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Part 1: The Terror Begins!!

Deep in Cortex Castle, where the dark halls and chilly night winds blow through... where damp dungeons attract stinky vermin to the stench of death... where many concoctions of mystery and danger are being produced... the one man who inherits this castle, Dr. Neo Cortex, has been scheming up new ways to rid the world of Crash Bandicoot, his sister Coco Bandicoot, and his friends, Danni, Sarnie, Jacko, and Kitsume! For years, Cortex has been foiled one way and another! And in the past he realized that Crash, Coco, and Danni have reached new levels of power!! Ever since then they became more powerful as well as the disappearance of their mentors, Cobraz and Shen Lo Ken! They became like… Super Saiyans! Cortex needed a way to get rid of them! And tonight… he had finally found it!

Cortex: N. Gin! Have you harnessed enough power?
N. Gin: Yes Dr. Cortex...each android will inherit the power harnessed from what is left of the Dark Ruby!
Cortex: Hmmm... The bandicoot and his friends should have destroyed it when they had the chance! Now it will give us an opportunity to revive our chances of victory!
N. Gin: These android I have designed are naturally made killers! The bandicoot and his friends will not survive their attacks!
Cortex: And seeing how most of their energy had been lost from that most unfortunate battle with Lorg... our chances are even better than before!
N. Gin: So far Master Cortex, many of our androids have turned out VERY well!
Cortex: What abilities do they have that make them deadly?
N. Gin: Many!!! Let me read each one off for you!
Cortex: Please do!
N. Gin: All right then! There's Storm Eagle! He has the ability to create powerful winds from his wings or the special blaster implanted on his hand!
Cortex: Tell me the others!
N. Gin: Sting Chameleon - With the unique ability to not only inflict severe wounds from green lasers and his tongue… but also has the ability to disappear and hide from his enemies without getting hit!
Cortex: Excellent!
N. Gin: Then there's Blast Octopus - He can shoot multiple missiles out with his tentacles… and even use them as a life drain!
Cortex: Oh... this is getting interesting!
N. Gin: Toxic Seahorse - His ability to poison his enemies weakens his opponents... but he also has deadly fumes and ooze, which he can emit!
Cortex: This is working quite well!!
N. Gin: Next is an odd one.... Boomer Kuwanger - He may look odd, but he is extremely fast...and his horns can also be used as a boomerang!
Cortex: What else is there?
N. Gin: There is Neon Tiger - He is fast, lethal and his neon claws can cut through anything!!
Cortex: Wonderful!! These cyborgs are turning out better than I thought!!
N. Gin: There are more!!!
Cortex: Oh… more you say!?!? EXCELLENT!!
N. Gin: Yes!! There is also Volt Catfish - This one is a personal favourite of mine! He can shock his opponents with over 100,000 volts of electricity in store!! It's especially effective in water!! Plus… electric sparks may shoot out of his giant mouth!! HEHEHE!!
Cortex: Too ugly!! Are there any more!
N. Gin: Yes!! There is Slash Beast!! - He is VERY strong, and he can cut through anything with his claws and teeth, very agile and quick, and has secret artillery!!
Cortex: I like this one!! What is left?
N. Gin: A very large one!! Frost Walrus - He is mighty, strong, and his breath can freeze anything in place!! He can crush opponents like there is no tomorrow! And he also has painful ice lasers!
Cortex: My… This big fellow shows promise!! That is all N. Gin?
N. Gin: Not quite!! I have a special one to show you! Come with me!
N. Gin leads Cortex into his laboratory! In front of Cortex is a giant suit of metallic armour with wires connected to it!

Cortex: What is this?
N. Gin: The leader of our special Android Force!
Cortex: What is his name?
N. Gin: He shall be called Magma Dragoon - I made him the most powerful!!! He possesses fire abilities that can summon lava, shoot long waves of fire from his mouth, or from all over his body!! His power is higher than any of the androids I have shown you!! He shall lead them all!!
Cortex: I like this one!! Bold-looking, fierce, powerful.... just how exactly will he lead my android army?
N. Gin: I devised chips for androids to think!! Every android will get one… but this one... Magma Dragoon... will receive a special chip... in which he will think like a normal human... and will give the commands as if he had a mind of it's own!!
Cortex: Will the others think?
N. Gin: Yes, but they are programmed to obey. This one will be programmed to obey and be independent as well!!!
Cortex: Excellent work N. Gin... all these androids you showed me are magnificent!! Install the chips and get things started!! I have an entire army now to conquer the world!!
N. Gin: Yes Cortex!!
N. Gin went to work… and began installing the chips into the android army of terror!! They now stood fully erect! It wasn't until the special chip was placed into Magma Dragoon! It came to life!!

Note: Magma Dragoon sounds like Vegeta!

Magma Dragoon: Where am I? Who am I?
N. Gin: You are a leader! A leader of a special android force!
Magma Dragoon: You! Who are you?
N. Gin: You're creator… N. Gin!! I gave you the most unique abilities of all the androids so you could lead them...and be successful and powerful among the others! I also have given you independent thought… so you may control them!
Magma Dragoon: Hmmm... well N. Gin... I thank you for this ability!! Show me to my companions… and I will lead them!!
N. Gin: Excellent!! Your two main henchmen will be Frost Walrus and Slash Beast...each are among as powerful as you… but you are even stronger!!
Magma Dragoon: Show me my army… and then tell me what to do!!!
N. Gin: Very well then!
Days passed... and Magma Dragoon became the leader of the android army!! His unique ability to be independent from the rest of the androids gave him a source of power he had never felt!!

Cortex: Now Dragoon... you and your army are to eliminate Crash Bandicoot and all his friends and kin!! You were designed to hunt and destroy!! You will obey all commands given by me!! Kill Crash and his friends!! Am I making myself clear to you?
Magma Dragoon: As you command Master Cortex!!
Cortex: Excellent Dragoon… now lead your army to conquer my world and destroy Crash and his friends!!
Magma Dragoon: As you... wish!!
Magma Dragoon disperses his army… as he, Frost Walrus, and Slash Beast stay behind!

Note: Frost Walrus sounds like Nappa!

Frost Walrus: Hey Dragoon... do you think our army is enough!?
Magma Dragoon: These androids are wimps!! Their strength is nowhere near ours... but I must observe how strong our opponent is!!
Frost Walrus: And our orders from Cortex state that WE also have to fight!
Magma Dragoon: Frost... N. Gin made me independent so I could lead… but he also gave me a special path to change my destinity! I may switch!!
Frost Walrus: What does it mean!?!?!
Magma Dragoon: It means that if I can choose my path… then I choose the one for my benefit and not for Cortex's!! The world will be mine!!
Frost Walrus: Then why do you take orders from Cortex?
Magma Dragoon: To bide my time… let him weaken… let my enemies weaken… and then... I… STRIKE!!!!!!!!!!!

(Dragoon slashes his claws at Frost Walrus!)

Frost Walrus: Hey Dragoon...whaddya do that for!?!?
Magma Dragoon: To show you mean business! Cortex doesn't know the path I will take to my advantage!! We… will rule!!
Frost Walrus: I read ya loud and clear!!
Magma Dragoon: I see Slash Beast isn't happy in his neon cage!! But… his ability to not speak makes it well for us!! He will be a favourite of mine… sort of a pet!! I let him slash and disembowel his by one!! He will get his chance to reek havoc on the world… which will be run by the android race! Once I learn N. Gin's secret... a race of androids will be created… and I will RULE!!!! HA HA HA HA!!!
Frost: Walrus: It's too perfect… what could go wrong?
Magma Dragoon: Yes… what could go wrong? Well… Cortex has kept mentioning me about Crash Bandicoot and his friends!! I will send out scouts to see how well he does against my army!! If he is a worthy opponent… then he could fight us… the more noble and elite!!
Frost Walrus: Cool!!
Frost Walrus: And what about Slash Beast!?!?
Magma Dragoon: In time... I will enjoy watching him tear my opponents into fleshy pieces like a wolf with a chicken!! It would be too perfect to watch!! But for now... I must find this...Crash Bandicoot… and then… the plan will be set!
Part 2: Androids Attack!!

The next morning… Crash wakes up and goes downstairs! He sees Casey and Yarra eating their daily morning cereal! Yarra reaches in hastily in one of the cereal boxes!

Casey: Hey's my turn to get the prize!
Yarra: No… it's mine!!!
Casey: Give it here runt!
Yarra: NO!!!
Casey: Tough luck! (Casey grabs the box away from Yarra and reaches greedily inside! Yarra screams!!)
Yarra: Daddd...Mummmmm....Casey's taking my prize again!!!!
Casey: Can it!
Crash: Hey… hey… boys… boys!! Casey… give Yarra the prize!
Casey: But dad.....!!!
Crash: You grabbed the cereal box away from Yarra, and it is his turn to have the prize!! Hand it over!!
Casey: (Sighing heavily) oh okay!! Here squirt... take the dopey prize!!
Yarra: Yayyy!! (He reaches inside to pull out a ring) WOW!!! It's a Decoder Ring!! COOL!!
Casey: Yeah… real cool!!
Danni comes in the kitchen and kisses Crash!
Danni: Morning' Crash!!
Crash: Morning Danni!
Danni: I'm making you you're favourite Crash!
Crash: Mmmm… Wumpa Fruit pancakes!?
Danni: Mmmm hmm! They'll be ready in a few minutes!
Casey: Mum...Yarra took my prize!!
Yarra: Did's mine!!
Danni: Boys… I believe it was Yarra's turn!
Yarra: (Smiling triumphantly at Casey) Told ya!!
Casey: Oh… everyone's against me!!
Crash: No one is… except for Cortex and his minions, that's for sure!!
Casey: Yeah, yeah!!
Crash: Hey… where's Coco?
Danni: She said she was going down to the lake this morning! She brought her camera with her!! She says there's something strange over there!
Crash: oh yeah...what?
Danni: Don't know hun...she says it's urgent!! This morning...she got her knickers in a knot just to go look for her camera!
Crash: She can be ornery sometimes!!
Casey: A lotta times!! Whenever she looks after us we have to clean up our rooms and be nice and tidy while she types at her computer!
Yarra: She's boring!
Danni: Boys… don't speak that way about your aunt! For all you know… she's seen some impressive action with the fighters we fought with in the past!
Casey: And something about her trainers?
Danni: Kitsume?
Casey: Yeah her… but I've met her!! Wasn't there someone else!?
Crash: Shen Lo Ken!! He mysteriously disappeared in a battle long ago!
Yarra: Which fight was that again dad?
Crash: There was an argument between Cobraz and his father Veanom... and Shen Lo Ken stepped in!! Both Cobraz and Shen fought against Veanom quite well! But only Veanom returned from the fight!
Yarra: Ya mean… both Cobraz and Shen Lo Ken are dead?
Crash: Maybe… and maybe not!! They've been gone for a long time!!
Casey: I wish I could met em'!!!
Crash: Ya met Kitsume kiddo...and she's just as good as those two!!
Casey: Yeah… but after those battles with Chemicalls, Lorg, Shadra, Demona, and many other nasty creatures… they sounded like good fighters too!
Crash: They were!! And if we're lucky… they may still be out there!
Yarra: Cool!!!
Danni: Oh Crash...those stories will encourage our kids to fight real hard!
Casey: They sure will!
Danni: But nevertheless… they also need an education!
Casey: You mean… go to school?
Danni: must be trained both physically and mentally to succeed!
Yarra: I wanna go to school!
Casey: I don't!! I just wanna fight!
Crash: Hey both!! Both are essential for survival!
Danni: Exactly!! School is good for you Casey!! Look… Yarra is anxious!!!
Yarra: Yeah! I hear it's fun… and you make lots of friends there too!! I wanna go!!
Casey: Sure… then there's Math, Science, History, English… and all sorts of hard stuff! And I heard of bad grades too!!
Danni: Well… those are downsides!! But I'm sure you would do fine!!!!
Crash: Sure!! You're both smart kids!! And there's plenty we can teach ya also!!
Danni: Pancakes are ready Crash!
Crash: Cool!!!
Down at Jacko's hangout, Jacko is busy cleaning his airplanes!

Jacko: Oops… missed a spot thar'!! Thar'… that's perfect mate!! Ha ha!! Oooh ain't you a beauty!! (Rubbing his hand against his plane… he admires his reflection!) Yeah… these are beaut's alright!!

Suddenly a strong wind comes up!!!

Jacko: Aw crickey… talka bout them there updraft!! Hey… what's that!?!?!

Jacko looks up in the sky to see a dark figure with giant wings flying down from the sky!! The wings themselves were strong enough to create the strong winds!! The dark figure landed in front of Jacko!!!

Jacko: Jumping Kangaroo Rats… what is THAT?!?!

The dark figure revealed himself to be an android… STORM EAGLE!

Note: Storm Eagle's voice is like Zarbon's!

Storm Eagle: I am Storm assassin of Cortex!!!
Jacko: Oh blimey… Cortex!!! Well Storm Eagle or not, ya betta' stay away mate!! I got friends that could wallop ya'!!
Storm Eagle: Then perhaps you can tell me!! Is one of your friends...Crash Bandicoot?
Jacko: Exactly mate!!! Ya' probably looking for him eh?
Storm Eagle: Indeed! Tell me my good sir... where may he be?
Jacko: Why I... I don't mate!! I don't know the bloke real well!
Storm Eagle: A liar if I ever saw one!! Just because I'm an android doesn't mean I'm programmed to be gullible!!! Tell me.... where is that bandicoot?
Jacko: Don't know!!! Now please mate, please fly away!
Storm Eagle: Hmmm! I see you have an obsession with flying!! I notice all the planes you have here! Impressive collection!!
Jacko: Why I… uh...
Storm Eagle: Tell me… um… your name....
Jacko: Uh… Jacko mate!!
Storm Eagle: Jacko... have you ever wanted to fly without a plane?
Jacko: Whaddya mean?
Storm Eagle: I mean… fly like a bird... with the eagles!!!
Jacko: Why uh..yes..I...would..but...
Storm Eagle: Oh good… cause' today's you're lucky day!!!!

Storm Eagle grabs Jacko's bomber jacket scruff with one hand and swoops high into the air! He then holds Jacko over with one hand in the air!! Below, Jacko can see trees and rivers…but it was all so tiny to him!

Jacko :No… no… put me down… please put me DOWN!!!!
Storm Eagle: Then tell me... where is Crash Bandicoot and his friends?
Jacko: Look mate... I honestly don't know!!
Storm Eagle: All right then!! We have nothing to discuss!

Storm Eagle lets go of Jacko… and Jacko begins to plummet, screaming helplessly!
Storm Eagle swoops down after him with deadly speed… and extends his arm out to Jacko! He once again grabs his bomber jacket with one hand, and holds him over the air again!

Storm Eagle: Now tell me... where is he? Tell me now... or I won't save you this time!!!
Jacko: I... I... I...
Storm Eagle: ANSWER ME!!!!!
Jacko: All right mate - I'll tell you!! But promise you will put me down gently!
Storm Eagle: I will! Now tell me… where is Crash Bandicoot and his friends?
Jacko: He is leaving in that area over there… where those huge ziggurats and tall trees are! Travel past that for about four miles straight… and his house should be directly below you!! There… now I told you… put me down!!
Storm Eagle: As you wish!!!!

Storm Eagle sees a large lake below… and drops Jacko! Jacko plummets down to the lake, and lands with a big SPLASH!!!! Coco is by the shore!!

Coco: What the...!
Coco sees Jacko crawling out of the lake!!
Coco: Oh my gosh… Jacko, are you okay!? Jacko: (Coughing up water) Yeah… fine mate!!! But listen to me!! There's a crazy android flying around here!!!!! A giant eagle that caught me and asked me where Crash was!! So I gave him the directions!!
Coco: WHAT!?!? What's going on here!?!?
Jacko: Something about Cortex!! He created some kind of android to do his dirty work!
Coco: Well come to think of it… a lot of weird stuff has been happening!! Forests have mysteriously burned, temples lay in complete ruins, and many animals have been seen fleeing the forests!! Maybe your eagle may have something to do with all this? And then there's the lake you landed in!
Jacko: What about it?
Coco: Toxic sludge has been spreading through it! Good thing you didn't hit the parts with the waste! It could have damaged your system!!
Jacko: Oh lucky me!

Just then Coco peers out in the lake to see a strange creature appear out of it!!!

Coco: Hold it!! I gotta take a picture of this!!!

Coco takes out her camera and takes a quick picture of it! The creature then sinks back into the water!

Jacko: A sea monsta'!?
Coco: Maybe!! C'mon!! We gotta get home… and warn the others about your eagle!
Jacko: Get the film developed mate!! I need to have proof!
Coco: Right!
Back at home Coco is in the darkroom putting her photo paper in the Film Developer! After agitating it she sees what the creature looks likes!! Without hesitation she pulls it out and puts it into the other chemicals as fast as possible!
Jacko sits down in a chair telling Crash, Danni, Yarra, and Casey the story!

Jacko: And then this big eagle drops me into the wata'!! I gave him the wrong directions of course… but it may sooner until he finds out!!
Casey: WOW!! I wanna see it… it sounds cool!
Danni: Casey, this sounds serious! If it works for Cortex then it's got to be bad!
Crash: Androids huh? Maybe Cortex actually did have plans after all! We should have trained more!! We could have regained some of our power!
Danni: Have faith Crash… I'm sure we can...
Coco: (Bartging in) GUYS!! Look at this!!!

Everyone looks at the picture! It is a picture of a creature… that looks like a metallic seahorse of some kind!

Crash: Geez!! Do you think that's another android?
Coco: Whatever it was, it probably would explain how the water at the lake got intoxicated! I got a feeling there may be more of them!!!
Crash: Hmmm! An army of androids!! First an eagle and now... this!
Danni: Mates...looks like we got ourselves anotha' mission!!
Crash: I'll get ready to investigate!!
Casey: Dad, can I come?
Crash: No - stay here with your brother! Jacko, look after them!
Jacko: Sure mate!! But hurry… that eagle may found out eventually!
Crash: Right!! Danni, Coco… follow me!! We gotta investigate the lake again!!
Coco: I'm ready!!!
Danni: Me always!

The trio bolt out the door… and start to head back to the lake!
****************************** Part 3: The Toxic Seahorse Saga

Crash, Coco and Danni go down by the lake to investigate on what the creature was! They sit by the lake and wait patiently for it to appear!

Crash: Hmmm....from the looks of the picture, it could be some kind of monster!
Danni: Or a dragon!!
Coco: Whatever it may have had something to do with intoxicating this lake!
Crash: And... That eagle Jacko saw?
Danni: Hmmmmm.....
Coco: I don't know!! But whatever's up, it's gotta involve Cortex!
Crash: Well... all's fun, but I'm sick of waiting for Nessie to pop his head back up!!
Danni: Patience!! But I do wish it would hurry! If Jacko was right about the eagle then there's no telling what this is!
Coco: We may soon find out!
Crash: I hope it's soon!

But unbeknownst to our heroes..a spy cam floats by!
Back at Cortex Castle...Dragoon and Frost look at the view screen from the spy cam!

Frost Walrus: Hey Dragoon... you think that's them!?
Magma Dragoon: There's a high power reading!! It's them all right!!
Frost Walrus: They're right by a lake!! That lake looks like it's been intoxicated!!
Magma Dragoon: Hmm Mmm... Perfect!!! It'll give us a chance to see their skill level! That's the exact spot Toxic Seahorse is swimming about! Do you get what I'm thinking Frost?
Frost Walrus: I think so!! HA HA!! Whaddya say we test their ability out on Toxic Seahorse?
Magma Dragoon: I was about to ask you the same thing!! HA HA!!! Communicate with Toxic Seahorse to attack the intruders!! His poison will surely kill them!!
Frost Walrus: Read ya loud and clear!! It's time they meet the nemesis of the deep!!
Magma Dragoon: Tell him immediately!
Frost Walrus: Heehee… with pleasure!!
Deep in the murky depths of the lake Toxic Seahorse lies sleeping on the lake bottom whilst fish and other lake creatures swim silently by it. A flashing red light starts to flash on the left side of its head! He can hear Frost Walrus's voice come through!!

Frost Walrus: Wake up Toxic...enemies have been sighted at the left side of the bay!! Destroy them… NO!! DESTROY… DESTROY!!!!!! HA HA HA!!!!!

Toxic Seahorse immediately begins to rise!! While rising...toxic fumes are emitted from his android armor!! The fish that are infected by the fumes now float to the surface… only as carcasses!

Crash: Look!!!
Coco: Dead fish!!!
Danni: And look what they’re floating in!! Toxic waste!!!
Crash: Our monster may be nearby!!

Suddenly bubbles start rising to the surface and peering through the ripples... Crash can see a lightly green figure rising from the lake bottom!
Crash: What the...!

The figure is none other than Toxic Seahorse!! It's head peers out through the water as it stares angrily at Crash and his friends! Suddenly the whole body rises from the water and looks ready to strike!!

Coco: The monster!!!!!
Crash: Yikes!! Get ready everyone!!!
Danni: right!!!

But before they could Toxic Seahorse begins to spew toxic waste from its armour!! The waste hits Danni!!!

Danni: Ugggghhhhh....
Crash: Danni!!!
Danni: Ughhhh!! Crash...the waste... it burns!!!!!!!
Crash: Coco..can you keep that thing distracted while I help Danni?!
Coco: I'll try!!!
Crash: Thanks!! I'll come back as soon as I can!!
Coco: (Facing Toxic Seahorse) So… wanna pick on us!? Well you picked the wrong people to mess with… whatever you are!! Come and get me!!

Coco lunges at Toxic Seahorse… but Toxic Seahorse lashes out his tail… and hits Coco in the side like a golf club with a ball!! Coco plunges straight into the water...and Toxic Seahorse jumps in!!!

Crash: Coco!!!!! Danni… please...fight the ooze!!
Danni: Ugh...Crash...the poison's seeping into my skin!!!
Crash: How will I get rid of it!?!?!?!
Danni: UUUGGGHHHH!!! (Danni winces in pain as the poison takes affect to her system!) It hurts!!!!!!
Crash: Hang on honey!! I'll think of a way!! But… Coco!! OH NO!!! That thing went after Coco!!!!!!
Coco soon wakes up...but is stunned in horror… as she sees Toxic Seahorse's tail wrapped around her waist!!
Coco: Hmp!!! Hellllpppppp!!!!!!!!!!!!

Coco screams underwater as loud as she can… but the water she swallows soon makes her choke as she tries desperately to escape the Seahorse's tail!!!! Then Toxic Seahorse begins to shoot a stream of acid from its nose and onto Coco's body!! Coco begins to scream underwater... as the poison weakens her body!!! She feels the energy being drained out of her as the poison infects her system!!! It doesn't take long for her to pass out!!! Then...with a fling of its tail Toxic Seahorse launches Coco out of the water and she falls straight onto the ground!! Crash rushes to her side!!

Crash: Coco!!!! (Looking into her face) Oh no... she's not breathing!!!!!!!! Oh no…!!!

Toxic Seahorse then emerges from the water again… and stares directly at Crash!!!!
From the spy cam...Dragoon and Frost watch the action!!

Frost Walrus: Hey Dragoon... these guys seem hardly worth our effort!! They're pathetic!!
Magma Dragoon: Hmmm... true!! Toxic Seahorse made short work of them easily! But it's that bandicoot...that's still alive!!!!
Frost Walrus: Hee hee… but not for long!!! Toxic will make short work of him too!!!
Magma Dragoon: Hmpph!! What a disappointment!! I was expecting a real battle!! But it’s over before we could let Slash Beast play with them!!
Frost Walrus: Yeah… I'm disappointed too!! But as long as that bandicoot is gone… there's nothing else to worry about!! I can't wait to wreck havoc on the world!!
Magma Dragoon: Neither can I!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!
Crash: This one's for you Coco... and I'm gonna make sure Danni doesn't share the same fate!!! eeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH YYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!

Crash fires a green beam of energy from his hands at Toxic Seahorse!! But then Toxic Seahorse rolls up into a ball...and spinning backwards...hurls himself back into the lake before the beam could hit him!!! The beam glides across the lake without hitting Toxic!!!

Crash: UUURRRRGGGGHHH... He dodged it!!!!! Come back you snake...and get what's coming to ya!!

Toxic Seahorse hurls himself out of the water straight towards Crash!! Crash dodges… and Toxic Seahorse unfolds himself… and stands in his battle position to ready another attack!!

Crash: You're mine!!! This is for hurting my wife and my sister!!!! HHHEEEYYYYAAAA!!!

Crash fires a large yellow beam at Toxic Seahorse!! Toxic Seahorse curls up into a ball again… and flies through the air in an arc-like pattern!!!
Crash: Awww what!?!?! NO WAY!!!!!

In mid air Toxic Seahorse unfolds himself and whacks Crash upside his head with his mighty tail!! Crash is thrown onto the ground... and lies with a giant bruise on the right side of his cheek! Toxic Seahorse begins to approach him!!!
Back at Cortex Castle…

Frost Walrus: What kind of special should we give that bandicoot!!
Magma Dragon: Tell Toxic Seahorse to release his strongest acid... you know… the one that can eat away that pathetic bandicoot's flesh!!!
Frost Walrus: you're talkin'!! I know it's not as fun as watching him get torn apart by the Slash Beast...but it'll be fun in a way to watch him suffer a slow and horrible death!! HA HA!!!!
Magma Dragoon: Indeed!!! Now tell Toxic immediately!!
Frost Walrus: Without hesitation!! HA HA!!!
Toxic Seahorse receives the message from Frost Walrus!!

Frost Walrus: Toxic...use your strongest acid on the bandicoot!! I don't want you to leave them until I see a pile of bleached bandicoot bones picked clean!! Do your worst!!!!

Toxic Seahorse then... shoots out a large stream of bright green acid from his nose!! Just in the nick of time Crash notices it and dodges it!! Luckily the acid missed him and hit a tree! The tree quickly dries up and the acid burns off the leaves!!

Crash: Yikes!!!! That things still got more nasty surprises!!!

Toxic Seahorse recharges...and fires another acid shoot!! Crash dodges… and the acid hits a large rock!! The acid soon dissolves the rock into a steaming pile of rubble!!

Crash: YEOW!!!! NASTY!!!

Toxic Seahorse then swings his tail at Crash!! Crash continues to dodge as best as he can from the deadly tail and acid!! Then… Toxic Seahorse launched a secret attack!!! Using his armour... a light steam of thick acid hit Crash in the legs!!

Crash: I...can't...move!!!

The acid affected Crash's nervous system...causing him to freeze and wince in pain!!!
Frost Walrus: He's done it Dragoon!!!
Magma Dragoon: Excellent!! Tell Toxic to eliminate him immediately!!! I will enjoy this!!
Frost Walrus: Okay… you're the boss!! HA HA!! Toxic… burn that bandicoot good!!!
Crash: Uh... Casey...Yarra! They'll be orphaned!! No mother, no dad, no aunt!! NO!!! I can't be defeated!!!!!! I need to defeat this thing!! For Casey… for Yarra... for Danni... for Coco… for the planet!! I… must try...!!!!!

Toxic Seahorse begins to bend his neck back to ready another shoot!! Crash still cannot move!!! Tears fill his eyes as he realizes that life for him, his family, and his friends would soon be over after all these years!! And what was worse...he was beaten by a seahorse!!!! He clenched his fists in rage...and gritted his teeth!!

Crash: This is it!! Goodbye… Danni… Casey... Yarra... Coco... and all of my friends!!! What a way to die!!! (sniffs) It's all over now!! I can't move!!! If only I could!! But... ugh... it's impossible with the poison!! Goodbye everyone!! I hope I'll meet you in Heaven one day!!!

Toxic Seahorse starts to tilt his head forward to spray the fatal acid...but then... a figure jumps out of nowhere!! The dark figure heaved a sword at Toxic Seahorse's tail… and cut it off!!!! Toxic Seahorse angrily looked at the dark figure!! Crash then looked at...and the tail that lied on the ground that once belonged to the seahorse!

Crash: KITSUME!!!!!!
Kitsume: Indeed Crash!! What is this you are fighting?
Crash: Some kind of poisonous animal!! Careful... it's too dangerous!!!!
Kitsume: It's mine!!! Don't worry's tail is off!! I'll kill as soon as possible!!!
Toxic Seahorse begins to hurl himself towards Kitsume!! But Kitsume...being fast and lethal...jumps aside… and starts to chant!!
Kitsume: Meena agan ega drafyu ARAGOBNH!!!!

Her sword glows… and Toxic Seahorse stays frozen in place looking at the glowing sword!! He prepares to fire his deadly acid!!! Kitsume then swings her sword!! A sharp beam of light fires out of the sword!! the beam known as 'Blade Beam'....shoots straihgt towards Toxic Seahorse! The beam cuts Toxic Seahorse in half! As soon as it is split apart... a large explosion ensues!! When the explosion settles... nothing is left!! The seahorse is gone... except for its tail, which was cut off!!!

Frost Walrus: WHAT!?!??!! HEY!! WHO IS THAT!?!?! WHERE'D SHE COME FROM!?!?!?!?!
Magma Dragoon: I don't know!! And now she disposes of Toxic Seahorse just like that!! What a farce!!!
Frost Walrus: But we were so CLOSE!!! UNTILK THAT DARNED GIRL FOX JUMPED IN!!!! We'll never get that bandicoot now!!!!!
Magma Dragoon: Hey it!!
Frost Walrus: Huh?
Magma Dragoon: keep in mind you simple-headed pinhead... that we have more androids!! Toxic Seahorse is of the weaker majority!!
Frost Walrus: He is!?!?
Magma Dragoon: Of course!! Besides...this one's got my attention now!! She chanted a few words… and look what happened!! I feel I will meet this one if the bandicoot fails!! But even so… she still will be no match for you or me!!
Frost Walrus: HA HA!! You're right!! And I'll bet Slash Beast would agree too!!
Magma Dragoon: I'm sure he would!!! Now hang on Frosty… there's more androids that will be ready to take another shot!!
Frost Walrus: Right!!!
Kitsume is busy healing Crash, Coco, and Danni!! She gives each member a special elixir... which rids them of the poison!! Soon the gang is back to normal… but each feel really woozy!!
Coco: Ogh... my head!!
Danni: Gaw… I need to lie down!!
Crash: Oof… Kitsume...that was great!! Thanks!!
Kitsume: It's my duty to protect my dear friends!! And as for that thing… it won't bother you anymore!!
Crash: What was it!?!?
Kitsume: An android!! There are plenty more of them… and each are created by Cortex!!!
Crash: I knew Cortex was behind this!!! I'll get him!! Are Coco and Danni okay?
Kitsume: Yes...but a bit weary from the poison I'm afraid!! A few hours rest should help them get rid of it!!
Crash: I could use some rest too!! Tell me more about the androids!!
Kitsume :I will! Right now… we need to get you, Danni, and Coco back to the house!! And rest up... because your strength must be restored!!!
Part 4: The Quest has Started!

While Danni and Coco were in bed sleeping to wear off the poison...a very worried Yarra begin asking Crash questions!!

Yarra: mom gonna be okay?
Crash: She'll be fine son!!
Yarra: What was that thing you fought?
Crash: Kitsume says it's an android!! A very lethal android! I bet it's the strongest!
Kistume: Actually Crash… according to their design and was one of the weakest!
Crash: WHAT!?!?! Man...How many are there!?
Kistume: Well judging by my calculation… minus the recently defeated one...about nine!!!
Crash: Nine!? Wow... tell me more!!
Kitsume: Many have their own unique powers. That one you fought had poisonous abilities that could stun, injure, or even kill its enemies!! It was called Toxic Seahorse!!
Crash: How do you know so much about these androids?
Kitsume: They were created by Cortex! I know practically everything needed about him! And the fact that the other androids are far more deadly than the one you fought!! There are three that control them!!
Crash: And they are?
Kitsume: There is Slash Beast, Frost Walrus, and the strongest of the three... Magma Dragoon... who is the android leader!!
Jacko: I told ya mate... that eagle must've been one of them androids!!!
Kitsume: You must mean Storm Eagle!!
Jacko: Yeah!! Blimey… I'm glad he didn't do anything to me!!!
Kitsume: Well they are programmed to eradicate any obstacle or enemy in order to wreck havoc on the world!! They are nearly unstoppable because their energy comes from pieces of the Dark Ruby!
Crash: The Dark Ruby?
Kitsume: Yes… Cortex managed to steal it from Lorg's dimension... through the use of Shadra's magic wand!! When it finally reached this dimension after many years Cortex went straight to work to design these androids!! He worked tirelessly on them...after each failure!! It took him nearly eternity to make them!! Why... he didn't even get the Dark Ruby long before Casey and Yarra were born! And the Ruby's power was harnessed into the androids to make them nearly impossible to destroy!!
Crash: That makes it worse on us...seeing how I lost most of my energy a long time ago!!!
Kitsume: And it takes practically forever to regain all of it back!! So to face these have to use all the power you have… but spare some for the future battle with the leader of the androids... Magma Dragoon!!
Crash: Man… this sounds serious!!
Jacko: I sure hope that eagle doesn't find out where we are!!!
Crash: If he does... we have to prepare!!

Yarra stared at Crash with a very worried expression!!!

Yarra: Dad... I don't want any of those… an… an... an....
Crash: Androids?
Yarra: Androids... coming to our house!! I'm getting scared!!
Crash: Don't worry son...your old man can take care of em'!
Jacko: We hope!!
Kitsume: I believe he can... but they are very strong… remember that Crash!!!
Crash: I will!!!
Back at Cortex Castle… Magma Dragoon and Frost Walrus stand in front of Cortex.
Cortex: How could that have happened!?!???!
Magma Dragoon: Toxic Seahorse was a weakling… what good was he to us!?!?
N. Gin: Why this the thanks I get for working painstakingly to make you and the other androids!!!!? You have no respect for your maker!!!
Magma Dragoon: I do... except it's the fact you created a weak android N. Gin!! Toxic Seahorse was nothing compared to the others!!
N. Gin: May be so… but it took me months to finish him… and over a year to finish you!!!
Magma Dragoon: Hmmm...Thanks dad!
Magma Dragoon: As you command Master Cortex!!
Frost Walrus: Yeah!! Hehe!!

They walk away… but Shadra then begins to speak as he walks in!!

Shadra: Well Cortex… see what you get when you waste the Dark Ruby like that!?!? Worthless androids that can't save their own lives!!
Magma Dragoon: WHAT!?!?
Shadra: That's right you despicable drones... you're lucky we need you... otherwise your parts could have been used to make microwaves!! But to be honest Cortex… these androids are pathetic!!!
Frost Walrus: Why that little...
Magma Dragoon: Frost...calm down!!
Shadra: Think of it Cortex... androids take forever to defeat enemies… I could easily defeat them!! Besides… androids can be easily destroyed… I can live on!!
Cortex: You're right! These androids are lucky they're getting another chance!!
Shadra: Besides… what do you expect... from a machine!? HA HA!!!
N. Gin: They are reliable... but Shadra's right!! They can't equal in human strength!!
Cortex: Indeed!! Now go Dragoon… and don't mess up this time!!
Shadra: Oh with the way they work… I'm sure they will!!

Magma Dragoon and Frost Walrus exit the room!!

Frost Walrus: Those jerks… when are we gonna do it finally get rid of those lousy humans!?!?!
Magma Dragoon: As soon as the bandicoot is gone!! Cortex will be satisfied… and then we attack!!!!
Frost Walrus: Ha!! I'd like to get my hands on them… especially that Shadra!! He thinks he so big...he thinks WE'RE inferior to them in strength!!!
Magma Dragoon: We'll prove him wrong then… in time!!
Frost Walrus: Yeah… and when our plan succeeds...I'm gonna cut his throat...with my bare tusks!!
Magma Dragoon: Do as you please... but for now... we are to be humble… and then turn on these humans just as a dog would turn on its owner!!
Frost Walrus: Gotcha… I can't wait!!!!
The days past...and not a single android was in sight!! Crash and his family got back to their normal lives... and on one morning… Yarra and Casey were playing tag!!!

Casey: You're it!! Catch me if you can slowpoke!!!!
Yarra: You're mine!!!!

Yarra runs after Casey… but Casey seems to run a bit faster!!!

Casey: C'mon Slow Bro!!!!
Yarra: Huff puff... come on!! It isn't fair!! It's only cause' you're older!!
Casey: Fine… be a baby... and give up!!!
Yarra: I'm not a baby!! I'm gonna catch you!!

Meanwhile in the garden Coco is typing on her computer while Danni is busy doing her morning run!! Crash is also outside practicing more of his moves to prepare!

Coco: Crash, you've been going at it all morning!! Take a break!!
Crash: I can't Coco!! We weren't prepared when that Toxic Seahorse attacked us...but we must now!!
Coco: Here comes Danni!!
Danni comes back from her run… all freshened up!
Danni: Good morning mates!!! How are the boys Crash?
Crash: They're fine!! They're playing tag out in the front yard!!
Danni: Cute!! I just ran over a few miles today!!
Crash: Show off!!
Danni: (Punching Crash lightly) Crash!
Crash: Just kidding!! Your speed will be helpful in the future when we face those things!!
Coco: Kitsume's training also did well!! She taught me new moves on how to avoid danger!! Too bad Shen Lo Ken's not here...his extra training would have given an advantage to us!!
Crash: Yeah… same with Cobraz!!
Danni: Oh well...what's for breakfast mates? I'm hungry!!!

Suddenly... out of nowhere… Sarnie comes running through the woods!! She seemed scared about something!!

Sarnie: (wheezing madly) Guys... (puffs) Something's bad here!!!
Danni: What is it Sarnie?
Sarnie: There's something out in the woods somewhere!! Something bad!!!
Crash: How bad!!?
Sarnie: Very bad!! I saw it this morning… look what it did to my back!!

Sarnie turns around to show a long cut on her back!

Danni: My gosh!!! Does it hurt!?
Sarnie: Not that badly!! But whatever it was that I saw... it certainly wasn't friendly!!
Crash: Tel us Sarnie!!
Sarnie: I was just coming out of my home… and tending to my garden!! I was doing some weeding… when I heard something crawl above my head! I looked up… but I couldn't see anything!!! I stay alert… I was ready… and I heard it crawl again!! But I still couldn't see it!! I backed away slowly!! But upon doing that… I looked around… and saw something clinging on the tree I stood in front of!! It was a big green... creature!! It looked like a lizard!!! It was large, and had lots of spikes on it!! It was almost… like a machine!! I turned to run… but the lizard-creature shot it's tongue out!! The tongue nicked my back… and it stung for quite a while!! I ran as fast I could over here!!
Crash: Whoa!! Must be an android!!
Kitsume: An especially dangerous android named Sting Chameleon Sarnie!
Sarnie: Sting… Chameleon!?
Kitsume: Yes… a powerful android with the unique ability to disappear into the background like a real chameleon! A real master at camouflage! And its tong, tail, and many other parts of its body can inflict severe damage!! You're lucky it just nicked you Sarnie!
Sarnie: Whoa!!!! I must be one of the lucky ones!!
Crash: Wait… that must mean… if that android is out there… and he can disappear… then he could easily sneak her and... Oh God!!!!
Yarra and Casey continue playing in the front yard!! Just then… Yarra stops and looks up into the sky!
Yarra: Casey... look!!!
Casey: What!? (Casey then looks into the sky) Hey… What is that!? It looks like a bird!!

Indeed it was… but it was no ordinary bird… it was Storm Eagle!!!! The dark silhouette of the android flew over the two dingocoots!! He looked down at them… as if they were his prey!

Storm Eagle: Those two!! I have information that they are the bandicoot's sons!! Well… if I grab them now...the bandicoot will surely come for them!! Alright then… they're mine!!!!

Storm Eagle then swoops down to grab Yarra and Casey!! Yarra and Casey quickly react… and start running from it!! Storm Eagle continues his terror… by swooping in all directions to grab the poor dingocoots!!

Yarra: Mum… dad!! HELP!!!!!!
Casey: The eagle's here… the eagle's here!!!

Crash and the others hear Casey and Yarra!!!

Crash: They're in trouble!! C'mon!!
Danni: Hang on boys!!!

The gang run out to see Casey and Yarra running in all directions!! They then see Storm Eagle swooping down at them in all directions!!! Danni gasps!!!

Kitsume: Another android!!! I'll try and slow it down!! Meean..kilac...
Storm Eagle: Oh no you don't!!!

Storm Eagle points his gun arm at the gang… and fires!! A large tornado like wind suddenly shoots out of the arm… and blows the gang back!! The winds knocks them into the house… and they land with a crash!!!

Casey: Dad!!! Mum!!
Yarra: We gotta get inside!!
They run to get into the house… but before they can reach the door… Storm Eagle lands in front of them!! He quickly grabs Yarra and Casey… and holds them in his arm!! He then takes off with the two dingocoots!!
Crash and the others run out onto the front yard… and see that Casey and Yarra…are gone!!!!!!

Crash: My sons!! That eagle got them!!!!! Oh no!!!!!!!
Kitsume: He took off with them!! I'm sure they're still alive Crash!!
Danni: Boys!! (Beginning to feel a lump in her throat… Danni begins to get a little choked up) How will we catch up with something that flies??! We don't have enough energy to glide through the air!!
Crash: My kids… taken by an android!! It's my fault!! I should have looked after them!!
Danni: Crash… it's not all your fault!! (Danni then hugs Crash)
Crash: But they're gone!!!
Kitsume: I doubt it!! I know where Storm Eagle will take them!!!
Coco: Where!?!?
Kitsume: Cortex Castle of course!! Storm Eagle is under Cortex's control!!
Sarnie: Well then… we gotta get there… and get your kids back Crash!!
Crash: YEAH!! Everyone… I need you to come with me!! Now as some of you may know... there are more androids over there!!! We'll have Jacko give us one of his planes!! We gotta get over to his hanger!!!
Danni: YEAH!!! When I meet that eagle… he's mine!!!!
Sarnie: Stop flapping your gums...let's go!!!!
Part 5: The Scouts set off!!!!

The gang run down to Jacko's hanger!!

Coco: With Jacko's plane in hand… we'll catch up with that eagle!
Crash: And then let him have it!!
Kitsume: Crash... remember... don't make any rash moves!! The eagle can drop Casey or Yarra if he wanted to!
Sarnie: Well... I hope Jacko's doing a good job of watching my kid Brendon!! I dropped him off over there this morning!
Crash: Oh I'm sure he's... (gasps)

They reach Jacko's hanger… but are horrified at what they find!! Jacko's planes… lying in ruins!!! His planes wings, propellers, and many of the other parts… are torn off!! And the runway has been devastated!!!

Coco: Oh my God!!! JACKO!!!! JACKO!!!!
Crash: JACKO!!! WHERE ARE YOU!?!!?!?
Kitsume: An android has been here!!!
Sarnie: Is it the eagle or the chameleon!!?
Kitsume: Neither!! It was one of the scouts!!
Sarnie: Which scout!?
Kitsume: I'm not sure… but it was lethal!!
Crash: Where's Jacko!?!? He couldn't be.... oh no... Is he dead!?!?!?!
Kitsume: I sense him...he's still alive!! Try and knock on his door!!
Sarnie: What about Brendon!?!?! Can you pick him up!?!?
Kitsume: Yes!! They're here!!
Crash: I'm going in the hanger!! Jacko and Brendon could be hurt!!
Coco: Careful!! What if there's an android nearby lying in wait!?
Danni: Then we gotta prepare!! But I hope Jacko and Brendon are okay!!
Crash: We'll find out!
Crash opens the door to the hanger! He walks through the corridors!! He notices that the entire hanger is trashed! Papers, boards, and many other parts of the hanger are torn apart!! There is no sign of Jacko or Brendon anywhere! Crash continues to walk slowly through the wreckage… as carefully as possible!
Crash: Jacko!?
At a split second...a knife wizzes by..and just misses Crash! It hits the wall and gets stuck! Crash whizzes to his left to see Jacko holding Brendon close to him!!!
Crash: JACKO!!!!! BRENDON!!!!!!!
Jacko: Oh crikey… it's you Crash!! SORRY about the knife!!!! I thought you were that tiger!!!
Crash: What tiger!?!?
Jacko: The tiger that trashed my hanga'!!!
Brendon: (His eyes full of light tears) and then… he tried to kill us! (He turns to see Sarnie) MOM!!!!!
Sarnie: BRENDON!!!!!
Brendon: (Rushes into Sarnie's arms and hugs her) Mom... there was a mean tiger that was here!!!
Sarnie: It's okay honey… it's okay!
Danni: Oh geesh… Jacko...I think it was another android!!
Kitsume: My theory is it was Neon Tiger! Tell me Jacko… What did it look like!?
Jacko: It was large tiga'...with long shiny claws... and a long electric tail!!!
Kitsume: It's Neon Tiger all right!! It's one of the many scouts sent to retrieve information!
Brendon: And he tore Jacko's planes apart with its claws!!! And it shocked them too with its tail!
Jacko: We were lucky to be alive!!! It asked us where you were Crash!!
Crash: These androids do work for Cortex!! I never get to live a normal life when I should kill Cortex when I get the chance!!
Danni: This means… we can't take any planes!! Jacko… Do you have any more!?
Jacko: No... they're all busted!! It'll take me days to fix just one!!
Crash: It won't give us much time!! That eagle stole our kids!!
Jacko: I knew that rudda' was up to no good!! Get those androids Crash!!!
Sarnie: It'll be a long walk...but we gotta get there in time!! If we gotta run...we'll run!!!!!
Danni: Right!! Jacko...could you take care of Brendon!?
Jacko: I don't know mate!! My hanga's been an android magnet! Betta' take him with you!!
Sarnie: We can't get him in the crossfire with those androids!!
Brendon: But mom… I wanna go!! I won't be in the way… I promise!!!
Sarnie: Brendon… this isn't another one of your crazy adventures!! These androids are tough!!!
Kitsume: Sarnie… do you remember the chameleon!?
Sarnie: Yes!!
Kitsume: Well the chameleon has the ability to disappear and sneak unnoticed anywhere!! He took you by surprise!! If he finds this hanger... Jacko will have no way to protect Brendon from it!! I suggest Brendon… and Casey should come with us!! They will be protected that way instead of being left out in the open unguarded!
Danni: There is a danger!!
Kitsume: Either way… there is always a danger in this case!!!
Crash: Good point!!
Coco: (sighs) This isn't a good idea...but Kitsume's right!! Either way… it makes no difference!
Brendon: So can I come!?
Sarnie: Kitsume... are you sure!?
Kitsume: I will guard Brendon and watch him like a mother hen with her eggs! With us… he is in safe hands!!
Jacko: And I have to go!??! No way... better in here… than out there!!!
Kitsume: Well then... if they do come here... you will not escape with your planes and seeing how most of your repair tools are lost or destroyed there's no way to fix them!! The androids will find you as easy prey!!!!
Jacko: Ah...your point is well seen!!!
Brendon: Then we're going!?!?
Sarnie: (Hesitating for a moment, looks into Kitsume's trusting eyes… and then to the concerned faces of the others! After a few seconds her mind is made up) Okay... you can come with us!!!
Brendon: ALL RIGHT!!!!!
Sarnie: Wait a minute!! This isn't a game!! You're going to have to stay close to us as possible!! If we are fighting an android… STAY away!!! Don't come close to us during battle!! Do you understand!?!?!
Brendon: Yes mom!!!
Kitsume: We must be on our way!! Id we are to get enough time to catch up with Storm Eagle before anything happens… we must move now!!
Jacko: It's gonna be anotha' one of those days isn't it!?
Coco: Stop complaining and start walking!!
Jacko: I hope fear doesn't overwhelm us!!
Crash: Too late for you!!
Danni: How mean Crash!! Keep in mind… our kids may be in real danger… so this is hardly the time to joke!!!
Crash: You're right!! LET'S GO!!!!!
Sarnie: This is it!!
Jacko: As always... I got a very bad feeling about this!!!

They leave the hanger… and continue to walk across the outback desert to reach the jungles that they would have to trek through!! The search now would begin… but it would be a very difficult and hazardous journey... but the search is inevitable!! They must go on!
Deep in the jungle… Neon Tiger hops through the tress as graceful as a bird!! He soon catches sight of the other two scouts associated with him - Boomer Kuwanger, and Sting Chameleon.

Note: 'Kuwanger' means Cockroach!

Neon Tiger jumps right in front of them!!

Boomer Kuwanger: What took ya so long!?
Sting Chameleon: Yessssss… we were worried for a minute!!
Neon Tiger: Unfinished business!! According to Storm Eagle… this filthy kangaroo lied to him about the bandicoot's location! And then… when he stole the bandicoot's kids...Storm Eagle knew the kangaroo had airplanes that travelled at his speed! So he ordered me to destroy them… as well as the kangaroo!!
Sting Chameleon: Did you ssssssuccccceed!?!?
Neon Tiger: Destroying the planes and the hanger... yes! Killing the kangaroo… no!! He escaped somehow!!
Boomer Kuwanger: You gotta watch your victims more often… don't underestimate them!!
Sting Chameleon: Yesssss...causse Magma Dragoon would be dissspleassed!
Neon Tiger: It doesn't matter!! That kangaroo was a weakling! At any rate Sting… I heard you lost a victim today as well!!
Boomer Kuwanger: Yeah...a bobcat!!
Sting Chameleon: It'ssssss not my fault!! She'ssssss fassssst!!!!
Neon Tiger: So are most of our enemies!! And you can dissapear Chameleon! You yourself should watch it!!
Sting Chameleon: Hmph!! At leassst my job isssss done for now!!!
Neon Tiger: Look!!!!

A floating spy viewer floats down to the three scouts! A hologram of Magma Dragoon appears right in front of them!!!
Neon tiger: It's master Dragoon himself!!!
Boomer Kuwanger: Finally… another job to do!
Neon Tiger: Master Dragoon...what task are we to perform for you now!?
Magma Dragoon: The group is moving out to the southeast! In order to follow Storm Eagle… they must take the shortest way… Which is through the Arkran Temple!! Send a scout to the temple to halt them… and kill them!!
Neon Tiger: I will!!
Magma Dragoon: There is one scout I want you to choose!! One that is fast… quick… and can see in the dark!! That's why... I want you to send out Boomer Kuwanger!! He can see in the dark and is among the fastest androids we have!! He will have no difficulty destroying our enemies!!
Neon Tiger: As you wish!!!
Magma Dragoon: Don't fail Toxic Seahorse did!
Neon Tiger: We will not!!!

Magma Dragoon's hologram fades away!!!

Neon Tiger: Boomer Kuwanger... I want you to fly towards Arkran Temple!! The group is moving through that direction!! Find them… and kill as many as possible… preferably the bandicoot!! Use any attack necessary!! Just be sure they are dead!!
Boomer Kuwanger: I will find them… and kill them without mercy Neon!!!
Neon Tiger: Use caution… these fighters are not to be underestimated!
Boomer Kuwanger: Yes sir!! Arkran Temple it is!! And rest assured… I will not come back until at least four are dead… and that will include the bandicoot!
Neon Tiger: Good... now take off... and fight them!!
Boomer Kuwanger: Yes sir!!!

Boomer Kuwanger spreads his wings… and flies through the air at a fast rate!! He then heads towards the direction of Arkran Temple!

Sting Chameleon: You didn't tell him about the one who desstroyed Toxxxic Seahorsssse!!!
Neon Tiger: Toxic Seahorse was a weakling!!! Boomer Kuwanger stands a better chance this time!!! He may prevail!! Be patient!! Magma's orders were to wait until the bandicoot is dead for further instructions!!!
Sting Chameleon: Yesssss sssssir!!
Part 6: The Boomer Kuwanger Saga

Through the air… Storm Eagle flew with the two frightened dingocoots!!!

Casey: (Looking at Yarra) Where do you think this thing will take us?
Yarra: I don't know...
Storm Eagle: You little brats are going to see Magma Dragoon!
Casey: Who!?
Storm Eagle: Leader of the androids!! And if you want to stay alive… you're going to do as he says!!
Crash and the others are walking through the jungle. Sarnie kept on looking up in the trees... hoping that the chameleon wasn't watching them! Kitsume, and Danni are looking up in the air for any sign of Storm Eagle. Crash keeps pressing through… with determination in his eyes!! The anger of his sons kidnapped by an android made him stop relentlessly through the thick foliage of the jungle!

Coco: Crash...I know you're determined and all...but you should walk carefully through the jungle! You can never tell what we'll run into!
Crash: I know... but what choice do I have!!? That eagle could be doing terrible things right now!!!!
Kitsume: Not likely... Storm Eagle wants them alive for Magma Dragoon to see… I do believe it's a trap!
Crash: I kinda figured that out! After all... if this Magma Dragoon guy wants me...he'd steal our kids to lure us to him!
Danni: Yes...but I wonder if there's more to it!
Kitsume: Possibly!! Sarnie… are Brendon and Jacko doing alright!?
Sarnie: They're keeping the pace!
Brendon: Man... Walking through here is hard!!
Jacko: Yeah... and the whole thing is way too dangerous... almost as dangerous as we usually face!
Danni: Even so… the thought of our kids held hostage really angers Crash and me!!
Coco: You think you're the only ones!? I'm pretty pissed too!! Those androids have no right to take your kids Crash!!
Crash: You're darn right...that eagle's gonna pay!!
Jacko: Yeah… but um… you think we can win mates!?
Danni: Don't tell me you doubt us!!
Brendon: Yeah... they're the best fighters in the world!
Crash: Hee...I wish that were true… always the enemies are stronger than us!
Coco: Crash...look!!!

They reach a wood bridge that goes across a long river...and leads to a huge temple!!

Kitsume: That's it… the Arkran Temple!! We take the route through there… and we will reach a shorter path that will get us to Cortex Castle!!
Crash: Well it would be hard... we could fly!
Kitsume: But you must conserve energy to fight the androids and Casey and Yarra back!!
Crash: Yeah... boy I hate this!!
Coco: Well we always hate these missions... but we gotta do em'...especially this one!!
Sarnie: We gotta cross the bridge! Any sign of traps Kitsume!?
Kitsume: None yet... but we must be careful!!
Jacko: Okay Brendon mate... hop on ma' shoulders!
Brendon: Okay feet are getting tired!! (Hops up on Jacko's shoulders)
Crash: Onward... we gotta get through the temple as Kitsume says!!
Danni: Kitsume... do you know the way through the temple!?
Kitsume: Of course… the fires in the torches in there still burn bright!!!
Coco: Okay... let's go!!
Crash: Yeah... onward!!!!

Crash and the others walk across the bridge… but are unaware of something watching them from behind a tree! He watches them walk across the bridge to the other side!! It's Boomer Kuwanger! He speaks into a small intercom inserted in his arm!!

Boomer Kuwanger: This is Boomer Kuwanger!! I've located the bandicoot and his friends!! Swim under the bridge… and shake them off it!! When they are knocked into the water... you shock them… so they will be paralysed… and an easy kill for me!! Do it!!

Note: Boomer Kuwanger was talking to Volt Catfish..who is swimming in the same river with the bridge.
Boomer Kuwanger slinks back behind the tree… and watches to see if his plan is about to unfold!!
Deep in the river… Volt Catfish is swimming underneath the bridge!! His sensor on top of his head detects Crash and the others walking on the bridge!! He immediately swims towards the surface and attempts to hit the bridge!! He hits it hard with his head! The bridge begins to shake violently!!

Crash: (Holding on tight) GAH...something's trying to knock us off!!!!
Kitsume: There's an android nearby!!
Jacko: Hang on Brendon!!!
Brendon: Whoa..whoaaaaaaaa!!!!!!
Danni: Blimey...I SEE IT!!!!!

Volt Catfish pokes his head out of the water with its jaws open!!!!

Sarnie: It's trying to eat us!!!!
Coco: YIKES!!!!

Volt Catfish then swats the bridge with its tail!! The gang are trying to hold onto the bridge!!!

Kitsume: Be sure you don't get in the WATER!! If you do... it's likely to shock you!!
Crash: Shock us!?!?!?!
Kitsume: Yes… it's an electric android!!

The bridge stops shaking!! Volt Catfish still has his head above the surface!!!

Crash: I'll try and hit it before it goes back down!!!
Danni: Careful!! It looks like it's gonna attack!!!
Crash: Right!! KKKKAAAAEEEEEEE.......
Before Crash can fire... Volt Catfish opens its mouth and shoots an electric spark towards Crash!! Crash dodges the spark… but lands into the water!!

Kitsume: Crash… GET OUT OF THE WATER!!!!!!
Crash: Yeah!! Coming!!!

Crash swims towards the bridge… but then… Volt Catfish starts to light up!! He then dives underwater!!

Coco: Crash… Give me your hand!!
Crash: I… I... got it!! (Grabs onto Coco's hand)
Underneath the water Volt Catfish sneaks under Crash and opens his mouth! He bites onto Crash's foot... trying to pull him under!
Crash: GAH!!! That thing's pulling me under!!
Coco: Crash… HANG ON!!!!!!!
Danni: CRASH...DON'T LET GO!!!
Kitsume: It's no good... I need to make a spell quickly!!!

Coco feels the tension in her arms extend as she tries to pull Crash back on the bridge!! Crash is struggling as hard as he can to get back up!!!

Coco: URGH… Crash... don't... urgh… let go!!
Sarnie: We'll be right there!!
The entire gang… except Kitsume... are holding onto Coco to try and help her pull Crash onto the bridge!!! But the Catfish's strength is still too much!! It continues to light up!!
Kitsume: Quickly...KAME GRASU FERTAHN HARANNNNN!!!!!!!

The spell works... and a light of energy is shot into the water by Kitsume. It hits Catfish… but before Volt Catfish lets go... he releases an electric shock that hits Crash and Coco! Crash and Coco are thrown into the water... as Volt Catfish swims away from the bridge!!!
Back on land at the side of the temple Crash and Coco lay paralysed from the electric shock from Volt Catfish!! Danni looks very worried… and looks as if she's almost about to cry!!

Danni: Crash…Coco...!??!
Kitsume: They just received a shock of over 50,000 volts!! I'll try and revive their strength with this here elixir!!
Sarnie: You carry a lot of elixirs Kitsume!!
Kitsume: These are my last three... after that… it will be hard to have them regain strength!!

Kitsume puts droplets of elixir into Crash and Coco's mouths!! Their eyes then open!!

Coco: (Groaning) body's numb!!
Crash: Yeah...ugh..I don't feel too hot either!
Kitsume: We must rest… that shock from the Catfish will make them weak for a while! We must rest here for a while! Crash, must rest!!
Coco: Yeah... ugh... my legs… my arms… I can hardly move them.
Crash: Ergh... that darned… Catfish!!!
While camp is being established… Danni strokes Crash's head gently as he lies down!!

Danni: Crash...are you feeling better?
Crash: Still a little sore...but a lot better than I did a while ago!! How's Coco?
Sarnie: I checked her out… she's feeling a bit better too!!
Jacko: (Looking paranoid) Certainly not going swimming today mates!!
Brendon: Yeah… that Catfish was all juiced up!!

Meanwhile… on the opposite side of the river... Boomer Kuwanger looks at the site!!

Boomer Kuwanger: I must find a new way to get them!! I can't attack directly until my energy is fully restored!! Hmph!! Very well… I will wait until my energy is full… and then I will attack!!! Volt Catfish may have failed this time… but I won't!! The bandicoot is weaker this them… so the advantage may be mine!!
That very night… the moon eliminated over the water… and spread it's light through out the jungle!! The crickets chirped in harmony… and strange echoes whizzed about in every direction throughout the jungle! The place where Crash and his friends camped… was now abandoned! They had gone off into the temple!!

Through the temple Crash and the others followed Kitsume who lit the way through the strange corridors! She carefully checked to make sure no traps were ahead!! The long corridors took them to some unstable platforms!

Crash: Kitsume… how's the path?
Kitsume: Very difficult!! And I don't know… but I sense a disturbance here!
Coco: An android!?
Kitsume: Maybe...but that remains uncertain...for now!
Crash: We gotta press forward! Our kids are depending on us!!
Sarnie: Wait a sec!!!!
Danni: What!!?!?
Sarnie: I thought I just heard a sound!!!
Kitsume: And I sense something nearby!
Danni: Ergh… temples always creep me out!!
Jacko: Ditto mate!! But I don't see anything!!!
Brendon: That's cause it's to dark… except for the torches and Kitsume lighting the way!
Crash: Whatever it is… it's gotta be an enemy!
Sarnie: Probably an android!!
Kitsume: Stay close by... it probably senses us!!

They stand a huge block platform supported by four pillars!! They listen carefully for a sound!! Then… they hear a flutter in the air! A dense flutter like the wings of a heard throughout the temple!! Crash and the others stay alert… and are ready for anything!!!

Crash: I heard it!! It's flying!!!
Jacko: Gah… blimey… this place creeps me out way too much!!
Danni: Stand ready!! It could strike… whatever it is!!!

Sarnie looks in the corner of the temple!! She keeps her eyes around the room!! Just then a shadow whizzes by… and nearly makes Sarnie jump out of her skin!!!

Sarnie: There IS something here!!!
Danni: Tell us mate!!!
Sarnie: I saw a shadow just whiz by!!!!
Kitsume: It's in the room!! It's an android all right!!!
Coco: Ready everyone? These things are strong!!!
Crash: They're no match for Kitsume!! She'll easily destroy them!!!
Kitsume: Don't underestimate them Crash… they're stronger than you think!!

Crash then notices something! He feels something is watching him! He looks up towards the ceiling… and tries to find the thing that stalks our heroes!! There is no sign of anything!! He begins to sweat a little… because all around the room the eerie fluttering noises ensue!!! And Crash cannot see what is making them!! Crash starts to shift uneasily!! The noises begin to make him feel very nervous!! Something was destined to strike...but Crash did not know when it would!!

Crash: Kitsume… can… you... trace it?
Kitsume: No… it's too fast!!

Then Crash notices the shadow Sarnie mentioned… whiz by the temple walls!! His eyes widen in terror… and he begins to sweat tremendously!! The thing was nearby… and it was too fast for Crash to track!!!

Crash: Okay...focus!! Whatever's making this you can easily track!! I just gotta focus!!

The entire gang stands frozen!! They hear the wings and see fast glimpses of the eerie shadow!! They wait for it to move!! For about ten minutes… they stand frozen… and wait with fear!! Each member was starting to get real scared!!

THEN...something flew out of the darkness!!! It was in the shape of a sharp boomerang!! All too soon… Crash saw it… and dodged!! The boomerang thing went flying back into the darkness!!

Crash: It's attacking!!!
Kitsume: THERE IT IS!!!!!!!

Everyone gasps… as a pair of eyes glow in the darkness!! The eyes begin to float nearer to Crash and the others!!! Suddenly… through the eerie luminescent lights!! The group could see their attacker!! If fluttered down towards the platform!! It landed on its feet!! Sure enough… it was Boomer Kuwanger!!!

Kitsume: I was right… it is an android!!!
Sarnie: Who… are you?
Boomer Kuwanger: Boomer Kuwanger… your worst nightmare!!!! I saw all of you stand in fear as I floated through the temple… with my metallic wings...and you did manage to catch glimpses of my shadow!!! Well here I am… but I am too fast for any of you!! And that boomerang happens to be my horns!!
Coco: may be fast...but we can beat you!!
Boomer Kuwanger: Try me… I'm so fast I can disappear like that!!!
Crash: Then let's go you overgrown android!! We know your friends with that eagle that got my sons!!!
Boomer Kuwanger: You're going to regret this!!!
Crash: Yeah right!!! KKKAAADDDUUNNNAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Crash fires a beam from his hands… and it goes straight to Boomer Kuwanger!! But right before Crash's eyes Boomer Kuwanger disappears… and dodges the shot!!!

Crash: He disappeared!!!!
Boomer Kuwanger: (Reappearing behind Crash's back) Told ya!!!

Boomer Kuwanger then lowers his head… and hooks his horns onto Crash's waist!! Then, as quickly as it happens, Boomer Kuwanger lifts his head up… and his horns fling Crash up into the ceiling!! Crash's skull makes a jerry impact as it hits the ceiling!! Crash falls to the temple floor with a thud!!!

Boomer Kuwanger: Ha ha… and to think Magma Dragoon was scared of you!!!

Crash regains consciousness… and staggers a little!!
Coco: Crash… are you okay!?!?
Crash: Yeah… boy this little feller here's got quite an advantage!!!
Kitsume: Focus Crash!! In order to trace him… focus on where he goes!!
Danni: Easier said than done!! But maybe I can outrun this bloke… if I can concentrate hard enough!!
Boomer Kuwanger: Outrun me!?!? HA!!! I'm among the fastest of the androids!! No one is faster than me!! Mere wimps like you are my morning breakfast!!
Jacko: Uh… Brendon… we best hide here!! This thing's got power!!
Brendon: Yeah!!

Jacko and Brendon hide behind a crevice in the temple wall… and watch the action beginning!!

Sarnie: Well… if we fight together… we can beat him!!
Kitsume: Don't use so much energy though!! We need to save more for rescuing Casey and Yarra!!!
Danni: Well… this Kuwanka' is certainly got some attitude!! But has he ever outrun a dingo!!! Do that trick against Boomer Kuwanka'!!
Boomer Kuwanger: Oh… you mean this!?!?

Boomer Kuwanger disappears... and Danni focuses her eyes to where he is running! She spots it… and dashes over to the spot where he is to reappear!! When Boomer Kuwnger reappears Danni rushes up to him and gives him a karate kick in the face!! Kuwanger falls down… but soon gets back up!!!

Danni: HA!! Look who's faster!!!
Boomer Kuwanger: Okay… you have some moves.. but that's old school!! Let me show you new school!!!

Boomer Kuwanger dashed through the room so fast that he blurs as he runs and it looked like multiple Kuwangers are everywhere!!

Danni: Crikey...who or what is this!?!?!

Danni can't tell which Kuwanger is which!! Then the real Kuwanger appears in front of her!!

Boomer Kuwanger: Yoo hoo!!!!!

Boomer Kuwanger head butts Danni into a nearby wall!!

Danni: Oof!!! Why you...
Boomer Kuwnger: Catch me if you can!!!
Sarnie: Aw... he's too fast!!!
Kitsume: Feel him out!! There's still a chance!!
Crash: I hope so… cause time may be running out for poor Casey and Yarra!!
Coco: We gotta try!!!
Crash: Yeah!! Let's do this!!!

Boomer Kuwanger stood ready to make another attack!!

Boomer Kuwanger: Well...are we gonna start this century?
Danni: Hmmm… sure he's fast...but I wonder if we can outrun him!!!
Crash: There's gotta be a chance!! He can't run forever!!!
Boomer Kuwanger: I heard that!!! TRY ME!!!!
Crash: Right!!!

Crash and the others surround Boomer Kuwanger!! Boomer Kuwanger just stands there with his arms folded!!

Boomer Kuwanger: Go ahead… I'm surrounded!! Get me!!!!
Coco: Yeah… you're through!!
Crash: Eat this you cockroach!!!
Boomer Kuwanger: Oh cockroach… what an insult!! I'm so offended!! HA!!! Yeah right!

Crash, Danni, Coco and Sarnie fire light beams from there hands!! The beams of energy shoot out towards Boomer Kuwanger!! Before they hit him Boomer Kuwanger flies high into the air as the beams collide!!!!

Boomer Kuwanger: Is that the best you can do?
Crash: Man...too fast!!!
Sarnie: Is there any way to stop this thing?
Kitsume: Like I said...focus!!! You can trace him if you focus!!!
Boomer Kuwanger: Dream on!! You're nothing but slugs to me!!!!
Crash: Okay… here's the plan!!!

Crash, Coco, Danni and Sarnie get in a huddle!

Crash: Listen… he disappears temporarily!! Be in some sort of a spot when he does so!! And when he runs… shoot at anything that looks like him!! With all of us doing this together… it'll be hard for him!!
Danni: Sounds good!!
Coco: What have we to lose? This is for Casey and Yarra!!
Sarnie: Let's do it!!!
Crash: Then c'mon!!!
Boomer Kuwanger: Well you done yet!?!?
Crash: Let's go you bug-eyed freak!!!
Sarnie: Yeah… I'm not afraid of a goofy looking android like you!!
Boomer Kuwanger: Goofy looking!?!? Well I'll make you eat those words!! Now catch me if you can!!!

Boomer Kuwanger disappears!!! Crash and the others dash out into separate directions!! They focus on where Boomer Kuwanger was going to land!!!

Crash: There!!!! Sarnie… GO!!!
Sarnie: YEAH!!!!

When Boomer Kuwanger reappears Sarnie rushes over to him and blasts a light beam of energy in his face!!!

Boomer Kuwanger: Gergh!!!!
Sarnie: Take that!!
Boomer Kuwanger: Huh!! I must have underestimated them!! Time to go faster!!!

Boomer Kuwanger starts to speed up… and fly around the room!!


Crash and the others (Note: Except Jacko and Brendon of course) fire large energy balls at Boomer Kuwanger!!! Boomer Kuwanger tries to dodge them!! But the random firing finally hits the real Kuwanger… and he falls to the ground!!!

Boomer Kuwanger: What!?!? They are beginning to find out!! Time to pull the ol' switcheroo!! Time to hook em' horns!!!!!
Boomer Kuwanger take sout the horns from his head!!! It was the boomerang that came out of the darkness!!
Boomer Kuwanger: You did one… NOW TRY FOUR!!!!

Boomer Kuwanger tosses the boomerang horns into the air… and right before Crash's eyes..the multiply into four boomerangs!!!

Danni: Yikes!!!
Crash: Aw man... heat-seekers!!!!
Boomer Kuwanger: You may have caught on this time...but not for long!! EAT MY BOOMERANGERS!!!!!!!!

The boomerangs fly in sperate directions!! They aim for Crash and the others!!!

Crash: Run!!!
Coco: They're coming straight at us!!
Kitsume: Wait!!! Keep running… I have a plan!!!!
Sarnie: YIKES!!!

One of the boomerangs cuts through a rock and slices it in half!!!

Danni: blimey...those things are sharp!!!!
Boomer Kuwanger: It's time to cut you al down to size!!!!

The boomerangs whiz in all directions… and they barely miss Crash!! One boomerang rushes straight towards his head!! He immediately ducks… but the boomerang cuts parts of his hair off the top!

Crash: Phew..pretty close!!
Kitsume: Mian gerhan dreter!!!!

The boomerangs suddenly freeze!!!!

Boomer Kuwanger: WHAT!?!?! Hey… how'd you do that!?
Kitsume: Magic my friend!!
Boomer Kuwanger: Impossible!!!
Coco: Maybe for you!!! Say bye bye to your boomerangs!!

Coco fires a shot at the four boomerangs… and they explode!!

Crash: nice one sis!!
Coco: Sure bro!!
Danni: Where's your horns now!?!?
Boomer Kuwanger: I'm outta here!!!!

Boomer Kuwanger flies as fast as he can away from the gang!!

Coco: CHICKEN!!!!
Kitsume: Come on now!! We ahve to go!! There's not a moment to lose!!! Quickly now!!
Jacko: It's all right to come out now!!
Brendon: phew!! I'm glad Kitsume's with us!! You guys would have split like hairs if those things touched you!!!
Sarnie: It's okay honey...we're going!!!
Danni: C'mon!! My kids are in need!!!
Back with Neon Tiger and Sting Chamleeon… Boomer Kuwanger tries to explain everything!!

Neon Tiger: So you ran away!?!?!?!
Boomer Kuwanger: But they were unbelievably strong!!!
Neon Tiger: Magma Dragoon sent you out to kill them..and you failed!!!
Sting Chameleon: He'sssss no ussssse to usss anymore!!!
Neon Tiger: We'll see what Magma Dragoon says when he finds out about this!!
Boomer Kuwanger:
Neon Tiger: Too late had your chance!!!!
Sting Chameleon: Now you're toasssssstt!!
Boomer Kuwanger: Please!!! Give me another chance!!!!
Neon Tiger: Oh… look!!! Another hologram cam is behind you!!!

A hologram of Magma Dragoon appeared!!!
Magma Dragoon: KUWANGER!!!! You failed me!!!
Boomer Kuwanger: But Magma… it's like this!!!
Magma Dragoon: Neon… I don't want this skunky slime in my site again!!!!!
Neon Tiger: As you wish!!!!!
Boomer Kuwanger: No wait… please… I...

But it's too late… before Kuwanger sees it… Neon Tiger slices Kuwanger at the waist with his claws!! Kuwanger is cut in half...and both halves explode with a large boom!!! Boomer Kuwanger is no more!!!

Magma Dragoon: That's two down already!!! It's time to send out the stronger ones!!!
Neon Tiger: The sea going androids!?
Magma Dragoon: YES!! The bandicoot and his friends are heading out towards the ocean!! Send out an android!!!
Neon Tiger: Right!! I'l get Launch Octopus on it!!
Magma Dragoon: No!! That one's for future use!! Send Volt Catfish!!
Neon Tiger: Allright then!! We will contact him!!!
Magma Dragon: Now then...Storm Eagle just arrived at Cortex Castle! He has the kids!! We locked them up!!! Make sure the androids don't let their parents find them!!!
Neon Tiger: Of course we won't!!
Magma Dragoon: then… use caution!! Do not underestimate these fighters!!

The hologram of Magma Dragoon fades out!!

Sting Chameleon: Wasss it necccessssary to kill Kuwanger!?
Neon Tiger: He was useless to us now!! We got better androids on the job!! The bandicoot and his friends will be no match for sea-going androids!!! I guarantee it!!!

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