Shen Lo Ken smiled at himself. He was glad Coco really cared what happened to him. He just hoped he would have someone like her one day!


Neon Tiger leaps into the air...and comes flying down at top speed at Coco and Shen. He slashes his claws and misses. He slashes the wall creating a large whole. Shen tries to throw a punch, but Neon double flips into the castle. Shen and coco run after him, and the fight begins in the castle.

Shen Lo Ken: Coco, go take the offence. You know what that means.
Coco: Right.

Coco rushes to the left side of her as Neon Tiger leaps at Shen. He starts swinging his claws wildly at Shen. Shen just barely manages to dodge them. Coco suddenly leaps at Neon. But Neon already sensed this and it was too late. He lashes his tail out, and electrocuted Coco with it. The shock sent coco flying into a nearby wall.

Neon Tiger: HMPH!! Stupid girl!
Shen Lo Ken: Hey man - that was low. She was just a little girl. How could ya beat up someone as innocent as her?
Neon Tiger: HEY!!! BITE ME!!!!

Neon Tiger then starts slashing at Shen. Shen is now having a hard time concentrating, and is beginning to panic. He hoped Coco was okay, but at the same time had to worry about himself. Neon Tiger's moves were a bit too fast for him to counter.
Back outside Jacko starts moving the kids silently past Storm Eagle. Although Eagle knows this is happening, he just stands there eyeing Sarnie and Danni. Jacko and the kids reach the plane.
Jacko: Okay mates - hope a'board!
Casey: C'mon Yarra...let's move it!

Yarra couldn't help it. He stared silently at Danni. He was full of fear. He was really worried about Danni. He saw what this android could do, and was no stranger to his ability to kill. He didn't want to wait in suspense. He wanted to watch his mom in action to see if she could stand a chance.

Casey: YARRA! C'mon!!
Yarra: (turning around and facing Casey) But... it's mum! I'm worried about her.
Casey: She'll be fine!
Jacko: He's right. Surely you can't doubt your own mum.
Yarra: No… but... I'm still worried!
Casey: Me too bro, but still we gotta get a move on.
Yarra: Okay. (Yarra ran towards the plane, but quietly he whispered to himself) Come back soon mum!
Brednon: Let's get outta here. I hope my mum's safe too ya know but even we need to get outta here.
Casey: (putting his arm on Yarra's shoulder) It'll be all right. You know mum - she's almost as good as dad.
Yarra: (brightening up) Yeah! You're right. Okay then... let's go!
Casey: Good boy!
Brendon: OK Jacko - get us outta here.
Jacko: OK mates!

As soon as the three kids were in the plane, Jacko started the ignition. The planes propeller soon began to spin fast. It wasn't long before the plane began to move, and then it lifted of the ground and soared out of sight.

Storm Eagle: Now then... Danni... you seemed to have come for your children I had kidnapped, but the tables have turned now haven't they? Instead of killing them it's you I'm after.
Danni: Answer me! Why do you wish to kill us but not Crash and coco?
Storm Eagle: Dragoon wants to see them and that is all I am going to tell you!
Sarnie: ERGH! Danni… where's Kitsume?
Danni: She sensed Crash in distress somewhere. She needed to find him! Don't worry - we'll take this bird on!
Sarnie: OK - I'm ready!
Storm Eagle: Then let's get started! I only hope Tiger didn't overdo it and kill that bandicoot girl.
Danni: I'm gonna beat ya down - MATE!!!
Storm Eagle: Have it your way. But mark my words; this is a battle you cannot win!
Sarnie: Says you! LET'S GO BIRDBRAIN!!
Stormn Eagle: Hoo hoo... witty retort! HAVE AT YOU!!

Storm Eagle blasts into the air, and circles his two opponents like a vulture.

Storm Eagle: Any minute now they will make their move. And then it's all over!

Danni stared up at Eagle.

Danni: Betcha I can sneak up behind as fast as the wind.
Sarnie: I'll cover ya!

Danni stared blankly at Eagle for a minute. Eagle stopped, and began to watch Danni like a hawk. Danni was fast but was she fast enough to move without Storm Eagle noticing her? Eagle was about 20 feet off the ground. Danni could probably get there no sweat. Danni stood ready, and edged her feet closer.

Danni: you're mine.

For a few brief seconds, Danni remained motionless. THEN... she sprang!!! She leaped so fast, that no one would have been able to see her. Except... Storm Eagle. Danni disappeared before Storm Eagle, and then reappeared behind his back. She threw a roundhouse kick at his head from behind, but Storm Eagle ducked. Danni's foot missed the top of his head by a foot.

Danni: What?!?!!?

Storm Eagle then appears behind Danni and grabs her with both arms, trapping her.

Sarnie: DANNI!!! I'm comin' Danni!!!!

Sarnie rushes after Storm Eagle, who has his back turned, as part of the plan. He turns silently to watch Sarnie rushing after him at great speed.

Storm Eagle: you will regret this!

As soon as Sarnie reaches Storm Eagle, Storm Eagle suddenly faces Sarnie in the front. Instead of Sanrie punching Storm Eagle, Sarnie accidentally punched Danni in the stomach! The force was so strong, that it knocked the wind outta Danni, sending Eagle back a few feet with Danni still in his grasp. Danni's mouth was full of saliva spewing everywhere. Her eyes bulged and looked white. One of her shoes was knocked off from he force of the blow.

Sarnie: (gasps) OH MY GOD!!!! DANNI...I'M SORRY!!!!
Storm Eagle: Doesn't matter. You both die!

Storm Eagle points his gun arm at Sarnie and creates a powerful gust of wind sending Sarnie slamming into the ground below! Then, Eagle swoops down, and land on Sarnie's stomach! Sarnie screamed as Eagle's huge feet landed on top of her stomach. Sarnie then feel cold.

Storm Eagle: Well, looks like your friend's been repaid. You're next dingoette!

Storm Eagle then swoops into the air. He lets go of Danni and sends her falling towards the Earth.

Storm Eagle: Now... you... DIE!!!!!

Storm Eagle releases the blasts of energy he absorbed and it was heading straight for Danni.

The Android Miniseries - part 1
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