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Part 10: The Sting Chameleon Saga (continued)

Sting Chameleon: You will regret defying me!!

Sting stares evilly at Crash and Danni, who are in pre-emotive positions of attack. Then Sting Chameleon's eyes stop rotating and are fixed on Crash and Danni. They soon glow bright red.

Crash: Danni… we better move… NOW!!!!!

Danni and Crash jump out of the way. And just in time as well. Two sharp laser beams shoot straight out of Sting Chameleon's eyes. Then… Sting began rotating his eyes in each direction. The laser beams soon were flying around the room. Danni and Crash tried to avoid them. The laser beams cut through vases, chairs, and even stone. But as Crash noticed… these beams could only work if Sting stood in one spot.

Crash: Danni, we need to find an opening for an attack on him while he's distracted.
Danni: How Crash? Those beams are going in every direction.
Crash: Follow me and stay clear of those beams.

Crash and Danni ran in complete circles around Sting and Sting kept his glare on them as the lasers cut through the room.

Sting Chameleon: Ha ha ha! Run all you want but there'ssssss no esssscape!
Crash: That's what you think pal!!

Crash immediately grabs a mirror of the nearby wall. As sting points his laser eyes at him Crash blocks it with the mirror. The force sends Crash into the wall but the beam ricochets of the mirror and hits a chandelier directly over Sting's head. The beam hits the chord holding the chandelier and it falls to the ground. Sting looks up but finds it is too late and the chandelier crashes down on top of him. Sting is now under the chandelier's immense weight and is out… for the moment.

Danni: Brilliant Crash!
Crash: Yeah. It was a one in a million shot… but it worked.

Crash rushes over to Coco's side. Coco groggily wakes up.

Coco: OW!!!! (Coco winces in pain as she holds her left arm)
Crash: Coco, are you all right?
Coco: MY left arm Crash… I… I… think it's broken.
Danni: Lemme see mate.

Danni closely examines Coco's arm.

Danni: I can't really tell but are in a lot of pain Coco?
Coco: Yeah. My left arm really hurts.
Crash: Wait a second.

Crash rushes over to the window and grabs and tears parts of a curtain. He then rushes over to Coco. Carefully he wraps it around Coco's left arm forming a splint.

Crash: There you are Coco.
Coco: Thanks Crash.
Crash: Will you still be able to come with us?
Coco: Yes Crash but I don't think I can fight that well with this arm.
Danni: Keep your chin up mate. We'll protect you and I'm sure you can still fight.
Coco: I dunno. I hope Kitsume knows how to heal broken bones.
Crash: We'll see. Come on - we gotta go!!
Danni: There's a door straight ahead. We need to find out what happened to the others.
Coco: Yeah. Ow… ow!
Crash: You sure you're gonna be okay?
Coco: Yes Crash… now let's go!

The three warriors exit out of the door that was straight ahead of them. As soon as they were out of sight Sting Chameleon soon regains consciousness and lifts the heavy chandelier off his back. He presses a button on his neck to make contact.

Sting Chameleon: This is Sting… Eagle, do you copy?

Storm Eagle replies to Sting's call.

Storm Eagle: What's the situation Sting?
Sting Chameleon: Sssssir, the bandicoot and hissss friendsss essscaped me! They were very strong and sssmart. They're heading for the elevator shaft!!
Storm Eagle: What!? Well then… we need to stop them. You report back to H.Q. immediately. I'll contact Dragoon and describe the situation.
Sting Chameleon: Yessss sssir.
Strom Eagle: And don't follow them - we'll use you as backup!
Sting Chameleon: Undersstood ssssir.
Storm Eagle: I am ending transmission. Do as I say.
Sting Chameleon: Very well - over and out.

Down in the loading dock area Storm Eagle is helping the lab assistants carry in supplies. Eagle accidentally drops a package.

Lab Assist. 1: Hey watch it!!!
Storm Eagle: I'm terribly sorry.
Lab Assist. 1: Sorry nothing. Pick that up!!
Storm Eagle: Yes sir.

Storm Eagle picks up the package but while doing so he presses the side button on his neck and whispers into his intercom.

Storm Eagle: Dragoon, this is Eagle.

The voice of Magma Dragoon responds.

Magma Dragoon: Eagle, what's going on?
Storm Eagle: There’s word from Chameleon that the Bandicoot and his friends are still alive. They're heading for the elevator shaft. Who shall we send to stop them?
Magma Dragoon: Well what are you doing right now?
Storm Eagle: I'm carrying supplies for Cortex.
Magma Dragoon: All right then. Here's what I want you to do. To not arouse suspicion of our revolution kill all the lab assistants here. Then contact Octopus and have him do a sneak attack on them in the elevator shaft. Now go and do it.
Storm Eagle: Yes sir… I'm ending transmission.
Lab Assist. 1: Hey birdbrain - hurry up with that package!!!!!
Lab Assist. 2: I tell you, these androids aren't a help at all. What's with this eagle talking to himself?
Lab Assist. 3: Tell me about it. What a freak.

All three assistants laugh. But then Storm Eagle turns evilly on them. He points his gun arm at the three assistants.

Lab Assist. 2: HEY, what's he doing!?!?
Lab Assist. 3: He's gone crazy!!!!
Lab Assist. 1: I gotta contact Cortex.
Storm Eagle: You'll do no such thing!!!

Storm Eagle blasts a strong tornado wind from his gun arm. A large cyclone is created. All the lab assistants are sucked up into it. They twirl around in the tornado screaming helplessly. Then Eagle sends the tornado out of the castle, which tosses the helpless assistants out far away in each direction.

Stom Eagle: (pressing his side button in his neck) Octopus, this is Eagle. Dragoon has orders for you to go attack the intruders in the elevator shaft! Go now and don't come back until they're dead. I am now ending transmission.

Storm Eagle lets go of the button. He kicks the packages all over the place.

Storm Eagle: Hehehe… Ha ha ha!!! Soon as the revolution starts I won't have to carry boxes no more. I hope Octopus does the job right!! Until then I must wait as patiently as possible. I hope Dragoon makes his move soon enough. I'll be waiting until then. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!
At the large elevator shaft, Crash pushes the button.

Danni: I'm not sure where this goes.
Crash: If my theory's correct it'll go to the outmost point of Cortex castle.
Coco: Say Crash - there… aren't… any androids watching… right?
Crash: I don't know but keep your fingers crossed. And we must find Kitsume quickly - we need to get ya healed Coco. You're essential to us.
Coco: (Blushing a little) Aw Crash. You really think I'm useful?
Crash: Of course! Coco… (Putting an arm around her shoulder)'ve really changed. You're not an observer - you're a fighter now. You've proven it so many times. We will always need you.
Coco: Crash, that's about the nicest thing you ever said to me.

Coco hugs Crash with one arm seeing how she can't use the other and Crash hugs her back.

Danni: I'm surprised you didn't notice earlier Coco.
Coco: I know. It's just... well... a lot of you are better than me.
Crash: What makes you think that?
Coco: I haven't really beaten any androids yet.
Crash: So you forgot about those battles... with that Boomer Kuwanger guy, when you helped free Kitsume from that Octopus, when you rescued Shen from that Tiger, and where you recently made Sting Chameleon lose his camouflage?
Danni: Yeah mate. It wasn't a victory won by battle - it was a victory won by spirit. You're still useful to us Coco. You'll always be. Even with that broken arm of yours you're still very useful to us mate.
Coco: Thanks. You guys have always been the greatest.
Crash: Aw… Don't be so humble sis. You've always had potential. Both Kitsume and Shen have noticed that. Don't give up hope Coco - you'll always be needed.
Danni: He's right Coco - you're more than a match for those overgrown androids. You can do it.
Coco: (really brightening up) Yeah… well… what are we waiting for? Let's beat those rotten androids into scrap metal.
Crash: Now you're talking!!
Danni: Oops… our elevator's here.
Crash: Phew… finally! Let's go.
Coco: Right!

The three warriors hop into the elevator. It is a giant cargo elevator about 20 feet wide with no ceiling. The shaft looked like it went up straight into the sky. Crash pushes the button and the elevator moves slowly up.

Coco: Boy… this elevator sure is slow.
Crash: Be patient.
Danni: Crash, even if we do get to the root of the problem., what about the rest of the androids?
Crash: We'll find out. I have a strange suspicion that these androids aren't working for Cortex. They probably have they're own intentions.
Coco: Really?
Crash: Yeah. Casey and Yarra overheard that one of the androids said something about rebellion… against Cortex.
Danni: Against Cortex? So they're good guys then right?
Crash: Not necessarily. I think they wanna kill me more. They know I can mess up their plans. For some strange reason I think the android leader wants me and Cortex dead. He's a freelancer I guess.
Coco: Neither friend or foe so what is his ulterior motive? Why does he want to revolt against the one who created him?
Crash: I don't know but I'm not gonna kill him yet until he tells me.

Suddenly a loud clanging noise is heard overhead. Crash and the others look up. They don't see anything but the noise is getting louder. The sound of metal scraping against the wall was getting nearer. But still nothing could be seen.

Crash: ?
Coco: Crash… wh… wh… what's th… th… that?

Coco began to back into the corner. But by her realization on how she could prove herself she inched a little closer out of the corner.

Crash: I can't see anything!!
Danni: Do you think it's that Chameleon sneaking up on us?
Crash: Can't be. He can't camouflage himself anymore.
Coco: Then... what… is it?
Crash: I think we're ready to find out.
Danni: Great... if it's that Chameleon again I'll be prepared this time.

The three warriors stare up at the ceiling, seeing nothing. All of a sudden the clanging stopped.

Crash: Huh... what happened?
Danni: It… stopped?
Coco: Something's weird here.
Crash: It's gotta be a trick.
Coco: Hey, maybe it's the others.
Danni: What, in the elevator shaft?
Coco: You're right - what would they be doing here?

Then a loud crashing sound is heard right behind them. It's so loud Crash, Coco, and Danni jump very startled almost out of their skin. (Not literally) They froze in their tracks. Each of them sweating and breathing hard. They turned slowly around. And when they fully turned around to see what landed behind them... they stood paralysed with fear. They began to inch away slowly... for standing right in front of them was Launch Octopus.

Crash: Darn… it's Octopus.
Coco: Oh great. How will we fight something in an elevator shaft that has missiles?
Danni: Be prepared mates. I think he's not happy what we did to him the last time.
Crash: Well... (standing a little taller) …I think it's time for some serious payback!

Octopus stared evilly at Crash and the others. He points his tentacle at Crash. Then with a quick gesture he points it down to the ground as if to say. 'You're going down'.

Crash: Coco... you ready?
Coco: Uh… ye… yeah Crash!! Of course I'm ready!
Danni: Me too!
Crash: Right. Okay you eight-armed freak. It's time to get revenge on you.

The Octopus didn't look like he felt threatened at all. In fact it was starting to advance towards Crash and the others. And then he flailed his tentacles around wildly. And out of each tentacle came a miniature missile. Crash, Danni, and Coco had to dodge around each missile but it wasn't very easy. Then Octopus found his opportunity and grabbed Danni by the waist with two of his tentacles.

Crash: DANNI!!
Danni: OOFF!!!! ARRRGGHHH!! (Struggling in Octopus's tentacles) LET GO OF ME YOU FREAK!!!!!

But Octopus didn't let go. He then did the most horrible thing Crash ever saw. Octopus waved his tentacles around with Danni in them. And then as hard as he could he lashed his tentacles against the wall. Danni's head went SMACK into the wall. Blood could be seen coming out of her forehead. She was out and it didn't look like she was breathing. Octopus let her go and Danni fell limply to the ground! She didn't even look like she would get up!

Crash: DANNI!!!!!!!

Danni didn't answer. She just laid down cold on the ground. Crash then stared angrily at Octopus!!


Octopus didn't even move. It was as if it could understand what Crash was saying.
Back in the android HQ Frost and Magma watch the action in the elevator from the screen.

Frost Walrus: Awwww... isn't it cute the way the bandicoot got all flustered when Octopus bashed his little honey's skull in? HA HA!!
Magma Dragoon: Yes, Octopus really doesn't like to exchange pleasantries much.
Frost Walrus: Hey uh… Dragoon. You don't think she's alive huh?
Magma Dragoon: I'm not sure. In any case let's keep watching. I'm ordering the next move on Octopus.
Frost Walrus: The bandicoot's not even moving. This'll be easy.
Magma Dragoon: Don't get cocky yet - he won't leave this one without a fight.
Octopus gets extremely angry and starts focusing on Crash in stinger missile mode.

Coco: Crash, I think he's locked onto you.
Crash: I know but he won't get away with it this easily.

At that moment Octopus jumped in the air and shot out a few stinger missiles. Crash and Coco managed to dodge them but Octopus wasn't finished yet. He formed a pre-emotive attack where he launched 4 heat-seeking missiles at once.
Crash: Darn... now there's 4!!
Coco: Crash, hurry up and doge them.

Crash dodged just in the nick of time. Coco then slid in the corner as the horrible Octopus marched towards Crash. Then Crash ran to the side. Octopus then set his sights on Coco.

Coco: (gasps) Oh no...

Launch Octopus then fires a huge missile at Coco.

Crash: COCO!!!!!!!! LOOK OUT!!!!!

Crash jumps in front of Coco just in time. But he absorbs the blow of the missile. With a small but deadly explosion Crash is knocked out.

Coco: OH NO... CRASH!!!

Octopus looks down at Crash. Coco is by her brother's side trying to get him to wake up. What was real odd was that Octopus wasn't even moving. It was as if he intentionally went after Crash.
Frost Walrus: Well... did that one missile do it?
Magma Dragoon: I'm not sure. He's not breathing.
Frost Walrus: Neither is the dingoette. C'mon Dragoon - whaddya say you get Octopus to grab the girl then we can throw her to the Slash Beast!
Magma Dragoon: Hmmmmm... okay Walrus. Contact Octopus to get that girl over here. I'm getting a little bored anyway.
Frost Walrus: ALL RIGHT!!!! PARTY TIME!!!!
Octopus then receives a message through him.

Frost Walrus: Octopus, grab the girl who's still standing. Bring her before us. We wish to give her to the Slash Beast.

Octopus nods and walks slowly to Coco.

Coco: (Still trying to get Crash to get up) CRASH… CRASH… WAKE UP!!! (She then notices Octopus extending his tentacles out to her.) GAH!!! STAY AWAY!!! PLEASE!!! STAY AWAY!!!!

It's too late - Octopus grabs Coco and the elevator stops. She struggles frantically in his deadly tentacles. The elevator seemed to have stopped at the very top floor. Octopus carried Coco with him. Coco felt the pain on her left arm as Octopus squeezed it. Seeing how it was broken the pain continued to increase. Coco couldn't escape and she tried frantically but in the end she knew it was hopeless.
After a long time Crash woke up in the elevator. His vision was blurry at first and he really couldn't say anything. He just moaned and stood up but he wobbled quite a bit. He then saw Danni in the corner. He limped over to her side. When he spoke he sounded like he was the sickest bandicoot alive.

Crash:Dan... ni… UGH! Wake... up... P… p… please…

Crash collapsed by Danni's side. The two feel silent and remained motionless. They were lying down side to side, neither one of them moving.
Octopus carried Coco through two large doors. He then put Coco right on the ground. Octopus then ran out of the double doors. Then as Coco peered up at the ceiling a giant bright light came on. She saw a dark figure sitting on a chair. As the light finally grew clearer she could see it was Magma Dragoon. And Frost Walrus was standing right by him.

Magma Dragoon: Welcome, my precious warrior.
Coco: YOU!! You must be Dragoon.
Magma Dragoon: I am… and this is my right hand man Frost Walrus.
Frost Walrus: Hee hee hee hee... boy oh boy. Ya know girly, you're the entertainment for tonight.
Coco: (Looking horrified) NO!! I refuse to do anything dirty!
Frost Walrus: NO!!! Not THAT kind of entertainment! We have something else in mind.
Magma Dragoon: RIGHT!! There is another android in this room. He is very strong and we would like to see you put up a show for us.
Frost Walrus: In other words you're gonna fight him.
Coco: That's not fair… how can I with one arm?
Frost Walrus: Huh? She's right Dragoon.
Magma Dragoon: Well seeing how I want a good show, here girl take this.

Magma Dragoon tosses a little bottle down. Coco picks it up.

Coco: What is it?
Magma Dragoon: An injury killer. Take it and that arm is automatically healed.
Coco: I won't!! It could be poison.
Frost Walrus: Don't be foolish… DRINK IT!!
Coco: NO!!!
Mamga Dragoon: Do as we say, otherwise we WILL have you fight with one arm.
Coco: Hey if I win this fight… what do I get?
Magma Dragoon: What do you mean?
Coco: If I win you're going to tell me why you're doing all this and everything you know about this revolution.
Magma Dragoon: Revolution!?!?!? How did she know!?
Frost Walrus: She knows too much!! Just release the Slash Beast!!!
Magma Dragoon: hold it!! Why would she care? She's an enemy with Cortex. We might as well tell her if she wins!!
Frost Walrus: All right then. Girl, drink that potion!!
Coco: All right... as long as it's not a trick.
Magma Dragoon: Trust me!! We want to see how well your abilities are.
Coco: You'll be surprised.

Coco gulps down the potion. After a few minutes her arm begins to swell up. She winces in pain as her arm starts tingling her. But then she notices that her arm doesn't hurt anymore. She could now freely move it. She took off the splint and stood ready.

Frost Walrus: Now it's time to put up a show!!
Magma Dragoon: Open the gate!! It's time to watch this!!
Frost Walrus: Right!! Be prepared!!
Coco: I'm ready!!!

Frost Walrus presses a button on the side of the wall. Immediately underneath where Dragoon sits a neon cage door opens in front of coco. She stares out in the darkness and sees nothing. Then a loud roar fills the air. It isn't long before Coco sees a pair of gleaming eyes staring at her. She starts sweating because she knows the Slash Beast is near! Coco waited with her heart thumping and her face sweating. She was alone and she was to fight this android alone. She froze. She began to shake, and her mind went blank. She could see the gleaming eyes coming closer out of the darkness. She began inching back further. She was sweating heavily now. She could hear her heart thump wildly. It wasn't long before... the eyes became a face - a face of what appeared to be a lion. Then the whole body came out. It was none other than Slash Beast! Now Coco was even more scared!! She saw Slash Beast and was horrified at his appearance. His razor sharp claws made Coco lose track of her mind. All she could keep thinking was 'Oh no... I'm going to die.' And Slash's ferocious glare was very disturbing! His jaws full of razor sharp teeth were wide open, letting out ferocious growls and roars. His hands were full of claws sharp as steak knives. Slash's claws could easily rip flesh from the bone. Slash stood in his ready position.

Magma Dragoon: Should you live we will tell you EVERYTHING!!!
Frost Walrus: You're not nervous are ya?

Coco was beginning to panic. Slash Beast's appearance was enough to scare even the toughest fighter. Slash Beast growled lowly as he stared at the quivering female bandicoot. He began gliding his feet across the floor slowly. He seemed to take delight in watching Coco shake before his eyes. Slash Beast cornered Coco and Coco was quivering with fear. It was just like a cat cornering a mouse. Coco then heard a voice in her head.

Voice: COCO!!! YOU COAWRD!!!
Coco: Huh? You!!
Voice: Don't be afraid of him! You may still win!! Just fight him with all you have!! Just because he looks tough and mean doesn't mean he can't be defeated.
Coco: But... are you sure!?
Voice: Do it! I believe in you!! GO!! FIGHT HIM!! Do not be afraid! He is drinking your fear like wine. Give him nothing except a good dose of what he deserves!! DESTROY HIM!! You can do it!!
Coco: Okay… I will!!!
Frost Walrus: Huh? Hey kid, who ya talkin' to?
Magma Dragoon: Enough! Slash Beast... ATTACK!!!

At that moment Slash Beast lunged forward!! His arms were spread apart and he was about to dive onto Coco! Coco jumped out of the way with the greatest of ease. Slash Beast turned angrily at her. Coco stood in a ready fighting position. Slash Beast rushed over to her with his sharp claws ready to rip her to shreds. But Coco quickly reacted!! Using what strength she had she grabbed a steel pole nearby. She blocked Slash's claws with the pole. Slash Beast keep slashing his claws at her but Coco manage to block every move with his claws.

Magma Dragoon: Hmmm… not a bad manoeuvre.
Frost Walrus: Whatever… it won't last for long!

Then Slash Beast leaps into the air and prepares to kick Coco with his razor sharp feet. Coco blocks but Slash's feet knock the steel pole away. This also brings coco flying into the wall. As soon as she regained consciousness she saw Slash Beast rushing towards her. For a moment she panicked. She seemed cornered by Slash as his fast feet made him rush over to coco with his claws extended. Coco then hears the voice!

Voice: RUN COCO… RUN!!!

Coco runs out just in the nick of time. Slash beast just barely misses her back. As Slash Beast slashed his right hand he managed to nick a part of Coco's shirt and tear a tiny portion of the back of it off. Then his tremendous claws put a large gash in the wall!! Coco panted wildly and felt her back. She noticed a tiny portion of the back of her shirt was gone but no injuries. But it wasn't over yet. She had to find a way to fight this thing!! Slash Beast then stares wildly at her. He began to roar loudly!

Coco: There's gotta be a way.
Voice: Coco... trust your instincts. Clear your mind. You'll find the right target!
Coco: Right!

Slash Beast then jumps forward at her. His arms extended to reach out and grab her. Coco dodges the attack and Slash Beast lands on his face. Coco then with all her might performs a roundhouse kick to Slash's face. It turned out Slash was too fast. Immediately when Slash saw Coco's foot coming at his face he turned his head and opened his mouth. He quickly bit onto Coco's foot. Coco tripped and felt the incredible amount of pain as Slash Beast bit onto her foot.


Slash Beast continued to bite hard. Then Coco, with what strength she had, slid her foot out of the Beast's mouth. Slash still had her shoe in his mouth but quickly got rid of it as soon as he saw Coco. Coco limped on the one foot with a shoe on it. Slash was no angrier than ever.

Frost Walrus: He bit her foot. She's done for now!
Magma Dragoon: Not quite. Like I said Frost, don't underestimate them!
Frost Walrus: Right.

Coco then decided for better speed - she needed to take off her other shoe. She already lost one and decided it may be easier with both off. She quickly threw of her other shoe and was now ready to fight without them. But she decided no more roundhouse kicks to the head. She could lose a foot easily. Slash Beast then charged at her - he ran at a fast speed and had his claws ready to rip her apart. Coco managed to focus on his moves. She then dodged the first punch. Coco jumped out of the way and began to form a ball of energy in her hand.

Crash: I hope this works... KUUENBU!!!!

The light of energy grows stronger and forms a protective barrier around Coco! She then back flips in the air. Slash Beast then jumps higher into the air. He slashes his claws at Coco. But fortunately the barrier deflects Slash Beast's attacks. Coco lands on the ground as well as Slash Beast.

Coco: It worked!! I can beat him!!

But Slash Beast wasn't done yet. He wasn't easily fooled! He knew how to break the barrier. So with a quick back flip he tossed two 'Slash Beams' at Coco. They immediately hit the barrier!! The beams cut through the barrier now leaving Coco out in the open!! A sudden panic ran over Coco!

Voice: Don't give in yet Coco! Use the abilities taught to you! Kuuenbu was only one of the many you have!
Coco: All right!

Slash Beast then rushed over to Coco again. He then jumped in the air and performed a roundhouse kick at Coco's head. Coco immediately ducked and a good thing too. Coco saw what happened. Slash Beast's foot hit a nearby pipe. The claws on his foot sliced it in half! It could have been Coco's head. She was relieved it wasn't!

Coco: YOW!!! Now that's sharp!!

Slash Beast then turned at Coco! He suspected he knew what opening move he would make on her. He assumed she was wise to him. So he needed another attack.

Frost Walrus: Hey Dragoon - the kid's not bad at dodging the slash Beast.
Magma Dragoon: Yes but certainly not good at fighting him!
Frost Walrus: Yeah - she ain't leavin' till one of them is defeated!

Coco stood in another fighting stance. Slash Beast then ran towards her at deadly speed. Coco began to form a ball of energy in her hands.

Coco: SIPPUGA!!!!!

Coco rushes towards Slash Beast with her arm extended - a pink blade was formed on her right arm! She began to swing it at Slash Beast. Slash Beast saw it but couldn't dodge it. The pink blade cut him. Slash Beast jumped to the side with a light gash in his chest. He roared in pain!

Coco: (Standing proud with her right arm extended with the pink light blade surrounding it) Maybe I can beat him!
Frost Walrus: WHOA!!!
Magma Dragoon: Hmm hmm… this is getting interesting!

Slash Beast then jumped high into the air. He threw two more Slash Beam attacks. Coco managed to block each one with her pink blade.

Coco: HA HA!!! I am unstoppable!!

Coco jumped high into the air and started to slash her beam sword arm at Slash Beast. Slash Beast was starting to get worried. The beam gave him a few cuts. Slash Beast was now the one being hunted. Every attack made by him was getting blocked.

Coco: (Laughing wickedly) What's wrong!?!? Can't beat a poor, defenceless girl like me? Gee... you're really pathetic!

Slash Beast looked angry but was now the one cringing in fear.

Magma Dragoon: UNBELIEVABLE!!
Frost Walrus: There's no way that can be right!! The Slash Beast is unstoppable!
Voice: Coco listen - you're reaching your highest power limit. It helps you when you're in a life-threatening situation! Use it well - this blade attack is the best thing you've got!!
Coco: I will! All right Slashy - you're goin' down!!
Voice: But Coco, wait!
Coco: Not now! I have a victory to win!!

Slash Beast then rushes towards Coco ready to slash her. Coco jumps to the side and starts waving her mighty glowing sharp arm at Slash Beast. Slash Beast then does a back flip. When he lands he stands straight up - he then opens up the sides of his shoulders. Two tiny cannons pop out.

Coco: Uh oh!!

The tiny cannons fire long huge laser beams at Coco! Coco dodges and runs away from the beams! Coco then uses another attack!!

Coco: Ruinjeki!!!
Coco: NOT NOW!!

A large shield forms around Coco. It deflects the laser beams. Slash Beast presses harder to make the beams go through the large light shield, but no luck. He starts getting very discouraged. Then finally realising he was wasting energy he shut the lasers off. He roared in frustration!!

Coco: All right!!
Frost Walrus: NO!!! THIS CAN'T BE!!!!!
Mamga Dragoon: I told you never underestimate her.
Coco: Well Slash… let's finish this shall we?

But then Coco notices something peculiar. Her right arm was starting to lose the light beam. And her shield was going down.

Coco: What!?!? What's happening?

Slash Beast notices this too and waits patiently to see what is happening.

Coco's right arm is now bare. The light beam is gone. Her shield is also down.

Coco then saw the shield was completely gone and realised she could make no more attacks. She panicked and started to sweat! She knew she was doomed. Slash Beast then ran towards her.

Voice: RUN!!! RUN!!!!!

Coco ran but not fast enough. Slash Beast tackled her like a cheetah does with a gazelle and dragged her down. He began ripping at her with his razor sharp claws! Coco screamed out in horrible pain as she felt the claws rip through her body. It was the worst pain coco ever felt. She felt her clothes and skin being torn by the Beast's claws.

Frost Walrus: HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!! KILL HER!!! THAT'S IT!! RIP HER TO SHREDS!!!!! DIE CHICK... DIE!!!!! HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!

Magma Dragoon stared at Coco writhing in agony as Slash Beast began tearing at her. By now large gash marks were forming all over Coco's body. She was soon out cold. Magma Dragoon then looked at her face again. Suddenly he stopped smiling. He began to look dazed.

Magma Dragoon: (Thinking in his mind) I know that girl. But even before then I know her!! Even before Cortex dispatched the troops I seem to know her. But where!?

Magma Dragoon then stood up! He then held out his hand!

Magma Dragoon: SLASH BEAST!!

Slash Beast stopped ripping Coco and stared at Dragoon. Coco's body was a mess. The giant claw marks marked all over body were an awful sight to see. Her clothes were all torn...and her face was covered in blood. It seemed she was dead… or was she?

Magma Dragoon: (Looking down at coco) Slash Beast, that's enough - You may stop hurting the girl!
Frost Walrus: WHAT!?!?!?!?!? DRAGOON!!! SHE'S AN ENEMY!!!!
Magma Dragoon: I know her Walrus! It's odd but I seem to know her from the past! I've seen her face before, even younger than this! It's strange but I feel like... I knew her since she was small.
Magma Dragoon: WALRUS!!! Enough!! (He punches Walrus in the face)
Frost Walrus: AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!! OW!!
Magma Dragoon: I said what I said. Let her go. We'll have Octopus take her down tot he cells to let her rest up. I will meet with her shortly. But for now it's time to bring out the next target. Shadra. We'll let Slash Beast kill Shadra, okay!?!?
Frost Walrus: Oh all right!!
Magma Dragoon: Slash Beast, return to your cage!! We will need you shortly.

Slash Beast humbly obeyed. He then returned to his cage. Magma pressed a button and the neon bars slid over the entrance. Coco was still on the floor. It seemed like she was dead. But was she?

Frost Walrus: Magma... what do you mean ya know her?
Magma Dragoon: She's oddly familiar. It's clear to me now? I feel like I knew her in the past!! It's odd but… I feel like I knew here even when she was born!
Frost Walrus: I don't get it! How!?!?
Magma Dragoon: I don't know! But I will have to find out!

Octopus then enters the room. He picks up Coco and carries her out of the room. The giant doors slam behind him.

Magma Dragoon: (thinking to himself) How could it be? I feel like I know her, but in what form and in what year? I must know?! Do I really know her!? Even before I was... created?
*********************************************** Meanwhile Crash and Danni still lied very still in the elevator shaft. It wasn't long before Crash weakly lifted his head up. He saw Danni lying near his side. His vision was blurred but he managed to hold her hand. He could finally speak.

Crash: D… Danni… Please be… all right… Urgh… Danni... you gotta be okay... Yarra... ugh... and Casey are still... ergh... still here.

Danni didn't budge. Crash saw a large gash in her head. Crash was worried Danni was gone.

Crash: (His eyes clouding with tears) Danni.… please… be okay. Dan... ni...

Danni didn't show any signs of life. Crash suddenly lifted his body and finally regained his consciousness. He looked down at Danni's lifeless body.

Crash: Danni… Danni... wake up… please... wake up.

Danni didn't budge. Crash then tilted his head up in the air and yelled!


Crash threw himself on Danni's body, sobbing mournfully. He rested her head in his arms. He pressed his head against her. His wet warm tears trickled down from his face and onto Danni's. Crash's throat began to close up. His only thoughts were that he lost Danni for good.

Crash: Danni... (sniffs)… I loved you… (sniffs) Why… (sniffs) ...why did you die on me? Danni... DANNI!!!!!! (sniffs) …Danni!

Crash pressed his head closer into Danni's face. He sobbed loudly. He thought he had lost someone dear to him. He rested her gently on the floor.

Crash: There's nothing... (sniffs) …worth fighting for now. (sniffs) Only my kids... (sniffs)... and my sister… (sniffs) are all that's left. Danni… (sniffs) ...why did it end like this?

Crash threw himself on the floor and slammed his fist on the ground.

Crash: WHAT'S IT ALL FOR!?!?!? WHY!?!?? I can't go on!!

Crash then buried his face onto the floor. He just lied there, crying mournfully. It wasn't long before Crash felt something hold his back. Crash then panicked. He thought, 'It's the android. I hope he finishes me quick'. Crash bravely turned around... but instead of a metallic hand it was a yellow furry hand on his shoulder. There was a brown glove on it. Crash then looked to his side. It was Danni. She was alive!!

Crash: DANNI!!!! You're ALIVE!!!
Danni: Cr… Cra… Cr… ash.

Danni collapsed back on the floor.

Crash: Danni! (Holding Danni in his arms) Danni... speak to me! Are you okay?
Danni: (Weakly opening her eyes) Crash... (Giving a faint smile)... you're alive.
Crash: Hang in there Danni. I'll get you to Kitsume. You're gonna be okay.
Danni: Crash... hurry... they... have... your... sister.
Crash: What!? The androids have my sister?
Danni: I… saw it... in a vision. She's... in grave... danger.
Crash: Danni! I need to save you first! I'll get you out of here!
Danni: Crash... leave me... in the... medical room... then… rescue Coco.
Crash: Danni! I can't just leave you. I will do whatever it takes to get you back on your feet.
Danni: But... you must... save Coco. She's slowly fading... away... I know it.
Crash: Danni. Don't worry - I'll save you and coco at the same time.

Crash ran out of the shaft with Danni in his arms. He searched frantically for a room. He finally found one. Opening the door he found a bunch of cabinets and a tiny wool cot. He laid Danni gently on the cot. Immediately he opened one of the drawers and pulled out a large cloth. He tore parts of it and wrapped the thin parts around Danni's head.

Crash: Danni, will you be okay?
Danni: Yes Crash! I just need… rest.
Crash: I'll come back for you. I'll go get Coco! You stay here. Rest up - we're not done yet.
Danni: I'll fight by you no matter what Crash. Meet ya there.
Crash: (Smiling) Danni, I'm really glad you're okay.
Danni: Crash. Go... save your sister. I know she's in critical condition… more worse than mine. She faced an android alone.
Crash: How do you know this?
Danni: The vision I had... it was true. It appeared while I was unconscious. Please Crash… go and save her. I'll be fine.
Crash: Okay! I'll be back for you.
Danni: No need of that. I'll try and beat ya to Dragoon.
Crash: Danni… you're back to your old self. I'll be back.

Crash ran out of the room. He closed and locked the door behind him. He ran down the hall and was ready to rescue his sister.
Dragoon walked down the cell hallway. Frost Walrus and Storm Eagle were by his side.

Storm Eagle: Octopus, Tiger, and Chameleon were sent out to find the others. They won't stop until they are found.
Magma Dragoon: Did you give them my instructions?
Storm Eagle: Yes! I told them to kill the others, except the bandicoot. Crash Bandicoot that is. Now pardon my questioning but what feelings have you of his sister?
Frost Walrus: How can ya save her from the Slash Beast?
Magma Dragoon: We're about to find out if she's not dead!

Magma stops in front of a cell door. He sees Coco's shredded body lying on the cot. She was very still, not moving a muscle.

Magma Dragoon: Ahem… Bandicoot, get up! I wish to talk to you.

Coco still laid still. She didn't even look like she was breathing.

Magma Dragoon: Bandicoot... I demand you to wake up!

Still nothing. Coco was still as a board.

Mamga Dragoon: Bandicoot... I believe I know you! WAKE UP!!!

Nothing. Coco was deathly still.
Storm Eagle: Sir... I believe she's dead!
Frost Walrus: I knew it.
Magma Dragoon: What?!! She can't be?!? I felt her alive a moment ago.
Storm Eagle: She must have just slipped away sir.
Frost Walrus: Awwww... who cares? C'mon, let's watch Shadra get ripped apart.
Magma Dragoon: GRGH!! Now I'll never know!!
Frost Walrus: Never know what?
Magma Dragoon: I felt I knew her, but where and when? Now it is unanswered! There's only one person I can talk to if she cannot live to tell me.
Frost Walrus: Who?
Magma Dragoon: Her brother, Crash! I will speak to him. After all I believe I know him too.
Storm Eagle: What about the body here?
Magma Dragoon: I'm not concerned that much. I may know her... but I really don't care why. Leave it here for now.
Frost Walrus: But it'll stink up the place!
Magma Dragon: HEY! Do not question me. Now grab Shadra and take him to my main headquarters. Storm Eagle, you follow him. I'll meet with you shortly.
Storm Eagle: Yes sir!
Frost Walrus: With pleasure!

The two androids go up the flight of stairs. Dragoon then looks at Coco. He opens the cage and peers into her face. But Dragoon then falls silent. He hangs his head low and looks deeper into Coco's face.

Magma Dragoon: How did I know you? You looked very familiar to me. And your name… But… How? Now you won't be able to answer. Hmmm... Or will you?

Dragoon takes out a tiny potion bottle. He opens it and pours four drops into Coco's open mouth. Within minutes Coco's eyes faintly open up. She sees Dragoon but is too weak to care.

Magma Dragoon: I did not want the others to see me revive you... but... you are... familiar to me.

Coco didn't answer. She just let her head drop. She was unconscious but still breathing.

Magma Dragoon: How? You… remind me… of someone… I knew a long time ago? Coco, I feel like I was there when you were born... I felt like I saw you at a younger age. But… How? Why won't you answer me?

Dragoon then froze. He then held his head and screamed out loud.

Note: The next section is kind of a trip through Dragoon's mind. His memory, so to speak.

Through Dragoon's mind, images of familiar faces appeared. In a large white room there was a young female bandicoot. She was wearing a red dress and was rocking back and forth in her rocker. In her arms she gently rocked a tiny baby female bandicoot. Dragoon recognized the baby - it was Coco. As for the female nursing her, he wasn't sure. The female bandicoot was singing the baby Coco a lullaby. Jus then a tiny little bandicoot, about 3 years old, appeared by the female bandicoot. It was Crash. Dragoon too noticed it.

Crash: Mommy, I wanna hold the baby.
Female Bandicoot: Sorry. She must be in her mother's arms.
Crash: Mommy? When's daddy coming home?
Female Bandicoot: (Suddenly tears rolling down her eyes) I… don't know.
Crash: Mommy… don't cry. I'm sorry.
Female Bandicoot: It's okay. You did nothing wrong! Your father will not come.
Crash: Where is he?
Female Bandicoot: I don't know.

Suddenly, out of the white background a dark figure appeared. When it came closer to the female bandicoot and her siblings she realised it was Magma Dragoon!

Female Bandicoot: My darling! You've come!
Crash: He's here!! Mommy, he's here!
Female Bandicoot: My dear... come... Look. This is your new daughter!
Note: We are now out of Dragoon's mind... Thank god!

Dragoon was now back to his old self! He held his head and screamed loudly!! He banged his head against the ground. He then regained his cool and began to stare at Coco.

Magma Dragoon: Could it be? NO!!! It couldn't! It's an illusion!! I've got things to do!! I must take care of business.
Voice: Hey… DRAGOON!!

Magma Dragoon turned around to see Frost Walrus.

Frost Walrus: Dragoon, are you all right? It sounded like you were screamin'.
Magma Dragoon: I'm fine!!
Frost Walrus: Hey whaddya in the cage with that girl for?
Magma Dragoon: Well, as it turns out... she's alive!
Frost Walrus: So… do ya know her?
Magma Dragoon: (He hesitated a little..but then answered). No... It was a mistake. I only know her as an enemy. It was probably a malfunction in my chip Frost. Pay it no, mind. Now then... are preparations for Shadra complete?
Frost Walrus: They are! Say now that you're back to your own self, you want me to finish of the girl?
Magma Dragoon: NO!!!!!! I mean... no. Let's just go watch Shadra die.
Frost Walrus: Alrighty then! C'mon Dragoon.

The two androids were going to exit the hallway… Dragoon looked back at Coco as he closed the cell gate. He looked at her for a few seconds.

Magma Dragoon: It's just an illusion!! There's no way she can be related to me! I am an android! I have more important things to do! I don't care what happens to her... but I still have to search for answers!
Voice: Hey... you okay?
Coco: Again? Well... I guess so. Why didn't you tell me?
Voice: Listen - it's about Dragoon. He has feelings for you.
Coco: What do you mean?
Voice: He seems to know you from the past. I'm not sure but he's oddly familiar.
Coco: How can it be? He was practically just created.
Voice: I mean, not as an android but as someone else.
Coco: What? I don't understand.
Voice: In time you will. Now wake up. There's a surprise waiting for you.

Coco opens her eyes. At first her vision is all blurry. But then she looks into a familiar face. A face she loved so dearly. It was Kitsume.

Kitsume: Child… you're all right.
Coco: Kitsume!! (Kitsume got up from her bed, and hugged Kitsume.) I'm glad to see you.
Kitsume: So am I. Are you all right?
Coco: Yeah. I'm better now.
Voice: Hiya Coco! Glad to see you're better.

Coco turns to see Shen Lo Ken, Sarnie, and the two dingocoots.

Coco: Shen! Sarnie! Yarra, Casey! You're all okay.
Casey: Hi Aunt Coco!! We were really worried about ya.
Yarra: Yeah! Where's dad?
Coco: Oh... come to think of it I don't know.
Sarnie: Gee Coco, your clothes are all torn. Here. I had an extra pair of mine in my pack. Change into them.
Kitsume: Go ahead Coco. Shen, Casey, Yarra, go outside for a minute.
Shen Lo Ken: Right. C'mon guys.
Yarra: We're goin'.
Casey: Yep!

As the three guys step outside and go behind a wall Coco throws off her tattered clothes and starts changing into the new ones.

Coco: Man, that was some battle.
Sarnie: Who did that to you?
Kitsume: Slash Beast.
Sarnie: Hey! Didn't you say Slash Beast was of the stronger majority?
Kitsume: Yes! Coco fought valiantly against him.
Sarnie: Wow! Coco, that's awesome! Way ta go, girl!
Coco: Thanks, but it ain't over yet. Kitsume, there's something funny about the android leader, Magma Dragoon.
Kitsume: What is it?
Coco: You mean you don't know?
Kitsume: Of course not.
Shen Lo Ken: (Calling from the hallway) Uh… is it okay to come back in?
Coco: YES!! Come on in Shen - I have something important to talk about.
Shen Lo Ken: Coming. C'mon kids.
Casey: Sure thing mister.

Everyone gathers around as Coco explains about Dragoon.

Coco: Anyway... Dragoon seems to… well… know me!
Sarnie: He knows all of us! He's the enemy.
Coco: Yes and no.
Sarnie: Yes and no?
Kitsume: I understand what Coco is saying. Continue Coco!
Coco: Right. You see, Dragoon is getting to be less of an ally with Cortex. He plans some kind of revolution.
Casey: Yeah, we heard them say that.
Yarra: What does that mean?
Sarnie: Does it mean… he's not Cortex's ally?
Coco: Yes!
Sarnie: So he's a good guy then.
Coco: HUH? No way!!
Kitsume: Maybe in a way he is. Did you beat the Slash Beast Coco?
Coco: Well, no!
Kitsume: Then he let you go. Hmmm... tell us about how he knows you Coco.
Coco: Well, that mysterious voice visited me again. It also visited me during the battle. It gave me my power before it was gone and I was beaten. It told me that Dragoon seems to know me before he was created.
Shen Lo Ken: Before he was created? That doesn't make sense.
Coco: Maybe not, but the voice suggests he could be someone else. We're not sure whom though.
Kitsume: Ah… interesting. Perhaps Dragoon is not a full android.
Shen Lo Ken: Then what could he be?
Coco: I don't know. But the voice told me in time I will know, but when?
Sarnie: Maybe today. OH… Coco… something very important we got to tell ya. I managed to contact Jacko. He got one of his planes fixed.
Coco: Wonderful.
Sarnie: We're gonna meet him in the east tower. He'll fly by and we'll put Casey and Yarra in without having them interfere with the androids.
Casey: Do we have to go?
Coco: It's for your own good Casey.
Yarra: Aunt Coco's right. Those monsters will eat us up!!
Casey: Maybe you're right. Okay, how do we get there?
Shen Lo Ken: What's the plan Sarnie?
Sarnie: There's a long staircase from the West of here. We follow it down a long hallway. Going up some more stairs, we will find a giant tower area. It's big enough to provide a landing area for Jacko. We'll get Casey and Yarra outta here if we hurry.
Kitsume: There is a danger there are androids lying in wait.
Coco: Well I'm ready this time. That rest I got certainly gave my strength back! I only hope that Crash and Danni are okay.
Kitsume: I'm sure they are. Come! We must hurry.
Shen Lo Ken: Okay kids - follow your aunt and the others. I'm gonna stand by to look out for trouble.
Casey: Sure.
Sarnie: Right! Let's go!

So the five adventurers followed Sarnie through the hallways. They were ready to have their kids leave. Little did they know a giant blur was crawling behind them. It was Sting Chameleon in camouflage mode. He immediately stopped and pressed a button on his neck.

Sting Chameleon: This is Sting. I'm in position. They're heading for the East Tower Eagle... are you ready?

Storm Eagle's voice comes through.

Storm Eagle: Yes! Tiger and me are in range. We'll delay that little flight of theirs. As for you, go find the bandicoot!
Sting Chameleon: Yes sir. Good luck sir.
Storm Eagle: And don't mess up this time.
Sting Chameleon: I won't ssssir. Over and out!

Chameleon crawls away and the ambush for the heroes is in wait.
Meanwhile, Octopus is walking Shadra down the hall. Octopus then opens the double doors and pushes Shadra in. The doors soon close. Shadra looks up to see Magma Dragoon sitting in his chair along with Frost Walrus.

Shadra: YOU!! Once Cortex finds out about this he will...
Frost Walrus: Cortex doesn't know - jerk!! We never forgot those nasty things you said about us.
Shadra: What!? HA!! Those were the truth. You're nothing but inferior piles of scrap programmed to do the master's bidding.
Magma Dragoon: We realize your energy has been sucked dry. Try and fight one of us "Inferior Piles of Scrap" now!
Shadra: Even without my energy, or my staff, I will have no trouble defeating you!
Frost Walrus: Okay spanky - let's see how ya handle this!
Mamga Dragoon: Open the gate and let Slash Beast make this non-believer believe.
Shadra: You don't scare me. And neither does this Slash Beast. Cortex will ruin you for sure.
Magma Dragoon: Is that a fact? Well I hope you won't be too surprised because we're about to show you how wrong you are. RELEASE THE SLASH BEAST!! And this time no mercy will be shown.
Frost Walrus: HA HA HA HA!!! I'm so anxious to watch ya get ripped apart Shadra. Seeya in Hell you rotten cat!!
Shadra: That's it! After I'm done with this guy I'm goin' after you!
Frost Walrus: YEAH!?!? C'mon tough guy, bring it on!! Right after Slash Beast… DORK!!
Shadra: You dare keep insulting me?
Frost Walrus: Who's your daddy, who's your daddy? HA HA HA HA!!!! DIE SHADRA!!!!

The neon cage opens up in front of Shadra. The Slash Beast jumps out and stare viciously at Shadra.

Magma Dragoon: Rip this worm apart!!
Frost Walrus: And bring back his ear for me! HA HA HA HA!!!
Shadra: ERGH!! Idiots! They think I'm gonna lose! Well they just wait and see.

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