Choose A Catagory King Of The Jungle


Animal Jokes
King of the Jungle

My first time

The Vetriloquist
Blown a seal

Chicken Loving Parrot

6 inches

1st Time

Its All I Have

Its a Boy or Girl?


Heaven sent



Chinese Detective

Only in America

Mexican Bandit

Celebrity Deaths

Bill Clinton

Laws Of Work

Angry Owner

Religious Jokes



Saying Grace


Pastors Parrot


Jesus Golfing

2 Evil Brothers

Car Breaks Down

They Died in Service

Jock Itch

Third grade Again

Gone Fishing

Joe & John

The Shopping Trip

Labor Pain

Snails Pace

Pay Backs

Love, Lust, Marriage

Blonde Jokes

One morning the lion is feeling especially ferocious. He saunters over to a monkey swinging in a tree and roars, "Who's the king of this jungle?" The monkey scampers down from the tree, bows to the lion and stammered, "Wh..wh..why you are Mr. Lion." A few minutes later, the lion comes across a warthog. He stops in front of the animal and asks, "Who's the baddest dude in this jungle?" The warthog hid his face in the dirt and whispered, "You're the baddest, King Lion." This continues all morning long with animal after animal bowing and scraping to the lion. Finally the lion comes across an 80 year old bull elephant. He bellows at the elephant, "Who's the king of this jungle? Who owns this place? With that the elephant wrapped his trunk around the lion's belly. He raised the lion 12 feet in the air and slammed his head against the ground. After that he slammed the lion into a tree on the right and then into another tree on the left. Finally, the elephant swung his trunk and threw the lion 35 feet away where the lion landed in a thorn bush. As the elephant lumbered down the trail the lion shook his paw and shouted, "Just because you don't know the answer, you don't have to get an attitude!"
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