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Part 22 – Slash Beast’s Final Attack

Our heroes approach Slash Beast with extreme precautions, high spirits and full power…

Danni: Are you sure you want to take out Slash Beast?
Coco: It’s the only way to confront my dad. There has to be a way to sort him out, whether he’s a bad guy or not…
Kitsume: Coco, you don’t understand…
Coco: OF COURSE I UNDERSTAND! How else can I free my dad from the android armour?
Danni: Take it easy, kid. You never know what tricks androids have up their sleeve…
Coco: Big deal. Those guys can’t surprise us, even if we’re at a birthday party.
Magma Dragoon: We’ll show you a surprise. Get them, Slash Beast!

Slash Beast growled with fury and then charged towards the team with its powerful claws. The gang evaded it with extreme caution and attacked with energy beams one by one, leaving Coco until last…


Slash Beast looked like it was losing strength, but over time, it managed to break free from the attack, and sent the crew flying towards the walls.

Coco: I guess that didn’t work.
Kitsume: Hang on – I have an idea.
Meanwhile, deeper in the castle, Frost Walrus was sneaking through looking for Cortex…

Frost Walrus: (looks around) Just you wait, doc – I very much doubt you’ll ever face me alive…

Looking angry, he starts to walk faster with eagerness, until…


Frost Walrus: (gasps) Aye caramba! (looks around with panic) Who the heck…


The castle started to shake, and Frost Walrus got even more nervous than ever. Then a few seconds later, what looked like an android but 10 times bigger was approaching him…

Frost Walrus: (shakes) Mucho Mambo! (breathes fast) Are you one of those androids who Magma Dragoon promised to make?
Voice: SILENCE!!!!!!!!
Frost Walrus: (blushes anime-style) Sorry to hurt you…
Voice: Hurt you? You and your stinking friends were the ones who are about to hurt US!
Frost Walrus: Huh?

The pilots of the robot were finally able to see…

Frost Walrus: Cortex and N. Gin? NOT YOU GUYS!
Cortex: That’s “Yes you guys!” if you ask me!

Frost Walrus growled with anger and leered at the two…

Cortex: So, you want to cause a rebellion, do you? Well, get this – It – isn’t – going – to – happen!

Frost Walrus: Why not, Nit Wit?

Cortex growled with anger and clenched his fists tightly.

N. Gin: That’s because you are a bunch of losers with disrespect!
Frost Walrus: So are you, dorks!
Cortex: Dorks?!? We’ll show you dorks! I bet we can thrash you easily!
N. Gin: Careful now…
Cortex: Judging by the size, your chance of winning is just a mere 20-1!
N. Gin: Er, Dr. Cortex…
Cortex: And besides, we are more powerful than all the androids put together!
N. Gin: If that’s so, how come you failed to kill those bandicoots for the past few years?
Cortex: Er… good point.
Frost Walrus: If you have power, show it to me!
Cortex: Fine. We will.
N. Gin: Yes, but please be careful with the weapon selection…
Cortex: Look – I know how to control a robot, so I can’t lose!
N. Gin: OK, suit yourself.
Cortex: Right, Mr. Canned Tuna, it’s payback time!

A few trigger buttons were pressed and a whole batch of atomic missiles were launched right at Frost Walrus, but immediately he shot a frost tower right at them, disabling them all.

Frost Walrus: Is that all you’ve got?
Cortex: That’s just an appetiser! Prepare for the main course!

Some more atomic missiles were fired alongside a huge combination of powerful laser beams, mega drain charges, nuclear mines, TNT packages and nitro boxes, but Frost used all of his ice power on a frost blast in order to disable not only the missiles, but the whole robot from head to toe!

Frost Walrus: (pants) Given up?
Cortex: (panics) N. Gin! Do you have any more bright ideas?
N. Gin: I don’t think so – this is all we have!

Frost Walrus tried to launch another frost tower to destroy them, but all that came out was just air!

Frost Walrus: Oh… looks like I’ve just got one more thing to resort to…

Frost Walrus charged towards the frozen robot tusks first with fury, while Cortex and N. Gin rushed about the cockpit to find a way out…
Meanwhile, back with the others, there was unfinished business with Slash Beast. At this moment they all shot an energy beam at the head at the same time, but once again they were sent flying onto the walls.

Coco: Kitsume, do you have any more ideas?
Kitsume: Looks like we have to resort to plan V.
Danni: Plan V? Like, how many other plans do you have to come up with?
Coco: I guess we’re hopeless. This is going to take ages…
Voice: Coco, don’t forget you have an increased amount of strength, so use it wisely.
Coco: But we tried all sorts of tactics already, and they failed…
Voice: Coco, if you learn to face your enemies with more dignity, then you may stand a chance of winning.
Coco: Grrrr… THAT’S IT!

She charges towards Slash Beast with power and performed a super combo on Slash Beast, destroying his claws.

Danni: Way to go, Coco!
Shen Lo Ken: Yes, but take it easy – you don’t know the surprise up his sleeve…
Coco: Like I said, Shen, there is no way those androids will surprise us!
Magma Dragoon: You wanna bet?
Coco: I bet!
Magma Dragoon: Think again!

Slash Beast got on all fours, got into a pouncing position and opened a hatch in its mane, revealing a small cannon…

Coco: A cannon? What the heck…

Slash Beast fired a laser beam straight at Coco and bruised her severely, sending her to the same walls. Looking too hurt to fight, it charged towards Coco with anger and meanness. Coco was too scared and hurt to scream…

Coco: (faintly) I guess this is it… what will come of me? What will happen to my mates, and more importantly… my family? I’ll never be back with my dad… who knows what will make of him…

Suddenly, she started to glow.

Coco: Huh? What’s happening?

A pink power was swirling round her, and she started feeling stronger…

Danni: Wow, Coco! You’ve ascended!
Coco: Have I? EUREKA!
Kitsume: Not quite…
Coco: Shut up, Mrs. Smarty-pants! I bet I’ve more power than Crash has right now! Let me at it! Let me at it!

Coco charged up, while Slash Beast charged his cannon up. Soon enough, both of them sent out an energy beam, causing a death-defying explosion.

Shen Lo Ken: COCO!

Danni screamed.


The explosion cleared up, and what remained was a ruined area with burning ashes. At the far side of the room was a dark figure holding what looked like a leg. The stranger appeared out of the darkness… it was Coco with a paw of Slash Beast in her hand!

Danni: Coco! You did it!
Shen Lo Ken: Congratulations, kid! Looks like you have shown your strength!
Coco: Aw, shucks! Looks like I’m even!
Kitsume: I very much doubt it…
Coco: Look – what’s important is that I’m an ascended bandicoot. Right?
Kitsume: Wrong.
Coco: Huh?
Kitsume: You have gained more strength than you have in previous battles due to more experience, but to be an ascended warrior you have to take your courage to the limits. Do you see?
Coco: (sighs) I guess you’re right. Still, at least I have the strength to confront Dragoon.
Kitsume: Careful, Coco – you don’t understand…
Coco: Too late – he’s mine!

Coco walks towards Dragoon with extreme courage.
Part 23 – Coco’s Envy

Coco stood with confidence in front of Magma Dragoon; who had his arms folded as he glared down at his powerful daughter.

Magma Dragoon: So, your strength has become much greater than one could have imagined.
Coco: (swaying her hair with her hand) Yep. I bet ya you never thought I could do it huh?
Magma Dragoon: (snickering) I suppose you're right. After all no mere mortal could have defeated Slash Beast. But once Frost Walrus gets back; we'll test your true strength.
Coco: I'm not waiting for Walrus.
Magma Dragoon: WHAT!?!
Coco: We do it... NOW!!!

The three warriors behind Coco's back are shocked.

Shen Lo Ken: Now!??
Danni: Are you bonka's?
Kitsume: Coco… please! I urge you to refrain!!

Coco turned to the trio with a hard stare.

Coco: Stay out of this - this is my fight for one reason.
Shen Lo Ken: And what reason is that?
Coco: One you shouldn't know!!
Magma Dragoon: (smirking) so you have not told them. Very well, seeing how you will fail miserably at this attempt, we'll keep our little secret to ourselves.
Coco: Fine by me.

The three warriors began to look concerned.

Danni: Secret?
Shen Lo Ken: What are those two hiding that we can't know?
Kitsume: I don't know but somehow it all elates to Coco. It's like there's something between those two… but what?
Back with Frost Walrus and Cortex; Frost Walrus rushed towards the mighty robot with great speed.

Frost Walrus: Ha ha ha ha ha!! FREIGHT TRAIN!!!!! HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!

The two manic doctors struggled desperately to eject.

Cortex: Oh no - we're trapped!!
N. Gin: It's no good. We're done for!
Cortex: That's it N. Gin - we're going to get killed by your stupid androids!!!
N. Gin: But they weren't really mine - I stole their designs!
Cortex: What!??!
N. Gin: Before we die; I have a confession to make. I stole the designs for the androids from another doctor named Sai Borg.
Cortex: There's another evil doctor out there… besides ME!??!
N. Gin: Yes.
Cortex: Why didn't you...

Frost Walrus is just about to ram his mighty tusks into the giant robot; when all of a sudden, a sudden explosion goes right up in between the robot and Frost Walrus.

Cortex: What the...?
N. Gin: Who was that??

Frost Walrus looked through the towering wall of smoke.

Frost Walrus: OK, who's the wise guy!?!?

When the smoke cleared Walrus could see a bright light glowing in the distance. He looked at it. It was accompanied by another figure. It was Crash and Sarnie.

Frost Walrus: Huh? What on Earth?

The two evil doctors could not believe their eyes.

Cortex: Crash??
N. Gin: Sarnie??
Cortex: What are the doing... oh!! They've come to stop the android.
N. Gin: And maybe us if we don't escape soon!!
Cortex: Oh right!!

Frost Walrus stared at the two figures for a while. But he just smirked and stared maliciously back at them like always.

Frost Walrus: Hold the phone here - I know who you are. You're Crash right?
Crash: Yeah, that I am.
Frost Walrus: (looking at Sarnie) And who's your friend?
Sarnie: My name's Sarnie!!
Frost Walrus: Oh... heh heh… say… can I call you SARN!?!?!?
Sarnie: WHAT!?!?!?! (Sarnie was fuelled with rage)
Frost Walrus: Wha...? Hey - don't tell me you get pissed just cause I call ya SARN!!!!

Crash holds Sarnie back.

Crash: Hey hey hey, take it easy. This guy's powerful. Don't attack him just yet. Be calm.
Sarnie: But he called me 'Sarn'.
Crash: Well we'll work on that thing later. Right now; I gotta take him out.
Sarnie: Oh okay.
Frost Walrus: HEY CRASH!!! You say you wanna fight me!?!?
Crash: That's right.
Frost Walrus: Okay then. But I gotta tell ya; I was in the middle of killin' Cortex and N. Gin here. You should be thankin' me for tryin'.
Crash: Maybe so... but I don't wave a finger about them right now. You and Dragoon are the ones I'm after.
Frost Walrus: Okay then. If that's the way ya feel then fine. Make my day buddy boy!
Crash: You got it!
Back with Dragoon and Coco, Dragoon stares into Coco's eyes.

Magma Dragoon: Are you sure you want to go through with this my dear?
Coco: Positive!! Now c'mon - I'm ready for you!!

Magma Dragoon then sensed what was happening with Frost Walrus.

Magma Dragoon: (thinking to himself) There's an enormous power near Walrus. It's incredible - way beyond his, and almost up to mine. YES!! It's Crash!! Hmmmm... no matter. I'm still superior. And this is just what his rambunctious kid sister is gonna find out too.
Coco: H-EL-LOOOOO!!!! Are we ready yet!?!?
Magma Dragoon: Yes but are you sure you would like to go alone? You can take a friend of yours alongside you to aid in the fight!!
Kitsume: I'll go. I know what will happen.
Danni: No… I will! Coco is my sister-in-law; and I have a responsibility for her.
Shen Lo Ken: No… me. She's like a little sister to me; and the only family I got. I'd be willing to risk my life for her.

But Coco did not accept their terms.

Coco: No… I go alone!!
All three warriors: WHAT!?!?!?!?!
Coco: I don't need you guys; you'll just get killed. Sides', I can take this old tin can any old day. Please guys, lemme do this.
Kitsume: Coco no… please… NO!!!!
Coco: Please. Don't treat me like a little girl but like a woman instead!!
Danni: Coco you're no less of a woman if you just have one of us fight with you.
Coco: Listen!! My brother destroyed those other androids by himself. If I can beat Dragoon; then it will prove that I am his equal.
Kitsume: Coco listen!! Those androids were one thing but Dragoon is COMPLETELY different. He'll slaughter you.
Coco: KITSUME!! I don't care. I wanna fight him do or die. Please understand that. I am brave enough to face this android.

Kitsume fell silent; and was alone in her thoughts.

Kitsume: (thinking to herself) Envy!! Coco is jealous of her brother. She only wants to fight Dragoon for personal pride, and there's something else. I don't know what to do. She may even kill us if we intervene in her fight. So be it. I'll let Dragoon knock her back into her senses. Once she receives enough pain to realize that what she did was foolish, then she will refrain. Besides no one, not even Crash can beat Dragoon. He's near impossible. I hate to do this but I have no choice.

Kitusme then spoke up.

Kitsume: (sighs) Very well Coco... your request is granted. Fight him on your own.
Shen and Danni: WHAT!?!?!?!?
Coco: Thank you Kitsume.
Danni: Kitsume, how could you!?!? She's just a young girl!
Kitsume: You will know when the time comes. Besides I know Dragoon won't kill her, but there is only one way Coco will learn. And that's to fight this android menace herself!
Shen Lo Ken: But you can't....
Coco: Shen!! Be quiet. I'll handle this. Thank you Kitsume for giving me a chance. You three may leave now.
Kitsume: We may have granted your request. But I WILL NOT leave you. If you're close to death I'll save you no matter what happens.
Coco: Fine... now let's get to it.

Coco walks with a strong stride up to Dragoon.

Danni: It's like a lamb being led to the slaughta'. Kitsume you can't let Coco do this.
Kitsume: I know...but what choice do we have?
Shen Lo Ken: Please... I beg you to get her out of there.
Kitsume: Forget it. It's the only way she'll learn.
Danni: But he'll kill her.
Kitsume: Believe me he won't.

Coco walked up to Dragoon; and stood in front of him. She then clenched her fists and illuminated in a bright pink blaze!!!! The earth was shattering as she let out a huge war cry. Her power was goin' through the charts. But still, Dragoon remained calm, and didn't seem the least bit concerned. After a few minutes of powering up she finally relaxed her strength, and was ready.

Coco: How was that!??
Magma Dragoon: (smiling confidently) Not bad girl!! You are indeed a true warrior. But even true warriors are no match for... master warriors!! Your power is impressive but it's nowhere near mine!!
Coco: Yeah? Prove it!!
Magma Dragoon: Very you wish!!

The dark hour ahs finally come. Coco and Dragoon face off in a showdown of the century. And Crash is ready to fight Frost Walrus.
Part 24 – The Last Android

Coco looked on with determination to finish off Dragoon once and for all. But Dragoon did not seem nervous in the least; and was most certainly not ready to be defeated by his astringed daughter.

Coco: Are you ready to face me?

Dragoon seemed to show a crooked smile.

Magma Dragoon: More than ever - I hate to say this Coco but your rage has made you less aware than ever. I understand you're a bright young lady but your envious pride has overtaken the real you. The real you would know better than to tackle me.

Coco just laughed. But in her mind Kitsume knew Dragoon was right.
Kitsume: (thinking to herself.) Coco's wrath has really affected her way of thinking. If only her desires were gone and she would be able to see past this illusion. This is the only way she'll learn... I hate to say it... but it's the only way to bring her back.
Danni: Kitsume we can still help.
Kitsume: No. It's best this way. Let Coco settle this.
Shen Lo Ken: Do you think she stands a chance?
Kitsume: I'm not sure but I do know Dragoon won't kill her for some reason!
Danni: Really?
Kitsume: Yes. There's something strange about him. At any rate this could get ugly. I advise you to prepare yourselves for the worst.
Shen Lo Ken: I see...
Danni: Yes I have faith in Coco but I don't think she's quite cut out to beat the head honcho himself.
Kitsume: Yes… he truly is a product of power.
Elsewhere Frost Walrus and Crash stare into each other's eyes with malicious anticipation.

Frost Walrus: Okay fuzzy - let's see what you can do!
Crash: More than you can possibly appreciate.
Frost Walrus: Heh heh… think so eh? We'll see. Okay... enough chit-chat - time to get down to the nitty-gritty!
Sarnie: Whop him good Crash.
Frost Walrus: Ahhh... shut up... SARN!!!
Sarnie: Grrrrrrrr... C'mon Crash; let me get him!!
Frost Walrus: What an ass sore. Just cause I call her SARN she gets all fussy about it. Can you explain it? (Looking at Crash)
Crash: No need to. Now let's just get this over with. I got an appointment with Dragoon.
Frost Walrus: Hmph!! Fine… be a screw-up! It's yours who's gonna be mine! Now watch this buddy boy cause I got some neat tactics to show yas!! Hee hee! Here I come bucko!!!

Frost Walrus raises his massive fists, and begins pounding away at Crash. Crash blocks each move with his hands, and pushes each of Walrus's massive fists away. Frost Walrus doesn't even maim him one bit even though his fists go at an incredible rate. Crash sends his fists back leaving Walrus dumbfounded.

Frost Walrus: HEY... not bad kid! But let's see how ya handle this!

Frost Walrus raised his giant fists into the air and yelled at the top of his lungs!!

Frost Walrus: FROST BLAST!!!!!!!!

Frost Walrus fired a huge ice bema towards Crash from his mouth. It hits Crash dead on leaving him frozen in a block of ice.

Frost Walrus: Ha ha... whaddya know? Cold Hard Crash!! HA HA HA HA... huh?

Walrus then notices the ice cracking; within a second Crash is free from his icy prison as he sends shards of ice flying everywhere.

Frost Walrus: WHAT!?!?!? NO WAY... HOW'D YA DO THAT!?!?!?
Crash: (smirking) Simple dummy - I ascended!
Frost Walrus: Ascended!?!? WHADDYA MEAN ACENDED!?!??!
Crash: I grew some more levels you moron! I'm twice as strong as any of you! I'm a million times stronger than before! And judging by the outlook of things you and Dragoon don’t stand a chance.

Frost Walrus just growled!!

Frost Walrus: Ahhhhh... what a buncha lies!! You're full of it bandiboy!! If you so big; try and hit me with your best shot!!
Crash: You bet!!

Crash gains speed and rushes towards Walrus. Walrus just grins.

Frost Walrus: Heh... sucker!! AVALANCHE BLAST!!!!!!!

Frost Walrus; using his frosty breath, released an array of giant cold hard snowballs with icicle spikes sticking out oft hem. They all headed towards Crash. But Crash raised his fists, and pounded every one of them into tiny particles. Walrus was dumbfounded.

Frost Walrus: HUH!?!? THIS CAN'T BE!!!

Crash was pummelling every snowball heading his way. He was really close to Walrus. But Walrus had another attack up his sleeve. Before Crash could punch him, Walrus leaped into the air, and raised his giant fist!
Frost Walrus: EAT THIS CHUMP!!!! YAAAA!!!!!

Frost Walrus released a giant blue beam from his hands, and sent it onto Crash. The beam caused a huge explosion, right where Crash was standing. The smoke was still burning; and Frost Walrus glided down to the huge smoking crater.

Frost Walrus: I gotta admit… he was one tough costumer. But all of them meet and end sooner or later!
Voice: Well not today.
Frost Walrus: Huh?

Frost Walrus turned around. He saw Crash standing right behind him!! He was in constant shock!!

Frost Walrus: This is IMPOSSIBLE!! YOU SHOULD BE DEAD!!!!!
Crash: No but you will be.
Frost Walrus: Ah... ah... ag...

Before Walrus could react Crash rushed and punched him in his huge armoured stomach. Walrus's eyes bulged and he began to cough and yell in pain. He then toppled onto the ground like a pile of scrap.

Frost Walrus: Ugh... ergh... no... ugh… way!!

Frost Walrus looked into the eyes of Crash.
Frost Walrus: Where... urgh… did... you... ugh... come from?

Crash: I always lived here, and you were the product of my nemesis... Dr. Cortex.

That's when Frost Walrus sneered, and regained his stance.

Frost Walrus: Dr. Cortex? Hoo boy you're way off! According to Dragoon we weren't even supposed to be made by Cortex.
Crash: Huh? What do you mean?
Frost Walrus: Hee hee! Brother... we were originally made by another guy - a guy named Sai borg. But Cortex stole his plans. And to top things off Sai Borg's another android!!

Crash was astonished. Frost Walrus and the other androids were products of another doctor… who was an android himself?

Crash: What? How....
Frost Walrus: Hee hee! That's all i'm gonna tell ya. Cause in a few minutes it won't matter!! HEEEYYYA!!!!!!

Frost Walrus raised his mighty fist; expecting to clobber Crash with it. But Crash reacted, and used his own hand to grab the massive fist. Walrus was shocked!!

Frost Walrus: NO!!!! WHO ARE YOU?!?! WHAT ARE YOU... YOU... FREAK!!!!
Crash: I am the strongest fighter in the world. Whoever your friend Sai Borg is... I will fidn him too. As for you you're nothing but scrap now. This is the end for you android!
Crash: It's easy!! You're among the last. After you it's Dragoon. Goodbye Walrus - your menace is no longer tolerated here!!

Crash raised his empty hand and pointed it at Walrus!!
Frost Walrus: WHY YOU DIRTY RAT... I'LL...

It was too late; a large yellow bema was blasted from Crash's fist, and it sent Frost Walrus flying into the air. Parts of Walrus began to fall off by the blast as it sent him flying up into space. Walrus was falling apart by the blast. A sudden explosion then silenced his screams. His eyes bulged, and he coughed his final cough. A huge explosion filled the air, and only charred parts of metal fell to the ground. That was the end of Frost Walrus.

Crash: He's gone now.
Sarnie: Good riddance! He had the very nerve to call me that name!! HMPH!!!

Cortex and N. Gin were still looking at Crash in awe!!

Cortex: How did he...?
N. Gin: His power's... beyond belief!
Cortex: It's impossible. He'd beat us for sure!!

Crash came gliding towards Cortex's robotic armour; which was still frozen. He blasted the frozen casing away, and tore off the hood tot eh robot's cockpit with his bare hands.

Cortex: Wait… er… Crash... I can....
N. Gin: That's it... we're done for.

But Crash wasn't going to kill them.

Crash: I'm here to stop the androids. Dragoon is the last; and there is another android I wish to seek. I'll spare your lives on one condition. Where is the main area Dragoon's in?

Cortex knew Crash's motive. He decided to give it to him.

Cortex: You'll find it in the centre of the castle. Hurry now - from this point it's a little far. But with speed like that you'll be able to reach it!
Crash: All right! I'm going to put an end to this! C'mon Sarnie!!

The bandicoot and the bobcat blasted off; but not too fast; because Crash wanted to conserve his energy. Cortex was still puzzled.

Cortex: His power... how?
N. Gin: And... how did he know... about Sai Borg?
Cortex: Maybe... that's not even Crash.
N. Gin: Huh? It's gotta be him - the glow in his eyes.
Cortex: Yes... it's always been there. But; how did he know Sai borg?
N. Gin: There's something weird here!

Frost Walrus is finished; and now only ONE android is left - the ultimate fighting machine; Magma Dragoon.
Part 25 – The Last Upshot

Kitsume, Danni, and Shen stared wide-eyed at Coco as she stood confidently before Magma Dragoon.

Shen Lo Ken: Look Kitsume - I gotta bad feeling about this. Let's just help Coco out.
Kitsume: There's something that needs to be confirmed and us interfering will just make it worse. As you said you both have great faith in Coco. Well now show it and let her face Dragoon alone. Trust me - Dragoon will not kill her.

Coco then looked back at Kitsume and the others.

Coco: Leave!
Shen Lo Ken: Huh?
Coco: Leave now. This is a personal issue. I want to defeat Dragoon myself. Believe me, there's a good reason for this.

Kitsume looked at the others and nodded.

Kitsume: Yes… there is indeed a good reason to do so. Now let us leave Coco and Dragoon to settle this. We must go back home and wait.
Danni: WHAT!!!?? Are you off yer nut Kitsume? Why are we doin' this?
Kitsume: Because I too sense the reason why Coco wishes to fight alone.
Shen Lo Ken: What is it?
Kitsume: I cannot say. I cannot tell. We must leave this to her and Dragoon. Trust me, she will live.

It seemed a bit confusing but soon Danni and Shen looked at Coco's approving gaze to Kitsume. Finally, they gave in.

Shen Lo Ken: All right but if anything happens....
Coco: Nothing will happen. I'm here to finish this.
Danni: All right. Good luck mate! We'll be rootin' for ya.
Kitsume: Come with me. We need to go back home to Casey and Yarra. We must get Crash and Sarnie first.
Shen Lo Ken: Okay, I trust your judgement Kitsume.
Danni: All right. Coco, if yer in danger, just let us know.
Coco: It won't be necessary! I gotta do this for my own reasons. (then winking at Danni and smiling) Besides you know I can do it.
Danni: (Giving a small smile) Yeah… I suppose yer right.
Kitsume: Come now - we must go meet Crash and Sarnie.
Shen Lo Ken: Okay… good luck Coco.
Danni: You can do it mate!

And the three warriors blasted off leaving Coco and Dragoon standing face to face. Coco stared into Dragon's eyes. She could hardly believe what had happened – Dragoon, her biomechanical father. It was mind-boggling; but at the same time... interesting. If only her mother was alive to tell her. But no matter it was time to bury her past as well.

Magma Dragoon: Before you resume your pathetic attempts I still am going to warn you that your chances of winning are non-existent. Coco you have your own father proud in many ways. But unfortunately it won't really matter.
Coco: Enough lectures - just let me finish this once and for all.
Magma Dragoon: (chuckling) Very well… let ‘em see what you can do little girl!

At that moment Coco's reflexes snapped and she sprang forward towards Dragoon. She began tot throw wild punches at his body. Dragoon managed to block each and every one of her punches with his powerful arms. Coco kept punching wildly as Dragoon kept his arms blocked. Nothing was working. Dragoon was being drawn back, but he still was standing and smiling as he saw coco punching away as hard as she could. Then, Dragoon grabbed one of her arms, and propelled Coco towards him. He then kneed coco in the chest with his right leg. The pain that was caused was very severe to Coco. She felt the wind being knocked out of her. Then, Dragoon cast her aside like an old rag. Coco clutched her stomach as she tried to get back up from the ground. As she slowly turned her head, she saw Dragoon standing with his back turned to her.

Magma Dragoon: Well it appears you are not as great as a daughter I had produced. ‘Tis sad really.
Coco: (her anger growing stronger) We'll see... EAT THIS!!!

Coco stood up, and shoot a large Kamehama blast at Dragoon with his back still turned. The blast caused a huge explosion that surrounded Dragoon. The explosion pretty much destroyed the entire castle; leaving piles of rubble behind. Coco stood in one place, breathing heavily. That one blast took up about half of her energy. But she saw no sign of Dragoon, and smiled triumphantly. Her smile then turned to disbelief, as the smoke cleared. The cleared smoke then revealed that Dragoon was not dead but in fact… alive. And there was not a single scratch on him. And coco no was growing even more worried, because she knew there was not enough strength left to beat him.

Coco: NO!! He's... he survived. Oh… he was right… I can't… beat him.

Dragoon then turned and faced Coco.

Magma Dragoon: My dear daughter... it appears that fate knows best in this situation. Oh… but don't dispair - I assure you I don't intend to kill you... yet.

Coco then had a confused look on her face.

Coco: Wha… why not?
Magma Dragoon: Elementary, because I have more important things to worry about.
Elsewhere, Kitsume and the others joined up with Crash and Sarnie.

Crash: And you're telling me that you let my own sister take on Dragoon himself?
Kitsume: Yes.
Crash: But why? I need to go to her.
Kitsume: Crash… there is a very important reason. There's something that tells me that Dragoon will not kill her.
Crash: Well I'm not gonna wait to find out - she's my sis.
Kitsume: I know Crash, but please listen to me. There's something that tells me she'll be fine.
Crash: I don't care. I gotta know for sure!!!

(Crash then blasted off away from the group)

Danni: What the...
Kitsume: Don't worry - let's just wait for them to return home.
Shen Lo Ken: But Kit you've been lettin' people slide recently.
Kitsume: Trust me on this.
Sarnie: I dunno.
Kitsume: It's best we return home. We have to check on Casey and Yarra. Jacko and Sheila are with them right now.
Danni: I do miss them but I'm still worried about Crash and Coco.
Kitsume: I can feel their power. They won't fight Dragoon and Dragoon will not destroy them. Trust me on this. Let's just head home.

The group thought about this for a moment, and then decided to go with Kitsume's decision.

Danni: Well… if you think it's the best way.
Kitsume: I believe it is. Trust me.
Sarnie: Okay - we'll do it.
Shen: It's gonna be hard but I'm sure you always have the right judgement Kitsume.
Danni: Can't argue with that.
Kitsume: Then follow me. Trust me.

So they blasted off and followed Kitsume back to their home to wait for what would happen.
Coco was still facing off and staring in wonder at Dragoon.

Coco: Dragoon it amazes me that you're my father… but what amazes me more is the fact that you don't want to kill me.
Magma Dragoon: You see my dear I have important things to search for. My original creator, Dr. Sai Borg, is somewhere in this world. I need to flush him out and get reacquainted with him so I can aid in his conquest. Besides dear Coco it would be too easy to defeat you now. If I let you live you could grow even stronger and then you may prove somewhat of a challenge to me.
Coco: And those are your reasons?
Magma Dragoon: I sense yes. (Looks up in the sky to see Crash coming) Oh... and look who’s here - your astringed brother!

Crash then landed near where Dragoon and Coco were standing.

Crash: Coco… are you okay?
Coco: Yes Crash… I'll be fine. Except Dragoon's got something planned.

Dragoon just smiled and then began to rise into the air.

Magma Dragoon: So Crash, you came to stop me eh?
Crash: Darn right.
Magma Dragoon: Well sorry to disappoint you but you see; I've got a rather important date with my creator. You see, there's someone else out there whom has shown me true light, and I must meet with for something urgent.
Crash: Oh no you don't - just try and stop me!!
Magma Dragoon: I will not fight you now but here's something that shall prevent you from reaching me!!

Magma Dragoon then pout his hands together and began to light up.

Magma Dragoon: BLAZE FARE!!!!!!!!!!!

Magma Dragoon then illuminated into a golden yellow, that became too bright to coco and Crash. Soon, they averted their eyes, and began to be blinded by the massive flare. Dragoon laughed wickedly as the massive intense light blinded them. Then, Dragoon took flight and flew away from Crash and Coco, and out tot eh seas to look for Sai Borg.

Magma Dragoon: Time to meet my creator… the true creator… and then I will be complete!

And he disappeared over the horizon! After the light died down, Crash and coco gradually regained their eyesight. They looked and saw Dragoon was gone.

Crash: Ergh… darn… he ran away.
Coco: (looking into the sky) No Crash - he's out there looking for Sai borg.
Crash: He is?
Coco: Yes… his true creator.
Crash: Well we gotta stop him.

Coco then motioned for Crash to stop.

Coco: No Crash! Not yet. I fought him - he';s too powerful! He gave me another chance.
Crash: Huh? Why?
Coco: I can't say it Crash but let's just say he kinda has a thing for me and he gave me another chance to fight him again.
Crash: That's impossible… why?
Coco: I told you Crash, I can't say. But in time we'll get stronger and meet him again. Then, we'll get to face Sai Borg as well. Things look grim but we're gonna have to train extra hard in order to achieve our strength.
Crash: I see... Kitsume was right. Dragoon must have something for you to have him spare you.
Coco: Indeed, but I cannot say what it is.
Crash: Well come on - let's go back. Everyone's waiting.
Coco: Yes… let's get outta here.

And they both blasted off to head back fro home. But coco couldn't help but look at Crash and know the awful truth that was revealed. She knew now wasn't the best time to tell about him but later, when they would meet Dragoon and Sai Borg, there would be a better opportunity.

So the end of the nine androids soon turned into the beginning. While most of the androids died only one lived. And he is now looking for the mysterious and deadly Sai Borg.

As Crash and Coco got back home thimgs got back to normal as time went by. She and Crash began to train harder, as well as everyone else.

But the fear of the future threats and even mroe androids was still lurking in the back of everyone's minds.

What would it be like?

How strong were they?

And who was Sai Borg?

Things grew even more terrifying and Coco still kept the awful secret to herself - she never even told Kitsume.

But everyone was preparing when the dark day would arrive.

And no one was certain what would be the result.

Only time would tell.

******THE END******

The Android Miniseries - part 1
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