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For the next few weeks life went on as calm as it could ever be which pleased Sofi to no end. B’Elanna worked down with Anak every once in a while and Sofi spent her time reading in the Garden. Mary kept doing what she always did, take care of the house and cook. Now and then B’Elanna would receive an update of the whereabouts of Heath, but what worried here was the fact that she hadn’t seen her Father in a long time. Not that she really minded of course, but she hadn’t got a letter from him either.

B’Elanna sighed as she walked outside into the Garden, “Sofi?” She asked wondering where the Terran could be.

Sofi poked her head up from behind a small rose bush, *B’Elanna?* She questioned. Both Bishel and Human smiled at each other.

Slowly B’Elanna walked over to where Sofi was, “Where could he be?”

*Heath or your Father?*

“My Father. I have not heard from him in a long time. It gets me worried.”

*Do not worry. You shall no soon enough what has happened to your Father. Be glad you know of him.*

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

*I do not know of my Father. I don’t know if I have one.*

“Right, suppose I forgot about that.” B’Elanna sighed yet again and looked at the book Sofi was reading. “Pretty big book you have there Sofi. What’s it called?”

Sofi looked up from reading, *It’s all of the Lord of the Rings books. I must say I’m quite enjoying them. Have you read them?*

B’Elanna smiled, “Yup. I like those too.”

*Interesting aren’t they? Yes I believe so.* Sofi said answering herself.

B’Elanna was about to say something when she was interrupted by Mary. “B’Elanna dear. There’s something you might want to hear. Or rather somebody on the phone for you.” B’Elanna blinked and then shrugged getting up from sitting next to Sofi she went inside and grabbed the old fashioned phone.

“Hello?” She asked.

“B’Elanna my dear how wonderful it is to hear your voice again!”

“Father?” She couldn’t really believe it, but sure enough it was his voice coming from the other end. In a few seconds though the voice was no longer cheery, but very concerned and a tad bit evil. B’Elanna quickly learned of many things that had happened to her Father.

“So be a good girl and get daddy out of here okay?”

B’Elanna sighed, “May I speak with a cop there please?”

“B’Elanna honey is that necessary?”

“Yes.” B’Elanna said getting a tad bit angry.

“Fine.” Her Father said and the phone on the other end passed hands, “Hello?” A woman’s voice cut through.

“Might you be able to tell me what is going on?” B’Elanna asked. Quickly it was explained. “Okay. I shall attend the trails, if found guilty then so be it.”

“Shall I tell him that?”

“Yes please. Now I must go, I’m quite busy.” The last part about being busy was in fact a lie, but B’Elanna didn’t want to talk anymore. She couldn’t believe. Her Father a murderer? Well if he was found guilty then she would not be bailing him out of it. With that made up in her mind she walked out to the Garden again while Mary stared at her wondering what was going through B’Elanna’s mind.

*A telephone call? Hmph. Life was simple in Middle Earth.*

“Nah, they had that blasted ring to worry about.”

*True, so what is up?*

“My Father has been arrested caught supposedly killing somebody. He says it’s a lie. The cop I talked with says it’s true. She was one of the one’s that caught him. There shall be a trail, I shall attend. If found guilty I will never see my Father again.”

Sofi closed her book and moved over to where B’Elanna sat on the ground. *Are you okay?* She asked concern flooding in her voice.

“I’m fine Sof. I’m fine.” B’Elanna said and laid a hand on Sofi’s white back. “Just shocked, I wasn’t expecting something like this to happen.”

*Your Father is most likely guilty if they caught him in the act.*


*Are you going to be okay? In the long run?*


*If you say so B’Elanna Vawntika, if you say so.*


Sofi shook her head finding it impossible for B’Elanna to openly communicate at the moment. *I shall go back to my book now.*

“Yup.” Again Sofi shook her head. ‘It appears that is all she can say right now.’ Sofi thought to herself and let out a heavy sigh.

B’Elanna left one day a week later and Sofi found that she missed her even for the little time that she was gone. ‘A Bishel’s Thoughts. I should make a book of my own. Then I shall write in it about my life. Though, I do wonder. Who would read it?’ Sofi sighed. ‘Seems I do that a lot. Sigh, sigh, sigh. I wonder if in my book I will sigh as much, then perhaps people will call me sighing Sofi. Hmm.. The mansion is all mine and I can’t even through a party like a normal young creature. Then again I’d never through a party in the first place. I don’t want to see anybody, I don’t want to hear anybody, I want to be left in peace. The only one I’d ever want to see would be B’Elanna. Blasted pillow.’ Sofi stared down at the pillow that had fallen off of the couch. She shook her head at it then found a different pillow being to lazy to go pick up the fallen one.

They were late and B’Elanna knew it. The traffic was horrible and the sun was blaring outside. B’Elanna sun glasses came in handy she was happy Sofi reminded her to take them. Turning up the radio to drone out the honks of cars she was happy daydreaming to the music. “Goodbye so long.” B’Elanna muttered along with the music. She smirked and turned to Mary about to say something then she remembered that Mary didn’t know about that specific something that she was about to talk about. B’Elanna was going to say, “With this much traffic we should have taken my helicopter.” But Mary didn’t know about that these days, in fact there was quite a bit Mary didn’t know about. About 15 minutes later they arrived to where they were supposed to be. Taking a seat B’Elanna looked up and saw that they were ready to start. ‘Whoa. Wasn’t late.’ B’Elanna then saw for the first time in almost a year her Father. He looked ruff and beat up not at all like he usually looked.

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